Most of the country will keep sunny and dry, and the temperature will gradually rise to a high state in the same period of the year.

  China Weather Network News In the next three days (November 18-20), most of the country will maintain a sunny and dry weather pattern, and the temperature will gradually rise. The maximum temperature of 20℃ will obviously rise northward. After the temperature rise, the temperature in many places will be 6-10℃ higher than normal, but the temperature difference between day and night will widen, so the public needs to increase or decrease clothes in time.

  Snowfall in Northeast China and other places has obviously weakened, and most of the country has started a sunny and dry mode.

  Yesterday, a large range of rain and snow continued in the northeast, and the intensity of local snowfall was high. The monitoring shows that moderate to heavy snow or sleet appears in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin and Shandong Peninsula, and there are local blizzards in Mudanjiang, Shuangyashan, Jiamusi and Hegang in Heilongjiang, and local blizzards in Shuangyashan and Hegang.

  Today, the snowfall in Northeast China and other places will be obviously weakened, and there will be rain and snow weather in southern Sichuan and Yunnan under the confrontation of cold and warm air. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet and central and southern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern and southern Sichuan, southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, and most of Yunnan. Among them, there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.


  From tomorrow on, most of the country will have little rain and snow, and precipitation will only appear in Xinjiang and other places. It is estimated that there will be light snow or sleet in parts of eastern and southern Heilongjiang, eastern and northern Jilin, northern Xinjiang, areas along Tianshan Mountain and southeastern Tibet. There is light rain in parts of Junggar Basin and Ili Valley in Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan and western Yunnan.


  The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and eastern Tibet. Among them, there will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and there will be heavy snow locally.


  In the next three days, most of the country will be short of rain and snow. Under the control of dry, cold and northerly winds, the minimum relative humidity in the northwest to Jiangnan and South China is generally only about 30%. The weather is dry, so the public should pay attention to hydrating and moisturizing. From the 21st, due to the influence of cold air, the northeast of Inner Mongolia, the northeast, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places will once again usher in the process of precipitation weather. At present, the forecasting time is far away, so we need to pay attention to it.

  Most of the country has stepped into the temperature rising channel and will reach a recent high on the 19th to 22nd.

  In terms of temperature, the impact of cold air on China came to an end yesterday, and some areas in Northeast China and North China experienced 4~8℃ cooling.

  Starting from this weekend, most of the country will start the warming mode, and it will reach the recent high temperature from 19th to 22nd, and the maximum temperature of 20℃ will be pushed northward to central Henan and northern Anhui. After warming up, the temperature in many places may be 6~10℃ higher than normal. For example, the highest temperature in Shenyang yesterday was still below freezing point, and then the temperature went up all the way, and it will rise to 12 C on the 21st. The highest temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is as high as 22~23℃ from 21st to 22nd, showing obvious warmth.

  However, compared with the rapid warming during the day, the warming process of the minimum temperature is slower. In the next few days, the temperature difference between day and night in most parts of the country is generally above 10℃, and it can even reach about 20℃ in the northern part of the country. It is recommended that the public increase or decrease clothes in time according to the temperature change to guard against catching a cold.

The voice of the "top leaders" of the central bank, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission is an important signal.

  BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Reporter Li Jinlei) Recently, Pan Gongsheng, Party Secretary and President of the People’s Bank of China, Li Yunze, Party Secretary and Director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, and Yi Huiman, Party Secretary and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, were interviewed by the media, publicly speaking, responding to hot issues in financial work and releasing important signals.

  On serving the real economy

  Promote the financing cost of the real economy to decrease steadily.

  Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and fundamental purpose of finance. The Central Financial Work Conference clearly requires that "finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development".

  How to serve the real economy?

  Pan Gongsheng said: First, pay more attention to cross-cyclical and counter-cyclical adjustment, and maintain a reasonable growth in the total amount of money and credit and the scale of social financing. Second, strengthen coordination and cooperation with fiscal and regulatory policies, and continuously increase support for major strategies, key areas and weak links. The third is to reasonably grasp the interest rate level and promote the steady decline of financing costs in the real economy. The fourth is to coordinate the internal and external balance and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

  Yi Huiman said that the capital market is not large in the whole financial market, but it has unique advantages in serving the real economy. In the next step, we will adhere to the problem orientation, be honest and innovative, and launch more pragmatic measures around improving the function of the capital market. First, promote the stock issuance registration system to go deep and practical. Second, improve the multi-level capital market system. Third, vigorously improve the quality of listed companies. Fourth, promote the high-level institutional opening of the capital market.

  On financial supervision

  Resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns"

  The Central Financial Work Conference requires that financial supervision should be comprehensively strengthened to effectively prevent and resolve financial risks. Effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision, bring all financial activities under supervision according to law, comprehensively strengthen institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, eliminate regulatory gaps and blind spots, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and severely crack down on illegal financial activities.

  How to effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision?

  Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will focus on strong supervision and strict supervision, resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns" and continuously improve the forward-looking, accurate, effective and synergistic supervision. First, comprehensively strengthen the "five major supervision". The second is to strictly enforce the law and dare to show the sword. The third is to strengthen supervision and protection.

  He pointed out that the chaos in the financial market should be thoroughly rectified, so as to adhere to principles, dare to face difficulties, treat people equally, and be fair and just. Focus on the "key things" that affect financial stability, "key people" that cause major financial risks, and "key behaviors" that undermine market order, and really hit the board accurately and hurt.

  Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will focus on improving the adaptability and pertinence of supervision and create a more favorable environment for the reform and development of the capital market. First, make every effort to maintain the stable operation of the capital market. The second is to implement the main responsibility of supervision. The third is to resolutely eliminate the regulatory vacuum. The fourth is to strengthen supervision capacity building.

  Lian Ping, chairman of China Chief Economist Forum and vice president of Shanghai Economic Association, believes that in the next few years, comprehensively strengthening financial supervision will become the top priority of China’s financial work, which will help accelerate the construction of a modern financial system with China characteristics and provide a healthy and stable financial environment for the high-quality development of China’s economy.

  Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of Zhaolian and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Finance of Fudan University, believes that this will help reduce the regulatory gap, bring all financial activities into supervision, and ensure that financial supervision has no dead ends, no blind spots and no exceptions.

  On preventing and resolving financial risks

  Accelerate the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions.

  The central financial work conference pointed out that "there are still many hidden dangers in economic and financial risks" and demanded that "the risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions should be handled in time".

  Pan Gongsheng pointed out that the People’s Bank of China will cooperate with relevant departments and a few provinces where high-risk institutions are relatively concentrated to formulate and implement the reform plan for small and medium-sized banks, further reduce the number and risk level of high-risk institutions, handle financial risks according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the interests of the largest number of depositors, small and medium-sized investors and the insured according to law.

  Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, resolutely fight tough battles and protracted wars, with the focus on accelerating the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions. First, adhere to a safe and orderly manner. The second is the precise policy of classification. The third is to deepen both the symptoms and the root causes.

  Dong Ximiao analyzed that both Pan Gongsheng and Li Yunze mentioned the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized financial institutions. Under the complicated internal and external environment, the central financial work conference should be held as an opportunity to further promote and deepen the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized banks, and at the same time build high-quality small and medium-sized banks into "specialized and innovative" banks. (End)

Dazu Gulong non-legacy tea won two gold medals, and "Little Leaves" wrote "Great Articles".

Towering Bayue Mountain, long cologne tea. On January 8th, Chongqing Daily reporter learned that the winners list of the 8th China Chengdu International Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival Non-legacy Tea Fighting Competition was recently released, and Chongqing Dazu Gulong Tea Co., Ltd. won two gold medals in the green tea group and the black tea group of the Non-legacy Tea Fighting Competition.
▲ Gulong Ecological Tea Garden. Photo courtesy of respondents
One mountain, one water, one person, one leaf, one tree and one inheritance. Yibayue Mountain Range, Gulong Town, Yuxiu Dazu District, Zhong Ling, has dense forests, tinkling springs and rich humanities. Not only that, the history of Zen tea, which extends for thousands of years, is an important part of Dazu culture inheritance. As early as the Northern Song Dynasty, Bayue Mountain produced famous tea, so it was named "Shuinan Tea" because it was located in the south of Fujiang River. Bayue "Shuinan Tea" and Guanghan "Zhaopo", Emei "Baiya" and Ya ‘an "Mengding" are also called the four treasures of Shu tea, and they are fragrant in all directions.
The hand-made technique of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea originated from Chen Chunyu, a tea artist in Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, and has been passed down from generation to generation. In September, 2020, the hand-made skills of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea were listed in the seventh batch of representative projects of district-level intangible cultural heritage in Dazu District. "We are very confident in the quality of Gulong tea, so we went to Chengdu to participate in the Tea Fighting Competition, and we look forward to helping the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing with practical actions." Chen Wenjing, the inheritor of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea handcrafting skill, introduced that the judges comprehensively evaluated and scored the tea samples submitted for the competition in terms of shape, soup color, taste, aroma and leaf bottom. "Gulong tea stands out from the participating tea samples, which will greatly enhance the brand reputation and greatly help the non-genetic inheritance."
▲ Gulong Ecological Tea Garden. Photo courtesy of respondents
According to reports, Gulong Town is committed to doing two articles on "tea" and "mine", making full use of its own unique resources, focusing on the development idea of integrating agriculture, literature and tourism, deepening the cultural connotation, improving tourism facilities, accelerating the formation of a "tea sea fragrance, Zen life" resort, and striving to create a new Gulong that is small and special, small and refined, small and beautiful, small and strong, and small and rich. This makes Chen Wenjing see the hope that the non-legacy tea will glow with new vitality.
At present, Dazu Gulong Tea Co., Ltd. has more than 1,000 mu of ecological tea garden and more than 800 mu of wilderness tea garden, with rich varieties of tea, mainly producing black tea and green tea, which has driven the employment and income of local residents with "one leaf". "We are reviving the abandoned tea garden and driving farmers around the tea garden to take the road of integrated development of tea tourism and build a beautiful village together." Chen Wenjing said that non-genetic inheritors also went to schools such as Gulong Town Central Primary School to lead students to understand the tea culture in their hometown and sow the seeds of loving their hometown in their young hearts.
"In the early morning, the fog in the mountains hangs over this tea garden …" Chen Wenjing, born after 1980s, often incarnates as an anchor, promoting the Gulong tea and Dazu beauty in the form of short videos. She said that Dazu stone carvings are world-famous and Dazu tourism is booming. I hope that tourists can not only appreciate the stone carving culture in Dazu, but also stop and walk into the tea garden to taste the sweetness and sweetness of Gulong tea and feel the tranquility and peace from the heart.

The 5th World Archaeological Forum was held in Shanghai.

Author: Wenxuan

On December 15th, the opening ceremony of the 5th World Archaeological Forum Shanghai was held in Shanghai. Li Qun, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism and Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Gao Xiang, President of China Academy of Social Sciences, and Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government attended and spoke.

Li Qun pointed out that the China municipal government attaches great importance to the work of cultural relics, actively promotes the high-quality development of China archaeology in the new era, constantly strengthens policy support, innovates development mode, and sets up the working idea of "grand archaeology", and is willing to exchange and learn from each other and share achievements and experiences with international counterparts on the road of building archaeology with Chinese characteristics, China style and China style. He said that in the face of climate change, the common challenge of all mankind, it is necessary to provide historical reference for the sustainable development of mankind through the unique perspective of archaeology. China’s State Administration of Cultural Heritage will actively support the research on ancient environmental changes and the relationship between man and land, learn from the past and make joint efforts to protect the common earth home of all mankind. Archaeological circles in China will further open up archaeological projects, conduct civilized exchanges and dialogues, and make China contributions to the prosperity of the world’s civilized gardens. We are willing to join hands with our international counterparts, implement the global civilization initiative, earnestly fulfill our international responsibilities, actively share the experience and technology in dealing with climate change, and contribute to the protection of the common cultural heritage of mankind.

Gong Zheng said that Shanghai insists on promoting high-quality development with high-level protection, getting inspiration and nutrients from the evolution of human civilization, and promoting the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Gao Xiang said that the World Archaeological Forum is committed to innovation and cooperation, and China archaeology should constantly bring new impetus and new opportunities to the world archaeology with new development.

The theme of this forum is "Climate Change Archaeology and Social Sustainable Development". The forum awarded the lifetime achievement award of the 5th World Archaeological Forum to Professor Yan Wenming of Peking University, and awarded the major field archaeological discovery award of the 5th World Archaeological Forum and the major archaeological research achievement award of the World Archaeological Forum.

Relevant comrades from China Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Institute of Archaeology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, Shanghai Research Institute and Shanghai University, and more than 200 experts and scholars from more than 40 countries attended the meeting.

Li Qun also investigated Fuquanshan Site and Songze Site Museum, and the relevant departments of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and responsible comrades of the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage participated in the investigation.

Editor: Yang Yapeng and Yan Menglin

Audit: Xu Xiuli 

Producer: Li Xueliang