Two Apple 16 yuan netizens shouted: I can’t afford fruit this year.

  Recently, many people have found that the price of fruits has gone up. Fruits such as litchi and cherries, which are usually relatively expensive, are even more expensive than "don’t want to buy" … … According to the data released by the Nutrition Society of China recently, the average daily fruit intake of urban and rural residents in China is at a low level, so experts suggest that a person should eat one catty of vegetables and half a catty of fruit every day. In this regard, the online discussion group went astray, "Fruit is more expensive than meat", which expressed the voice of many netizens in one sentence.

  Fruit is more expensive than meat.

  Netizen: "My heart hurts when I eat."

  Yang Yuexin, chairman of the China Nutrition Society, pointed out that fruits and vegetables provide the human body with daily essential vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, plant compounds and other nutrients, and are an important part of a reasonable diet. Insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables will increase the morbidity and mortality of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Ma Guansheng, vice chairman of the Nutrition Society of China, even suggested that we should ensure that there are vegetables in meals and fruits every day, and one should eat one catty of vegetables and half a catty of fruits every day. Unexpectedly, for this statement, many netizens have exploded, and the topic has gone astray collectively. Listen to the personal experience of netizens:

  "peaches are 20 yuan a catty, and you can’t afford fruit in Hainan"; "Nectarine is 15 yuan a catty, and the taste is still average"; "Six little mango 58 yuan, really can’t afford it"; "A quarter of a watermelon is 17 yuan, which hurts when you eat it"; "Even the unpretentious apples have gone up in price. The total price of two apples with average appearance and taste is 15.98 yuan, almost 8 yuan each. Can you believe it?" Judging from everyone’s feedback, the most "kind" banana is: "Just three bananas are more than a catty, and all the others have started with six pieces. I really can’t afford it."

  Netizens like rabbits sleeping standing up: I can’t afford to eat, and now fruit is more expensive than meat. The glory of the king, a netizen, beat his younger brother: Now the price of fruit is almost catching up with that of seafood. I can’t afford it, so I can only eat one and a half kilos of vegetables.

  The reporter visited the retail terminal

  Three apples are equal to a catty of pork belly.

  On the 14th, the reporter visited several farmers’ markets and supermarkets in Chengdu. The price tag on the fruit and what the vendors said confirmed this: the price of fruit is indeed a bit high recently.

  In a chain supermarket, a catty of cherries is 50 yuan, and a randomly weighed cherry is 1.25 yuan, which can buy an egg with a moderate price; A catty of red Fuji 9.9 yuan, the price of three red Fuji apples can buy a catty of pork belly; Peaches are 16.8 yuan a catty, and the prices of three peaches and a catty of pork belly are also quite the same. "The most expensive is cherries, 50 yuan/kg, cherry 35 yuan/kg, mangosteen 25 yuan/kg, and the cheapest banana is 5 yuan/kg." In an ordinary farmer’s market in Jinjiang District, a fruit merchant told reporters that even the most common apples have sold to 11 yuan for 1 catty, which is several pieces higher than the price at this time last year. In the store next door, the price of cherries has reached 70 yuan/Jin. Vendors say that all the fruits sold in the store are seasonal, and if they are sold out of season, the price is more expensive. "Since the beginning of this year, the price of fruit has risen sharply, and our business is not good." In the farmer’s market, the vendors frowned. As for the reasons, they are not very clear.

  On a nationwide scale, the prices of various fruits are on the rise. According to the monitoring of "National Agricultural Products Wholesale Market Price Information System" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, among fruits, the biggest increase is Red Fuji apple. Since mid-March, the ring has been showing a year-on-year growth trend, and in the past two weeks, the year-on-year increase has even exceeded 40%. In addition, after the Spring Festival, the price of bananas has been higher than that of the same period last year, and the price of watermelons has been rising year-on-year for nearly two months.

  The fruit retail data released recently in many places also point to the same result: price increase. For example, according to the information released by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, the average retail price of fruits increased by 0.2% from May 6 to May 12. Due to the rainy weather last week, the transportation and storage costs of fruits increased slightly, driving the overall price of fruits to rise. According to the data of Guangxi Department of Commerce, from May 6 to May 12, the retail price of fruits was 9.46 yuan/kg, and the price increased by 1.94% from the previous month. Among the seven retail fruit varieties monitored, the retail prices of apples, grapes, pears, watermelons and lychees rose.


  Why is fruit so expensive this year?

  Too much rain during the flowering period of Longquan loquat leads to reduced production.

  "The price of loquat is good this year, and the bad ones are removed, and the large and small fruits are packaged and sold. 10 yuan weighs a catty, which is twice as high as last year." Zeng Xinjian is a big loquat planter in Longquan industrial and rural areas, planting 20 mu of loquat. Due to the weather, there is too much rain at the flowering stage of loquat, which leads to insufficient flower bud differentiation, low fruiting rate and nearly half of loquat yield. "In the past, it was possible to produce 1,500 kg to 2,000 kg per mu, but now it is reduced by about 1,000 kg per mu, and the overall output is reduced by at least 40%." Zeng Xinjian said that at the end of April, loquat was about to mature, entered the last expansion period, and suffered from high temperature. The loquat facing the sun all showed "sun scars" to varying degrees. "The taste of this kind of loquat has not changed, but the appearance is very poor, and the purchaser will not want it. It must be picked out when picking." Zeng Xinjian said that as a result, the output has dropped by tens of thousands of Jin, making the overall output drop by 60%, the output drop and the price of loquat rise, making his income this year lower than last year. "Last year, it was able to sell for 120,000 yuan, and this year it is estimated to be only 80,000 yuan."

  Zhang Wenxiang, director of the workers’ and peasants’ villages, said that there are 2,000 mu of loquat planting areas in industrial and rural areas. At present, the purchase price is from 10 yuan to 12 yuan/kg. Due to weather factors, the overall output has dropped this year, but the price has doubled compared with the same period last year. "It is estimated that the income of villagers this year will be the same as last year."

  Large watermelon growers switched jobs, resulting in reduced production.

  At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Chengdu Pengzhou Mengyang Fruit Wholesale Market was deserted. Last year, the watermelon area where Ren Dajie was located was not like this.

  "Even at this time last year, the watermelons were sold from one end to the other." Sister Ren has been engaged in watermelon business for more than ten years. This year, the price of watermelon is really high and "affordable". At present, Chengdu basically sells local watermelons in Dayi. It has been sold for half a month since 3.1 yuan/Jin -3.3 yuan/Jin, which was listed in early May, and the wholesale price is still maintained at 2.5 yuan/Jin -2.6 yuan/Jin.

  "In previous years, just two or three pieces were listed. In a few days, a large number of watermelons were listed, and they immediately fell to a few hairs." Ren Dajie said that the main reason is the reduction of production. In the past few years, the price of watermelon continued to be low. Last year, it suffered from floods. Large growers lost money year after year, and large growers in other places retreated and changed careers, resulting in a decline in production, at least by half. "As soon as the price is high, many people will stop eating, and fewer people will buy melons."

  Apple and pear suffered from frost during flowering period, resulting in reduced production.

  Speaking of the prices of apples and pears, Deng Darong, who has been a fruit wholesaler for 30 years, said, "It is rare for decades, and the price has risen fiercely, quickly and greatly." Deng Darong said that the apples sold in the market are all from Jingning County, Gansu Province. At present, the wholesale price of apples varies according to the size of the fruit, and the price is 5 yuan/Jin -8 yuan Jin. The reason is that in April last year, when the apple bloomed, the northern part suffered from frost, the fruit setting rate was low, and the output was significantly reduced by 2/3, and the appearance was not good. Since it was purchased and put into storage last year, all localities began to snap up, and the purchase price per Jin was higher than that of previous years. This year,

  "When the output is small, all localities are grabbing goods, and the price is even higher when they grab it." Deng Darong said that in addition to apples, there are pears and other fruits affected by frost. He predicted that although apples and pears are out of stock at present, there is little room for future price increases. "It has reached the peak, and the possibility of rising again is very small."

  Insufficient nutrition of litchi and other reasons lead to reduced production.

  For litchi, this year is a veritable small year. At present, the litchi sold in Chengdu comes from Haikou, and the output has decreased by at least two-thirds. Now the wholesale price is 17 yuan/Jin -18 yuan/Jin. He Qun, the person in charge of Renping Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., said that litchi has a three-year cycle. The year before last and last year were bumper harvest years, and this year happens to be a small year for litchi. "The bumper harvest for two consecutive years has excessively consumed the nutrition of branches. In addition, last year, it was a warm winter in the south, and it was affected by rain, which directly led to a decrease in yield." She predicted that Guangdong litchi would be listed in the next few days, but it was also affected by the reduction in production, and the price dropped slightly, but there was not much room for decline.

  The origin of cherries is not large, and the price has been high over the years.

  And online celebrity fruit "cherries", He Qun said, this is a normal price, which is not much different from previous years. Recently, cherries sold for 70 to 80 yuan a catty, because cherries are produced in Shandong. "People produce early, the output is not big, and the price has been high over the years." He Qun said. Now Wenchuan and Hanyuan cherries have been listed, and the wholesale price is from 15 yuan/kg to 25 yuan/kg, and the price is not much different from previous years.


  National Bureau of Statistics: Prices will not remain high.

  The State Council Press Office held a press conference on the morning of 15th. Liu Aihua, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics, introduced the national economic operation in April this year and answered relevant questions. Liu Aihua said that consumer prices rose by 2.5% in April, an increase of 0.2 percentage points over the previous month. The year-on-year increase of individual varieties has risen, and the year-on-year increase of pork, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits has exceeded 10%. There are two factors that led to the increase in April, one is the increase in pork prices, and the other is that fresh vegetables and fruits with strong seasonality are greatly affected by seasonality. Among them, from the price of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, these two varieties are obviously affected by seasonal factors of extreme weather, and these seasonal short-term shocks are not sustainable, and the price increase of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits will not last at a high level. From these aspects, food prices have a stable foundation.

With the arrival of spring, "Document No.1" emphasizes these five "strengths"

  Spring is the first year of the year, and agriculture is the first. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, "Document No.1" arrived as scheduled with spring. This is the first Central Document No.1 issued after the 20th Party Congress, which writes a blueprint for rural revitalization and emphasizes "keep ‘ Agriculture, countryside and farmers ’ The basic dish is very important and can’t be lost, which conveys a strong signal of emphasizing agriculture and strengthening agriculture.

  Document No.1 of the Central Committee has made nine arrangements for comprehensively promoting the key work of rural revitalization. The first task is to pay close attention to the stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products. It is the experience of last year and the direction of this year that "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" are improving and taking the initiative in the overall situation. Looking back on 2022, in the face of the stormy international environment and arduous domestic reform, development and stability tasks, China’s grain production achieved "19 consecutive harvests" and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" made solid progress, winning the initiative to effectively cope with the impact of unexpected factors. Looking forward to 2023, to turn the big goal of "keeping the national grain output above 1.3 trillion Jin" into a small goal, we must not only stabilize the area, focus on yield per unit area, and strive to increase production, but also strive to ensure that farmers can earn money from growing grain. Only by increasing production and stopping losses, and simultaneously strengthening agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural science and technology and equipment support can we protect the rice bag, vegetable basket and oil bottle.

  A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and a strong agriculture can strengthen the country. Earlier, the Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress first proposed "accelerating the construction of an agricultural power". What is the strength of an agricultural power? Document No.1 of the Central Committee gives the answer — — Strong supply guarantee, strong scientific and technological equipment, strong management system, strong industrial toughness and strong competitiveness. To achieve these five goals, the bottom line is to ensure food security and prevent large-scale poverty. On this basis, we must solidly promote key tasks such as rural development, rural construction and rural governance. It is a strategic and long-term task to strengthen agriculture and strengthen agriculture. At present, only by focusing on promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way, concentrating on human input, material allocation and financial security, and solidly promoting the "five revitalization" of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organization can we provide solid support for accelerating the construction of an agricultural power.

  In the final analysis, promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and rural revitalization is to benefit farmers and meet their expectations for a better life. This needs to promote the overall improvement of the countryside from the outside to the inside, both in form and spirit, so that farmers can be rich in both pockets and brains. Rich "pocket" depends on promoting employment, increasing skills and carrying out reforms. Broaden the channels of increasing income and getting rich, so that hundreds of millions of peasants can get property benefits in a down-to-earth manner and share the fruits of reform, which can better stimulate their enthusiasm. Rich "brains" require equal attention to rural shaping and soul casting, and coordination between material civilization and spiritual civilization, so that the "high-priced bride price" and "big-scale operation" that everyone cares about can be effectively managed, and the customs can be truly changed, so that the countryside can be stable and peaceful, livable and suitable for business, and the happiness index can be higher and higher.

  A year’s plan starts with spring. At present, from Woye in the South to the granary in the Central Plains, all localities are in full swing to carry out spring tube spring ploughing, and the vast countryside is full of spring and hope. If the nation is to be revived, the countryside will be revitalized. In the new year, we should make strenuous efforts, implement the No.1 Document of the Central Committee, and keep the basics of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", which will surely enable the broad masses of peasants to live a good life with a growing sense of gain, and make progress in building a strong agricultural country and promoting rural revitalization.

  (Text | Dong Zhu)

Newsletter: The 2024 FIVB Beach Volleyball Championship will be held in Yunyang.

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The "answer sheet industry" behind the exam

Yang Daxin cartography

  Internet has become the main tool for cheating.

    With the approach of the entrance examination for postgraduate students in 2009, there are a lot of information on the Internet selling the answers to postgraduate entrance examinations. Enter any two of the keywords "postgraduate entrance examination, answer, postgraduate exam, and pass the exam" in the search engine, and you can easily see a large number of peddled posts.

    "It’s less than 40 days before the’ postgraduate exam’. There is no free lunch in the world. It’s very important to choose a good home. It’s not good to expect mixed answers! My price is slightly more expensive than that of my peers, but it is worth the money, and a penny is worth the money! "

    "Honesty and professionalism, caring service, and payment after the exam."

    "The latest equipment in 2009, anti-shielding, anti-‘electronic dog’, let you feel at ease."

    Among all the information, the author noticed three organizations selling answers —— "exam-aid alliance", "answer carrier" and "Zhongzheng Education and Training". The author wrote down their QQ and telephone numbers respectively, and talked with them as postgraduate students.

    As soon as I talked, the "answer carrier" urged the author to "speak quickly, the exam is coming soon, and I have been busy with a lot of business recently."

    "I’m preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, but I’m not fully prepared. Can I get any help from you?" The author asked.

    "You can provide answers in English and politics, and both subjects can be guaranteed to be above 70 points."

    What is the concept of "over 70 points"?

    In the postgraduate examinations in recent years, the national re-examination scores for English are all around 45 points. Although some popular majors in famous universities have higher requirements for English, they are all far below 70 points.

    "English is guaranteed to be above 70 points", which is very attractive to most candidates.

    Postgraduate entrance examination, as an extremely important national unified examination, according to common sense, the management of examination papers should be very strict, so where do the answers provided by the agencies selling answers come from?

    In the conversation with Yonghui Education, the author asked: Can you provide the answers before the exam?

    The answer is: "it’s impossible. If anyone has the correct answer before the exam, I’ll chop off my head and give it to you as a stool."

    The "Test Aid Alliance" also said, "This is no better than CET-4 and CET-6, and it is very difficult to get the answers before the postgraduate exam."

    It is very unlikely to get the test paper and answer before the exam. So where did the answer come from?

    The "answer carrier" asked the author to log in to his QQ space, saying, "Take a good look and everything will be clear after reading it."

    In the personal space of "Answer Aircraft Carrier", the author found a picture uploaded at 11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008, which was taken at the examination site. The content of the test paper "Administrative Ability Test" for civil servants in 2009 is from questions 111 to 115. Enlarge this picture and watch it clearly.

    The time when the photo was sent-11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008 shows that the photo was sent during the exam.

    Like the "answer carrier", many answer providers put some photos of the test papers on the website or QQ space to prove that they have the strength to get the test papers and provide effective answers. On the website of Zhongzheng Education and Training, the author saw six pictures of the operation of CET-4 and CET-6. In order to prove the shooting time, there was also a reference message on December 20 (the date of CET-4 and CET-6 in 2008). The middle position of the computer screen also showed that the shooting time was 10: 22: 44. At this time, the CET-4 in December 2008 was in progress.

    In the column of "Proof of Strength" of its website, the "Test Aid Alliance" posted photos of the test papers of more than 10 test items, such as "08 Notes, Justice, 08 Public English Level 3, College English Level 4, Professional Physician, PETS Public English, CPA Certified Public Accountant, local civil servant in the first half of 2008, and 08 Professional English Level 4".

  The website exposed the "answer in the exam" transmission.

    What kind of high technology does the seller of answers rely on to get the test paper out from under the eyes of the invigilator?

    According to the introduction of the "answer carrier" and a number of answer providers, the so-called "answer in the exam" mainly takes the following steps-

    First of all, people who are qualified to take the postgraduate exam are hired to take the exam. On the day of the exam, the employees bring miniature scanning instruments or pinhole cameras with wireless transmission function into the examination room, and after they get the test papers, they send them to the off-site through the above equipment. After the off-site people get the test papers, they immediately send them to the hired experts who do the questions, and the experts who do the questions send the answers to the transit people in the shortest time. The transit people then send the answers to the QQ group composed of candidates who buy the answers, and then wait on the computer.

    It can be seen that the internet plays an extremely important role in the process of cheating, whether it is pre-test propaganda or passing answers in the exam. Why do cheaters use the Internet to cheat so easily?

    The author interviewed internet society of china and 12321 Bad Information Reporting Center, but both units declined the interview. Mr. Zhong, who is in charge of publicity at the Internet Society, said, "The Society is only a non-governmental organization. I suggest you find other units." The 12321 Reporting Center said that "we only accept reports here, and nothing else will be accepted."

    Nowadays, you can still easily get a lot of information about selling answers through search engines, but the focus of selling has shifted from the postgraduate entrance examination to the upcoming local civil service examinations. For example, "Answer Aircraft Carrier" announced in its QQ space as early as a week before the postgraduate exam: the research exam is progressing smoothly and the Zhejiang civil service exam is being actively prepared.

  Cheating equipment is mostly produced by Shenzhen enterprises.

    Wireless cameras and pinhole cameras that send papers out of the examination room, wireless earphones that transmit answers, watches, pens, erasers that can display words, and professional transmitters … Where do these cheating tools with scientific and technological content come from?

    "The equipment I recommend to you is the new model in 2009. It is not an earphone or a pen, but a mechanical watch that can take pictures. On the surface, this kind of watch is no different from ordinary watches, and the information displayed on it can only be seen within half a meter from the watch screen. "Answer Aircraft Carrier" introduced the superior performance of this cheating watch to the author with great interest and sent a URL link through QQ.

    The introduction of all kinds of cheating devices on the webpage is extremely detailed, but there is no explanation for the company address, customer service phone number and email. The author entered the ICP number of this website into the website management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the query result was "No information found"-this website is illegal.

    According to the inquiry of the brand (SUNLIPS) of cheating watches provided by Answer Aircraft Carrier, we know that this mechanical information table is produced by Sanlipu (Hong Kong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., a network technology company registered in Hong Kong and produced in Shenzhen. The author called the marketing manager of the company, and when asked if he knew that the sales agents in various places sold the watch to the answer provider for cheating, the manager hastily hung up the phone without asking whether he could.

    In the follow-up unannounced visit to Yonghui Education, the author has continuous and in-depth contact with the answer buyer Mavericks (a pseudonym). The night before the postgraduate exam, Mavericks said that they had bought an information form for cheating at Yonghui Education. When I looked at the information table, I found a "instruction manual of SUNLIPS mechanical pointer information table". The calf said to the author, "This is the manual of the watch."

    In this year’s postgraduate examination, the "answer carrier" is not the only one who focuses on the mechanical information table. In contact with the "test-aid alliance", the "test-aid alliance" also believes that the safest equipment this year is the mechanical information table. "Many people tried it in the CET-4 and CET-6, and it generally reflected well."

    The mechanical information table recommended by the "Test Aid Alliance" is more advanced, and you need to wear special glasses to see the contents presented on the watch screen through infinite transmission. "The naked eye can only see the dial and the hands."

    After repeated inquiries by the author, the "Test Aid Alliance" revealed the brand of the mechanical information table-"Will Reiss". Upon inquiry, the "Welles" mechanical watch was produced by Shenzhen Welles Technology Development Co., Ltd. In the prominent position of the company’s website, there is a detailed introduction to the "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch": "1. Anti-cheating gram, invisible earphone detector, electronic dog; 2, to prevent leaks, to prevent others from peeping, breaking the characteristics of traditional pagers that are not confidential enough. The first special glasses introduced from Germany Short photoelectric technology and matched with ordinary appearance in China can really be seen by me, even if others are around or facing the sun. Safety comes first in the information age; 3, the shield, this product adopts forward error correction, data interleaving access, adaptive equalization and other technologies, so that the shield has a very small impact on it … "

    Check out the display of products produced by Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd., including "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch, transmitter antenna, 50W transmitter, glasses and ruler (when they are at a certain angle, you can observe infinitely transmitted words)". All the above products are cheating tools highly recommended by online vendors.

    Login to the "Enterprise Information Inquiry System" of Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce failed to find the relevant information of Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd.. The person in charge of the company’s surname Liu said to the author on the phone: "You have no right to know whether the enterprise is registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau." And said angrily: "You and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in recent days. I hope you don’t ask for trouble."

Editor: Li Xiuwei

Huawu Village, Guizhou Province: Qianshan Mountain has beautiful scenery and rural revitalization road is wider.

  Standing on the observation deck, overlooking Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery, among the layers of clouds, there are rows of characteristic houses, picturesque landscapes, cruise ships passing through the blue waves, and tourists coming and going in an endless stream. Here, it is Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Township, Qianxi City, Bijie City, Guizhou Province (the county was withdrawn and the city was established on May 10, 2021).

  Huawu Village, formerly known as "Huawuji", means "village under the cliff". It is a small mountain village that was blocked by cliffs in the past and was once a state-level deep poverty village. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the continuous and precise efforts of a series of policies to benefit the people, Huawu Village has undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully removing the poverty "hat" and becoming a key village for rural tourism in Guizhou.

Corner of Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Corner of Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Taking the "fast train" of rural tourism development, Huawu Village, under the planning of the government and the development of villagers, relies on a good natural environment to vigorously develop tourism and Miao Xiu industries, and is changing from a single eco-tourism model to a variety of tourism formats. This small village, which used to go over mountains and mountains, has successfully embarked on a road of rural revitalization with rich development characteristics.

  Butterfly change: a poor mountain village takes on a new look

  Going out of the mountain to "pick rocks by hand", drinking water on the back of the river and living in thatched cottages were once a true portrayal of Huawu Village.

  Blocked by mountains, the former Huawu village had a bad environment and blocked information, and the villagers relied on self-sufficiency in food, clothing, housing and transportation. To make matters worse, the Wujiang River once sounded the "alarm" of the water ecological environment due to overfishing and deforestation, and the already fragmented land began to rocky desertification, making people’s lives increasingly difficult.

  "Poverty, at that time, there happened to be a reservoir resettlement policy, and many people chose ‘ Escape ’ And those who stay can only stick to it. " Yang Long, a villager in Huawu Village, clearly remembers that before 2012, many people moved out, and when his playmates grew up, he personally gave them away.

Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  The change of the house originated from the "road". From the initial "Maolu" to the asphalt highway and then to the tourist highway, a road has strung together thousands of households, which has made the villagers see the outside world, broadened their horizons and increased their knowledge. They made up their minds to plant trees and vowed to restore green mountains and rivers.

  After a few years of hard work, more than 1,000 acres of fruit trees are lush and fruitful, and new saplings have grown in the crevices between the mountains. The once barren hillside has gradually recovered its greenery. In 2017, Huawu Village successfully removed the hat of deep poverty village; At the end of 2019, the poor population was cleared.

  At the same time, the clean-up work of cage culture has also been carried out in Huawu Village. Village cadres went door to door to explain the fishing ban policy and persuade fishermen to go ashore. By the end of 2018, all 32 cages in Huawu Village had been dismantled, and 12 fishermen had switched to production, with a conversion rate of 100%.

  "In addition to comprehensively arranging our family situation, the village has also collected many policies on employment, entrepreneurship, skills training and social security for retired fishermen to help everyone change jobs." Yang Qingxin was born and raised as a homebody. In the past few decades, he has been fishing in the six red section of Wujiang River for a living. After the introduction of the no-fishing policy, Yang Qingxin went ashore and became a river guard, earning a steady income of 3,000 yuan per month.

Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  After the improvement of the ecological environment, the housebuilders with green mountains and green waters will naturally not miss it. Many villagers who moved out of the reservoir area chose to move back to the old site and build their homes together. As a result, the people who renovated their houses, skillfully changed their courtyards, and learned to cook, seized the opportunity and made preparations for eating "tourist meals".





  2021年2月3日至5日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到贵州考察调研,看望慰问各族干部群众,向全国各族人民致以美好的新春祝福。这是3日下午,习近平在毕节市黔西县新仁苗族乡化屋村文化广场上,向全国各族人民、港澳台同胞和海外侨胞拜年。新华社记者 李学仁摄





Miao Xiu products. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Miao Xiu products. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In order to make embroidery products more widely used, Yang Wenli’s poverty alleviation workshop was not limited to ethnic costumes, but set up a professional design team to combine tradition and fashion, and integrate embroidery batik into costumes, sachets and other designs, so that products are exported to all parts of the country. In 2021, Yang Wenli sold 1.6 million yuan of embroidered batik products "online and offline" to help more than 60 local embroidered mothers achieve employment.

  In addition, Huawu Village also has special food — — Huang ba. In order to let more tourists and consumers taste this traditional food, the "two committees" of Huawu village branch led the cooperative through the village party branch and opened the huang ba processing factory. On May 1, 2022, huang ba Processing Factory in Huawu Village was officially put into operation. At present, it has sold more than 160,000 kilograms of huang ba with a sales volume of 1.66 million yuan, which has driven more than 30 villagers to find jobs nearby.

Huawu Village develops huang ba's industry and promotes villagers' employment. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Huawu Village develops huang ba’s industry and promotes villagers’ employment. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Strengthen the eco-cultural tourism infrastructure of Wujiang Yuanbaili Gallery, build a Miao Xiu workshop for more young people to pick up needlework again, and make good use of the huang ba processing workshop to drive the surrounding villagers to stabilize their employment … … Huawu Village is committed to making a big article on the integration and development of diversified industries. A number of projects, such as Huawu Visitor Center, Ecological Camp, New Energy Cruise, Sightseeing Carriage, Kangyang Residential Accommodation, are being promoted one after another.

  Casting Soul: Civilization, Fresh Wind and Moisturizing Home

  "The development of tourism, unified standards is the key. The original intention of our association was to regulate the tourism market. " Yang Ye used to be a teacher and an early homestay owner in Huawu Village. His association is Huawuji Catering Homestay Association.

  In order to highlight the characteristics of Huawu and prevent uncivilized tourism phenomena such as shoddy goods, bullying customers and slaughtering customers, Huawu Village established Huawuji Catering B&B Association according to the wishes of the people. Many villagers joined the "big family" of the association and standardized from the most basic standards of food and shelter.

  An association, but not simple. As far as eating is concerned, Huawu Village has made great efforts in the research and development of special dishes, and established a leading group for the research and development of special dishes in Huawu Village, Qianxi City, headed by the Standing Committee of Qianxi Municipal Committee and the Minister of Propaganda, to create traditional Huawu farm dishes with characteristics and enhance tourists’ rural travel experience.

  Huawu Village develops the tourism industry and attracts tourists to "punch in". People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In the specific implementation process, the food R&D team made clear the 16 special dishes that must be cooked, and specified the materials used for each dish in detail, so that each farmhouse can accurately grasp the standard and quality of the dishes and satisfy the tourists.

  "Although no complaints have been received so far, it is better to standardize etiquette training and evaluate pricing by the association." Now, Yang Ye is the president of Huawuji Catering B&B Association. He said that he hoped that the villagers would take tourism as a long-term career and do a good job in all kinds of services, so that tourists can enjoy high-standard tourism services while enjoying the beautiful scenery, and really start the brand of plastic house tourism.




  化屋村“乡村振兴 共同富裕”几个字引人注目。人民网 龙章榆摄


  Adhering to ecological priority and green development, the Youjia three brothers are a microcosm of the villagers’ active participation in rural governance. As rural tourism continues to heat up, the housebuilders who are rich in scenery pay more attention to the protection of ecological environment, forming a good atmosphere of catching up and learning. "When the trash can is full, people who are ready to throw garbage will take their garbage home, and they will not pile it up everywhere. Everyone will also supervise each other and jointly care for the environment of the housebuilder." Chang Kailin is quite proud.

  Nowadays, the environment is beautiful, the days are rich, and life is more and more exciting. The villagers are more and more willing to "develop rural industries well, protect the ecological environment well, carry forward national traditional culture well, give full play to the effectiveness of social governance, and build grass-roots party organizations well". A picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance and rich life is slowly unfolding in Huawu Village. (Wang Qin, Wang Xiufang)

[Night Reading] Winter has come quietly, stepping on the catlike steps.

  Since November 13th, Beijing has been officially heated. For people in the north, the winter that has quietly arrived will not be so bitter. "there’s a gleam of green in an old bottle, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove." Although everything is withered in winter, life is still interesting. Tonight, follow the words of Liang Shiqiu and Wang Zengqi, and go back to the north and south where there was no heating and air conditioning nearly a hundred years ago to see what the different scenery and taste were in winter at that time.

Winter in the north,

Is chilling cold,

The "winter defense" that started early,

And the heavy snow falling after a cold night in the north wind.

Winter in Beiping (abridged)

Liang Shiqiu

  It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. Shortly after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family was busy preparing for the winter and making "winter defense".

  Speaking of winter, I shudder.

  I grew up in Beiping. It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. Shortly after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family was busy preparing for the winter and making "winter defense". On the first day of October in the lunar calendar, a fire will be lit in one room, and briquettes, hard coal and firewood should be lit early.

  Shaking coal balls is a big event. A bunch of camels carry bags of coal powder to the door, and the coal spots (note: the old name for coal workers) carry the coal powder into the door and pour it into the east yard, piling it up in a very high pile. Then, waiting for a sunny day, they came with a sieve, a rake, a shovel and two-claw hooks, with a piece of cloth on their heads and a short and thick cigarette bag inserted on the cloth around their waist.

  Their skill of shaking briquettes is really unambiguous. The coal powder was spread on the ground, and a pit was made in the middle to pour water, and the loess prepared in advance was added, so the two big men stirred up. After mixing, spread the slime-like coal powder on the open space, make it into a big cake, and pat it flat and bare with a shovel, about ten feet square. At this time, they are already sweating all over, and black sweat is running down their faces. It’s time to sit down and have a rest and smoke.

  After the rest, the coal powder is slightly dry and coagulated, and then it is cut horizontally and vertically with a shovel and cut into small squares, which is as clever as a chef cutting vegetables and radishes. Then he sat down, inverted a small flowerpot on the ground, put the sieve on the flowerpot, and another man shoveled the coal powder cut into squares into the sieve and began to shake it, just like shaking Yuanxiao, slowly shaking the squares into briquettes. Then spread it on the ground to dry. Shake it screen by screen and dry it screen by screen. It’s hard work, and it’s fun for children to watch.

  △ Old coal-burning stove

  When the day turns pale and the rain is coming, they have to come to clean up, gather together and cover something, otherwise the coal will be washed away by the rain, and all previous efforts will be wasted. He enjoys all this, just develop a little more wine money. When it is completely dried, he will come to collect coal again, which will be complete. See you next year.

  Coal balls are used for kitchen stoves and small white stoves everywhere, and even the poorest families have to reserve them in advance. People who have "foreign stoves" of course have to reserve large pieces of red coal and white coal, which must be smashed before they can be used, and it also takes some labor. Friends from the south are surprised to see that every household in Beiping is busy with "winter defense". He doesn’t know the severity of winter in Beiping.

  The north wind was cold all night, and the heavy snow fell one after another. The scenery was worth seeing.

  The north wind was cold all night, and the heavy snow fell one after another. The scenery was worth seeing. However, there are a few people who can enjoy the happiness of singing snow as calmly as Ms. Xie Daowen. All the people were cowered by the north wind that hurt people’s skin, and they were busy doing their own things.

  Isn’t the winter scenery in Beiping beautiful? That’s not true. Early in the morning, crows often fall on the branches at the top of the elm tree, croaking incessantly. What an ancient picture of Western jackdaw! There seem to be quite a few magpies in Beiping, chirping on the ridge of the eaves, but their upturned tails are very beautiful. Some people say that they come to give good news, and I don’t know where the joy comes from. There are many sparrows, but they put up their feathers like hemp fiber and scampered on the ground for food, looking miserable. I don’t know who stood the pigeons, but a group of pigeons rowed past, circling and circling, white against the blue sky, and whistles suddenly sounded. I don’t know which one is flying kites, sand geese, butterflies, dragons and fish, and gongs and drums are still on the bow. In the middle of winter, it is also dotted with some interests.

  Beiping is cold, in fact, it is colder than Beiping.

  In Beiping, there are many frivolous people, but most people wear bulky cotton gowns, trousers, cotton-padded jackets, cotton gowns, cotton vests, cotton trousers, cotton hoods, cotton wool nests and cotton gloves in winter. The exception is those who wear silk cotton. To those who pull foreign rickshaws, carry water, dig out dung, exchange foreign matches for lanterns (note: also called matches), change fertilizer (note: the black core of Gleditsia sinensis, which is equivalent to sending oil), and play drums (note: people who walk the streets and play drums to buy all kinds of second-hand goods from residents) … … Which one is not wearing thin clothes and shivering in the cold wind?

  △ North of Ergun City, Inner Mongolia, Linjiang Snow Scene, a border village close to the Ergun River, the border river between China and Russia Source: vision china

  Beiping is cold, in fact, it is colder than Beiping. I spent two winters in Shenyang. The double-layer glass window of the house is condensed with ice and snow on the outer layer. If a small hole is opened on the inner layer, cold air will come. There was a layer of ice and snow on the road, and another layer of ice and snow. I once went to a dinner party and fell down twice on the way. Everyone thought it was a common thing. But it’s not easy to break your leg and wear more clothes. An old friend came to see me, but he didn’t know each other, because his eyebrows and beard were all frosted! There is not a woman walking in the street. On the street lamp wire, there is a row of birds like birds, silent and staring blankly, so cold that they don’t even have the strength to scream. Farther north, such as Heilongjiang, it must be much colder. Beiping is not the coldest in comparison.

  Winter is really terrible. The poet said, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" I hope so.

  △ Heilongjiang Harbin Fairy Tale Snow Town Source: vision china

  "Cat Winter" in Old Beijing

  It gets dark very early in winter in Beijing, and old Beijingers have the habit of "cat winter". After dinner, the family chatted around the stove, and from the depths of the alley came the cries of vendors selling various items.

  "Stinky tofu — — Sauced tofu, stinky tofu in Wang Zhihe. " Vendors usually carry a burden, and later they also push a bicycle. There are stinky tofu, soy bean curd and bad bean curd in several earthen jars.

  "Radish — — Sally, spicy — — Tube change. " This is a radish that sells "beauty in the heart". The radish in Beijing is sweet, crisp and delicious, and it is the "fruit" of old Beijingers in autumn and winter.

  "Spiced rotten broad beans — — Hot. " Vendors selling rotten broad beans bear the burden of a small coal stove in winter. The coal stove is very small, and only a dozen briquettes or a few pieces of charcoal can be put in it, in order to keep the temperature of the broad beans in the steamer.

  "Gourd — — Rock sugar. " There has been little change in Sugar-Coated Berry for hundreds of years, but the unique hawking and selling methods of old Beijingers are rare in other places. Vendors shake a bamboo stick while shouting, and people who buy candied haws have to draw lots after paying a dime. Unlucky people can only take a small gourd with five or six fruits, and lucky people can draw one that is more than a foot long or stuffed with bean paste, which brings a lot of fun.

Winter in the south,

Is a bed covered with straw,

A copper furnace that can’t be released,

With exquisite seasonal delicacies.

Winter (with deletion)

Wang Zengqi

  When you are in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if you have an extra layer of protection in your life. Covered with straw, it is steaming and warm, which makes people feel happy.

  It’s cold, and there are curtains in the hall (note: curtains are floor-to-ceiling windows, door leaves or similar barriers with latticed eyes in the upper part). Juzi, which was unloaded in the spring, has been placed in the compartment. Now, I’ve moved it out, scrubbed it clean, and replaced it with new pink paper and snow-white paper. When you are in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if you have an extra layer of protection in your life. The family is sitting around, and the lights are amiable.

  The bed was torn down and covered with straw. When washing the curtains, you should choose a fine day in Enigmatic and dry it that day. Xia Bu’s curtains are hanging in the yard, and summer is far away. Straw is packed in a cloth cover, coarse and as big as a bed. Covered with straw, it is warm and fragrant, which makes people feel happy.

  Winter in the south is worse than in the north, and there is no fire in the house. General heating, just copper stove, foot stove and hand stove.

  But it’s still cold. Winter in the south is worse than in the north, and there is no fire in the house. Take off your cotton-padded clothes at night and get into the cold bed; Get up early and put on cold cotton-padded jacket and trousers. It’s really cold.

  After the winter vacation, you can sleep late. The cotton-padded clothes have been dried on the stove, so it is not very difficult to get up. In particular, cotton shoes are so hot that they are really comfortable to wear. There are few people who have iron stoves burning coal there. General heating, just copper stove, foot stove and hand stove.

  The footstool is made of brass and has a perforated cover. What is burned inside is coarse bran. Filled with coarse chaff, shovel a few shovels of red ash from the unfinished Luchai fire (where we burn reeds, it is called "Luchai") and cover it. Coarse chaff led, take a puff of smoke, and soon, when the smoke is gone, you can cover the furnace cover. The coarse chaff can be burned slowly for a long time. Old ladies can’t live without it. I have nothing to do, playing cards, and every old lady has a foot stove at her feet. The coarse chaff in the footstool is too solid, the air is not enough, and the firepower is getting weaker. So we should dig twice along the hearth with a "poker" to loosen the coarse chaff, and the fire will flourish. The foot stove warms people. If your feet are not cold, your whole body is not cold. The smell of burnt bran is also very good. Imitating Japanese haiku, you can make a poem: "In winter, the smell of chaff is burnt in the foot stove."

  Hand stoves are smaller than foot stoves, mostly made of white copper, and the exquisite ones are silver. The furnace cover is not a round hole, but mostly a hollow pine, bamboo and plum blossom pattern. Handstoves are very small, with charcoal sticks in the middle (block fuel made of charcoal powder, mostly cylindrical). Note: sound j:), led by paper media. A charcoal can last a day.

  △ Qing dynasty brass gold-plated "Fenghua Zhengmao" pattern 16-sided round double-beam hand stove. Source: vision china.

  In winter, there are black vegetables and frozen tofu. Fenzi, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

  In winter, there are black vegetables and frozen tofu. Black vegetables fall flat on the ground, which is called "bitter vegetables" in the south of the Yangtze River. This dish tastes slightly bitter. My grandmother opened a small plot in the back garden and planted black vegetables. After frost, the edges of the leaves were purple, and the taste was bitter and sweet. Black vegetables and "crab oil" are cooked together, and the taste is difficult to compare. "Crab oil" is made by boiling and removing meat from big crabs and adding lard. It is put in a bowl in the sea and solidified into crab jelly, which can be eaten for a winter without being bad for a long time.

  After tofu is frozen, I don’t know why it is honeycomb. Melt, cut into small pieces and cook with fresh meat, bacon, beef, dried rice or pickles. Chillies and green garlic should be put in frozen tofu.

  There used to be no Chinese cabbage in the north, only "green vegetables". Chinese cabbage is shipped from Shandong, euphemistically called "yellow sprouts", which is very expensive. "Green vegetables" are as big as rape and two feet high. They are eaten by every family all year round. Pickled vegetables are pickled with green vegetables. It snows on cloudy days and drinks pickles soup.

  △ Tangtuan made of glutinous rice flour Source: vision china

  Flour powder. There is a neighbor who has a cymbal (note: sound duì, a rice-pounding instrument made of wood and stone). This bicycle is usually not used by many people, and it is only borrowed by 10 or 20 nearby houses in winter. The house is very small, except for a raft, there are only some sieves and reeds. It’s fun to step on the pheasant. When you step on it with your foot, it squeaks and twists, and the pheasant mouth rises, and with a bang, it falls into the cockroach nest. When the rice flour is ready, you can steam the rice flour, make "Nian Shao Bing" (glutinous rice flour as the pedicle, wrapped with bean paste and white sugar, and cooked in the pot), and rub the dumplings (that is, dumplings). Fenzi, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

  Text/CCTV news synthesis, map/vision china, network, copyright belongs to the original author.

When he was an official in Hainan, he asked his boss to buy a house and went to Guizhou for his son’s liquor business. He was accused of collecting more than 450 million yuan! My younger brother once

"I don’t know what I want money for. I don’t worry about eating and drinking. What do you need money for? Bury you! I now know that my crazy greed is at its peak, but I don’t know why I want money. "

On the 16th, the anti-corruption TV feature film "Zero Tolerance" aired the second episode "Beating tigers and catching flies", and Wang Fuyu, the former party secretary and chairman of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, who was accused of collecting more than 450 million yuan, repented in front of the camera.

Source: "Zero Tolerance" video screenshot

Wang Fuyu, who will turn 70 this year, was dismissed in February last year, when he retired as the chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference for more than three years.

Wang Fuyu was born in Tanghe, Henan Province, and his official career involved Hebei, Hainan and Guizhou. In February 1998, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of Hainan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Sanya Municipal Party Committee, and became a deputy provincial cadre. Later, he was appointed as Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Haikou Municipal Party Committee. In December 2004, Wang Fuyu was transferred to Guizhou as deputy secretary of the provincial party committee; in January 2012, he was elected as vice chairman of the CPPCC; in the following year, he was elected as chairman of the CPPCC; and he retired in January 2018.

In February 2021, Wang Fuyu was investigated and expelled from the Party in August. According to the report,This man is duplicitous, double-dealing, double-dealing, morally bankrupt, and has a bad family style. Until he retires, he still collects money and collects wealth.

On November 30, 2021, Tianjin No.1 Intermediate People’s Court held a public hearing in the first instance to hear the Wang Fuyu case. The prosecution accused him of corruption as early as 1995 until he was investigated in 2021. It uses the convenience of its position and the convenient conditions for the formation of its authority and status to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in matters such as enterprise management, planning approval, and job adjustment.Accumulated more than 434 million yuan.In addition, from 2019 to 2020, after leaving office, Wang Fuyu also used his influence to accept property given by others.A total of 17.35 million yuan.

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

The feature film broadcast on 16th revealed that Wang Fuyu’s violation of discipline and law and collection of money began in 1990s, and he was still collecting money from private entrepreneurs until a few days before he was detained, which lasted for a long time and was deeply hidden.

The feature film revealed that Wang Fuyu’s long-term use of a luxury villa in Guiyang was decorated with high-grade funds from his close boss, with a movie hall and a gym, and all the details were exquisite.

Interestingly,The words hanging on the wall in the living room of the villa are all advertising that they care about the people and are indifferent to fame and fortune.Hanging in the middle is the famous saying of a magistrate of a county during the reign of Kangxi: "It is not honorable to get an official, but it is not shameful to lose an official. Don’t say that an official is useless, and the place depends on one official; Eat the food of the people and wear the clothes of the people. Don’t say that the people can be bullied, and they are also people. "

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

Hanging on both sides is a pair of couplets given to Wang Fuyu by a boss: "Be kind and pure as jade, and be rich in spirit for the people", and painstakingly hide the word "rich jade" in the couplets, flattering and flattering Wang Fuyu.

Wang Heng, deputy director of the Tenth Supervision and Inspection Office of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that Wang Fuyu ostensibly packaged himself as clean and honest, but in fact, the problem of pursuing pleasure and luxury life was very prominent in Wang Fuyu.He even wanted to live in Sanya in winter, Guiyang in summer and Shenzhen in spring and autumn, so he arranged for his boss to buy him a house in Sanya, Shenzhen and Guiyang before decorating.

In addition, in the 1990s, Wang Fuyu began to get in touch with golf, and he was obsessed with it, playing from Hainan to Guizhou, from working to retirement.Even asked private entrepreneurs to arrange for him to play golf all over the country by private jet.

Wang Fuyu served as mayor and secretary of municipal party committee in Haikou, Sanya, Qiongshan and other cities in Hainan. Hainan developed tourism and holiday industry, and golf courses gradually emerged. At that time, Wang Fuyu became fascinated with playing golf, and it was on the golf course that he gradually became close with many bosses.

"I also played a lot of golf problems, what’s wrong with it? One is to buy a house and decide on the court, and the money is decided on the court. Isn’t this all corruption and has become a corrupt trading place? " Wang Fuyu said.

When working in Hainan, Wang Fuyu began to accept a large amount of bribes, and from the very beginning, he had the idea of staying behind abroad. In 1995, he went through immigration procedures for himself, his wife and daughter in violation of regulations.It was not until 2009 that he was worried about affecting his future.

1994From 1998 to 1998, when Wang Fuyu was in Qiongshan City, Hainan, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor shouldered the burden, he first tasted the taste of "number one".I relaxed myself ideologically and let my boss take money to buy a house.

In exchange, the owner of the house was able to contract part of the Hairui Bridge, a key project in Qiongshan at that time.

Wang Fuyu said, "Harry is a native of Qiongshan and an ancestor in the history of anti-corruption in China. I named a bridge after him, but I took advantage of others. "

Since then, Wang Fuyu has successively arranged for a number of private entrepreneurs to purchase a number of properties in many places and put them under the names of relatives; The large amount of money received is also kept by his younger brother Wang Fu.

Wang Fuyu also arranged for Wang Fu to apply for a false identity card in Henan under the pseudonym "Chen Xin", while he applied for a false identity card in Hebei under the pseudonym "Chen Kexiao", and opened a number of bank accounts with false identity cards, accumulating hundreds of millions of yuan.

Wang Fuyu repented in the feature film:I took money from others in Qiongshan, bought a house, and joined the Standing Committee of the (Hainan) Provincial Party Committee, so I lost my awe. I took discipline and the law seriously, which is the root cause of my problems.

2012Since 1996, Wang Fuyu has served as vice chairman and chairman of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference. He feels that this is the last stop before retirement, and the behavior of collecting money is even crazier. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China vigorously fought corruption, and provincial and ministerial officials were constantly dismissed everywhere. Even Wang Fuyu’s younger brother advised him to consider quitting, but he was still bold.

Wang Fu (Wang Fuyu’s younger brother) said, "I said, don’t take other people’s money. Just live in peace in your old age. How much is this thing enough?" I said that now that the central authorities have made such a fierce investigation, we should not take it lightly. After the chat, he didn’t say anything at the time. Later, I saw that he still didn’t stop. "

Moutai is a unique scarce resource in Guizhou, and Wang Fuyu will not miss the opportunity to make use of this resource.He used his power to obtain the qualification of Maotai store for his son Wang Bin, and illegally obtained a large number of Maotai fine wine indicators to earn huge profits.. In 2014, Maotai Group invested in the development of a resort hotel in Sanya. Businessman Shen asked Wang Fuyu to help with the project construction, and Wang Fuyu arranged for his younger brother Wang Fu to come forward to work with Shen in the name of "cooperation" and operate behind the scenes.

According to Wang Fuyu’s instructions, Wang Fu went to Hainan, accompanied Shen to invite the project leader of Maotai Group to have a meal, and called Wang Fuyu during the dinner.

Gao Shou Hong (former Party Committee member and deputy general manager of Maotai Group):Call me when you get through, "Gao Gao Gao, you answer the phone." I heard the leader’s voice when I answered the phone. "Ok, Xiao Gao, I wish you all the best in your work. My brother will also take care of you there. If there is anything, just say, don’t mention it." I said "thank the leaders for their concern", and that’s all. Later, as soon as the phone dropped, I understood what was going on. My younger brother told me directly, which is what my older brother meant. Please take care of General Gao. When I say no problem, I mean the boss, and I will carry out the instructions.

Image source: screenshot of Zero Tolerance video

Subsequently, Shen won the bid successfully, and Wang Fu took 45% of the profit share in the name of "partner". Between 2015 and 2020, Shen successively transferred the money to Wang Fu according to the agreement.

Wang Fu (Wang Fuyu’s younger brother): Overall, there should be more than 60 million yuan. There is nothing he can do with this large sum of money. He said to leave it with you and keep it first.

Source: national business daily Comprehensive Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website of the State Supervision Commission, Zero Tolerance.

national business daily


Most of the country will keep sunny and dry, and the temperature will gradually rise to a high state in the same period of the year.

  China Weather Network News In the next three days (November 18-20), most of the country will maintain a sunny and dry weather pattern, and the temperature will gradually rise. The maximum temperature of 20℃ will obviously rise northward. After the temperature rise, the temperature in many places will be 6-10℃ higher than normal, but the temperature difference between day and night will widen, so the public needs to increase or decrease clothes in time.

  Snowfall in Northeast China and other places has obviously weakened, and most of the country has started a sunny and dry mode.

  Yesterday, a large range of rain and snow continued in the northeast, and the intensity of local snowfall was high. The monitoring shows that moderate to heavy snow or sleet appears in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin and Shandong Peninsula, and there are local blizzards in Mudanjiang, Shuangyashan, Jiamusi and Hegang in Heilongjiang, and local blizzards in Shuangyashan and Hegang.

  Today, the snowfall in Northeast China and other places will be obviously weakened, and there will be rain and snow weather in southern Sichuan and Yunnan under the confrontation of cold and warm air. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet and central and southern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern and southern Sichuan, southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, and most of Yunnan. Among them, there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.


  From tomorrow on, most of the country will have little rain and snow, and precipitation will only appear in Xinjiang and other places. It is estimated that there will be light snow or sleet in parts of eastern and southern Heilongjiang, eastern and northern Jilin, northern Xinjiang, areas along Tianshan Mountain and southeastern Tibet. There is light rain in parts of Junggar Basin and Ili Valley in Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan and western Yunnan.


  The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and eastern Tibet. Among them, there will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and there will be heavy snow locally.


  In the next three days, most of the country will be short of rain and snow. Under the control of dry, cold and northerly winds, the minimum relative humidity in the northwest to Jiangnan and South China is generally only about 30%. The weather is dry, so the public should pay attention to hydrating and moisturizing. From the 21st, due to the influence of cold air, the northeast of Inner Mongolia, the northeast, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places will once again usher in the process of precipitation weather. At present, the forecasting time is far away, so we need to pay attention to it.

  Most of the country has stepped into the temperature rising channel and will reach a recent high on the 19th to 22nd.

  In terms of temperature, the impact of cold air on China came to an end yesterday, and some areas in Northeast China and North China experienced 4~8℃ cooling.

  Starting from this weekend, most of the country will start the warming mode, and it will reach the recent high temperature from 19th to 22nd, and the maximum temperature of 20℃ will be pushed northward to central Henan and northern Anhui. After warming up, the temperature in many places may be 6~10℃ higher than normal. For example, the highest temperature in Shenyang yesterday was still below freezing point, and then the temperature went up all the way, and it will rise to 12 C on the 21st. The highest temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is as high as 22~23℃ from 21st to 22nd, showing obvious warmth.

  However, compared with the rapid warming during the day, the warming process of the minimum temperature is slower. In the next few days, the temperature difference between day and night in most parts of the country is generally above 10℃, and it can even reach about 20℃ in the northern part of the country. It is recommended that the public increase or decrease clothes in time according to the temperature change to guard against catching a cold.

The voice of the "top leaders" of the central bank, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission is an important signal.

  BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Reporter Li Jinlei) Recently, Pan Gongsheng, Party Secretary and President of the People’s Bank of China, Li Yunze, Party Secretary and Director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, and Yi Huiman, Party Secretary and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, were interviewed by the media, publicly speaking, responding to hot issues in financial work and releasing important signals.

  On serving the real economy

  Promote the financing cost of the real economy to decrease steadily.

  Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and fundamental purpose of finance. The Central Financial Work Conference clearly requires that "finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development".

  How to serve the real economy?

  Pan Gongsheng said: First, pay more attention to cross-cyclical and counter-cyclical adjustment, and maintain a reasonable growth in the total amount of money and credit and the scale of social financing. Second, strengthen coordination and cooperation with fiscal and regulatory policies, and continuously increase support for major strategies, key areas and weak links. The third is to reasonably grasp the interest rate level and promote the steady decline of financing costs in the real economy. The fourth is to coordinate the internal and external balance and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

  Yi Huiman said that the capital market is not large in the whole financial market, but it has unique advantages in serving the real economy. In the next step, we will adhere to the problem orientation, be honest and innovative, and launch more pragmatic measures around improving the function of the capital market. First, promote the stock issuance registration system to go deep and practical. Second, improve the multi-level capital market system. Third, vigorously improve the quality of listed companies. Fourth, promote the high-level institutional opening of the capital market.

  On financial supervision

  Resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns"

  The Central Financial Work Conference requires that financial supervision should be comprehensively strengthened to effectively prevent and resolve financial risks. Effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision, bring all financial activities under supervision according to law, comprehensively strengthen institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, eliminate regulatory gaps and blind spots, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and severely crack down on illegal financial activities.

  How to effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision?

  Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will focus on strong supervision and strict supervision, resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns" and continuously improve the forward-looking, accurate, effective and synergistic supervision. First, comprehensively strengthen the "five major supervision". The second is to strictly enforce the law and dare to show the sword. The third is to strengthen supervision and protection.

  He pointed out that the chaos in the financial market should be thoroughly rectified, so as to adhere to principles, dare to face difficulties, treat people equally, and be fair and just. Focus on the "key things" that affect financial stability, "key people" that cause major financial risks, and "key behaviors" that undermine market order, and really hit the board accurately and hurt.

  Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will focus on improving the adaptability and pertinence of supervision and create a more favorable environment for the reform and development of the capital market. First, make every effort to maintain the stable operation of the capital market. The second is to implement the main responsibility of supervision. The third is to resolutely eliminate the regulatory vacuum. The fourth is to strengthen supervision capacity building.

  Lian Ping, chairman of China Chief Economist Forum and vice president of Shanghai Economic Association, believes that in the next few years, comprehensively strengthening financial supervision will become the top priority of China’s financial work, which will help accelerate the construction of a modern financial system with China characteristics and provide a healthy and stable financial environment for the high-quality development of China’s economy.

  Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of Zhaolian and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Finance of Fudan University, believes that this will help reduce the regulatory gap, bring all financial activities into supervision, and ensure that financial supervision has no dead ends, no blind spots and no exceptions.

  On preventing and resolving financial risks

  Accelerate the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions.

  The central financial work conference pointed out that "there are still many hidden dangers in economic and financial risks" and demanded that "the risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions should be handled in time".

  Pan Gongsheng pointed out that the People’s Bank of China will cooperate with relevant departments and a few provinces where high-risk institutions are relatively concentrated to formulate and implement the reform plan for small and medium-sized banks, further reduce the number and risk level of high-risk institutions, handle financial risks according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the interests of the largest number of depositors, small and medium-sized investors and the insured according to law.

  Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, resolutely fight tough battles and protracted wars, with the focus on accelerating the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions. First, adhere to a safe and orderly manner. The second is the precise policy of classification. The third is to deepen both the symptoms and the root causes.

  Dong Ximiao analyzed that both Pan Gongsheng and Li Yunze mentioned the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized financial institutions. Under the complicated internal and external environment, the central financial work conference should be held as an opportunity to further promote and deepen the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized banks, and at the same time build high-quality small and medium-sized banks into "specialized and innovative" banks. (End)

Dazu Gulong non-legacy tea won two gold medals, and "Little Leaves" wrote "Great Articles".

Towering Bayue Mountain, long cologne tea. On January 8th, Chongqing Daily reporter learned that the winners list of the 8th China Chengdu International Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival Non-legacy Tea Fighting Competition was recently released, and Chongqing Dazu Gulong Tea Co., Ltd. won two gold medals in the green tea group and the black tea group of the Non-legacy Tea Fighting Competition.
▲ Gulong Ecological Tea Garden. Photo courtesy of respondents
One mountain, one water, one person, one leaf, one tree and one inheritance. Yibayue Mountain Range, Gulong Town, Yuxiu Dazu District, Zhong Ling, has dense forests, tinkling springs and rich humanities. Not only that, the history of Zen tea, which extends for thousands of years, is an important part of Dazu culture inheritance. As early as the Northern Song Dynasty, Bayue Mountain produced famous tea, so it was named "Shuinan Tea" because it was located in the south of Fujiang River. Bayue "Shuinan Tea" and Guanghan "Zhaopo", Emei "Baiya" and Ya ‘an "Mengding" are also called the four treasures of Shu tea, and they are fragrant in all directions.
The hand-made technique of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea originated from Chen Chunyu, a tea artist in Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, and has been passed down from generation to generation. In September, 2020, the hand-made skills of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea were listed in the seventh batch of representative projects of district-level intangible cultural heritage in Dazu District. "We are very confident in the quality of Gulong tea, so we went to Chengdu to participate in the Tea Fighting Competition, and we look forward to helping the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing with practical actions." Chen Wenjing, the inheritor of Dazu Gulong Longya green tea handcrafting skill, introduced that the judges comprehensively evaluated and scored the tea samples submitted for the competition in terms of shape, soup color, taste, aroma and leaf bottom. "Gulong tea stands out from the participating tea samples, which will greatly enhance the brand reputation and greatly help the non-genetic inheritance."
▲ Gulong Ecological Tea Garden. Photo courtesy of respondents
According to reports, Gulong Town is committed to doing two articles on "tea" and "mine", making full use of its own unique resources, focusing on the development idea of integrating agriculture, literature and tourism, deepening the cultural connotation, improving tourism facilities, accelerating the formation of a "tea sea fragrance, Zen life" resort, and striving to create a new Gulong that is small and special, small and refined, small and beautiful, small and strong, and small and rich. This makes Chen Wenjing see the hope that the non-legacy tea will glow with new vitality.
At present, Dazu Gulong Tea Co., Ltd. has more than 1,000 mu of ecological tea garden and more than 800 mu of wilderness tea garden, with rich varieties of tea, mainly producing black tea and green tea, which has driven the employment and income of local residents with "one leaf". "We are reviving the abandoned tea garden and driving farmers around the tea garden to take the road of integrated development of tea tourism and build a beautiful village together." Chen Wenjing said that non-genetic inheritors also went to schools such as Gulong Town Central Primary School to lead students to understand the tea culture in their hometown and sow the seeds of loving their hometown in their young hearts.
"In the early morning, the fog in the mountains hangs over this tea garden …" Chen Wenjing, born after 1980s, often incarnates as an anchor, promoting the Gulong tea and Dazu beauty in the form of short videos. She said that Dazu stone carvings are world-famous and Dazu tourism is booming. I hope that tourists can not only appreciate the stone carving culture in Dazu, but also stop and walk into the tea garden to taste the sweetness and sweetness of Gulong tea and feel the tranquility and peace from the heart.