Thousands of people such as Musk signed an open letter, and the development of artificial intelligence endangered the "control of civilization"?

  BEIJING, March 30 (Xinhua)-The American drama westworld and the Hollywood movie Terminator have described that the "awakening" of artificial intelligence (AI) may endanger human beings. Recently, concerns in science fiction films have come into reality, and many "big brothers" in the artificial intelligence industry have suddenly called for suspending the development of more powerful AI systems, suggesting that AI systems with human-level intelligence may "pose potential risks to society and mankind".

  Where do their concerns come from? Will the development of artificial intelligence endanger the "civilization control" of human beings? Has the development of AI reached a turning point where the "pause button" needs to be pressed?

  An open letter, four questions about AI risk

  Recently, elon musk, an American billionaire, and Yoshua Bengio, a top expert in the field of artificial intelligence and winner of Turing Prize, signed an open letter calling for suspending the development of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months, calling it "a potential risk to society and mankind".

  An open letter calling for the suspension of giant AI training. Image source: "Future Life Institute" website

  The open letter published on the website of the Future of Life Institute, a non-profit organization, advocates that before developing a powerful AI system, it should be confirmed that the impact is positive and the risks are controllable.

  The letter details that the AI system with human intelligence may bring great risks to society and human beings, saying that "this point has been recognized by a lot of research and top AI laboratories" and throws four questions in succession:

  -Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and lies?

  -Should we automate all the work, including those that are satisfactory?

  -Should we develop non-human thinking that may eventually surpass us in number, surpass us in intelligence and be able to eliminate and replace us?

  -Should we risk losing control of our civilization?

  The open letter pointed out that if such suspension cannot be implemented quickly, the government should step in and take measures. In addition, "AI Labs and independent experts should take advantage of this suspension to jointly develop and implement a set of shared security protocols for advanced AI design and development, and be strictly audited and supervised by independent external experts".

  The letter also called on developers and policy makers to cooperate to greatly accelerate the development of a powerful AI governance system. This should at least involve regulatory agencies, auditing and certification systems, monitoring and tracking high-performance AI systems, liability issues after artificial intelligence causes injuries, and providing public funds for AI technology security research.

  At the end of the open letter, it is mentioned that today, our society has suspended other technologies that may have disastrous effects, and the same should be true for artificial intelligence. "Let’s enjoy a long ‘ Summer of AI ’ Instead of entering autumn unprepared. "

  Technology, ethics and interests call for slowing down.

  It is not difficult to see from these contents that the supporters of the open letter are more concerned about the possible "barbaric growth" of artificial intelligence and the social and ethical problems that its development may bring.

  As mentioned in the open letter, this suspension does not mean suspending the development of artificial intelligence as a whole, but "taking a step back" from the dangerous competition. The research and development of artificial intelligence should re-focus on making today’s powerful and advanced systems more accurate, safe, interpretable, transparent, robust, consistent, credible and reliable.

  Gary Marcus, a professor at new york University, said, "This letter is not perfect, but the spirit is correct." He believes that people need to slow down until they can better understand the consequences of all this.

  At present, the open letter has been signed by thousands of people, including Emad Mostaque, CEO of open source artificial intelligence company Stability AI, DeepMind researcher of artificial intelligence company of Google’s parent company Alphabet, computer scientist Stuart Russell and other experts, scholars and technology company executives.

  The "Future Life Research Institute" that issued an open letter was mainly funded by the Musk Foundation and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Tesla CEO Musk is applying artificial intelligence to autonomous driving system, and he has been frankly expressing his concerns about artificial intelligence.

  Reuters also said that Europol recently expressed ethical and legal concerns about advanced artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT, warning that such systems may be abused for phishing, false information and cyber crimes. In addition, the British government also announced a proposal to establish an AI regulatory framework.

  On the Internet, this letter also caused heated discussion. Some netizens agreed that people need to know what happened. "Just because we know we can build it doesn’t mean we should build it."

  However, some people doubt Musk’s motivation. "Musk signed it because he wanted to use his artificial intelligence to make money."

  Others analyzed, "This is terrible, but I don’t think some projects need to stop. Technology is developing rapidly and responsible innovation is also necessary. "

  Thinking about the relationship between human beings and AI has never stopped since the birth of technology. The famous physicist Hawking once said, "The successful creation of artificial intelligence is probably the greatest event in the history of human civilization. But if we can’t learn how to avoid risks, then we will put ourselves in a desperate situation. "

  Nowadays, from passing the qualification examination to artistic "creation", AI can do more and more things and go further and further in the direction of "intelligence". At the same time, however, criminal acts such as using AI technology for online fraud and extortion and spreading illegal information are also emerging one after another.

  Different from the long cycle of the transformation of technological innovation achievements in the physical world, AI technological breakthroughs often spread around the world overnight through the Internet. These discussions and concerns are not superfluous until human beings fail to find a proper solution to AI ethics and supervision.

The way of reading in the eyes of academicians

  "Looking at today’s society, the fragmentation trend of reading is relatively strong. This way of learning is short and fast, and knowledge is acquired quickly and lost quickly. If you want to read some classic works, it takes a lot of time and energy, but the results are also great. " Recently, Liu Jiaqi, an octogenarian academician of the China Academy of Sciences and a volcanic geologist and Quaternary geologist, shared his "way of reading" with the public at the National Library’s "Mr.’ s Study" activity.

  "Reading can not only increase knowledge and talents, broaden horizons, but also cultivate sentiment and gain spiritual enjoyment." Liu jiaqi said that when he was a child, reading was a luxury. Reading is difficult, borrowing books is difficult. At that time, he also thought that he could be a librarian in the future, and reading might be more convenient.

  In Liu Jiaqi’s view, reading is the way to grow up. His fate is also changed by reading. "My road to study, as Qu Yuan’s poem says, ‘ It’s a long way to go in Xiu Yuan, and I will go up and down for it ’ 。”

  Under difficult conditions, Liu Jiaqi went all the way from primary school to university, and later went to graduate school, but still felt that what he had learned was limited. In 1978, 10 years after graduation, Liu Jiaqi took the postgraduate exam again and came to Beijing. "I turned 40 when I was 30, and I wanted to drive back the past 10 years."

  After careful calculation, Liu Jiaqi spent 27 years and 8 months as a student. "Reading is very important for the growth of my life." Liu Jiaxuan said. About how to read? He summed up some experiences.

  First of all, we should be clear about the purpose of reading. To be wise and skilled, be determined to be a man first, and be determined to be a man first; Don’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days when reading.

  In the process of reading, we should pay attention to methods and think. "It is better if you can find faults in books." Liu Jiaqi said that reading should be selective, and it is necessary to read good books and classics; It is necessary to combine professional books with non-professional books, scientific books with artistic books, and systematic books with fragmented information. Don’t always indulge in fragmented information.

  "Reading is not only about growing up, but more importantly, making contributions to the country in the future." Liu Jiaqi studied earth science, and he told young people that in the process of studying, they should also specialize in one line and love another.

  "I have learned some scientific principles and the principles of being a man through reading, so now I can become a scientific worker and make some contributions to the country." Liu Jiaqi admits that he can study and learn something because of the cultivation of the party, so he should give back to the society.

  "I hope my friends can read more books and read good books, improve their scientific literacy, develop their scientific undertakings and build a better country." Liu Jiaxuan said.

"Security is no small matter": What should I do when the game encounters security problems?

On March 5, 2024, Tropic Haze, the author of NS simulator "Yuzu", announced that it had reached a settlement with Nintendo, paid 2.4 million US dollars in compensation, stopped the subsequent simulator development and operation, and closed related websites.

Although many players complain that they wouldn’t use the simulator if it weren’t for the poor performance of NS machines. However, with the increasing awareness of copyright of players today, almost no one will refute the fact that "cracking games is illegal". "Game safety" is not only related to game manufacturers, but also closely related to players.

Some players are worried that they will be liquidated by Nintendo after using Yuzu simulator.

In fact, "game security" occupies a very important position in the game industry, and both players and practitioners have to deal with it almost every day. However, people usually don’t discuss it much, because "game security" has certain technical barriers.

In China, game security is almost directly linked to big factories. Because of the high cost of the security team, only big factories have enough financial resources. Large factories can make adequate plans before safety accidents happen, but on the other hand, small and medium-sized factories and independent developers, which also occupy most positions in the industry, often find it difficult to make appropriate responses when faced with various safety problems.

To this end, we found a high-tech security service provider FairGuard, which focuses on game reinforcement and anti-plug-in, and jointly found some game security cases that are close to gamers and practitioners and exposed to the public, and analyzed them from a professional perspective. We hope to let the public fully understand the specific operation, function and significance of game security.

In the field of game security, the worst professional but most common case type is DDoS attack (distributed denial of service attack). Because of its characteristics, small and medium-sized manufacturers and independent developers are more vulnerable to such attacks.

For example, the mobile game "Lesonas" launched on February 29th this year was attacked by DDoS organized by ACCN. The game had to be delayed for 1 hour, and many players reported that the game was stuck on the first day. Every time they read a line, it took more than 10 seconds to get to the next sentence. The main means of ACCN is to ask the project team to pay the "protection fee", otherwise it will keep attacking. Coincidentally, a mobile game with 7 digits for users is also attacked by DDoS at the service node. If it is not solved in time, the losses caused are incalculable.

Whether there are too many players or they are attacked can be intuitively observed from the background data.

The basic principle of DDoS attack is that the attacker uses a large number of "broilers" (computers remotely controlled by hackers) to occupy the bandwidth or CPU of the game server. If the game server is compared to a hotel, it is like the hotel just opened, and suddenly a group of people came to the door of the hotel to block the door, so that normal diners could not squeeze in, or this group of people entered the hotel and occupied most of the tables, and kept asking the waiter to order, but the waiter could not drive them away, and other diners were also affected.

In order to improve the efficiency of making money, it is often the studio with clear division of labor (such as ACCN organization) that uses DDoS attacks for extortion. Some people will "find" the games to be launched, and record the volume, type and online time of the games. Others will launch attacks according to these records, and there may be a special group of people who will be responsible for contacting various game project teams to confirm the payment.

A "special person" responsible for collecting money

Of course, these behaviors are illegal, but it is difficult for the project team to trace the source and pursue the responsibility. First, the members of such organizations may not be in China, and the server IP address has been transferred several times; Second, attackers generally use virtual currency transactions such as Bitcoin.

Every year, there are a large number of announcements about developers being blackmailed by ACCN organizations on game platforms such as TapTap. Although some platforms and publishers will provide protection services, for developers, "I am not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid of thieves remembering". Attacks that come from the dark and I don’t know when will always be a hidden danger.

From the perspective of technical protection, DDoS attacks are only a matter of money. The volume of the game is different, and the traffic of the attack will be different. After all, the attack also needs to cost. If this degree is not balanced, it is likely to be a loss-making business.

The cost of "broiler" is low, but the cost of preventing "broiler" is high. For example, if an attacker uses "broilers" to attack the game server with 200G of traffic, then the game project team may have to buy 200G of public cloud (such as Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud) resources for protection. The former may cost only a few hundred yuan, while the latter needs tens of thousands of yuan.

Protection products on Tencent Cloud

Attackers often take the lower value of the two as the "protection fee", but the project team can’t guarantee that the other party is honest. If the attacker "steals well" and only collects the protection fee once, the project team can barely accept it; But if the other party thinks you are a "fat sheep", they will blackmail you again and again. Many times, the project team dare not gamble, but they have no money to buy special protection services, so they can only pay the money.

In this regard, the relatively professional advice is to enhance safety awareness. Some developers don’t have the concept of prevention, and they often make up for it after the incident. However, the profit lost after the first DDoS attack is more than the money spent on early protection, which is not worth the candle.

According to the experience summarized by professional security service providers, the low-cost method is that as long as the project team buys public cloud resources or corresponding protection services in the first month of online, there will be basically no more studios to launch DDoS attacks. Small games can directly solve the problems that may cause great losses by spending less money.

Compared with DDoS, most people may know more about plug-ins and pay more attention to the impact of plug-ins on their own game experience.

Some plug-ins can monitor or directly modify game files, which will cause serious damage to the game ecology. FPS games have always been the hardest hit area for black-and-gray attacks because of their high category popularity, high cheating income and data storage in the client.

For example, in the "fake match" incident of the professional team "Crossing the Firewire" last year, the team invited the anchor team to play against the professional players in an open environment, and speculated through subsequent offline battles and whitewashing. Players find that the plug-in used by the anchor team is extremely concealed. If it is not because of the complete victory over the professional players, it is difficult for people to think of using the plug-in. In related reports, this kind of hanging is also called "anchor customized hanging".

There are two characteristics of "anchor custom hanging", one is just the right function castration, and the other is the anti-detection means with external intervention. The former is to make the anchor "icing on the cake" in technology and provide good enough "effect" in the game. For example, the "lock" function can only be triggered when the enemy appears and the sight is close to the enemy’s body. It is difficult for the naked eye to tell whether this tiny moving trace is from the plug-in. As for the latter-teams that do "anchor customization" services often sell special equipment together with plug-ins and put them in the equipment, which makes the official detection methods fail to some extent.

From the point of view of protection, game manufacturers often get plug-in samples first, and use the similar identification code in the plug-in samples to carry out preventive testing in the player’s game. If an official identification code appears in the background data of a player, then the official has the right to take measures, and generally it will not be blocked by mistake. However, the identification code of the anchor custom hanging is separate, and this process naturally doesn’t work.

However, even if the player’s behavior is not detected by the conventional process, the official can make manual judgment, which is based on the background environment and some behavior data of the player-reporting is meaningful at this moment.

If a player receives a large number of reports from other players, the official will check his background environment and behavior data, and give him a risk rating according to the results of the inspection. There are many dimensions of rating, generally to see whether the memory has been modified or whether it is in an unconventional environment (such as a virtual machine).

The security team will send the high-risk player ID to the project team, and the project team will decide the specific measures to be taken later. Some players may be "big R", charging a lot of money, and the direct title may cause legal disputes. If the manufacturer fails to produce enough "objective evidence", there will be a greater probability of losing the lawsuit. Therefore, some manufacturers will turn a blind eye to "big R", and for players below "small R", they would rather kill by mistake than let go.

Compared with anchor customization, "script" is less harmful, but it also has a direct impact on the balance and life cycle of the game. Scripts often appear in role-playing, card and strategy games. From the perspective of protection, scripts are directly linked to the studio, and MMORPG with economic system is the hardest hit area of the studio.

The role of scripts is to efficiently collect in-game resources and realize the obtained resources. In the long run, when the resources in the game are collected too much, the resources will become cheap, and players will tend to find a studio to buy resources instead of "earning" resources through their own game labor. In order to reduce costs, scripts often run on virtual machines or in the cloud. A studio with more than a dozen people may open thousands of scripts at the same time. In other words, in fact, the script is "endless".

Another phenomenon derived from scripts and studios is the "initial number". Chen Shiliu, the technical director of FairGuard, talked to me about this: nowadays, the second tour often requires players to exchange growth resources or roles through repeated work in the game. However, after the game has been in operation for one or two years, it is difficult for newcomers with self-built numbers to catch up with the progress of the game, and it is a common choice to buy "initial numbers" from the studio.

For example, on August 30, 2022, Nexon, the international service operator of Blue Archives, permanently banned 280,000 initial numbers, including not only those in the studio, but also many that have already flowed into the hands of players. This has caused "inflammation" among the players-players have taken lessons in the game and continued to play for a while, but after the manufacturer banned it, they did not provide compensation measures. Players will naturally question: Why didn’t the manufacturer deal with this violation immediately, but it took some time to deal with it?

Nexon has issued a ban announcement.

Chen Shiliu told me that this is because the script does not modify the game memory data, but is just a fixed "simulated click", brushing the trumpet and licking the wool. Therefore, the security team needs to proceed from the risk situation of the equipment and combine the behavior judgment of the player after boarding the number. For example, players need to touch several fixed positions on the screen when doing daily work in a mobile game, but the time and operation logic of manual operation and script opening are different. In the case of background protection, the background will immediately detect the abnormal behavior of players and prompt that there is script risk. However, unlike FPS’s "anchor customization", the connection of the second tour is often "weak connection", and this behavior of hanging scripts and brushing resources cannot be reported. Game manufacturers can only observe it for a long time and regularly "one pot".

"One pot" means lag, so it is difficult to consider whether there are players in the account playing normally and whether there is recharge behavior. It is worth noting that while the players are "on fire", there are also many examples of the game rising due to the reduction of studios.

In Japan, the origin of the "initial number", many manufacturers have acquiesced in the existence of the initial number and formed a "symbiotic" relationship with the studio during their long "Yan Shang" career. Some games may be small in size and lack of newcomers, and the initial number even plays a role in saving some channels and announcing costs for developers. As long as it doesn’t directly affect the experience of other players, some developers will tolerate some behaviors that slightly modify the game memory, such as "variable speed hanging".

Other manufacturers adopt the attitude of "people don’t lift, officials don’t investigate". For example, the "ACT" plug-in of MMORPG Final Fantasy 14, if the player only uses its "damage monitoring" and "mechanism broadcasting" functions, the official will not take the initiative to intervene. After all, this plug-in has really improved the player’s game experience. But in principle, the game is not allowed to use plug-ins. If you take the corresponding test data to "police" other players, it will be officially banned.

"Police" Plug-in in Final Fantasy 14

Generally speaking, whether it is a plug-in or not, it is necessary to analyze the specific situation. For players, as long as the game is played according to the normal process, it will definitely not be banned. In this process, manufacturers need to reflect on whether their game design and version planning are unreasonable, and whether players must rely on some kind of soft plug-in (script) to get a good experience? If this is the case, it is not surprising that after the manufacturers take measures to crack down, they are "burned".

Strictly speaking, modifying the plug-in of game memory is also a part of cracking, but there are many more serious cases of cracking, and in the field of game security, anti-cracking is also the most important part.

In cracking, the most typical case is Legend. In the early years, "Legend" was cracked, and the source code was leaked. Some people deleted the source code with ulterior motives and added their own servers, which became a private server. In the field of black ash production, when a game is cracked, the cracked results will inevitably spread like a virus. When private servers can generate huge benefits, many people will ignore the law and start taking risks.

Under normal circumstances, game developers need to find the copyright party to request authorization to make genuine products. Private servers are like "tax evasion", which saves the step of paying money to the copyright party. There are many benefits in private servers, so there are fewer players playing genuine ones and the losses caused are incalculable.

Li Lei, marketing director of FairGuard, said that there are at least 20 billion industrial chains in the "Legend" mobile games, which are being attacked every year, but they just can’t be beaten.

A small game cracking platform

Of course, "Legend" is because the code leaked and cracked too early, and there will be a situation of private servers. A more common "crack" is to make paid games available for free. This has also brought a series of chain problems: after some small games with in-house purchases are cracked, they will be sold online at low prices, causing losses to developers and operators; Embedding some programs in the installation package, collecting personal information of players during installation, and then selling the information for profit; Implanting illegal advertisements in the original internal purchase part to achieve the effect of imitating genuine products and making money; What’s more, it will adopt a "subscription system" to make profits systematically, far exceeding the bottom line that game security can tolerate.

However, there are fewer cases of cracking the whole game, while there are more cases of cracking encrypted resources. For example, the pictures, audio, text and other contents in the game are all "game resources". Before the game goes online, these resources need to be packaged and encrypted. Generally, the encryption methods of game manufacturers are relatively low, so they have to entrust a third party to further encrypt.

Li Lei mentioned that in recent years, the demand for content-based secondary games has suddenly increased. On the one hand, because the art cost of Second Tour is getting higher and higher, art resources have become one of the most important project assets, accounting for the bulk of the project cost. Once the art resources are cracked, it is very likely that there will be competing products with simpler playing framework but similar art content in the market soon-in the legal sense, the criteria for judging plagiarism and skinning of games are still strict, and developers may realize that competing products have cracked their own art resources, but it is difficult to find tangible evidence.

On the other hand, the cracking of resources means "spoiler", which will affect the ecology of the game community to a certain extent and may indirectly interfere with the version planning of the operators. For example, a second tour puts the character resources to be sold into the game in advance, which is cracked in advance and spread in relevant communities. This character will gradually lose its appeal to players in the information flow, resulting in a decrease in profit.

Li Lei highlighted the resource leakage incident of "Girl Frontline 2: Chasing and Releasing" last year, that is, the "Mrs. Raymond" incident. This resource leakage directly led to the subsequent public opinion outbreak, so that the developer scattered the network and lost the trust of the players. From the point of view of protection, it is inconceivable that with the size of "less than the top 2", there are security problems in game resources.

Last October, the unpacked content of Little Top 2 was everywhere on the Internet.

Li Lei said: "Generally, medium and large-scale games will contact professional companies to do encryption work six months before the start of testing. PvE or relatively’ stand-alone’ mobile games need to prevent situations like’ less top 2′, and PvP games should consider whether the cracked resources will be used to make plug-ins."

In fact, once the popular game resources are leaked, they will be spread quickly and widely. Although this behavior is illegal, it is difficult for game companies to hold the disseminators accountable. At this stage, what developers should do is to keep an eye on whether their project resources are used for sale or further malicious use to prevent the loss from expanding.

In the process of communication, we always mention a problem: some small manufacturers or independent developers easily ignore security issues, or have relevant knowledge, but lack experience in dealing with them. Although large and medium-sized factories have accumulated more or less relevant experience in the development process, they will sometimes "stumble" when faced with the rapid change and increasingly rampant black ash production.

In fact, whether it is reality or games, security has always been a big problem. As a developer, what you should do is to make a good plan in advance as far as possible to avoid problems and then find ways to solve them.

The so-called plan, buying "outsourcing services" from professional teams is an option, but not all. Developers should consider some design logic when making games: will it be used by criminals? Can you do some verification work from the server to improve the intrusion threshold of cracking and plug-in? In fact, these jobs don’t cost too much, but are more about ideas and "intentions". On this basis, if something goes wrong, we can avoid more losses to some extent by looking for a security team to deal with it.

For developers, such concepts and "intentions" are particularly important. If there is an excellent game, because the developer lacks security awareness, he doesn’t even know how to deal with the most basic DDoS attack problem when he goes online, which makes a team’s efforts for several years go up in smoke. This is not only the personal loss of the developer, but also the loss of the game industry.

The small plane was chased by the US military plane and eventually crashed. The information on the crew was revealed!

  BEIJING, June 5 (Xinhua)-According to foreign media reports, on the 4th local time, a light plane was suspected to have broken into the sky above Washington, USA, and was chased by American fighter planes at high speed. The light plane eventually crashed in Virginia, and the identity of the owner and crew of the plane attracted attention.

  According to The Washington Post and The New York Times, this plane is a private business plane registered with a company named Encore Motors of Melbourne in Florida, USA.

  Image source: The New York Times report screenshot

  American media contacted the company’s operator, 75-year-old John Roupell, by telephone. He revealed that his daughter, two-year-old granddaughter, nanny and pilot were all on the plane.

  John Roupell said he knew little about the crash. He said in a choked voice that if the plane loses pressure, "they will all fall asleep and never wake up again … … I don’t think they have found the wreckage yet. It drops at a speed of 20,000 feet per minute, and no one can survive in this situation. "

  The Daily Beast, an American news website, noted that Barbara Roupell, the wife of John Roupell, was registered as the president of Encore Motors of Melbourne, but she declined to comment.

  According to the records of the Federal Election Commission obtained by this website, Mr. and Mrs. John Roupell are both well-known business people in Florida. In the past few years, they have donated money to many Republican candidates running for federal office, including hundreds of thousands of dollars to former President Trump and his political organization.

  According to the report, public information shows that Barbara Roupell is also a long-term member of the National Rifle Association (NRA). Since 2002, she has been a member of the NRA Women’s Leadership Committee.

  On the 4th local time, a Cessna light plane was suspected to have broken into the sky above Washington, and the US F-16 jet fighter scrambled for high-speed pursuit, causing a sonic boom over the US capital. During this period, the US military tried to establish contact with the pilots on Cessna plane.

  According to the statement of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Cessna plane took off from Elizabethan, Tennessee on the 4th and was scheduled to fly to Long Island, new york. But inexplicably, the plane turned around over Long Island and plummeted over Washington, D.C.. The plane later crashed in the mountains of southwest Virginia.

  It is not clear why the Cessna plane did not respond to the control of the authorities, and it is not clear why it crashed.

How to grow cherries big and sweet? Here comes the exclusive secret of Liubu’s new "Cherry King"

Another year of cherry red. On May 19th, at the opening ceremony of the 15th China Jinan Nanshan Cherry Picking Festival, after comprehensive evaluation by five authoritative experts in the industry, Qin Fujun, a grower in Majiayu Village, Liubu Street, Jinan City, won the title of "Cherry King" in Liubu Street this year with three indicators of sugar content of 29%, fruit diameter of 3.6 cm and best taste. At the opening ceremony, the simple fruit grower generously shared his exclusive planting secrets with the surrounding growers from the four dimensions of management in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Qin Fujun, a new cherry king in Liubu

In spring management, it is mainly pruning and fertilization. At this time, it is necessary to remove the branches of pests and diseases and cut the tree into "uniaxial extension". This tree-shaped nutrient is concentrated, ventilated and transparent, and almost every fruit can see the sun. In the management of fertilizer and water in spring, there is no need for nitrogen fertilizer, because the nitrogen fertilizer in everyone’s field is enough for big cherries to absorb. Qin Fujun suggested that the majority of fruit farmers should apply more organic fertilizer and potassium fertilizer. There is also a little trick about watering. Most people water after applying fertilizer, but Qin Fujun does the opposite, watering first and then fertilizing. He said that this method is not easy to dilute fertilizer. Because Liubu is sandy loam with strong air permeability, applying fertilizer and watering it will dilute, volatilize and dilute the fertilizer, which will cause waste and is not conducive to fruit absorption.

In summer management, it is mainly to control prosperity. Qin Fujun said: "Let’s remember that if the tree is too prosperous, it will not bear fruit. It will only blossom and bear no fruit. The core of controlling prosperity is: twisting the tip, picking the heart and pulling out the bud. "

In autumn management, be careful not to apply fertilizer after picking, because applying fertilizer after picking is a misunderstanding. According to Qin Fujun’s years of experience, the leaves of big cherry are thick and big, and the nutrients absorbed by photosynthesis alone are enough for flower bud differentiation. If chemical fertilizer is applied during this period, the cherry trees will grow in vain and cannot form flower buds smoothly, and the next year will almost blossom without fruit.

In winter management, Qin Fujun’s experience is "raising grass". His orchard is covered with grass. This grass has many advantages. It can cover the surface of soil in winter and achieve a certain degree of constant temperature. When the cold current comes, it can resist part of it. In other words, with grass, the orchard will not be out of production in extremely cold weather. In addition, the mixture of stone and sulfur should be applied once before winter and once in spring. It can kill insects and sterilize, keep warm, and reduce the harm caused by extreme weather.

After receiving this heavy medal, the new "Cherry King" has mixed feelings: "There are all kinds of flavors in it." Affected by the weather this year, cherry orchard of Qin Fujun’s family is also facing a reduction in production, but the overall situation is much better than that of local fruit farmers, thanks to his planting methods. Talking about why he was so generous in teaching his own planting experience, he smiled and said, "Common prosperity."

Liubu big cherry

Liubu Big Cherry Picking Festival has been held for 15 consecutive years. At the opening ceremony, Shandong Fruit Association, Vegetable Basket Production and Marketing Alliance and Shandong JD.COM Agricultural Trade Development Co., Ltd. signed strategic cooperation agreements with Liubu Sub-district Office respectively. On-site setting and evaluation of outstanding farmers in big cherry management, "Cherry King" evaluation, "Cherry" taste sweet food competition and on-site lottery interaction, etc., citizens and tourists have participated in it.

Cherry has been planted in Liubu street for hundreds of years. In the past, small cherries were mainly planted, which were small in size, poor in taste and not resistant to storage. Since 1995, Wangjiayu Village has taken the lead in clearing hills and preparing soil, returning farmland to fruits and renewing old varieties. It has used three years to develop a planting area of more than 2,000 mu of high-quality big cherries, including more than 20 varieties such as red light, Zaodaguo and Brooks. During this period, with Wangjiayu as the core radiation, the surrounding villages successively developed large cherry planting of 8,000 mu.

Liubu Sub-district Office is the main fruit production base in Jinan and the key ecological function protection zone.

This year, Liubu Street has introduced 11 high-quality new varieties, such as Samit, Luying -5, Santimei, Qizao, Santina, Cordia, LuoYaming and Luying No.3, which are characterized by large fruit, sweetness and storage resistance. Up to now, Liubu Street has more than 10,000 mu of large cherry industrial base, which has become the largest large cherry planting base in Jinan.

(Rural Popular Daily reporter Liu Zhenzhen)

Source: Rural Popular Daily


There is a kind of beauty called autumn in Lianyungang!

  An autumn rain and a cold, while feeling the rustling autumn rain, we also realize that late autumn is coming.

  Lianyungang, with four distinct seasons and picturesque scenery in every season, what will it be like in autumn?

  Once autumn comes to other places in Lianyungang, no matter how beautiful it is, it will only be!

  Every grass and tree is beautiful, like God knocking over the palette.

  Huaguoshan in autumn

  Nature covered the mountains with a layer of hazy gold with magical fingers. Looking from the foot of the mountain, layers of shadows fell, and the shades of colors alternately complemented each other between the ups and downs of the mountains. An autumn landscape painting was beautifully staged in Huaguo Mountain.

(Image from official WeChat of Huaguoshan Scenic Area in Lianyungang)

  In autumn, the most beautiful place in Yuntai Mountain on the sea is to climb high and look far, climb to the Genting observation deck, the main peak, and overlook the blue sea and blue sky by the railing, stretching for thousands of miles, and seagulls soar freely on the water.

(Image from the official WeChat of Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area at sea)

  Yueyadao scenic spot

  In the golden autumn of October, the powder-worn grass has entered its full bloom, and the crescent island at this time is as romantic and beautiful as a fairy tale.

(Reporter: Yan Jinyong Correspondent: Photo by Yaxuan Wang)

  Xishuanghu scenic spot

  In autumn, the wind is fresh and refreshing, and it grows along the embankment in the south of Xishuang Lake, and the autumn red in Yiyi Lake along Chun Lv. When the maple, sapium sebiferum and reeds in the scenic spot enter the colorful moment, the whole scenic spot is as colorful as the color palette of nature, which is particularly beautiful.

(Image source learning power)

  In autumn, in Dayi Mountain, the red leaves are covered with mountains, and the layers of forests are all dyed. If the color is flame from the valley to the mountainside and from the mountainside to the top, it is like an oil painting.

(Image source Dayi Mountain Scenic Area)

  Chaohewan scenic spot

  In autumn, what is left for Chaohe Bay Scenic Area is the endless sea of golden flowers and dreamy sea of pink flowers, as well as cosmos, Puwei, sulfur chrysanthemum … A beautiful autumn scenery map of Chaohe Bay in the flower world.

  (Image source Chaohewan Scenic Area)

  In the Garden of Eden Scenic Area, in the golden autumn, the powder and verbena in the Garden of Eden enter the endless pink and purple world in full bloom. Whenever the wind blows, the whole powder and verbena field rises and falls like waves, which is very beautiful.

(Image source Chaohewan Scenic Area)

  Cangwu Green Garden

  The golden autumn is cool, and the osmanthus fragrance is fragrant. Recently, the osmanthus in Cangwu Green Park is competing to open and usher in the most fragrant season of the year. The fragrance of osmanthus can’t help but make people stop looking for it.

  (Reporter: Yan Jinyong correspondent: photo by Zhang Kejin)

  Li Nian Forest Farm, although it is already late autumn, when you drive on the "Shuanglin Highway" leading to Li Nian Forest Farm, your eyes suddenly light up. The colored zebra crossing on the highway points to both sides of the distant road, and the flowers bloom as if entering the spring and the heaven.

(Image source learning power)

  haizhou bay

  In Haizhou Bay, many seagulls sometimes hover and dance in a coastal aquaculture beach, and sometimes stroll in the shallows … … Together with Bihai Jinsha, it constitutes an ecological beauty.

(Reporter: Zhang Zerui correspondent: photo by Si Wei and Wang Panming)

  Shuoxiang Lake

  In autumn, guannan county Shuoxiang Lake is full of beautiful fish, fat shrimp and reeds, and a group of wild ducks are lined up in the middle of the lake. They spend most of their time "floating" on the lake to rest and occasionally flap their wings.

(Image source learning power)

  This is the autumn in Lianyungang, the shortest season among the four seasons and the most unforgettable season.

  (Source: Lianyungang Publishing Editor/Wang Wei)

Watch the collection live and enjoy the beautiful scenery online.

  As the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, the tourism industry has gradually resumed production. Recently, the 19 peaks scenic spot in Chuanyan, Xinchang County, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province has attracted many tourists to visit in the spring through the form of "online cloud tour+offline experience". People’s vision

  Core reading

  Based on the principle of "orderly opening up" and "paying close attention to online", we will persist in accurately, orderly and solidly promoting the return to work and production of cultural and tourism enterprises. At the same time, accelerate the development of digital tourism industry.

  Online and offline concerted efforts

  A number of scenic spots held live online activities, attracting many tourists to participate.

  "Canceled the travel itinerary, and it is also very informative to visit online at home." These days, Lin Ying, a college teacher in Yangpu District, Shanghai, took her daughter to watch the live broadcast of Xi ‘an Beilin Museum online. Together with more than 300,000 "online tourists", she followed the commentator to the museum to learn about history. "The commentator’s explanation is humorous and vivid, and my daughter is very interested."

  Since February, some scenic spots have held live broadcast activities such as "Cloud Tour" on Internet platforms such as Tik Tok, Taobao, Tencent and Aauto Quicker. This new way of traveling has attracted many tourists to participate. At most, the single-day viewing of live events in museums alone has reached 10 million people.

  "Actively introducing new service methods is an effective measure for cultural tourism enterprises to cope with the impact of the epidemic." Jing Linbo, president of China Academy of Social Sciences Evaluation, believes that the epidemic has different impacts on different regions and industries, and the tertiary industry is the most affected as a whole. Tourism is directly related to the flow of people and is directly affected by the epidemic. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to February, the retail sales of travel goods dropped significantly, including the catering income related to tourism dropped by 43.1%, and the room income of the above-designated accommodation industry dropped by nearly 50%.

  At present, on the one hand, tourism enterprises actively resume work and production, on the other hand, they strive to seek transformation. In order to guide the national tourist attractions to continue to implement epidemic prevention and control, and steadily do a good job in the work related to the resumption of opening up, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently issued the "Guide to Prevention and Control Measures for the Resumption of Opening Up of Tourist Attractions", proposing that each scenic spot should gradually resume opening up in different regions and projects according to the actual situation, and clearly control the tourist flow, implement real-name registration and other scenic spot tour management measures.

  On March 1st, the Potala Palace held its first live webcast, with more than one million viewers in one hour. On March 9th, the Potala Palace once again boarded Taobao’s live broadcast room, which was broadcast live with 5G signal for the first time. The picture was clearer and smoother, and it was well received by viewers. According to incomplete statistics, up to now, more than 30 famous domestic museums, such as China National Museum, Dunhuang Research Institute, Nanjing Museum and Suzhou Museum, have held live webcasts, and some museum curators have gone online to tell the audience the story of national treasures.

  Scenic tours can be broadcast live, and industry training can also be broadcast live. Since mid-February, Jingyu Mama Group began to organize large-scale public welfare cultural travel live classes. This course, which is introduced once a day and lectured by tourism experts, has become a set of timely and rich training materials for tourism practitioners who are "busy charging" and "practicing internal strength" during the epidemic. As of the beginning of March, the cumulative number of viewers of the live class has exceeded 200,000.

  As the situation of domestic epidemic prevention and control continues to improve, the situation of offline tourism resuming production is also improving. On March 16th, shenzhen happy valley, windows of the world, splendid china Folk Village and other scenic spots under OCT Group resumed opening in an orderly manner. According to the relevant person in charge of shenzhen happy valley, after re-opening, visitors are required to keep a distance of more than 1.5 meters and wear masks all the way to the park, and the amusement equipment will be taken in separate seats. The staff will fully disinfect the seats immediately after each group of tourists leave.

  According to the 2020 Destination Recovery Index Report released by Ctrip. com, as of March 11th, the number of scenic spots reopened for booking on Ctrip platform has exceeded 900, and the number of 5A-level scenic spots nationwide has exceeded 100, accounting for nearly 40% of the total number of 5A-level scenic spots.

  Looking for new growth points

  The market fundamentals supporting the operation of tourism economy have not changed, and the tourism industry should continue to exert its efforts in improving quality.

  "During the epidemic, although people’s travel was suspended, the demand did not disappear and the upgrading trend did not disappear." Zhai Xiangkun, an associate professor in the Tourism Department of China Institute of Labor Relations, believes that tourism is directly affected by the epidemic, but it may rebound faster than other industries after the epidemic. After the epidemic, the new growth point of cultural tourism enterprises is still focused on improving quality.

  The market fundamentals supporting the operation of tourism economy have not changed. Recently, a special survey for urban and rural residents in china tourism academy showed that more than 70% of the respondents expressed their hope to travel after the epidemic.

  "The epidemic did not make the demand for tourism disappear, but it was delayed." Sun Jie, CEO of Ctrip, said that not long ago, Ctrip and global tourist destinations jointly launched the "Revival V Plan" and launched a 1 billion yuan recovery fund to help the tourism market regain its vitality.

  Yao Jun, general manager of OCT Group, believes that the current cultural tourism industry is undergoing profound changes, and the problem of "whether it is available or not" has been basically solved, and the problem of "whether it is good or not" is more and more prominent. After experiencing the rapid growth in the early stage, cultural tourism is facing transformation, traditional scenic spots are facing development bottlenecks, and the industrial structure is not suitable for market demand. The high-quality development of cultural tourism is an inevitable requirement.

  Innovation is the main source of new growth points. On March 26th, Song Cheng Performing Arts announced that its romance of the song dynasty, Guilin and Zhangjiajie will resume their performances on April 3rd, and hangzhou paradise will resume its opening on the same day. After the reopening of the park, a series of brand-new performances will be presented in Song Cheng, Hangzhou, including a number of new dramas, such as Hua Xiang Rong, Katyusha, Modern Times and Phantom, which were created during the epidemic period, and are expected to become new highlights to attract tourists.

  Looking forward to a lot of help.

  Help digital tourism enterprises to reduce the losses caused by the epidemic and expand the supply of high-quality digital tourism products.

  Zhai Xiangkun believes that the demand for travel will quickly pick up after the epidemic has become the consensus of the industry, and the cultural tourism industry, which is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises, needs to make efforts in many ways.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, we will adhere to the principle of "orderly opening up" and "paying close attention to online", and promote the resumption of work and production of cultural and tourism enterprises in an accurate, orderly and solid manner, and formulate open guidelines or guidance for tourist attractions, public libraries, cultural centers and cultural and cultural institutions respectively, so as to provide safer consumer products and places for the people on the premise of preventing and controlling the epidemic. At the same time, accelerate the development of digital tourism industry, strengthen the construction of smart tourism in 5A-level scenic spots, guide the scenic spots to change their development concepts, promote the deep integration of industries, constantly expand the connotation and extension of industries, create diversified products and improve the supply structure.

  In view of some problems faced by the development of digital tourism industry, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will issue relevant policies, including the implementation of fiscal, taxation and financial policies, to help enterprises reduce the losses caused by the epidemic and enhance the development confidence and stamina of digital tourism enterprises. At the same time, expand the supply of high-quality digital travel products, accelerate the release of emerging consumption potential, develop immersive experience-based travel consumption, and guide and cultivate new hot spots and new modes of consumption such as online consumption, experiential consumption and intelligent consumption. In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will strengthen the construction of new infrastructure, promote the deep integration of cultural tourism and digital economy, and promote the digital, networked and intelligent development of the cultural tourism industry.

  In order to help enterprises trapped during the epidemic, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently issued a notice to temporarily refund part of the tourism service quality deposit and support travel agencies to cope with operational difficulties. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism also set up a column on official website to support the development policies and measures of enterprises in response to the epidemic situation, and set up online courses such as Red Tourism Cloud Classroom, Face-to-Face Live Classroom of Rural Tourism, Cloud Classroom of Tourist Attractions and Cloud Lecture Hall of Cultural Tourism Industry. At present, policies in finance, finance, taxation, social security and other aspects have benefited cultural and tourism enterprises.

  To tide over the difficulties and fully recover, the tourism industry also needs to work together. In order to alleviate the pressure on partners, the tourism platform Mawei has fully opened up and integrated the platform’s high-quality resources, and provided urgently needed action guides for partners free of charge, which has been welcomed by many partners.

  Recently, Linyi Blue Ocean International Hotel under Shandong Blue Ocean Hotel Group has found a new revenue growth point. The Blue Ocean Hotel, which joined the "Stay +X" evergreen plan of the US Mission, launched a take-away service during the epidemic, and the daily average take-away order increased rapidly from about 10 to 160, and the transaction volume also increased from 500 to 800 yuan at the beginning to nearly 13,000 yuan.

  Jing Linbo believes that as long as the cultural tourism enterprises accurately analyze the current trend of tourism consumption upgrading, further update tourism products, change tourism management and operation methods, and improve the risk management mechanism, they will certainly enhance their ability to resist risks and the driving force for sustainable development, thus achieving a comprehensive recovery of the cultural tourism industry.

  People’s Daily (April 1, 2020, 19th edition)

"Falling Mountain": Feeling Romance and Cruelty in Beautiful Scenery and Thinking about Human Nature

Liu Xiaowei is in the rain.

    Director Feng Xiaoning’s new work was published after ten years’ polishing, which continued the core idea of harmony, showed passion and romance, worries and responsibilities, rich imagination and strong expression in the film, and presented a feast for the audience with increasingly mature audio-visual language and narrative methods. Singing the beautiful feelings of human beings and condemning the evil in human nature with poetic film audio-visual language forms the distinctive style of Falling Mountain.

Li Zheng plays a game with his master in Luojingshan

    Compared with the impressive "War Trilogy", "Falling Mountain" has almost no large-scale war scenes, but focuses on an isolated mountain village and tells the story of their treasure-winning with a group of invaders. Although the number of people is small, and a large number of gun battles are not produced with special effects, the killing and death in "Falling Mountain" show the bloodiness and cruelty of human nature as profoundly.

    Luojingshan describes a nation’s instinctive and primitive sacrifice and death. The spontaneity and sacredness of this kind of sacrifice and death embodies the eternal ethical and moral law of so-called national interests and national interests above all else. The helpless villagers silently protested against the invaders with guns, the bloody old monk took his own life without hesitation, and the heroine drowned herself in the lake to save her children when the crisis came, all of which concentrated on Feng Xiaoning’s understanding and thinking about death, irrationality and inhumanity of war.

    From the content, Luojing Mountain is a fictional character, plot and story in a real war environment. His story does not pursue completeness, logic and authenticity, but pays more attention to its implication, ideographic meaning and legend. As an important clue, the treasure in the story, that is, the true scriptures that Tang Priest lost after learning from the scriptures, makes the story more colorful with myths, fairy tales and fables. In the social background at that time, the love between the single mother and the mute in the film is romantic and can better reflect the theme of human nature.

    The film depicts the dumb, single mother and old monk in a true, objective and meticulous artistic image, and describes the war from their perspectives and situations, showing their different living conditions and rich spiritual world. Feng Xiaoning has done a remarkable job. It is one of Feng Xiaoning’s successes to dig out these little people and middle people who are not in the mainstream from the dust of history and accept the artistic representation of human nature in their true colors.

    Aestheticism is a remarkable artistic feature of Feng Xiaoning’s films. He is very particular about the color, picture and shape of the film and strives for perfection. "Falling Mountain" takes red and yellow warm colors as the basic colors, which makes each picture look more like a flowing oil painting. There is a scene in the film that left a deep impression on us. By the sunny river, the fallen leaves on the ground were dyed golden in the setting sun. In this picturesque scenery, the heroine is sewing clothes for the dumb, and the dumb and children are playing in the river not far away. The beauty of the scenery and the beauty of human nature are integrated into one. "The scenery is full of emotions, and the emotions are concrete and the scenery is the scene."

    This creative idea completely betrays the description of "typical environment" of into the badlands and the dark moon in the movies of War and Treasure Hunt. It is an artistic wisdom to contrast the beautiful natural environment with the bloody cruelty of the war itself, thus reflecting the extreme contradiction between human killing each other and the beauty of nature.

    In the way of photography, he also used a variety of shooting methods in addition to using a fixed position. There are not only panoramic large-scale performances, but also local detailed descriptions. The detailed descriptions are very real, the action scenes are vivid, and the fighting environment is very realistic. Coupled with the beautiful caves in Yinan, it is undoubtedly a pleasing visual feast.

Shanghai: Seize working hours and speed up the resumption of work and production in the automobile industry.

  Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 10th Title: Shanghai: Seize working hours and speed up the resumption of work and production of the automobile industry.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Rui

  After the epidemic, Shanghai auto industry is speeding up the resumption of production and working hours. Head factories including Tesla Giga Shanghai and Lingang Factory of SAIC Passenger Car Company have resumed double-shift production.

  According to the data released by SAIC on the 9th, in May, the company sold 364,000 vehicles, which is gradually coming out of the epidemic. Among them, the sales volume of new energy vehicles was nearly 72,000, up 56.6% year-on-year. Sales in overseas markets reached 86,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 97%.

On May 25th, at Shanghai haitong international Automobile Terminal in Waigaoqiao, Shanghai, after loading more than 3,000 cars, including more than 1,000 SAIC MG and new Datong cars, the ro-ro ship set off for Australia. Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Yushe

  Faced with the severe challenges brought by the epidemic, SAIC actively promoted the industrial chain and supply chain to resume production while doing a solid job in various epidemic prevention work, and continued to accelerate the pace of production and sales recovery. On May 27th, the Lingang factory of SAIC Passenger Car Company started the double-shift production stress test. At present, the production capacity is about twice that of the single-shift production, which is close to 80% of the full production.

  With the effective control of the epidemic, the supply chain of the automobile industry chain in the Yangtze River Delta region is gradually returning to normal. It is expected that from mid-June, SAIC Passenger Car Company, SAIC Volkswagen and SAIC General Motors will all achieve double-shift production, and SAIC Group’s production and sales are expected to return to growth.

  The reporter learned from Tesla China that since the resumption of production on April 19th, Tesla Giga Shanghai has now rolled off more than 40,000 vehicles, and the capacity utilization rate has returned to 100%. At the same time, this factory also actively promotes and helps the overall industrial chain to resume work efficiently, and promotes the industrial chain of new energy vehicles to return to normal as soon as possible from production to logistics and from sales to delivery.

  According to the data released by the Association, the wholesale sales volume of Tesla in May was 32,165, of which 22,340 were exported to Europe, Australia, Japan and other places. From January to May this year, Tesla delivered a total of 215,851 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of over 50%.

  Tesla’s hundreds of suppliers are not only spread all over the country, but also include many overseas supply links. Relevant departments have promoted and boosted the supply of key parts and warehousing and logistics, and Tesla’s resumption of work has driven relevant industrial chains to resume work and resume production.

  The factory production of the head enterprise has been accelerated, and the self-driving enterprises in the research and development period are also "grabbing working hours".

  The 5G+L4 smart heavy truck project of Youdao Zhitu, a science and technology company in the field of automatic driving, tested "non-stop" under the epidemic situation and "grabbed working hours" by returning to work in batches and stages. According to the plan, by the end of 2022, the downsizing test conducted by enterprises on Donghai Bridge will be gradually reduced from the current five safety officers to two safety officers, that is, except for the head car and the tail car, there will be no safety officers in the middle three cars, so as to achieve a higher degree of autonomous driving operation. This measure is expected to effectively improve the traffic efficiency of Donghai Bridge by 30% to 40%.

On the Donghai Bridge, Youdao Zhitu 5G+L4 smart heavy trucks are lining up. (Respondents for the picture)

  The brand-new unmanned pure electric intelligent transfer vehicle independently developed by Youdao Zhitu can realize 24-hour unmanned operation in ports and docks. During the epidemic, the trial production team took the initiative to close the scientific research work, and completed the first car off-line and site dynamic test as originally planned. According to the plan, the unmanned pure electric intelligent transfer vehicle will start commercial operation in Qingdao port in the second half of the year.

Not all stories are love stories | Reading Day

Recently, Chinese-American writer Yiyun Li’s novel "Should I Go" met readers in China, which is the first time that Yiyun Li has been translated into Chinese and introduced into domestic novels.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li, but many readers in China read Yiyun Li for the first time. Yiyun Li went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to writing. From the publication of her first novel collection "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, and has become one of the most accomplished Chinese writers in English. Now, she is finally ready to return her works to China.

The first novel translated into Chinese and published.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li.

Yiyun Li, a Chinese-American writer, is currently a professor and director of creative writing program at Lewis Art Center of Princeton University. She is a "post-70s" who went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to English writing. Her first collection of short stories, A Thousand Years of Worship, has aroused widespread concern and affirmation, and won the Frank O ‘Connor International Short Story Award, the American Pen Hemingway Award and the British Guardian Newcomer Award. She herself has been rated as the most noteworthy writer by major authoritative literary magazines, and won the MacArthur Genius Award in the United States in 2010. In 2012, Yiyun Li won the O Henry Award for her short story Kindness, making her the first Chinese writer to win the award. In 2022, Yiyun Li was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a year later, she won the Faulkner Prize for Literature for her new work The Book of Goose.

So far, Yiyun Li has published six novels, three collections of short stories and one memoir. Should I Go, published in 2020, is her first novel translated into Chinese. In this novel, "Lilia has been married three times, raised five children, and is now looking forward to the birth of the 17th grandchild. She has been helping people around her to recognize herself all her life. At the age of eighty-five, she began to be fascinated by the diary of her old friend Roland. When she was young, they had a romantic relationship. She wanted to see what she could leave for the younger generation. The diary recorded Roland’s affairs in great detail. Lilia took pains to add footnotes to everything. A secret relationship that lasted for decades was slowly uncovered, including the existence of her daughter Lucy, who even Roland himself didn’t know. Flame-like passion, the grief of annihilation, people’s hearts go back and forth between these two poles, but they have to find their home and exit and continue to cruise. Yiyun Li gave a dazzling praise to life in the novel, about Lilia and about everyone who comes and goes in our lives. "

At the launch of Should I Go in Shanghai, Bao Huiyi, a young writer and associate professor of English at Fudan University, said that at first she thought the novel was a work about how to face aging and the last years of life, but later she found that it subverted all her presuppositions. She explained that the 80-year-old woman was obsessed with her old lover and went to such great trouble to read his diary, probably because she was immersed in the past, but this was not the case at all. With the development of the story, if it had a core meaning, it was the death of her daughter. In the novel, Lilia gave birth to a child with Roland, or she got a life from Roland. Later, this life passed away. Therefore, in Bao Huiyi’s understanding, Lilia didn’t go to the diary to trace the old love affair at all, and the author Yiyun Li also warned readers from the beginning that not all stories are love stories.

Photo courtesy of Yiyun Li Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Who collects who?

When reading Should I Go, Bao Huiyi found two different voices contending. "There is a male first-person narrator in the book, and then the voice-over is female, because Lilia is constantly making comments when reading Roland’s book, and subverts the male voice, or it can’t be said to be subversive, because her comments actually appear irregularly, which can be said to be a deconstruction of the life story that the man thinks he is. Then you will see such a struggle for the narrative subject, which is very interesting and very tense. "

Bao Huiyi believes that "Should I Go" has at least three or more layers of structure, the first of which is Roland, the author of the diary, and Lilia, the commentator, and the relationship between Lilia and Roland can be expanded. However, Yiyun Li is not unconventional. In an interview with Zhong Na, a bilingual writer and literary translator, Yiyun Li said that she was willing to rely on a traditional structure, and she thought that she could tell the story well with the help of an existing framework. In Bao Huiyi’s view, this is actually a solid writing attitude. Writers rely on their own handy framework to write dialogues and characters well.

Bao Huiyi said that perhaps when reading more than ten pages in the book, readers will feel that Yiyun Li is an author with profound narrative skills and sophisticated life wisdom. For example, in the book, the struggle for topics such as memory and time, the man thinks that he can write a book with a coffin, and the young girl becomes his lover, just one of his many "collections", even just a small footnote in his life, but who actually collects who, who forgets who, what is permanence, what is transience and what is possession?

Zhong Na shared her reading experience at the launch of Should I Go? Zhong Na said that in "Should I Go", readers can see that Lilia shared a lot of life wisdom, and there are many enlightening things, especially some golden sentences, which also show the personality of the characters. "I think the interesting thing that Yiyun Li presents in this book is that there are many golden sentences, but at the same time, the golden sentences are constantly being deconstructed and overthrown, and they are often contradictory, which actually constitutes the personality characteristics of Lilia."

In addition, Lilia keeps reading the diary of his old lover and responding, which seems paranoid. How to understand this behavior, Zhong Na spent a long time thinking, and finally found the answer in another book by Yiyun Li, Dear Friends, Write Your Life from My Life. "Yiyun Li suffered from depression for two years, and then she did some thinking and digestion by reading and reviewing her life, including her relationship with her family, her relationship with literature, and her relationship with the first half of her life. So in fact, she is slowly gaining some wisdom to regain the balance of her life by constantly reading the writer’s letters and diaries. So that book is actually having a dialogue with "Should I Go?", that is, through very in-depth reading, the lives of readers and authors are intertwined. So after I reread the book, I read "Should I Go" again, and I have a feeling of understanding Lilia. When a person’s life is in a dilemma, she re-establishes a narrative by reading this most extreme way to enter the other’s brain. "

A Chinese writer who writes in English

The Chinese simplified version of Should I Go was published, which made many readers who had heard of Yiyun Li read Yiyun Li for the first time.

At the launch of Should I Go, Penglun, an archipelago book publisher, recalled his association with Yiyun Li and shared the publishing story of Should I Go. He said that for many readers, Yiyun Li has always been a legend or a legend. From the publication of the first collection of novels "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, but she was not born and raised in the United States, but a writer who went to study in the United States from China. Before going to the United States, she had never published her works in Chinese. Among the current Chinese writers, Yiyun Li can be said to be the most accomplished writer in English, and many readers in China who are concerned about the world literary world are also curious. Why has Yiyun Li never published Chinese works before?

Peng Lun introduced that he began to pay attention to Yiyun Li in 2004. At that time, his job was to report some trends in the literary and publishing circles at home and abroad, and he learned by chance that Yiyun Li had won a new literary prize. He had never heard of this writer, so he searched the Internet for relevant information and got in touch with Yiyun Li by email.

In 2005, Yiyun Li published her first collection of short stories in the United States and won some literary prizes. At that time, Peng Lungang started publishing and asked Yiyun Li if she could translate this collection of novels into China, but she refused. With the increasing popularity of Yiyun Li, other China media began to pay attention to this writer. However, when asked when he would publish a book in China, Yiyun Li said no.

"I noticed at that time that she felt that she was not ready at that stage, or that China was not ready to accept her as a Chinese writer writing in English." Peng Lun said.

Ten years later, until 2020, Peng Lun suddenly received a letter from Yiyun Li’s agent and her latest novel manuscript at that time, that is, "Should I go?".

Zhong Na thinks, "Should I Go" is a very mature writer who is very satisfied with his current creation, so Yiyun Li is willing to make it the starting point for his work to enter the Chinese world. Zhong Na has been paying attention to Yiyun Li’s creative career. In her view, the writer’s writing has been constantly changing, broadening her own boundaries. In the early days, Yiyun Li’s writing actually paid more attention to the depiction of characters’ inner images, as well as the connection of very special characters’ emotions and relationships, and even hid himself among the characters. But later, Yiyun Li did a lot of experiments and broadening on texts and writing, and his works were more mature than those in his early years.

It is reported that besides Should I Go, Yiyun Li’s other two works, The Book of Goose and Wednesday’s Children, have also been put on the publishing schedule. "Although her works entered the Chinese world for the first time, many readers, especially female readers, recognized her voice and the charm of her works very quickly, which gave me great confidence." Peng Lun said.

Reporter: Jiang Dan Editor: Zheng Xu Proofreading: Yang Hefang
