Zhang Dongchen of China Star Network: Running the Party’s leadership through the whole process of company formation and development-State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the

China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Star Network), as the main body of the enterprise building the satellite Internet system, earnestly studies, publicizes and implements the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, gives full play to the leading role of the party group in guiding the direction, managing the overall situation and ensuring implementation, runs the party’s leadership and party building through the whole process of the company’s establishment and development, earnestly fulfills the responsibility of managing the party and enterprises, and makes greater contributions to promoting high-quality development.

Give full play to the role of the party group in the direction of enterprise construction and ensure that it always advances in the correct political direction.As a newly established central enterprise, China Star Network firmly puts political responsibility in the first place, deeply understands the position, viewpoint and method of the Supreme Leader’s Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought in the new era, continuously strengthens the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of undertaking the mission and serving the country, and promotes the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee to be effective to the letter.

In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the important instructions of the Supreme Leader General Secretary, to find the initial heart, direction and road, and to ensure that the company’s development strategy is not biased. Always follow the spirit of the important instructions of the Supreme Leader General Secretary, establish a closed-loop working mechanism of continuous learning, research and deployment, implementation, tracking and supervision, comprehensive evaluation, improvement and promotion, and earnestly implement the spirit of important instructions in the whole process of system construction and company development. Formulate the outline of development strategy, prepare the development plan of the 14th Five-Year Plan, put forward the concept definition of satellite Internet, demonstrate the formation of the construction concept of "network-oriented, system-optimal" and the evaluation criteria of "advanced, adaptive, economical and safe", and effectively promote the start of satellite Internet.

Taking the opportunity of studying, propagating and implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the study and education of the history of the Party as an opportunity, we should lay a solid foundation for the political background of the first generation of system builders, and ensure unity of thinking and keeping pace. By studying theories, reports, party history and advanced knowledge, cadres and employees can be promoted to change their ideas, integrate into new undertakings, enhance their centripetal force, change their methods, integrate into new mechanisms, enhance their competence, change their work style, integrate into new teams and enhance their combat effectiveness. Deeply practice the work style of struggle, innovation, unity and hard work, and create a good atmosphere for the director to start a business and take responsibility by looking at the attitude, action and results.

Give full play to the role of the party group in managing the overall situation in innovation and development, and strive to build a world-class satellite Internet company.As the main body of the enterprise building the satellite Internet system, China Star Network Party Group implements the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, pushes forward innovation in depth, continuously shapes new development momentum and advantages, and strives to undertake the strategic mission of supporting the national strategy, leading scientific and technological innovation and promoting industrial development.

Innovate the operation management system. We will carry out the "five new" work method with the new definition of network system, new standards of technical products, new mechanism of engineering organization, new mode of business operation and new vitality of enterprise development as the main contents, and strive to build a strategic, innovative, platform-based and agile "four-type" enterprise. Based on the reality of system construction and the initial construction of Star Network, according to the management mode of "strategy+operation", the mechanism of "one has three noes" is implemented, and the reuse plan of personnel and teams is implemented. Under the premise of definite responsibilities, business processes and work standards, the ability transformation without fixed organizational boundaries, unconditional resource sharing and barrier-free is realized, and the vertical connection of operation management, horizontal coverage of operation guarantee, efficient and intensive resource allocation and overall reuse of technical capabilities are promoted.

Innovative system engineering methods. Adhere to parallel development in the whole life cycle, carry out design verification based on digital models, continuously improve the efficiency and quality of system construction, reduce costs and risks, and optimize user experience and industrial ecology. Give full play to the role of satellite Internet business organization platform, take technical product standards as the guide, take market-oriented mechanism as the basis, and take strategic partners as the support, and strive to build a new supply chain system that is safe, stable, agile and efficient, dynamically optimized, open and win-win. Explore the establishment of a diversified supplier system and a safe backup mechanism, build a common service platform for upstream and downstream enterprises to trade products and exchange technology, and strive to improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain.

Innovative scientific and technological research model. Pay attention to the combination of independent innovation, cooperative innovation and open innovation, compile the atlas of satellite internet technology product system, formulate the key core technology research plan, and follow the technical laws to advance in stages. Set up a professional technical team, organize domestic high-level professional and technical personnel in aerospace, electronics, communications and other fields to carry out collaborative research, and resolutely win the key core technology battle. Accelerate the layout of scientific and technological forces, take the creation of national key laboratories as the starting point, promote the layout of scientific and technological innovation platforms at the core and close levels, strengthen basic research, applied basic research and key technology research, and create a source of original technology. We will build a standards-based intellectual property system, implement the "three navigation" project of intellectual property pilot, escort and voyage, clarify the rules of intellectual property ownership and value sharing, and mobilize the enthusiasm of technical research.

Give full play to the role of party group guarantee in the promotion of key tasks, and promote the deep integration of party building and scientific research management.China Star Network Party Group adheres to the style of managing cadres to gather talents, laying a solid foundation at the grassroots level, and building a strong spirit, transforming the party’s political and organizational advantages into development advantages to overcome difficulties, and concentrating on completing the key tasks of system construction and company development.

Highlight the stimulation of vitality and promote the deep integration of cadre talent team construction and market-oriented mechanism reform. Implement the strategy of "talent star network", establish and improve the cadre talent management system and working mechanism, set up the chief teacher system and promote the organic integration of administrative line and technical line, increase the attraction to high-level professionals, and build a satellite Internet talent highland. Through career attraction, market allocation and other means, quickly gather the core team that effectively supports system construction. In the affiliated enterprises, we will explore the leading group construction mechanism led by the leading group of the group and the deep participation of the principal responsible persons of the secondary enterprises, implement the contract management of the tenure system, and strive to build a team of high-quality professional cadres who are worthy of heavy responsibilities.

Highlight organizational empowerment and promote the deep integration of the party’s organizational construction with the group’s key tasks and team capacity building. According to the layout of the company’s business capacity, we should set up party organizations at the same time, formulate the construction plan of the party building system, promote the scientific research management and key work of party building, and realize "two full coverage". Adhere to the key and difficult points of scientific research management as the starting point and contribution point of party building innovation, and set up the party member Innovation Team around the key and difficult tasks such as the implementation of "milestone plan", the construction of "digital star network" and tackling key technical problems. We will implement the "all-line integration" plan for party building, establish a working mechanism of sharing party building resources, discussing innovative ideas, holding important activities together, and sharing experiences and practices, so as to realize the simultaneous promotion of party building innovation through linkage from top to bottom.

Highlight spiritual cultivation and promote the deep integration of ideological and political work and corporate culture construction. Carry forward the great spirit of party building, coordinate the education of ideals and beliefs, the education of situation and tasks, and the propaganda of typical tree selection, carry out the "cultural innovation action", continuously cultivate the spirit of Star Network in the new era, and guide party member cadres to remember and practice the "Three Musts". Do a solid job of "I do practical things for the masses", build a community exchange service platform of Starnet, improve the closed-loop working mechanism of finding problems, studying problems, solving problems and evaluating the effectiveness, and create good conditions for cadres and employees to start businesses without distractions.

Highlight strict management and love, and promote the deep integration of discipline, discipline, anti-corruption and compliance management. Deepen the publicity and education of the party’s work style and clean government, and create a good atmosphere of obeying laws and regulations and forging ahead. Innovatively build a "seven-in-one" comprehensive supervision system, coordinate all kinds of supervision forces such as investors, organizations and personnel, financial assets, and inspections, and carry out supervision services such as law, internal control, risk, compliance, auditing, accountability, and discipline inspection, forming a normal and long-term supervision force. Work together to promote the integration of the rule of law system, rule of law ability and rule of law culture, carry out "looking back" on the construction of rules and regulations, continuously optimize and solidify the management system, and strengthen execution.

(The author is Zhang Dongchen, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd.)

[Editor: Jia Zheng]

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