The way of reading in the eyes of academicians

  "Looking at today’s society, the fragmentation trend of reading is relatively strong. This way of learning is short and fast, and knowledge is acquired quickly and lost quickly. If you want to read some classic works, it takes a lot of time and energy, but the results are also great. " Recently, Liu Jiaqi, an octogenarian academician of the China Academy of Sciences and a volcanic geologist and Quaternary geologist, shared his "way of reading" with the public at the National Library’s "Mr.’ s Study" activity.

  "Reading can not only increase knowledge and talents, broaden horizons, but also cultivate sentiment and gain spiritual enjoyment." Liu jiaqi said that when he was a child, reading was a luxury. Reading is difficult, borrowing books is difficult. At that time, he also thought that he could be a librarian in the future, and reading might be more convenient.

  In Liu Jiaqi’s view, reading is the way to grow up. His fate is also changed by reading. "My road to study, as Qu Yuan’s poem says, ‘ It’s a long way to go in Xiu Yuan, and I will go up and down for it ’ 。”

  Under difficult conditions, Liu Jiaqi went all the way from primary school to university, and later went to graduate school, but still felt that what he had learned was limited. In 1978, 10 years after graduation, Liu Jiaqi took the postgraduate exam again and came to Beijing. "I turned 40 when I was 30, and I wanted to drive back the past 10 years."

  After careful calculation, Liu Jiaqi spent 27 years and 8 months as a student. "Reading is very important for the growth of my life." Liu Jiaxuan said. About how to read? He summed up some experiences.

  First of all, we should be clear about the purpose of reading. To be wise and skilled, be determined to be a man first, and be determined to be a man first; Don’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days when reading.

  In the process of reading, we should pay attention to methods and think. "It is better if you can find faults in books." Liu Jiaqi said that reading should be selective, and it is necessary to read good books and classics; It is necessary to combine professional books with non-professional books, scientific books with artistic books, and systematic books with fragmented information. Don’t always indulge in fragmented information.

  "Reading is not only about growing up, but more importantly, making contributions to the country in the future." Liu Jiaqi studied earth science, and he told young people that in the process of studying, they should also specialize in one line and love another.

  "I have learned some scientific principles and the principles of being a man through reading, so now I can become a scientific worker and make some contributions to the country." Liu Jiaqi admits that he can study and learn something because of the cultivation of the party, so he should give back to the society.

  "I hope my friends can read more books and read good books, improve their scientific literacy, develop their scientific undertakings and build a better country." Liu Jiaxuan said.

Is the village superior to Russia superior? Guizhou Football United played against Dzenit on November 17th.

According to "Colorful Guizhou Network", "China Daily" and other media, Guizhou will form a Guizhou Football League to play a game with Russia and Dzenit. Tickets for the competition can be collected free of charge, and the audience is controlled at around 30,000 people.

This series of football activities includes Guizhou Football United Trial, International Football Carnival, Tianhetan Football Night and so on. In terms of football competition, Guizhou Football United will select the best professional players in Guizhou through trials to form Guizhou Football United, which will compete with UEFA Cup and Super Cup champion and Russian Dzenit Football Club in Guiyang Olympic Sports Center on November 17th.

The football carnival will be held on the evening of November 16th, and international trade fairs, roadside music festivals and interactive sports activities will be held outside the stadium. Citizens and friends will enjoy players competing on the same stage, Guizhou minority songs and dances, drone performances and fireworks shows; You can also taste Chinese and Russian specialties, products and experience sports parent-child interaction projects.

It is reported that this activity aims to strengthen cultural exchanges among BRICS countries, further enhance the external visibility and influence of colorful Guizhou and Shuang Shuang Guiyang, promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in sports, culture, economy and other fields, and enhance the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples.

Jiyuan: Heyuan Street Primary School held the theme forum of "Learning-welcoming Classroom" in city primary schools.

In this activity, four teachers, Zhai Huimin, Wang Fang, Zhou Libo and Ran Huixia, shared the educational research and practical achievements of "Yue Xue Classroom" with teachers. Teacher Zhai Huimin shared "Yue Pin Le Xiang-Teaching and Research Practice Based on Primary School English Spelling Teaching", which used wonderful cases to analyze the selection method of primary school English theme scenes and the teaching mode of "independent Yue Pin"; Teacher Wang Fang shared "Reading Pleasure-A Preliminary Study on the Construction of English Reading Curriculum in Primary Schools", which introduced the construction and practice of E-interest English curriculum from the aspects of curriculum construction background, curriculum system design and curriculum framework. Teacher Zhou Libo shared the "Discourse-based Training Practice of" Yue Xue Classroom "in primary school English, which deeply interpreted Yue Xue classroom from the aspects of the development process, teaching concept and teaching paradigm, and pointed out the direction and strategy of Yue Xue topic practice. Finally, Mr. Ran shared "Based on the Curriculum Horizon, Implementing the" Happy Learning Classroom "in Primary School English", which made the teachers here have a deeper understanding of the "happy learning classroom" and pointed out the direction for English teaching in the future.

Henan college entrance examination reform plan: foreign languages will be tested twice in 2021 regardless of arts and sciences.

  Henan college entrance examination reform plan was released and started in autumn of 2018.

  College entrance examination in 2021: foreign language test twice regardless of arts and sciences.

  Exam subjects: 3 optional subjects except language number.

  In Henan college entrance examination in 2021, the division of arts and sciences will be abolished, and the total score of the college entrance examination will be 3 national unified examination subjects +3 selected examination subjects for high school level examination. Foreign languages will provide two examination opportunities and the listening test content will be increased … … Under the expectation of everyone, yesterday, the reform plan of Henan entrance examination was finally officially unveiled. In 2018, our province will start to implement a new comprehensive reform plan for college entrance examination, that is to say, senior one students who enter school in the autumn of the following year will become the first batch of "crab eaters" who take part in the new college entrance examination.

  The plan revolves around the issues that everyone cares about, such as "what to change and how to change", from general education, vocational education, continuing education to higher education, from examination, admission to management, and the corresponding system design is carried out as a whole, and the reform timetable and road map are planned. Zhengzhou Evening News invited industry experts who participated in the formulation of the "Program" to make a detailed interpretation for the majority of candidates and parents.

  Zhengzhou Evening News reporter Zhang Jingyu


  Wang Jidong, Director of Student Affairs Department of Provincial Education Department.

  Liu Linya, Director of the Second Division of Basic Education, Provincial Education Department

  Du Ximin, Deputy Director of Provincial Admissions Office

  Time: fully launched in 2018

  Our province will start the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination enrollment system in 2018, which means that the first-year students in our province who are newly enrolled in the fall of 2018 will welcome the "new college entrance examination" in 2021. The "3+3" mode is adopted in the examination, which means that the total score of candidates consists of three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign language (including foreign language listening) in the unified college entrance examination and three subjects of high school level examination selected by candidates themselves. In terms of admission, it is a common practice in developed countries and the direction of this reform to explore the reform of voluntary reporting and investment admission with professional priority.


  Why start the comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in 2018?

  The reason why it is scheduled to start in 2018 is mainly based on the fact that by 2017, the pilot cycle of a senior high school student can only be completed by the pilot of "one province and one city". For a province with a large source of students like Henan, the task of development is already very heavy, and the reform must be extremely cautious. By then, the reform experience that Henan can learn from will be more mature, which is crucial to ensure the smooth promotion of the reform of the examinee enrollment system in Henan and even the whole country. At the same time, it also provides more ample preparation time for our province.

  At present, 25 provinces and cities across the country have announced reform plans.

  ■ Policy interpretation

  What is the new model of "3+3" college entrance examination?

  Arts and sciences are no longer divided into subjects, and "3+3" is the new model of college entrance examination in the future. The so-called "3+3" model means that the total score of candidates consists of three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and foreign language (including foreign language listening) in the unified college entrance examination and three subjects of high school academic level examination selected by candidates themselves. Among them, the scores of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages in the unified college entrance examination remain unchanged. Foreign language subjects provide two test opportunities to increase the content of listening test, and candidates can choose the higher test score to count. According to the requirements of applying for colleges and universities and their own specialties, candidates choose three subjects from six subjects, including ideological and political, history, geography, physics, chemistry and biology, as the examination subjects.

  In particular, it is worth mentioning that, in terms of admission, it is a common practice in developed countries to explore the reform of volunteering and filing admission methods with professional priority, which is also the direction of this reform.

  How to change the academic proficiency test?

  The reform of our province’s academic level examination will be tried out in 2017, and it will be officially implemented from the first grade of ordinary high schools enrolled in the fall of 2018, and the results will be presented in grades. The examination is divided into qualified examination and optional subject examination included in the total score of college enrollment.

  The scope of the qualification examination covers the compulsory contents of all subjects in senior high schools stipulated by the state. The selected subjects are selected by candidates from ideological and political, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects according to the requirements of colleges and universities and their own specialties. The examination scope covers the compulsory and elective contents of all selected subjects.

  The two major types of examinations are unified in the province, including unified proposition, unified examination, unified organization of marking and unified announcement of results. The results will be used as the main basis for the graduation of ordinary high school students and the recognition of high school equivalent, and the results of all subjects will be provided to enrollment universities.

  What’s the use of passing exam results?

  Ordinary high school students, students in other schools in high school stage, students with ordinary high school status, and those who apply for the same academic qualifications in ordinary high schools should take the qualification examination. Once a year, the exam will be held at the end of the last semester of each academic year, covering all subjects. Students have two exams for the same subject during their school days, and they can take one exam in the second and third stages of high school (including make-up exams). If students take multiple exams in the same subject, the higher score will prevail. Long-term effective grades are an important reference for independent enrollment in higher vocational colleges in our province.

  How to choose the exam subjects?

  The selected subjects will be arranged at the end of the next semester of senior three, and will be tested together with the unified college entrance examination in June, and will be conducted after the three subjects (except languages) of the college entrance examination. Once the selected subjects are determined, they shall not be changed.

  Each student has an opportunity to take an exam, and students from other schools and social workers in senior high school take the elective subject exam with senior three students in ordinary senior high schools. The qualified test scores of the selected subjects must be qualified, and unqualified subjects shall not be selected as the selected subjects.

  The examination results of qualified elective subjects are valid in the current year, and are converted into corresponding scores and included in the total scores of college enrollment, which is one of the basis for college enrollment.

  According to the requirements of discipline construction and professional training, colleges and universities should put forward the requirements for students to choose the subjects and the methods for comprehensive quality evaluation, and announce them to the public in advance.

  Illustration of Henan Province’s High-tech Policy Reform ①

  (1) What does the unified college entrance examination take?

  The subject scores remain unchanged, reducing the current "comprehensive literature" and "comprehensive science" examination subjects. The content of the examination will further enhance the foundation and comprehensiveness, and strengthen the ability of students to think independently and use what they have learned to analyze and solve problems.


  There are three exam subjects.

  foreign language


  foreign language

  Provide two exam opportunities

  Increase the content of listening test

  The total score of candidates

  Unify the scores of Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages (including foreign language listening) in the college entrance examination.

  Test scores of three elective subjects in high school academic level. (Selected subjects: Students can choose 3 subjects independently from 6 subjects, including ideological and political, history, geography, physics, chemistry and biology. )

  Qualification examination

  (2) Academic proficiency test subjects

  The scope covers the compulsory content of all subjects in senior high school stipulated by the state, and students should study each course carefully.

  Elective subjects

  According to the requirements of colleges and universities and their own specialties, candidates independently choose three subjects from ideological and political, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects, and the examination scope covers the compulsory and elective contents of the selected subjects.

  (3) Examination time

  Qualification examination: arranged once a year, the examination will be held at the end of last semester of each academic year, covering all subjects. Students can take the exam once each in Grade Two and Grade Three (including make-up exams).

  Elective subject examination: the time is arranged at the end of the next semester of senior three, and it will be taken together with the unified college entrance examination in June, and will be taken after the three subjects (except languages) of the college entrance examination. Once the selected subjects are determined, they shall not be changed.

  (4) Number of examinations

  During the period of school, students can take two qualified exams and one elective subject exam in the same subject.

  Students in ordinary high schools are required to take the academic proficiency test. Students from other schools and social workers in high school can also sign up. Students, former students and social workers transferred from outside the province must take the elective subject examination organized by our province to participate in the college entrance examination.

  (5) Examination results

  According to the proportion of the number of people, the scores of the qualified examination are divided into

  A B C D E five grades.

  The test scores of selected subjects are divided into 5 grades, ranking from high to low.

  The proportion of people at all levels of A B C D E is as follows:

  Among them, the E grade is unqualified, and the proportion is not more than 5% in principle.

  A 15%

  B 30%

  C 30%

  D+E 25%

  A 15%

  B 30%

  C 30%

  D+E 25%

  Only when the qualification examination reaches Grade D and above can you obtain the qualification of the corresponding elective subjects.

  ■ Policy interpretation

  Admission is based on "two bases and one reference"

  In the new college entrance examination reform scheme, the focus of the reform is to implement a comprehensive evaluation scheme of "two bases and one reference" for college entrance examination admission. The so-called "two bases, one reference" refers to the enrollment and admission mechanism based on the unified college entrance examination results, the high school academic level test results, and the comprehensive quality evaluation of students.

  In addition, it is one of the key points of this reform to merge and reduce the enrollment batches of colleges and universities, so that students can choose suitable majors and schools from their interests and specialties. From 2017, our province will merge three batches of undergraduate courses with two batches of undergraduate courses, and gradually reduce the number of ordinary undergraduate courses.

  Was there a transitional policy before the reform?

  From 2016, the scope of parallel volunteer’s application will be expanded from the first batch and the second batch of ordinary college entrance examinations to the third batch of undergraduate courses and ordinary college admission batches (except for arts, sports, military, etc. in advance), so as to reduce the risk of candidates applying for the exam and improve the voluntary satisfaction rate. Starting from 2017, three batches of undergraduate courses and two batches of undergraduate courses will be jointly admitted, and the number of ordinary undergraduate courses will be gradually reduced.

  ■ Future development

  The specific plan will be announced in 2018

  According to reports, the Ministry of Education approved 17 provinces (autonomous regions) such as Henan to start the comprehensive reform of the examination enrollment system of ordinary colleges and universities in 2018, and the specific reform plan will be announced to the public in 2018. In addition, it will increase the opportunities for candidates in our province to receive high-quality higher education, gradually increase the number of rural students entering key universities, reduce and strictly standardize the extra points for college entrance examination, improve the enrollment methods for primary and secondary schools, and narrow the enrollment gap between regions, urban and rural areas and schools.

  The Implementation Plan of Reducing and Standardizing the Items and Scores of College Entrance Examination in Henan Province was released last year. Next, our province will orderly introduce supporting reform plans such as comprehensive reform of college entrance examination enrollment system, high school level examination, and comprehensive quality evaluation of high school students.

  Classified examination will become the main channel for higher vocational college enrollment.

  The examination enrollment in higher vocational colleges is relatively separated from that in ordinary colleges, and the evaluation method of "cultural quality+vocational skills" is implemented. Graduates from secondary vocational schools (including technical schools) apply for higher vocational colleges and take part in the test of combining cultural foundation with professional skills. Ordinary high school graduates apply for higher vocational colleges, take part in vocational adaptability tests, and use high school academic level test scores for cultural quality scores, with reference to comprehensive quality evaluation.

  Improve the enrollment method of individual examination in higher vocational colleges and gradually expand its enrollment scale. After 2017, classified examination enrollment will become the main channel for higher vocational colleges to enroll students. Students can still take the unified college entrance examination and enter higher vocational colleges.

  Compulsory education in district system and nine years of consistent counterpart enrollment.

  On the basis of compulsory education, we will try out district system and nine-year consistent counterpart enrollment methods. Optimize the allocation of educational resources, promote the balanced development of compulsory education, narrow the gap between regions, urban and rural areas and schools, and resolve the contradiction of choosing schools for admission.

  Deepen the reform of the examination enrollment system in senior high schools, and gradually establish an enrollment system in senior high schools based on the examination results of junior high school level and comprehensive quality evaluation; Implement the enrollment method of reasonably allocating the enrollment places of high-quality schools to junior high schools in the region, and the allocation places shall not be lower than the proportion stipulated by the Ministry of Education; Improve the recruitment system and standardize the recruitment behavior.

  Illustration of Henan Province’s High-tech Policy Reform ②

  (6) What are the contents of the comprehensive evaluation of senior high school students?

  Our province will try out the comprehensive quality evaluation of ordinary high school students from 2017, and the first-year ordinary high school students who entered school in the fall of 2018 will be officially implemented.

  Comprehensive quality evaluation

  Includes five aspects.

  ● Ideological and moral character: it mainly examines students’ performance in loving the party and patriotism, ideals and beliefs, honesty and trustworthiness, kindness and friendliness, responsibility and obligation, and law-abiding.

  ● Academic level: it mainly examines students’ basic knowledge, basic skills and ability to use knowledge to solve problems.

  ● Physical and mental health: mainly examine students’ lifestyle, physical exercise habits, physical function, sports skills and psychological quality.

  ● Artistic accomplishment: It mainly examines students’ aesthetic feeling, understanding, appreciation and performance of art..

  ● Social practice: it mainly examines students’ hands-on operation and experience in social life.

  (7) What is the basis for college enrollment?

  Two bases

  A reference

  ● Colleges and universities will unify the results of the college entrance examination and the high school level examination according to the candidates.

  ● Select students according to their comprehensive quality evaluation.

  (eight) the admission method has changed, and the reform is divided into three steps.

  Low undergraduate and junior college general admission batches are all implemented in parallel volunteer. Our province continues to implement the unified college entrance examination results after the announcement of candidates to fill in their volunteers.

  ● Three batches and two batches of undergraduate courses will be admitted together, and the number of ordinary undergraduate courses will be gradually reduced.

  first step

  Starting from 2016, three batches of undergraduate students enrolled in the general college entrance examination and three batches of general admission to specialized colleges will try out the parallel volunteer filing method.

  Second step

  From 2017 onwards, three batches of undergraduate courses and two batches of undergraduate courses will be admitted together, and the number of ordinary undergraduate courses will be gradually reduced.

  Third step

  Accelerate the reform of candidates’ voluntary reporting mode and admission method based on their total scores, professional aspirations and learning specialties.

  (9) candidates’ right to choose is expanded.

  ● The choice of examination methods is increased. Candidates can choose to enroll students in the unified college entrance examination according to their actual situation, or they can choose to enroll students in the classified examinations of vocational colleges, or they can also enroll students in the national independent enrollment pilot universities.

  ● The choice of examination subjects has significantly increased the number of examination subjects included in the total enrollment scores of colleges and universities. Students can choose three subjects from six subjects, including ideological and political, history, geography, physics, chemistry and biology, and there are 20 choice combinations, which can better meet the students’ development of their own academic specialties and interests, and change the current situation of choosing one from two in liberal arts.

  (ten) to promote the classification examination of higher vocational colleges.

  ● Higher vocational colleges (including junior colleges)

  Examination enrollment is relatively separated from ordinary colleges and universities, and the evaluation method of "cultural quality+vocational skills" is implemented.

  ● Graduates from secondary vocational schools (including technical schools) apply for higher vocational colleges.

  Take the test of combining cultural foundation with professional skills.

  ● Ordinary high school graduates apply for higher vocational colleges.

  Take the occupational adaptability test, use the high school academic level test scores for the cultural quality scores, and refer to the comprehensive quality evaluation.

  ■ Everyone talks.

  Wang Hongxi, Associate Professor of Heda University:

  Get rid of the "one test for life"

  This reform can be regarded as the most comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive reform since the resumption of the college entrance examination, which will have a far-reaching impact on China’s basic education teaching practice, talent selection model and talent training in colleges and universities. Its purpose is to get rid of the disadvantages and crux of the development of basic education in our province caused by "only score theory" and "one exam for life", and finally realize educational fairness and promote scientific talent selection.

  Dr. Huang Siji, Department of Education, anyang normal University:

  "Forcing" Colleges and Universities to Accelerate Specialty Construction

  The reform will "force" colleges and universities to explore and establish an enrollment model suitable for their own characteristics, and will also "force" colleges and universities to speed up the "specialty construction", and inspire colleges and universities to unswervingly take the road of connotative development and build strength and innovative development models with "professional development" as the core.

  Forced junior high schools and primary schools to implement new ideas. China has implemented the new curriculum reform since 2001. Because the college entrance examination system has not been reformed, some places are still unwilling to reform. This reform will inspire schools in compulsory education to further change their educational concepts and innovate education and teaching management models and enrollment models.

  Chen Baoxin, Henan Basic Education Teaching Research Office:

  The evaluation is more comprehensive and the operation is simpler.

  The new method makes it clear that the content of students’ comprehensive quality evaluation is divided into five aspects: ideological and moral character, academic level, physical and mental health, artistic accomplishment and social practice, and the key points of each aspect are clarified. At the same time, before the change, the comprehensive quality evaluation should be based on the evaluation contents and standards, and students should be divided into different grades through self-evaluation, peer evaluation, class evaluation and other links. It is emphasized that students should record and organize themselves through basic procedures such as realistic recording, sorting and selection, public review, and file formation. Except for a few evaluation contents such as academic proficiency tests, grades are generally not divided. The evaluation content is more comprehensive, the operation is simpler, and the management is more credible.





Why is it so "pit" that the coach is unqualified and the swimming pool is unsanitary?

  Ms. Kong’s 8-month-old child in Tianjin developed a small pimple on her stomach after swimming, and was diagnosed with contagious molluscum. She went to the hospital every one or two weeks and was completely cured in more than three months.

  With parent-child swimming becoming more and more popular with young parents, swimming like Ms. Kong’s children is infected with various diseases, and even babies are in danger of drowning. A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that many parents-child swimming classes, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time, lack qualified coaches, and the health management of swimming pools is chaotic, and the safety of children is not guaranteed.

  Parent-child swimming blooms everywhere, and a class costs hundreds to thousands of dollars.

  A reporter from a water education early education hall in Guangzhou saw that there was a pool of about 8 square meters in the middle of the water education hall, and there were two small swimming pools next to it. There were swimming AIDS such as neck rings, pillows and underarm rings in the hall. According to the person in charge of the swimming pool, children aged 0 to 6 can come to swim.

  Parent-child swimming pools like this are blooming everywhere in major cities. The reporter visited many parent-child swimming institutions in Chengdu and Guangzhou and learned that the general courses are divided into group classes and private classes. Group class is a class where a coach leads many parents and children together, and the general charge is above 300 yuan per hour; Private classes are one-on-one teaching, and the tuition is relatively more expensive, usually thousands of dollars an hour.

  Swimming institutions offer a wide variety of courses. The Australian "WWSS" course shown to reporters by a staff member of a large parent-child swimming pool in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, shows that through learning, the baby can strengthen the ability of primitive reflex, hand-eye coordination and learn body control and breathing control. "The goal is to let the baby really learn to swim and fall in love with swimming. Our youngest here came to class 15 days after birth. " The staff member said.

  It is understood that the courses of most parent-child swimming institutions are packaged and sold. The reporter saw in the investment list of "Yourui International Parent-child Swimming" that, taking Beijing as an example, the average unit price per class hour is 350 yuan according to the membership standard, and the average annual class hour per student is 40 class hours. Some parent-child swimming institutions in Guangzhou start selling at least 58 class hours, which means that parents invest at least about 20 thousand yuan at a time, and there are 70 thousand yuan or 80 thousand yuan in expensive class bags.

  Changing water in the swimming pool cannot be guaranteed, and auxiliary equipment can be used at will.

  Many parent-child swimming pools have advertised slogans such as "Enhance the baby’s physique from the root", "Children who swim for a long time have high immunoglobulin index in their blood", "Parent-child swimming makes babies less sick" and "Swimming is the only independent exercise that can start from the age of 0", and some institutions have also publicized the concept of "implanting foreign parent-child swimming concept".

  "Parent-child swimming is just a normal exercise. Children’s swimming can really promote development and growth to a certain extent, but it does not have those exaggerated effects. Babies under 1 year old are very weak and still in the initial development. It is not recommended to start swimming too early. " Zhu Hua, chief pediatrician of Chengdu Third People’s Hospital, said.

  Zhou Weihang, a former national swimmer, told reporters that many parents believe in the propaganda of some organizations and hope to achieve some unrealistic results through swimming. In fact, the main purpose of parent-child swimming is not to teach children to swim, but to explore each other and establish deeper parent-child feelings during swimming.

  Hygiene is the most concerned issue in parent-child swimming. Some parents reported that although many swimming pools promised to change water every day, they could not guarantee it and were not supervised. In a large parent-child swimming pool in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, the staff said that it was disinfected and replenished with new water every day. When the reporter asked whether to change the water every day, the staff vaguely said that the whole pool is close to 100 square meters, and it will take a long time to change it all, unless there are really children urinating in it, the water will be changed temporarily. "Changing the water will affect the course arrangement, and it is very troublesome to send a notice temporarily."

  In order to prevent children from urinating in the water, the swimming pool will require children to wear waterproof diapers. The reporter saw in a parent-child swimming pool in Guangzhou that a warning paper was posted by the pool: "Any child who urinates in the pool will be fined 360 yuan." There are three children about one year old swimming in the big pool, and none of them are wearing waterproof diapers.

  There are also many bath towels in swimming pools that also have health hazards. Ms. Kong told the reporter that the child was looking for the cause of the illness after he got sick. The doctor said that the child might have been exposed to unclean bath towels. Infectious molluscum is mainly transmitted through direct contact, and many patients are infected in public bathrooms or swimming pools.

  In addition, security risks can not be ignored. Some parent-child swimming pools are quite casual in the use of baby swimming AIDS. A staff member of a swimming pool in Guangzhou told reporters that there is no uniform standard for children to use auxiliary swimming equipment. Generally, they wear neck rings for less than 6 months, pads for more than 6 months, and underarm rings for more than 2 years old.

  Zhou Weihang introduced that the neck ring is easy to cause certain damage to the child’s spine. The children’s bones did not harden six months ago, and it is easy to hurt the spine with the neck ring, which poses a safety hazard. In May last year, a July-old boy in Fuzhou drowned in a swimming pool wearing a sitting swimming ring. Fortunately, the child was not life-threatening after being sent to hospital.

  "Some informal swimming pools have misunderstandings about parent-child swimming, and the methods are more radical. They want to teach in a few months, and the curriculum is unreasonable, which does not meet the physical development of small babies." The coach of a parent-child swimming pool in Chengdu said.

  Emerging industries urgently need to establish health and safety standards.

  The reporter learned that at present, the opening of the parent-child swimming pool only needs to register a business license, and there are no standards such as health inspection and personnel requirements, and there is no clear supervision.

  Coach is an important guarantee for children’s safety. The reporter learned in the investigation that some parent-child swimming pools claim to learn from foreign countries in their coaching training methods, but many of them have no qualifications at all. "Some parent-child swimming pools have almost zero threshold for recruiting employees. Some are kindergarten aunts who are recruited to be coaches of parent-child swimming. How to ensure the safety of children?" An industry insider in Chengdu said.

  Shen Yong, head coach of a parent-child swimming pool in Guangzhou, said that there is no uniform standard for parent-child swimming pools in China at present, and it depends entirely on industry self-discipline. "For coach specifications, each swimming pool generally sets its own standards." Some standardized swimming pools require coaches to obtain lifeguard certificates and swimming social sports instructor certificates, and at the same time, they must be trained as parent-child swimming teachers for infants before they can take up their posts.

  Chen Yunde, director of the Complaints and Consultation Department of Sichuan Consumer Protection Committee, said that parent-child swimming is a new industry, and it is urgent to formulate clear standards in sanitation and disinfection, personnel qualifications and safety management to ensure the safety of infants and young children. People in the industry call for speeding up the guidance and establishment of industry self-discipline standards, such as coach training mode and the threshold for recruiting students, so as to make this emerging industry develop healthily and orderly.

  Zhu Hua and other experts said that parents should treat parent-child swimming correctly, and focus on parent-child interaction, instead of seeking to let babies learn swimming skills quickly.

  (According to Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, April 4 th)

The "answer sheet industry" behind the exam

Yang Daxin cartography

  Internet has become the main tool for cheating.

    With the approach of the entrance examination for postgraduate students in 2009, there are a lot of information on the Internet selling the answers to postgraduate entrance examinations. Enter any two of the keywords "postgraduate entrance examination, answer, postgraduate exam, and pass the exam" in the search engine, and you can easily see a large number of peddled posts.

    "It’s less than 40 days before the’ postgraduate exam’. There is no free lunch in the world. It’s very important to choose a good home. It’s not good to expect mixed answers! My price is slightly more expensive than that of my peers, but it is worth the money, and a penny is worth the money! "

    "Honesty and professionalism, caring service, and payment after the exam."

    "The latest equipment in 2009, anti-shielding, anti-‘electronic dog’, let you feel at ease."

    Among all the information, the author noticed three organizations selling answers —— "exam-aid alliance", "answer carrier" and "Zhongzheng Education and Training". The author wrote down their QQ and telephone numbers respectively, and talked with them as postgraduate students.

    As soon as I talked, the "answer carrier" urged the author to "speak quickly, the exam is coming soon, and I have been busy with a lot of business recently."

    "I’m preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, but I’m not fully prepared. Can I get any help from you?" The author asked.

    "You can provide answers in English and politics, and both subjects can be guaranteed to be above 70 points."

    What is the concept of "over 70 points"?

    In the postgraduate examinations in recent years, the national re-examination scores for English are all around 45 points. Although some popular majors in famous universities have higher requirements for English, they are all far below 70 points.

    "English is guaranteed to be above 70 points", which is very attractive to most candidates.

    Postgraduate entrance examination, as an extremely important national unified examination, according to common sense, the management of examination papers should be very strict, so where do the answers provided by the agencies selling answers come from?

    In the conversation with Yonghui Education, the author asked: Can you provide the answers before the exam?

    The answer is: "it’s impossible. If anyone has the correct answer before the exam, I’ll chop off my head and give it to you as a stool."

    The "Test Aid Alliance" also said, "This is no better than CET-4 and CET-6, and it is very difficult to get the answers before the postgraduate exam."

    It is very unlikely to get the test paper and answer before the exam. So where did the answer come from?

    The "answer carrier" asked the author to log in to his QQ space, saying, "Take a good look and everything will be clear after reading it."

    In the personal space of "Answer Aircraft Carrier", the author found a picture uploaded at 11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008, which was taken at the examination site. The content of the test paper "Administrative Ability Test" for civil servants in 2009 is from questions 111 to 115. Enlarge this picture and watch it clearly.

    The time when the photo was sent-11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008 shows that the photo was sent during the exam.

    Like the "answer carrier", many answer providers put some photos of the test papers on the website or QQ space to prove that they have the strength to get the test papers and provide effective answers. On the website of Zhongzheng Education and Training, the author saw six pictures of the operation of CET-4 and CET-6. In order to prove the shooting time, there was also a reference message on December 20 (the date of CET-4 and CET-6 in 2008). The middle position of the computer screen also showed that the shooting time was 10: 22: 44. At this time, the CET-4 in December 2008 was in progress.

    In the column of "Proof of Strength" of its website, the "Test Aid Alliance" posted photos of the test papers of more than 10 test items, such as "08 Notes, Justice, 08 Public English Level 3, College English Level 4, Professional Physician, PETS Public English, CPA Certified Public Accountant, local civil servant in the first half of 2008, and 08 Professional English Level 4".

  The website exposed the "answer in the exam" transmission.

    What kind of high technology does the seller of answers rely on to get the test paper out from under the eyes of the invigilator?

    According to the introduction of the "answer carrier" and a number of answer providers, the so-called "answer in the exam" mainly takes the following steps-

    First of all, people who are qualified to take the postgraduate exam are hired to take the exam. On the day of the exam, the employees bring miniature scanning instruments or pinhole cameras with wireless transmission function into the examination room, and after they get the test papers, they send them to the off-site through the above equipment. After the off-site people get the test papers, they immediately send them to the hired experts who do the questions, and the experts who do the questions send the answers to the transit people in the shortest time. The transit people then send the answers to the QQ group composed of candidates who buy the answers, and then wait on the computer.

    It can be seen that the internet plays an extremely important role in the process of cheating, whether it is pre-test propaganda or passing answers in the exam. Why do cheaters use the Internet to cheat so easily?

    The author interviewed internet society of china and 12321 Bad Information Reporting Center, but both units declined the interview. Mr. Zhong, who is in charge of publicity at the Internet Society, said, "The Society is only a non-governmental organization. I suggest you find other units." The 12321 Reporting Center said that "we only accept reports here, and nothing else will be accepted."

    Nowadays, you can still easily get a lot of information about selling answers through search engines, but the focus of selling has shifted from the postgraduate entrance examination to the upcoming local civil service examinations. For example, "Answer Aircraft Carrier" announced in its QQ space as early as a week before the postgraduate exam: the research exam is progressing smoothly and the Zhejiang civil service exam is being actively prepared.

  Cheating equipment is mostly produced by Shenzhen enterprises.

    Wireless cameras and pinhole cameras that send papers out of the examination room, wireless earphones that transmit answers, watches, pens, erasers that can display words, and professional transmitters … Where do these cheating tools with scientific and technological content come from?

    "The equipment I recommend to you is the new model in 2009. It is not an earphone or a pen, but a mechanical watch that can take pictures. On the surface, this kind of watch is no different from ordinary watches, and the information displayed on it can only be seen within half a meter from the watch screen. "Answer Aircraft Carrier" introduced the superior performance of this cheating watch to the author with great interest and sent a URL link through QQ.

    The introduction of all kinds of cheating devices on the webpage is extremely detailed, but there is no explanation for the company address, customer service phone number and email. The author entered the ICP number of this website into the website management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the query result was "No information found"-this website is illegal.

    According to the inquiry of the brand (SUNLIPS) of cheating watches provided by Answer Aircraft Carrier, we know that this mechanical information table is produced by Sanlipu (Hong Kong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., a network technology company registered in Hong Kong and produced in Shenzhen. The author called the marketing manager of the company, and when asked if he knew that the sales agents in various places sold the watch to the answer provider for cheating, the manager hastily hung up the phone without asking whether he could.

    In the follow-up unannounced visit to Yonghui Education, the author has continuous and in-depth contact with the answer buyer Mavericks (a pseudonym). The night before the postgraduate exam, Mavericks said that they had bought an information form for cheating at Yonghui Education. When I looked at the information table, I found a "instruction manual of SUNLIPS mechanical pointer information table". The calf said to the author, "This is the manual of the watch."

    In this year’s postgraduate examination, the "answer carrier" is not the only one who focuses on the mechanical information table. In contact with the "test-aid alliance", the "test-aid alliance" also believes that the safest equipment this year is the mechanical information table. "Many people tried it in the CET-4 and CET-6, and it generally reflected well."

    The mechanical information table recommended by the "Test Aid Alliance" is more advanced, and you need to wear special glasses to see the contents presented on the watch screen through infinite transmission. "The naked eye can only see the dial and the hands."

    After repeated inquiries by the author, the "Test Aid Alliance" revealed the brand of the mechanical information table-"Will Reiss". Upon inquiry, the "Welles" mechanical watch was produced by Shenzhen Welles Technology Development Co., Ltd. In the prominent position of the company’s website, there is a detailed introduction to the "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch": "1. Anti-cheating gram, invisible earphone detector, electronic dog; 2, to prevent leaks, to prevent others from peeping, breaking the characteristics of traditional pagers that are not confidential enough. The first special glasses introduced from Germany Short photoelectric technology and matched with ordinary appearance in China can really be seen by me, even if others are around or facing the sun. Safety comes first in the information age; 3, the shield, this product adopts forward error correction, data interleaving access, adaptive equalization and other technologies, so that the shield has a very small impact on it … "

    Check out the display of products produced by Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd., including "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch, transmitter antenna, 50W transmitter, glasses and ruler (when they are at a certain angle, you can observe infinitely transmitted words)". All the above products are cheating tools highly recommended by online vendors.

    Login to the "Enterprise Information Inquiry System" of Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce failed to find the relevant information of Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd.. The person in charge of the company’s surname Liu said to the author on the phone: "You have no right to know whether the enterprise is registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau." And said angrily: "You and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in recent days. I hope you don’t ask for trouble."

Editor: Li Xiuwei

Huawu Village, Guizhou Province: Qianshan Mountain has beautiful scenery and rural revitalization road is wider.

  Standing on the observation deck, overlooking Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery, among the layers of clouds, there are rows of characteristic houses, picturesque landscapes, cruise ships passing through the blue waves, and tourists coming and going in an endless stream. Here, it is Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Township, Qianxi City, Bijie City, Guizhou Province (the county was withdrawn and the city was established on May 10, 2021).

  Huawu Village, formerly known as "Huawuji", means "village under the cliff". It is a small mountain village that was blocked by cliffs in the past and was once a state-level deep poverty village. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the continuous and precise efforts of a series of policies to benefit the people, Huawu Village has undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully removing the poverty "hat" and becoming a key village for rural tourism in Guizhou.

Corner of Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Corner of Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Taking the "fast train" of rural tourism development, Huawu Village, under the planning of the government and the development of villagers, relies on a good natural environment to vigorously develop tourism and Miao Xiu industries, and is changing from a single eco-tourism model to a variety of tourism formats. This small village, which used to go over mountains and mountains, has successfully embarked on a road of rural revitalization with rich development characteristics.

  Butterfly change: a poor mountain village takes on a new look

  Going out of the mountain to "pick rocks by hand", drinking water on the back of the river and living in thatched cottages were once a true portrayal of Huawu Village.

  Blocked by mountains, the former Huawu village had a bad environment and blocked information, and the villagers relied on self-sufficiency in food, clothing, housing and transportation. To make matters worse, the Wujiang River once sounded the "alarm" of the water ecological environment due to overfishing and deforestation, and the already fragmented land began to rocky desertification, making people’s lives increasingly difficult.

  "Poverty, at that time, there happened to be a reservoir resettlement policy, and many people chose ‘ Escape ’ And those who stay can only stick to it. " Yang Long, a villager in Huawu Village, clearly remembers that before 2012, many people moved out, and when his playmates grew up, he personally gave them away.

Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  The change of the house originated from the "road". From the initial "Maolu" to the asphalt highway and then to the tourist highway, a road has strung together thousands of households, which has made the villagers see the outside world, broadened their horizons and increased their knowledge. They made up their minds to plant trees and vowed to restore green mountains and rivers.

  After a few years of hard work, more than 1,000 acres of fruit trees are lush and fruitful, and new saplings have grown in the crevices between the mountains. The once barren hillside has gradually recovered its greenery. In 2017, Huawu Village successfully removed the hat of deep poverty village; At the end of 2019, the poor population was cleared.

  At the same time, the clean-up work of cage culture has also been carried out in Huawu Village. Village cadres went door to door to explain the fishing ban policy and persuade fishermen to go ashore. By the end of 2018, all 32 cages in Huawu Village had been dismantled, and 12 fishermen had switched to production, with a conversion rate of 100%.

  "In addition to comprehensively arranging our family situation, the village has also collected many policies on employment, entrepreneurship, skills training and social security for retired fishermen to help everyone change jobs." Yang Qingxin was born and raised as a homebody. In the past few decades, he has been fishing in the six red section of Wujiang River for a living. After the introduction of the no-fishing policy, Yang Qingxin went ashore and became a river guard, earning a steady income of 3,000 yuan per month.

Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  After the improvement of the ecological environment, the housebuilders with green mountains and green waters will naturally not miss it. Many villagers who moved out of the reservoir area chose to move back to the old site and build their homes together. As a result, the people who renovated their houses, skillfully changed their courtyards, and learned to cook, seized the opportunity and made preparations for eating "tourist meals".





  2021年2月3日至5日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到贵州考察调研,看望慰问各族干部群众,向全国各族人民致以美好的新春祝福。这是3日下午,习近平在毕节市黔西县新仁苗族乡化屋村文化广场上,向全国各族人民、港澳台同胞和海外侨胞拜年。新华社记者 李学仁摄





Miao Xiu products. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Miao Xiu products. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In order to make embroidery products more widely used, Yang Wenli’s poverty alleviation workshop was not limited to ethnic costumes, but set up a professional design team to combine tradition and fashion, and integrate embroidery batik into costumes, sachets and other designs, so that products are exported to all parts of the country. In 2021, Yang Wenli sold 1.6 million yuan of embroidered batik products "online and offline" to help more than 60 local embroidered mothers achieve employment.

  In addition, Huawu Village also has special food — — Huang ba. In order to let more tourists and consumers taste this traditional food, the "two committees" of Huawu village branch led the cooperative through the village party branch and opened the huang ba processing factory. On May 1, 2022, huang ba Processing Factory in Huawu Village was officially put into operation. At present, it has sold more than 160,000 kilograms of huang ba with a sales volume of 1.66 million yuan, which has driven more than 30 villagers to find jobs nearby.

Huawu Village develops huang ba's industry and promotes villagers' employment. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Huawu Village develops huang ba’s industry and promotes villagers’ employment. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Strengthen the eco-cultural tourism infrastructure of Wujiang Yuanbaili Gallery, build a Miao Xiu workshop for more young people to pick up needlework again, and make good use of the huang ba processing workshop to drive the surrounding villagers to stabilize their employment … … Huawu Village is committed to making a big article on the integration and development of diversified industries. A number of projects, such as Huawu Visitor Center, Ecological Camp, New Energy Cruise, Sightseeing Carriage, Kangyang Residential Accommodation, are being promoted one after another.

  Casting Soul: Civilization, Fresh Wind and Moisturizing Home

  "The development of tourism, unified standards is the key. The original intention of our association was to regulate the tourism market. " Yang Ye used to be a teacher and an early homestay owner in Huawu Village. His association is Huawuji Catering Homestay Association.

  In order to highlight the characteristics of Huawu and prevent uncivilized tourism phenomena such as shoddy goods, bullying customers and slaughtering customers, Huawu Village established Huawuji Catering B&B Association according to the wishes of the people. Many villagers joined the "big family" of the association and standardized from the most basic standards of food and shelter.

  An association, but not simple. As far as eating is concerned, Huawu Village has made great efforts in the research and development of special dishes, and established a leading group for the research and development of special dishes in Huawu Village, Qianxi City, headed by the Standing Committee of Qianxi Municipal Committee and the Minister of Propaganda, to create traditional Huawu farm dishes with characteristics and enhance tourists’ rural travel experience.

  Huawu Village develops the tourism industry and attracts tourists to "punch in". People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In the specific implementation process, the food R&D team made clear the 16 special dishes that must be cooked, and specified the materials used for each dish in detail, so that each farmhouse can accurately grasp the standard and quality of the dishes and satisfy the tourists.

  "Although no complaints have been received so far, it is better to standardize etiquette training and evaluate pricing by the association." Now, Yang Ye is the president of Huawuji Catering B&B Association. He said that he hoped that the villagers would take tourism as a long-term career and do a good job in all kinds of services, so that tourists can enjoy high-standard tourism services while enjoying the beautiful scenery, and really start the brand of plastic house tourism.




  化屋村“乡村振兴 共同富裕”几个字引人注目。人民网 龙章榆摄


  Adhering to ecological priority and green development, the Youjia three brothers are a microcosm of the villagers’ active participation in rural governance. As rural tourism continues to heat up, the housebuilders who are rich in scenery pay more attention to the protection of ecological environment, forming a good atmosphere of catching up and learning. "When the trash can is full, people who are ready to throw garbage will take their garbage home, and they will not pile it up everywhere. Everyone will also supervise each other and jointly care for the environment of the housebuilder." Chang Kailin is quite proud.

  Nowadays, the environment is beautiful, the days are rich, and life is more and more exciting. The villagers are more and more willing to "develop rural industries well, protect the ecological environment well, carry forward national traditional culture well, give full play to the effectiveness of social governance, and build grass-roots party organizations well". A picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance and rich life is slowly unfolding in Huawu Village. (Wang Qin, Wang Xiufang)

Zhilin Information applied for the patent of remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud service, and realized the remote vocational education examination system with flex

The patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud services, which relates to the technical field of remote examinations, and comprises a system management module, a test paper generation module, an online examination module and an analysis feedback module; The system management module is used to manage data storage and backup, the cloud server interface connected with the education system and data security detection; The test paper generation module is used to screen out the test questions from the test question bank according to the distribution, difficulty, innovation and novelty of knowledge points; The online examination module monitors the abnormal behavior of candidates in real time from two aspects: surveillance video monitoring and network activity monitoring; The analysis and feedback module adjusts the test paper generation method based on the examinee’s comprehensive anomaly index. The invention realizes a remote vocational education examination system with flexible test paper generation method and comprehensive abnormal behavior monitoring method.

SHEIN reshapes the rules of global fashion industry with the innovative model of "SHEIN Chain"

As its name implies, "fruit chain" is the global hardware industry chain led by Apple, which symbolizes large-scale orders, technical support and significant growth opportunities for related enterprises, and its strict supplier screening system is regarded as a strength certification and promotion ladder. In the fashion industry, "SHEIN Chain"/"HI Chain" is an unprecedented value chain.

"SHEIN Chain" is a value chain built by SHEIN, covering upstream and downstream partners such as garment factories, textile and supporting service providers. With the support of digital technology, it cooperates efficiently to jointly design, produce and sell fashion products to the world. "SHEIN Chain", like "Fruit Chain", shows strong integration and growth potential, and innovates the cooperation mode of traditional fashion industry chain in a unique mode.

Being in the position of "chain owner" in the industrial chain, SHEIN’s significance to chain enterprises goes beyond the simple order relationship. Like SHEIN, Apple has a global "fruit chain" as a component supplier and assembler, and it delegates its own product design concept and technological innovation ability to suppliers in the form of supply chain.

The same is true of SHEIN. At the domestic headquarters, the company has mastered a full set of technologies, R&D, flexible manufacturing methodology and product standards. By investing heavily in smart supply chain construction, it has fed back the extremely efficient production mode to the domestic clothing industry chain and transformed it into real productivity through the global sales system.

However, although they are both "chain owners" of the physical manufacturing industry, the values played by SHEIN and Apple in their respective industries have both similarities and differences. What they have in common is that Apple and SHEIN are both physical manufacturing industries, and both need a large number of skilled industrial workers and mature manufacturing production lines. Therefore, every newly opened factory will bring a lot of jobs to the local area. Advanced production technology and mode are also absorbed by every eco-chain enterprise through the form of technology decentralization.

The uniqueness of SHEIN lies in its eco-chain, which actively advocates and promotes the concept of flexible infrastructure, permeates this concept into every eco-chain enterprise that cooperates with it, effectively promotes the continuous progress, upgrading and transformation of these enterprises, and drives the chain enterprises to grow continuously.

Before cooperating with SHEIN, these factories basically had no systematic and intelligent operation mode, and mainly relied on manual operation, using traditional tools such as Excel and mail to arrange production, which was inefficient and weak in competitiveness in the industry. Since joining hands with SHEIN, these factories have undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully transformed from traditional to digital, and become modern digital factories. This not only significantly reduces the waste of materials, but also greatly shortens the waiting time of workers and improves the overall production efficiency.

Specifically, the production standards and quality requirements of each style of SHEIN brand will be synchronized to all suppliers in real time through online digital tools, and suppliers will make production scheduling, production management, find problems in time and make adjustments through online digital management tools. After completing this set of standardized operating procedures formulated by SHEIN, these chain enterprises seem to have undergone a profound digital and intelligent transformation baptism, transformed themselves from the traditional manufacturing mode, and became a typical representative of modern production in the industry, which also promoted the garment industry cluster to move towards a more resilient, efficient and flexible new industrial chain structure as a whole.

To sum up, as the world’s four major brands, SHEIN has successfully subverted the cooperation mode of the traditional fashion industry supply chain with its innovative "SHEIN Chain" model, and effectively promoted the continuous progress and industrial upgrading of garment manufacturing enterprises in China and even around the world. In the future, as SHEIN continues to deepen the construction of smart supply chain, increase investment in technology research and development, and further expand and optimize the global sales network. We have reason to believe that "SHEIN Chain" will play a greater leading role in the global fashion industry and create a more agile, sustainable and competitive new generation of industrial clusters.

The book of common sense of ski resort is coming ~ Now we are asking for prizes from skiers all over the network.

Many people are fascinated by the feeling of going downhill quickly on the snowy road, and more and more people are fascinated by skiing. However, while enjoying the excitement and passion of skiing, whether you are an old skier, a novice or a torpedo, or any role on the snowy road, for the safety of all skiers, please keep in mind the common sense of skiing safety and skiing etiquette. Safe skiing is what each of us needs to do!

The level of small series is limited, so I urge tourists and snow friends to make valuable comments ~

Matters needing attention in ski resort


When skiing on the snowy road

(1) Sliding in the road

* When taxiing, pay attention to the situation in front and on both sides, and keep a safe distance from the surrounding skiers to prevent the collision between them from being dangerous.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Please don’t stop to rest, take photos or chat in the middle of the snowy road.

* Do not ski in closed areas, do not ski over or damage the protective net, and abide by the border management regulations.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Fall down during taxiing, and move to both sides of the snowy road without injury. If the skier who falls down is injured, he should provide help in time, call the rescue number of the snow field and make way for the rescuers and snowmobiles.

* When taxiing, choose a route that does not endanger the skiers in front (the skiers in front have the priority to use the snow trail). It is forbidden to slide on the snow track that is not closed and cleared by downhill. Skiers, especially snowboarders, should ensure that they will not endanger the safety of skiers in the rear when they go back to the mountains and ski in the giant slalom.

(2) Park taxiing

* In the park, it is necessary to avoid stopping or blocking in the platform or other areas.

* If the former falls while playing with props (platform jumping), he must wait for the fallen Xueyou to leave before starting.

* You need to take photos next to the props without affecting other people’s sliding, and leave quickly after shooting.

* When staff maintain the park, they need to choose props or terrain that have not been maintained.

(3) Snow skiing

* Wild snow skiers should slide according to the designated guide route, slide the rolling line when sliding, reduce cross cutting, and stick to the previous skier’s sliding trajectory as much as possible. Wild snow needs to slide in groups, and 5 -8 people must slide in groups. Please do not enter the wild snow area alone or in pairs. You need to bring communication equipment with enough electricity, certain warm-keeping equipment and energy supply. .

* Skiers should control the speed of skiing according to their own abilities, topography, snow conditions and weather, so that skiing is in a controllable state, and they should not go to areas beyond their abilities, abide by the border management regulations, and must not cross the border protection net and other facilities, and be responsible for their own life safety.

* When a snowmobile meets a slope while driving, it should cooperate with the rider to bend.

* When skiing in wild snow, if you need to take a break, you must ensure that your position will not endanger the safety of yourself and others; Avoid staying in animal caves, narrow snow trails and places with poor vision. If you accidentally fall nearby, you should leave as soon as possible.

* When the wild snow slides, we should pay enough attention to stones, branches, black objects and protruding objects in the snow.

* Before skiing in the wild snow, you should carefully study and master the correct usage of the avalanche three-piece set. In case of an accident, every skier has the obligation to help the rescue when he is sure of his own safety.

* It is recommended that skiers who ski wild snow carry whistles, which can be used to call for help when they slip away.

(4) When skiing

* Patients suffering from heart disease, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diseases that doctors tell are not suitable for strenuous exercise are not allowed to ski.

* Understand and master the ski map and the level of ski trails, and choose the suitable ski trails according to your own skills and abilities.

* Pay attention to keep the snow card, receipt and locker key.

* to understand the local climate and recent weather changes, in case of sudden weather changes.

* Don’t drink alcohol during skiing and during skiing, don’t slide while drunk, and respect the life and property safety of others.


When riding a magic carpet or cable car

(a) ride the magic carpet

* Please ride in an orderly manner according to the staff’s arrangement, and don’t rush, climb over the guardrail of the gate or damage the gate. Elderly people, venerable persons and children should be given priority.

* During the ride, you must not wear long clothes, the ends of the scarf must not stay outside the clothes, and the shoelaces of single shoes must not be exposed to prevent you from being involved in the conveyor belt when you fall; Keep a distance of about 2 meters from the former. Don’t walk or play on the magic carpet. Don’t sit on the magic carpet. Don’t get off the magic carpet halfway.

* If you fall halfway, please leave the magic carpet as soon as possible, and don’t try to go back to the magic carpet, so as not to affect others or the operation of the equipment.

* Don’t take photos or stay in the magic carpet ride area, so as not to hinder other snow friends.

(2) Take the box cable car.

* Line up in an orderly way, get off first, then get on, all ages ride in an orderly way, and the elderly, honored persons and children ride inside the cable car.

* Take a civilized ride, keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t put your feet on the seat, don’t litter, don’t put the stereo or mobile phone sound outside, and don’t eat food with irritating smell, so as not to affect others’ experience.

* Fighting in the car will endanger the safe operation of the ropeway. Visitors who quarrel should remember to be calm and restrained.

* Respect elders and ladies, avoid excessive approach or collision, and assist elders, venerable persons and children to get on and off the car.

* It is forbidden to have indecent and vulgar behavior in the car.

(3) Take the hanging chair

* Children under 1.2 meters in height need to be accompanied by a guardian.

* Line up in an orderly manner, and let the elders, venerable persons and children ride on the right side of the hanging chair. Young and middle-aged peers and men should take the initiative to take charge of putting away the hanging chair guardrail.

* Double-board skiers should ride without taking off their skis, and the tip of the poles should face the direction of the cable car to prevent the poles from hurting tourists nearby. Snowboarders can ride on a snowboard with one foot, or the fixer can be buckled on the backrest of the hanging chair to prevent the snowboard from falling and hurting the snowboarders below.

* You need to put down the guardrail and step on the fence when riding in the hanging chair. When leaving the hanging chair, please slowly lift the guardrail and pay attention to safety.

* Keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t litter, take good care of your belongings, and prevent them from slipping and hurting your friends under the hanging chair.

* When queuing to take the hanging chair, if you need to ride together, you should give the scattered positions that are currently vacant to the snow friends behind you.


Safety and rescue

* Emergency: Xueyou should know the steps to deal with emergency, including how to call the police, provide assistance and initial first aid.

* Help each other: Snow friends should help each other when needed, especially in emergencies, such as helping the injured and asking for help.

* In case of taxiing collision, Xueyou will encourage and help injured Xueyou to set up warning signs and call for help in time on the premise of technical conditions and own safety.

* Skiers must pay attention to all warning and reminder signs in ski resorts and ski trails, as well as the guidance of ski patrol members.

* Pay attention to the announcement broadcast in the ski resort and on the cable car.

* Snow friends should always wear helmets, protective gear, goggles and other safety equipment to minimize the risk of injury.


Seasonal events

* Pay attention to protect the skin. The winter in northern China is cold and dry, and the skin loses a lot of water under this climatic condition. In addition, the skin is stimulated by the relatively fast cold wind formed during skiing and burned by strong ultraviolet rays on the snow surface, which is the main cause of skin damage. You can choose some oily skin care products with the function of preventing water loss, and then apply sunscreen with good anti-ultraviolet effect and water resistance to your skin.

* To prevent frostbite, frostbite mainly occurs in the hands, feet, ears and other parts of the human body, so cashmere products or chemical fiber products with good thermal insulation effect should be selected to keep the above parts warm.

* Pay attention to the temperature difference between day and night in the ski resort, bring relevant replacement clothes, and be careful to catch a cold.


Environmental protection and sustainability

* Take good care of the vegetation and wild animals on the snow field, and do not litter the public areas and snow trails at will to damage the environment.

* Pay attention to saving water and energy to reduce the impact on the natural environment.


When leaving the snow field

* Personal belongings, skis, snowshoes and other snow gear should be taken away from the snow field or stored in the snow gear cabinet, and should not be placed in the public area of the snow field at will.

* If you use the equipment or facilities of the ski resort, you need to return them in time and go through the relevant formalities. If you need to rent or buy equipment, you also need to contact the staff of the ski resort and understand the relevant regulations and procedures.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to abide by the rules and requirements of the ski resort, such as returning the ski gear and paying the fees, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and troubles.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to say goodbye to the staff and other skiers politely, express your gratitude and goodbye, and maintain good social etiquette and image.

Ski area etiquette articles


Mutual respect

* Respect the staff of the ski resort and the snow friends.

* Please apologize sincerely if you accidentally hit someone.

* Don’t make a face of snow just to be handsome.

* When taking photos on the snowy road, you need to respect the privacy and copyright of others and avoid disturbing others or making impolite behaviors.

* Closed public space, it is recommended not to eat food with pungent smell, and smoking and spitting are prohibited.

* Don’t casually wear other people’s snowshoes and take other people’s skis. Pay attention to identification when taking them to avoid taking the wrong skis.

* Borrow other people’s ski gear, please cherish it, even if the board resists falling, the owner will feel distressed.

* Don’t stand on your shoulders when walking with skis and poles, it’s easy to hit others.

* Skiing WeChat group never talks about skiing-related topics. Please consciously quit the group and don’t bother the group owner.


Public parking space

* Private vehicles are parked in the parking lot specified in the snow field.

* Ensure that the front of the car is in line with the arrow, and it is not allowed to park reversely or horizontally, and it is not allowed to occupy the special parking spaces for car ferry and employees.

* A car shall not occupy two parking spaces. It is necessary to maintain a good appearance of the car, park in a civilized and standardized manner, and bid farewell to the bad habits of parking and leaving the car in disorder with practical actions.

Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area.

The deadline is November 18th.

We will select the suggestions with the highest praise from the comment area.

Send out Cocoto Sea International Ski Resort.

23/24 snow season

The whole mountain brings its own snowboard ticket (on weekdays and weekends)

Come and join us!

Original title: "The Ski Resort Common Sense Collection is Coming ~ Now we are collecting prizes from skiers all over the network"