The book of common sense of ski resort is coming ~ Now we are asking for prizes from skiers all over the network.

Many people are fascinated by the feeling of going downhill quickly on the snowy road, and more and more people are fascinated by skiing. However, while enjoying the excitement and passion of skiing, whether you are an old skier, a novice or a torpedo, or any role on the snowy road, for the safety of all skiers, please keep in mind the common sense of skiing safety and skiing etiquette. Safe skiing is what each of us needs to do!

The level of small series is limited, so I urge tourists and snow friends to make valuable comments ~

Matters needing attention in ski resort


When skiing on the snowy road

(1) Sliding in the road

* When taxiing, pay attention to the situation in front and on both sides, and keep a safe distance from the surrounding skiers to prevent the collision between them from being dangerous.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Please don’t stop to rest, take photos or chat in the middle of the snowy road.

* Do not ski in closed areas, do not ski over or damage the protective net, and abide by the border management regulations.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Fall down during taxiing, and move to both sides of the snowy road without injury. If the skier who falls down is injured, he should provide help in time, call the rescue number of the snow field and make way for the rescuers and snowmobiles.

* When taxiing, choose a route that does not endanger the skiers in front (the skiers in front have the priority to use the snow trail). It is forbidden to slide on the snow track that is not closed and cleared by downhill. Skiers, especially snowboarders, should ensure that they will not endanger the safety of skiers in the rear when they go back to the mountains and ski in the giant slalom.

(2) Park taxiing

* In the park, it is necessary to avoid stopping or blocking in the platform or other areas.

* If the former falls while playing with props (platform jumping), he must wait for the fallen Xueyou to leave before starting.

* You need to take photos next to the props without affecting other people’s sliding, and leave quickly after shooting.

* When staff maintain the park, they need to choose props or terrain that have not been maintained.

(3) Snow skiing

* Wild snow skiers should slide according to the designated guide route, slide the rolling line when sliding, reduce cross cutting, and stick to the previous skier’s sliding trajectory as much as possible. Wild snow needs to slide in groups, and 5 -8 people must slide in groups. Please do not enter the wild snow area alone or in pairs. You need to bring communication equipment with enough electricity, certain warm-keeping equipment and energy supply. .

* Skiers should control the speed of skiing according to their own abilities, topography, snow conditions and weather, so that skiing is in a controllable state, and they should not go to areas beyond their abilities, abide by the border management regulations, and must not cross the border protection net and other facilities, and be responsible for their own life safety.

* When a snowmobile meets a slope while driving, it should cooperate with the rider to bend.

* When skiing in wild snow, if you need to take a break, you must ensure that your position will not endanger the safety of yourself and others; Avoid staying in animal caves, narrow snow trails and places with poor vision. If you accidentally fall nearby, you should leave as soon as possible.

* When the wild snow slides, we should pay enough attention to stones, branches, black objects and protruding objects in the snow.

* Before skiing in the wild snow, you should carefully study and master the correct usage of the avalanche three-piece set. In case of an accident, every skier has the obligation to help the rescue when he is sure of his own safety.

* It is recommended that skiers who ski wild snow carry whistles, which can be used to call for help when they slip away.

(4) When skiing

* Patients suffering from heart disease, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diseases that doctors tell are not suitable for strenuous exercise are not allowed to ski.

* Understand and master the ski map and the level of ski trails, and choose the suitable ski trails according to your own skills and abilities.

* Pay attention to keep the snow card, receipt and locker key.

* to understand the local climate and recent weather changes, in case of sudden weather changes.

* Don’t drink alcohol during skiing and during skiing, don’t slide while drunk, and respect the life and property safety of others.


When riding a magic carpet or cable car

(a) ride the magic carpet

* Please ride in an orderly manner according to the staff’s arrangement, and don’t rush, climb over the guardrail of the gate or damage the gate. Elderly people, venerable persons and children should be given priority.

* During the ride, you must not wear long clothes, the ends of the scarf must not stay outside the clothes, and the shoelaces of single shoes must not be exposed to prevent you from being involved in the conveyor belt when you fall; Keep a distance of about 2 meters from the former. Don’t walk or play on the magic carpet. Don’t sit on the magic carpet. Don’t get off the magic carpet halfway.

* If you fall halfway, please leave the magic carpet as soon as possible, and don’t try to go back to the magic carpet, so as not to affect others or the operation of the equipment.

* Don’t take photos or stay in the magic carpet ride area, so as not to hinder other snow friends.

(2) Take the box cable car.

* Line up in an orderly way, get off first, then get on, all ages ride in an orderly way, and the elderly, honored persons and children ride inside the cable car.

* Take a civilized ride, keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t put your feet on the seat, don’t litter, don’t put the stereo or mobile phone sound outside, and don’t eat food with irritating smell, so as not to affect others’ experience.

* Fighting in the car will endanger the safe operation of the ropeway. Visitors who quarrel should remember to be calm and restrained.

* Respect elders and ladies, avoid excessive approach or collision, and assist elders, venerable persons and children to get on and off the car.

* It is forbidden to have indecent and vulgar behavior in the car.

(3) Take the hanging chair

* Children under 1.2 meters in height need to be accompanied by a guardian.

* Line up in an orderly manner, and let the elders, venerable persons and children ride on the right side of the hanging chair. Young and middle-aged peers and men should take the initiative to take charge of putting away the hanging chair guardrail.

* Double-board skiers should ride without taking off their skis, and the tip of the poles should face the direction of the cable car to prevent the poles from hurting tourists nearby. Snowboarders can ride on a snowboard with one foot, or the fixer can be buckled on the backrest of the hanging chair to prevent the snowboard from falling and hurting the snowboarders below.

* You need to put down the guardrail and step on the fence when riding in the hanging chair. When leaving the hanging chair, please slowly lift the guardrail and pay attention to safety.

* Keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t litter, take good care of your belongings, and prevent them from slipping and hurting your friends under the hanging chair.

* When queuing to take the hanging chair, if you need to ride together, you should give the scattered positions that are currently vacant to the snow friends behind you.


Safety and rescue

* Emergency: Xueyou should know the steps to deal with emergency, including how to call the police, provide assistance and initial first aid.

* Help each other: Snow friends should help each other when needed, especially in emergencies, such as helping the injured and asking for help.

* In case of taxiing collision, Xueyou will encourage and help injured Xueyou to set up warning signs and call for help in time on the premise of technical conditions and own safety.

* Skiers must pay attention to all warning and reminder signs in ski resorts and ski trails, as well as the guidance of ski patrol members.

* Pay attention to the announcement broadcast in the ski resort and on the cable car.

* Snow friends should always wear helmets, protective gear, goggles and other safety equipment to minimize the risk of injury.


Seasonal events

* Pay attention to protect the skin. The winter in northern China is cold and dry, and the skin loses a lot of water under this climatic condition. In addition, the skin is stimulated by the relatively fast cold wind formed during skiing and burned by strong ultraviolet rays on the snow surface, which is the main cause of skin damage. You can choose some oily skin care products with the function of preventing water loss, and then apply sunscreen with good anti-ultraviolet effect and water resistance to your skin.

* To prevent frostbite, frostbite mainly occurs in the hands, feet, ears and other parts of the human body, so cashmere products or chemical fiber products with good thermal insulation effect should be selected to keep the above parts warm.

* Pay attention to the temperature difference between day and night in the ski resort, bring relevant replacement clothes, and be careful to catch a cold.


Environmental protection and sustainability

* Take good care of the vegetation and wild animals on the snow field, and do not litter the public areas and snow trails at will to damage the environment.

* Pay attention to saving water and energy to reduce the impact on the natural environment.


When leaving the snow field

* Personal belongings, skis, snowshoes and other snow gear should be taken away from the snow field or stored in the snow gear cabinet, and should not be placed in the public area of the snow field at will.

* If you use the equipment or facilities of the ski resort, you need to return them in time and go through the relevant formalities. If you need to rent or buy equipment, you also need to contact the staff of the ski resort and understand the relevant regulations and procedures.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to abide by the rules and requirements of the ski resort, such as returning the ski gear and paying the fees, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and troubles.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to say goodbye to the staff and other skiers politely, express your gratitude and goodbye, and maintain good social etiquette and image.

Ski area etiquette articles


Mutual respect

* Respect the staff of the ski resort and the snow friends.

* Please apologize sincerely if you accidentally hit someone.

* Don’t make a face of snow just to be handsome.

* When taking photos on the snowy road, you need to respect the privacy and copyright of others and avoid disturbing others or making impolite behaviors.

* Closed public space, it is recommended not to eat food with pungent smell, and smoking and spitting are prohibited.

* Don’t casually wear other people’s snowshoes and take other people’s skis. Pay attention to identification when taking them to avoid taking the wrong skis.

* Borrow other people’s ski gear, please cherish it, even if the board resists falling, the owner will feel distressed.

* Don’t stand on your shoulders when walking with skis and poles, it’s easy to hit others.

* Skiing WeChat group never talks about skiing-related topics. Please consciously quit the group and don’t bother the group owner.


Public parking space

* Private vehicles are parked in the parking lot specified in the snow field.

* Ensure that the front of the car is in line with the arrow, and it is not allowed to park reversely or horizontally, and it is not allowed to occupy the special parking spaces for car ferry and employees.

* A car shall not occupy two parking spaces. It is necessary to maintain a good appearance of the car, park in a civilized and standardized manner, and bid farewell to the bad habits of parking and leaving the car in disorder with practical actions.

Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area.

The deadline is November 18th.

We will select the suggestions with the highest praise from the comment area.

Send out Cocoto Sea International Ski Resort.

23/24 snow season

The whole mountain brings its own snowboard ticket (on weekdays and weekends)

Come and join us!

Original title: "The Ski Resort Common Sense Collection is Coming ~ Now we are collecting prizes from skiers all over the network"

The voice of the "top leaders" of the central bank, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission is an important signal.

  BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Reporter Li Jinlei) Recently, Pan Gongsheng, Party Secretary and President of the People’s Bank of China, Li Yunze, Party Secretary and Director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, and Yi Huiman, Party Secretary and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, were interviewed by the media, publicly speaking, responding to hot issues in financial work and releasing important signals.

  On serving the real economy

  Promote the financing cost of the real economy to decrease steadily.

  Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and fundamental purpose of finance. The Central Financial Work Conference clearly requires that "finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development".

  How to serve the real economy?

  Pan Gongsheng said: First, pay more attention to cross-cyclical and counter-cyclical adjustment, and maintain a reasonable growth in the total amount of money and credit and the scale of social financing. Second, strengthen coordination and cooperation with fiscal and regulatory policies, and continuously increase support for major strategies, key areas and weak links. The third is to reasonably grasp the interest rate level and promote the steady decline of financing costs in the real economy. The fourth is to coordinate the internal and external balance and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

  Yi Huiman said that the capital market is not large in the whole financial market, but it has unique advantages in serving the real economy. In the next step, we will adhere to the problem orientation, be honest and innovative, and launch more pragmatic measures around improving the function of the capital market. First, promote the stock issuance registration system to go deep and practical. Second, improve the multi-level capital market system. Third, vigorously improve the quality of listed companies. Fourth, promote the high-level institutional opening of the capital market.

  On financial supervision

  Resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns"

  The Central Financial Work Conference requires that financial supervision should be comprehensively strengthened to effectively prevent and resolve financial risks. Effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision, bring all financial activities under supervision according to law, comprehensively strengthen institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, eliminate regulatory gaps and blind spots, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and severely crack down on illegal financial activities.

  How to effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision?

  Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will focus on strong supervision and strict supervision, resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns" and continuously improve the forward-looking, accurate, effective and synergistic supervision. First, comprehensively strengthen the "five major supervision". The second is to strictly enforce the law and dare to show the sword. The third is to strengthen supervision and protection.

  He pointed out that the chaos in the financial market should be thoroughly rectified, so as to adhere to principles, dare to face difficulties, treat people equally, and be fair and just. Focus on the "key things" that affect financial stability, "key people" that cause major financial risks, and "key behaviors" that undermine market order, and really hit the board accurately and hurt.

  Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will focus on improving the adaptability and pertinence of supervision and create a more favorable environment for the reform and development of the capital market. First, make every effort to maintain the stable operation of the capital market. The second is to implement the main responsibility of supervision. The third is to resolutely eliminate the regulatory vacuum. The fourth is to strengthen supervision capacity building.

  Lian Ping, chairman of China Chief Economist Forum and vice president of Shanghai Economic Association, believes that in the next few years, comprehensively strengthening financial supervision will become the top priority of China’s financial work, which will help accelerate the construction of a modern financial system with China characteristics and provide a healthy and stable financial environment for the high-quality development of China’s economy.

  Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of Zhaolian and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Finance of Fudan University, believes that this will help reduce the regulatory gap, bring all financial activities into supervision, and ensure that financial supervision has no dead ends, no blind spots and no exceptions.

  On preventing and resolving financial risks

  Accelerate the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions.

  The central financial work conference pointed out that "there are still many hidden dangers in economic and financial risks" and demanded that "the risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions should be handled in time".

  Pan Gongsheng pointed out that the People’s Bank of China will cooperate with relevant departments and a few provinces where high-risk institutions are relatively concentrated to formulate and implement the reform plan for small and medium-sized banks, further reduce the number and risk level of high-risk institutions, handle financial risks according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the interests of the largest number of depositors, small and medium-sized investors and the insured according to law.

  Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, resolutely fight tough battles and protracted wars, with the focus on accelerating the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions. First, adhere to a safe and orderly manner. The second is the precise policy of classification. The third is to deepen both the symptoms and the root causes.

  Dong Ximiao analyzed that both Pan Gongsheng and Li Yunze mentioned the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized financial institutions. Under the complicated internal and external environment, the central financial work conference should be held as an opportunity to further promote and deepen the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized banks, and at the same time build high-quality small and medium-sized banks into "specialized and innovative" banks. (End)

New Year’s Day is smooth, and Guangdong traffic is in action!

Southern Network News (Reporter/Zheng Xuyan correspondent/Guangdong Communications Comprehensive) The traffic volume during the New Year holiday has increased. In order to do a good job in ensuring smooth roads and make everyone’s holiday travel smoother and safer, the following sections do so!
Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway:
30 teams and groups do their best to ensure smooth flow.
During the New Year’s Day, in order to ensure the smooth and orderly road network, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway set up 12 road standby stations and 6 rescue stations, and the road administration department sent 26 teams to participate in the smooth road surface maintenance throughout the day (8 teams in the morning shift, 10 teams in the middle shift, 5 teams in the night shift and 3 teams in the motor); Four teams in the monitoring center take turns to work, and the "road traffic abnormal event detection system" is applied to grasp the road traffic situation in real time.
Before the festival, Houjie Toll Station of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway was upgraded, and self-service card issuing machine and self-service payment machine were installed at the exit and entrance artificial lanes respectively, and four functions of self-service card issuing, self-service payment, mobile lane terminal and cloud toll hall were added to create a smart toll station of expressway with unattended lanes, abnormal remote operation and intelligent inspection afterwards.
South Ring Expressway:
Eight charging piles were put into operation in Leliu and Danzao service areas.
South Ring Expressway gives full play to the "multi-party" working mechanism, and implements "four-party joint" duty in the monitoring (customer service) center to improve the monitoring of important sections and the efficiency of information reporting; Road administration, traffic police, and rescue departments jointly prepare for duty at key sections of Nansha Bridge, allocate emergency and smooth forces step by step, dynamically adjust road stationing points, and deal with all kinds of emergencies efficiently and quickly.
The Leliu and Danzao service areas have completed the commissioning and commissioning of 8 charging piles. The upgraded charging piles are new 120KW double-gun charging piles. The two pairs of service areas can accommodate 16 new energy vehicles to charge at the same time. The single-gun charging flow can reach the maximum demand of 240A, and the charging power is increased by 50%, providing safer, more efficient and convenient charging services for new energy owners.
Humen Bridge:
In case of rush hour, it will cooperate with the traffic police department to enable hard shoulder traffic.
It is estimated that the peak traffic of Humen Bridge will appear on January 1st, which is higher than last year.
During the New Year’s Day, Humen Bridge will continue to ban trucks and buses with more than 40 seats all day; Strictly implement the "one blocking point and one scheme". In case of rush hour, vehicles will be guided to borrow hard shoulders from K42 eastbound to K39 eastbound (Guangzhou to Dongguan) and K36+900M westbound to K37+400M westbound (Dongguan to Guangzhou). Add two groups of mobile road officers to stand by, patrol alternately, and make up the position in a circular way to ensure that "measures are taken when people see cars"; Two-way rescue points will be set up in the area from Weiyuan Interchange to Nansha Interchange, and two rescue vehicles will be arranged to stop alternately to ensure rapid handling of road emergencies.
The following sections are closed.
The reconstruction and expansion project of the ferry road of Shiziyang Channel was started in mid-December 2023. From December 20, 2023 to April 30, 2028, the ferry road (section from Qishafulong Road in Sha Tin to Liansheng North Road in Baisha, Humen) was closed for traffic control.
In addition, during the New Year’s Day, the "Donghe Bridge to Zhuhai Station" section of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai section of the Guangzhou-Macao Expressway is occupied by the Nansha-Zhuhai section reconstruction and expansion project, and vehicles are prone to slow traffic during peak hours; The south and north areas of Dongsheng service area of Zhongjiang Expressway continue to be closed, and vehicles are prohibited from entering the service area. Please plan the detour route in advance to avoid traffic congestion.
During the New Year holiday, please take the wrong peak to travel, choose the route reasonably and try to avoid the rush hour!

WANDA CINEMAS’s most important project premiered this year, and "Three Battalions" entered the New Year’s Eve file.

enter12After mid-June, the competition for lunar new year’s eve stalls has intensified, and the film "Three Battalions" will also be released on12moon15Day in.The film "Three Battalions" is produced by Chen Sicheng, directed by Dai Mo, written by Zhang Ji, and starring Zhang Yi. It tells the story that the three battalions led by Cheng Bing were imprisoned for accidentally causing the death of the suspect when they detected a vicious case. After being released from prison, Cheng Bing led the members of the three battalions to pursue the murderer and finally arrested the murderer.

Recently, The Three Battalions held its premiere in Beijing. This is the fourth time this year that Zhang Yi has met the audience in the cinema as the leading role after "Man Jiang Hong", "Knife Point" and "Priceless Treasure".

Zhang Yi plays Cheng Bing, the captain of the Third Brigade of Criminal Investigation in the movie "Three Brigade". Zhang Yi thinks that the ups and downs of fate and the growth on the way to chase the murderer are the most attractive parts of this story. Although Zhang Yi only appeared as the leading actor in the cast list, according to the screenwriter Zhang Ji, Zhang Yi participated in designing the details of several scenes. For example, in the original plot design, the master Lao Zhang, played by Yang Xinming, died of overwork and illness, but Zhang Yi thought that the first half of the plot needed ups and downs, so the death of Lao Zhang in the final film was related to the pursuit of the murderer.

Poster of the movie "Three Battalions"

And "ups and downs" is not exactly the same as "dramatization". Zhang Ji once worked as a screenwriter for realistic films such as "Chinese Partner", "Dear" and Leap, and won the Best Screenwriter Award in the 33rd Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award with Leap. Zhang Ji said at the premiere that in the process of creating Three Battalions, he, producer Chen Sicheng and director Dai Mo all hoped that the film would present a more simple and grounded texture.

Chen Sicheng directed the detective chinatown series, and participated in the Sheep Without A Shepherd series and The Lost Woman as a producer and producer. These films also make Chen Sicheng deeply bound with labels such as "commercial films" and "reverse cool articles". Dai Mo, the director of "Three Battalions", once directed the film "manslaughter 2"",and" detective chinatown "online drama of the same name. Dramatization is the commonality of Chen Sicheng and Daimo’s previous works, but Zhang Ji thinks: "They are determined to return to the original." Zhang Ji revealed that in his original script, he chose Looking Back and Heart in Action as the interludes of the film. He thought that the film might need more genre and some sensational parts, but Chen Sicheng finally chose a more down-to-earth version of Young Men’s Ambition.

The film "Three Battalions" is adapted from the documentary literary work "Please tell the director that the task of the three battalions has been completed". The article was published in "Netease Human Studio" in 2018. In the comment area of the article, the most popular message is that the theme of the article is suitable for adaptation into a movie. In 2019, "Netease Human Studio" said that it officially signed a contract with Wanda Pictures, and Wanda Pictures exclusively obtained the film and television copyright of this article.

Poster of the movie "Three Battalions"

The Third Battalion is also one of the few master control projects in WANDA CINEMAS this year. Although WANDA CINEMAS turned a profit from net profit in the first half of the year, the income from cinema screening accounted for over 60%, while the income from film production, distribution and related businesses was only 202 million yuan, accounting for less than 3% of the total revenue. According to public information, WANDA CINEMAS participated in Wandering Earth 2 in the first three quarters."Space Exploration Editorial Department", "Enthusiasm", "Put all your eggs in one basket", "Volunteer Army: Attack by Xiongbing" and "Rescue the Suspect" and other projects, but only as one of the joint producers. The cumulative box office of WANDA CINEMAS’s project "Countdown Love You" is only2637.0Ten thousand yuan, WANDA CINEMAS’s dilemma in the content section can be seen. "Three Battalions" can be said to be the most important master control project in WANDA CINEMAS this year, and it is also the key project of WANDA CINEMAS’s revenue in the content section this year.

In addition, on December 6,WANDA CINEMAS announced that its indirect controlling shareholder, Beijing Wanda Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd., its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Hengrun Enterprise Management Development Co., Ltd., and its actual controller, Wang Jianlin, intend to transfer 51% equity of its controlling shareholder, Beijing Wanda Investment Co., Ltd., to Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd. And inThis year 7June, Shanghai Confucianism has been to22.62Buy Beijing Wanda Investment at a price of 100 million yuan.49% of the shares, through the form of indirect holding shares in WANDA CINEMAS. If this transaction is completed, the control right of WANDA CINEMAS Company will change. The "Three Battalions" is the first master control project released after WANDA CINEMAS announced this news, which will not only directly affect the revenue of WANDA CINEMAS, but also to a certain extent.Shanghai Confucianism has an influence.

Shanghai Taobao Film Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., which belongs to Alibaba Pictures, is also one of the producers of Three Battalions. Before the premiere, the film "Three Battalions" appeared in the list of films to be shown announced by Ali Pictures at this year’s Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, and onceAppeared as the closing film of the domestic new film exhibition of Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.. In addition, the "Three Brigade" has been in December.2Day and12mooneightTwo rounds of screening will be launched on the 20 th, and the third round of national screening will also be held in12moon11SolsticeOpen on the 14th.

As of December12The total box office of screening and pre-sale of "Three Battalions" exceeded.More than 78 million yuan, Lighthouse Professional Edition wants to see more than 160,000 people..On the same day as The Three Battalions, there was also The God of Dogs directed by luc besson, whose reputation in Douban is slightly better than The Three Battalions, but the number of people who want to see it is slightly lower. Detective Conan: The Fish Shadow of Black Iron and Furious Tide starring Nick Cheung and Ehan Juan will also be released on December 16th. It remains to be seen whether the Three Battalions can break through the tight encirclement.


Wen Jian’s second test is coming! On the Multiple Growth Points of China Mobile Games (0302.HK) from "The Sword World"

On December 15th, the "Sword Quest" test of "World of the Sword" started on time. Behind the reservation of official website exceeding 2.38 million, the combination of high-quality IP content and various real gameplay experiences may help "World of the Sword" become an excellent long-term operation product.

As the first multi-terminal test in China, Guofeng Xianxia’s open world game, with the second test of "Fairy Sword World", we may wish to further explore the logic of this product. What’s the significance for the Chinese mobile game with "Fairy Sword World"?

1. Upgrade and optimize the "Ask Sword" test, and give the answer with gameplay content and experience.

After the initial test, the project team of "Fairy Sword World" made in-depth optimization according to the feedback and suggestions of the players. After 148 days of hard work, some of the 115 items were optimized and added in stages.

Whether it is the brand-new map scene of the game and the detailed quality of the picture, or the new exploration gameplay and combat mechanism, it has been completely improved compared with the first test.

On the one hand, judging from the officially released version quality comparison report video, Fairy Sword World reconstructs the classic scene of Fairy Sword with high-definition technology, and adds the design of wind field effect, weather system, real-time physical light and shadow, which makes the scene and character model in the game more real and natural on the seamless map of 384 square kilometers, greatly improving the player’s sense of game experience.

On the other hand, the unique maze gameplay, the copy gameplay of "Cave in the Earth", the "Hidden Lai" which is one of the multiplayer social gameplay, the "Enchanted gameplay" which is exclusive to the Fairy Sword World, and the single multiplayer mode further enhance the player’s gaming experience. For example, the brand-new "smart mode" of single-player coexistence allows players to seamlessly switch between single-player mode and multi-player mode.

Different from most open-world games in the market with secondary elements and European and American themes, "Fairy Sword World" is based on the IP of Fairy Sword and Chivalrous Man. It is the first open-world game with the theme of national wind and Chivalrous Man, providing players with immersive content experience and free world exploration and interaction.

This product is a brand-new story based on the story of Xian Jian, which fully shows China’s spiritual core and humanistic feelings. Some market participants believe that "Fairy Sword World" is a heavyweight new work that completes the last puzzle in the fairy sword IP content matrix.

Behind more than 2.38 million reserved users and rich and diverse content settings, it can be seen that "Fairy Sword World" is undoubtedly a competitive new travel product. It is reported that at present, "Fairy Sword World" has started testing on PC, mobile phone and cloud game, and VR/MR version and host version will be launched in the future. A huge fan base is expected to contribute well to Chinese mobile games after the official launch of "Fairy Sword World". The next step is just to wait for its value to be realized.

2. A variety of new tours are ready to go, and the global layout creates multiple growth points.

However, for game companies, a single product and a single market cannot support their long-term sustainable development. This is because the game market and players’ needs are constantly changing. If game companies only rely on one product or one market, it is difficult to meet the needs of players and cope with the changes in the market.

Therefore, only by constantly introducing new products and expanding new markets can we meet the different needs of players and expand more market share, at the same time, we can enhance our core competitiveness and consolidate our market position.

In this regard, relying on rich game reserves, China Mobile Games has formed a complete new tour online plan to create a new engine for diversified performance growth.

Looking back on 2023, Ultraman Gathering, Swallowing the Starry Sky, My Royal Sword Diary, legend of sword and fairy’s Sword-wielding Quest and Master the World were launched one after another, and the file-not-deleted test of National Street Basket, a competitive end-game tour with no numerical value, was officially scheduled for December 29th.

In the layout of sea business, All-Star atrix, legend of sword and fairy’s Sword Quest, Biography of Cao Cao in the New Three Kingdoms, and True Warriors in the Three Kingdoms have also been launched in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, and Europe and the United States.

Extending the perspective, China Mobile Games will launch a number of new tour products in the domestic and overseas markets in the past two years, covering action role-playing, simulation management, card strategy and other game types.

With the rich product reserves entering the intensive release period, China Mobile Games is expected to attract more players and users, improve brand awareness and stickiness, and is expected to drive the growth of China Mobile Games and drive the release of company value.

In the domestic market, in addition to The Fairy Sword World, Douro Continent: Shrek College, Management Life of Country Love, Fighting against the Sky: The Summit, Douro Continent Reversing Time and Space, and Daily Life of Chat Groups have all obtained domestic editions, and entered the final stage of pre-launch testing, and are expected to be launched gradually in 2024.

In overseas markets, it is expected that in 2024, Soul Street: Born King, Apocalypse Action, Douluo Mainland: Shrek College, DreamWorks: Guardian of the Moon, Fighting against the Sky: The Peak, and The Biography of Cao Cao in the New Three Kingdoms will be launched in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. "True Three Kingdoms Warriors" was launched in Japan; "Code: DreamWorks All-Star" was launched in Europe and America.

Zhang Yijun, the first vice chairman of China Audio-visual and Digital Publishing Association, said at the just-concluded "2023 Game Growth Trend Forum": "Small games are gradually becoming an important field of game industry development because of their advantages such as more accurate distribution, higher user conversion rate, lower research and development cost and wide application of scenarios."

It is reported that the layout of mobile games in China has been over two years, except for nine games, such as The Legend of the Fantasy, The Gunman of the Whole People: The King of the Border, The Legend of the Sword of Kyushu, The Master of the World, etc. In 2024, there were nearly 20 well-known games, such as Swallowing the Starry Sky, The Legend of the New Shooting Carving Heroes, and The Husband-in-law.

3. Summary

From the perspective of the industry, the recent third quarterly report of the game industry clearly shows that under the background of the normalization of the current game version number, the acceleration of overseas distribution, and the reduction of costs and efficiency of AI technology, high-quality companies with rich product reserves, strong self-research strength, complete online plans and high praise from players will take the lead in welcoming the double repair cycle of valuation and performance.

From the "Fairy Sword World", which has attracted much attention from the market, to the new tour products that will be launched intensively, the diversified IP game ecosystem of Chinese mobile games may have given the answer.