There is a kind of beauty called autumn in Lianyungang!

  An autumn rain and a cold, while feeling the rustling autumn rain, we also realize that late autumn is coming.

  Lianyungang, with four distinct seasons and picturesque scenery in every season, what will it be like in autumn?

  Once autumn comes to other places in Lianyungang, no matter how beautiful it is, it will only be!

  Every grass and tree is beautiful, like God knocking over the palette.

  Huaguoshan in autumn

  Nature covered the mountains with a layer of hazy gold with magical fingers. Looking from the foot of the mountain, layers of shadows fell, and the shades of colors alternately complemented each other between the ups and downs of the mountains. An autumn landscape painting was beautifully staged in Huaguo Mountain.

(Image from official WeChat of Huaguoshan Scenic Area in Lianyungang)

  In autumn, the most beautiful place in Yuntai Mountain on the sea is to climb high and look far, climb to the Genting observation deck, the main peak, and overlook the blue sea and blue sky by the railing, stretching for thousands of miles, and seagulls soar freely on the water.

(Image from the official WeChat of Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area at sea)

  Yueyadao scenic spot

  In the golden autumn of October, the powder-worn grass has entered its full bloom, and the crescent island at this time is as romantic and beautiful as a fairy tale.

(Reporter: Yan Jinyong Correspondent: Photo by Yaxuan Wang)

  Xishuanghu scenic spot

  In autumn, the wind is fresh and refreshing, and it grows along the embankment in the south of Xishuang Lake, and the autumn red in Yiyi Lake along Chun Lv. When the maple, sapium sebiferum and reeds in the scenic spot enter the colorful moment, the whole scenic spot is as colorful as the color palette of nature, which is particularly beautiful.

(Image source learning power)

  In autumn, in Dayi Mountain, the red leaves are covered with mountains, and the layers of forests are all dyed. If the color is flame from the valley to the mountainside and from the mountainside to the top, it is like an oil painting.

(Image source Dayi Mountain Scenic Area)

  Chaohewan scenic spot

  In autumn, what is left for Chaohe Bay Scenic Area is the endless sea of golden flowers and dreamy sea of pink flowers, as well as cosmos, Puwei, sulfur chrysanthemum … A beautiful autumn scenery map of Chaohe Bay in the flower world.

  (Image source Chaohewan Scenic Area)

  In the Garden of Eden Scenic Area, in the golden autumn, the powder and verbena in the Garden of Eden enter the endless pink and purple world in full bloom. Whenever the wind blows, the whole powder and verbena field rises and falls like waves, which is very beautiful.

(Image source Chaohewan Scenic Area)

  Cangwu Green Garden

  The golden autumn is cool, and the osmanthus fragrance is fragrant. Recently, the osmanthus in Cangwu Green Park is competing to open and usher in the most fragrant season of the year. The fragrance of osmanthus can’t help but make people stop looking for it.

  (Reporter: Yan Jinyong correspondent: photo by Zhang Kejin)

  Li Nian Forest Farm, although it is already late autumn, when you drive on the "Shuanglin Highway" leading to Li Nian Forest Farm, your eyes suddenly light up. The colored zebra crossing on the highway points to both sides of the distant road, and the flowers bloom as if entering the spring and the heaven.

(Image source learning power)

  haizhou bay

  In Haizhou Bay, many seagulls sometimes hover and dance in a coastal aquaculture beach, and sometimes stroll in the shallows … … Together with Bihai Jinsha, it constitutes an ecological beauty.

(Reporter: Zhang Zerui correspondent: photo by Si Wei and Wang Panming)

  Shuoxiang Lake

  In autumn, guannan county Shuoxiang Lake is full of beautiful fish, fat shrimp and reeds, and a group of wild ducks are lined up in the middle of the lake. They spend most of their time "floating" on the lake to rest and occasionally flap their wings.

(Image source learning power)

  This is the autumn in Lianyungang, the shortest season among the four seasons and the most unforgettable season.

  (Source: Lianyungang Publishing Editor/Wang Wei)

The Deed Tax Law will be implemented from now on: the deed tax will be exempted in six situations, such as the transfer of ownership by husband and wife and the inheritance of real estate by children

The Deed Tax Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (hereinafter referred to as the Deed Tax Law) shall come into force on September 1, 2021, and the Provisional Regulations on Deed Tax of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (hereinafter referred to as the Provisional Regulations) shall be abolished at the same time. Has the deed tax rate really increased? Compared with the Provisional Regulations, which provisions of the Deed Tax Law have changed and which have not? Don’t worry, we’ve arranged it for you.
1. The statutory tax rate has not changed.
The Deed Tax Law maintains the tax rate of 3% ~ 5% as stipulated in the Provisional Regulations, and does not increase it. It only adjusts the procedure for determining the applicable tax rate according to the principle of statutory taxation: it is determined by the provincial people’s government and put forward by the provincial people’s government and reported to the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at the same level for decision, and then put on record according to regulations.
Second, the scope of taxation has been slightly adjusted.
The scope of taxation stipulated in the Deed Tax Law has been slightly adjusted, and the most important thing is to include the "transfer of collectively operated construction land" in the scope of taxation.
Third, the preferential targets have been expanded.
On the basis of the original preferential treatment, the Deed Tax Law has added provisions to exempt some non-profit organizations from deed tax. At the same time, the Deed Tax Law makes it clear that if the ownership of land and house is changed between husband and wife during the marriage relationship, the legal heirs can enjoy the privilege of exemption from deed tax by inheriting the ownership of land and house.
Fourth, it is more convenient to declare and pay taxes.
The Deed Tax Law combines the declaration period and the tax payment period into one, so taxpayers can complete the declaration and tax payment at one time before going through the registration formalities of land and house ownership.
Fifth, the rights and interests of taxpayers are more secure.
The Deed Tax Law also clarifies the tax refund situation and strengthens the confidentiality of tax-related information, which is an important embodiment of fully protecting taxpayers’ rights and interests.
See the following table for details of specific changes:
People’s Republic of China (PRC) deed tax law
(Adopted at the 21st meeting of the 13th the NPC Standing Committee on August 11th, 2020)
Article 1 The units and individuals who transfer the ownership of land and houses within the territory of People’s Republic of China (PRC) are taxpayers of deed tax and shall pay the deed tax in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 2 The transfer of ownership of land and houses as mentioned in this Law refers to the following acts:
(a) the transfer of land use rights;
(two) the transfer of land use rights, including sale, gift and exchange;
(three) the sale, gift and exchange of houses.
The transfer of land use right mentioned in the second paragraph of the preceding paragraph does not include the transfer of land contractual management right and land management right.
Where the ownership of land and houses is transferred by means of fixed-price investment (share purchase), debt repayment, transfer or reward, deed tax shall be levied in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 3 The deed tax rate is 3% to 5%.
The specific applicable tax rate of deed tax shall be proposed by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government within the tax rate range specified in the preceding paragraph, submitted to the Standing Committee of the people’s congress at the same level for decision, and reported to the NPC Standing Committee and the State Council for the record.
Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the preceding paragraph, determine different tax rates for the transfer of ownership of different subjects, different regions and different types of housing.
Article 4 Tax basis for deed tax:
(a) the transfer and sale of land use rights, the sale of houses, the transaction price determined for the transfer contract of land and house ownership, including the money to be delivered and the price corresponding to the physical objects and other economic benefits;
(two) land use rights swap, housing swap, the difference between the exchanged land use rights and housing prices;
(3) The land use right gift, house gift and other transfer of land and house ownership without price are the prices legally approved by the tax authorities with reference to the market price of land use right sale and house sale.
If the difference between the transaction price and the swap price declared by the taxpayer is obviously low without justifiable reasons, it shall be verified by the tax authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) Municipality on the Administration of Tax Collection.
Article 5 The taxable amount of deed tax shall be calculated by multiplying the tax basis by the specific applicable tax rate.
Article 6 Under any of the following circumstances, the deed tax shall be exempted:
(1) State organs, institutions, social organizations and military units shall inherit the ownership of land and houses for office, teaching, medical care, scientific research and military facilities;
(two) non-profit schools, medical institutions, social welfare institutions to bear the ownership of land and housing for office, teaching, medical care, scientific research, pension, relief;
(three) bear the barren hills, wasteland, wasteland land use rights for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production;
(four) during the marriage relationship between husband and wife to change the ownership of land and housing;
(five) the legal heir to inherit the ownership of land and housing through inheritance;
(six) foreign embassies, consulates and representative offices of international organizations in China that should be exempted from tax according to the law shall inherit the ownership of land and houses.
According to the needs of national economic and social development, the State Council can provide for the exemption or reduction of deed tax for the housing needs of residents, enterprise restructuring and post-disaster reconstruction, and report it to the NPC Standing Committee for the record.
Article 7 Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may decide to exempt or reduce deed tax in the following cases:
(a) because the land and houses are expropriated and requisitioned by the people’s governments at or above the county level, the ownership of the land and houses is re-assumed;
(two) the loss of housing due to force majeure, to bear the ownership of housing.
Specific measures for the exemption or reduction of deed tax stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be proposed by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, submitted to the Standing Committee of the people’s congress at the same level for decision, and reported to the NPC Standing Committee and the State Council for the record.
Article 8 Taxpayers who change the use of relevant land and houses, or have other circumstances that no longer belong to the exemption or reduction of deed tax as stipulated in Article 6 of this Law, shall pay the tax that has been exempted or reduced.
Article 9 The time when the obligation to pay taxes on deed tax occurs is the day when the taxpayer signs the land and house ownership transfer contract, or the day when the taxpayer obtains other certificates with the nature of the land and house ownership transfer contract.
Tenth taxpayers should declare and pay the deed tax before going through the registration formalities of land and house ownership according to law.
Article 11 After a taxpayer handles tax payment, the tax authorities shall issue deed tax payment vouchers. Taxpayers handle the registration of land and house ownership, and the real estate registration agency shall check the deed tax payment, tax reduction or exemption certificate or relevant information. If the deed tax is not paid in accordance with the regulations, the real estate registration agency shall not handle the registration of land and housing ownership.
Article 12 Before the registration of land and house ownership in accordance with the law, if the ownership transfer contract or the nature certificate of the ownership transfer contract is invalid, invalid, revoked or cancelled, the taxpayer may apply to the tax authorities for refund of the tax paid, and the tax authorities shall handle it according to the law.
Thirteenth tax authorities shall establish a deed tax information sharing and cooperation mechanism with relevant departments. Natural resources, housing and urban construction, civil affairs, public security and other relevant departments shall provide the tax authorities with information related to the transfer of land and housing ownership in a timely manner, and assist the tax authorities in strengthening the management of deed tax collection.
The tax authorities and their staff shall keep confidential the personal information of taxpayers they know in the process of tax collection and management, and shall not disclose or illegally provide it to others.
Article 14 The deed tax shall be collected and managed by the tax authorities where the land and houses are located in accordance with this Law and the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Tax Collection and Management.
Fifteenth taxpayers, tax authorities and their staff in violation of the provisions of this law, in accordance with the "People’s Republic of China (PRC) tax collection and management law" and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall be investigated for legal responsibility.
Article 16 This Law shall come into force as of September 1, 2021. On July 7, 1997, the Provisional Regulations on Deed Tax in People’s Republic of China (PRC) issued by the State Council was abolished at the same time.
Source: China Tax News, New Media, Legal Home.

Why is it so "pit" that the coach is unqualified and the swimming pool is unsanitary?

  Ms. Kong’s 8-month-old child in Tianjin developed a small pimple on her stomach after swimming, and was diagnosed with contagious molluscum. She went to the hospital every one or two weeks and was completely cured in more than three months.

  With parent-child swimming becoming more and more popular with young parents, swimming like Ms. Kong’s children is infected with various diseases, and even babies are in danger of drowning. A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that many parents-child swimming classes, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time, lack qualified coaches, and the health management of swimming pools is chaotic, and the safety of children is not guaranteed.

  Parent-child swimming blooms everywhere, and a class costs hundreds to thousands of dollars.

  A reporter from a water education early education hall in Guangzhou saw that there was a pool of about 8 square meters in the middle of the water education hall, and there were two small swimming pools next to it. There were swimming AIDS such as neck rings, pillows and underarm rings in the hall. According to the person in charge of the swimming pool, children aged 0 to 6 can come to swim.

  Parent-child swimming pools like this are blooming everywhere in major cities. The reporter visited many parent-child swimming institutions in Chengdu and Guangzhou and learned that the general courses are divided into group classes and private classes. Group class is a class where a coach leads many parents and children together, and the general charge is above 300 yuan per hour; Private classes are one-on-one teaching, and the tuition is relatively more expensive, usually thousands of dollars an hour.

  Swimming institutions offer a wide variety of courses. The Australian "WWSS" course shown to reporters by a staff member of a large parent-child swimming pool in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, shows that through learning, the baby can strengthen the ability of primitive reflex, hand-eye coordination and learn body control and breathing control. "The goal is to let the baby really learn to swim and fall in love with swimming. Our youngest here came to class 15 days after birth. " The staff member said.

  It is understood that the courses of most parent-child swimming institutions are packaged and sold. The reporter saw in the investment list of "Yourui International Parent-child Swimming" that, taking Beijing as an example, the average unit price per class hour is 350 yuan according to the membership standard, and the average annual class hour per student is 40 class hours. Some parent-child swimming institutions in Guangzhou start selling at least 58 class hours, which means that parents invest at least about 20 thousand yuan at a time, and there are 70 thousand yuan or 80 thousand yuan in expensive class bags.

  Changing water in the swimming pool cannot be guaranteed, and auxiliary equipment can be used at will.

  Many parent-child swimming pools have advertised slogans such as "Enhance the baby’s physique from the root", "Children who swim for a long time have high immunoglobulin index in their blood", "Parent-child swimming makes babies less sick" and "Swimming is the only independent exercise that can start from the age of 0", and some institutions have also publicized the concept of "implanting foreign parent-child swimming concept".

  "Parent-child swimming is just a normal exercise. Children’s swimming can really promote development and growth to a certain extent, but it does not have those exaggerated effects. Babies under 1 year old are very weak and still in the initial development. It is not recommended to start swimming too early. " Zhu Hua, chief pediatrician of Chengdu Third People’s Hospital, said.

  Zhou Weihang, a former national swimmer, told reporters that many parents believe in the propaganda of some organizations and hope to achieve some unrealistic results through swimming. In fact, the main purpose of parent-child swimming is not to teach children to swim, but to explore each other and establish deeper parent-child feelings during swimming.

  Hygiene is the most concerned issue in parent-child swimming. Some parents reported that although many swimming pools promised to change water every day, they could not guarantee it and were not supervised. In a large parent-child swimming pool in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, the staff said that it was disinfected and replenished with new water every day. When the reporter asked whether to change the water every day, the staff vaguely said that the whole pool is close to 100 square meters, and it will take a long time to change it all, unless there are really children urinating in it, the water will be changed temporarily. "Changing the water will affect the course arrangement, and it is very troublesome to send a notice temporarily."

  In order to prevent children from urinating in the water, the swimming pool will require children to wear waterproof diapers. The reporter saw in a parent-child swimming pool in Guangzhou that a warning paper was posted by the pool: "Any child who urinates in the pool will be fined 360 yuan." There are three children about one year old swimming in the big pool, and none of them are wearing waterproof diapers.

  There are also many bath towels in swimming pools that also have health hazards. Ms. Kong told the reporter that the child was looking for the cause of the illness after he got sick. The doctor said that the child might have been exposed to unclean bath towels. Infectious molluscum is mainly transmitted through direct contact, and many patients are infected in public bathrooms or swimming pools.

  In addition, security risks can not be ignored. Some parent-child swimming pools are quite casual in the use of baby swimming AIDS. A staff member of a swimming pool in Guangzhou told reporters that there is no uniform standard for children to use auxiliary swimming equipment. Generally, they wear neck rings for less than 6 months, pads for more than 6 months, and underarm rings for more than 2 years old.

  Zhou Weihang introduced that the neck ring is easy to cause certain damage to the child’s spine. The children’s bones did not harden six months ago, and it is easy to hurt the spine with the neck ring, which poses a safety hazard. In May last year, a July-old boy in Fuzhou drowned in a swimming pool wearing a sitting swimming ring. Fortunately, the child was not life-threatening after being sent to hospital.

  "Some informal swimming pools have misunderstandings about parent-child swimming, and the methods are more radical. They want to teach in a few months, and the curriculum is unreasonable, which does not meet the physical development of small babies." The coach of a parent-child swimming pool in Chengdu said.

  Emerging industries urgently need to establish health and safety standards.

  The reporter learned that at present, the opening of the parent-child swimming pool only needs to register a business license, and there are no standards such as health inspection and personnel requirements, and there is no clear supervision.

  Coach is an important guarantee for children’s safety. The reporter learned in the investigation that some parent-child swimming pools claim to learn from foreign countries in their coaching training methods, but many of them have no qualifications at all. "Some parent-child swimming pools have almost zero threshold for recruiting employees. Some are kindergarten aunts who are recruited to be coaches of parent-child swimming. How to ensure the safety of children?" An industry insider in Chengdu said.

  Shen Yong, head coach of a parent-child swimming pool in Guangzhou, said that there is no uniform standard for parent-child swimming pools in China at present, and it depends entirely on industry self-discipline. "For coach specifications, each swimming pool generally sets its own standards." Some standardized swimming pools require coaches to obtain lifeguard certificates and swimming social sports instructor certificates, and at the same time, they must be trained as parent-child swimming teachers for infants before they can take up their posts.

  Chen Yunde, director of the Complaints and Consultation Department of Sichuan Consumer Protection Committee, said that parent-child swimming is a new industry, and it is urgent to formulate clear standards in sanitation and disinfection, personnel qualifications and safety management to ensure the safety of infants and young children. People in the industry call for speeding up the guidance and establishment of industry self-discipline standards, such as coach training mode and the threshold for recruiting students, so as to make this emerging industry develop healthily and orderly.

  Zhu Hua and other experts said that parents should treat parent-child swimming correctly, and focus on parent-child interaction, instead of seeking to let babies learn swimming skills quickly.

  (According to Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, April 4 th)

"Falling Mountain": Feeling Romance and Cruelty in Beautiful Scenery and Thinking about Human Nature

Liu Xiaowei is in the rain.

    Director Feng Xiaoning’s new work was published after ten years’ polishing, which continued the core idea of harmony, showed passion and romance, worries and responsibilities, rich imagination and strong expression in the film, and presented a feast for the audience with increasingly mature audio-visual language and narrative methods. Singing the beautiful feelings of human beings and condemning the evil in human nature with poetic film audio-visual language forms the distinctive style of Falling Mountain.

Li Zheng plays a game with his master in Luojingshan

    Compared with the impressive "War Trilogy", "Falling Mountain" has almost no large-scale war scenes, but focuses on an isolated mountain village and tells the story of their treasure-winning with a group of invaders. Although the number of people is small, and a large number of gun battles are not produced with special effects, the killing and death in "Falling Mountain" show the bloodiness and cruelty of human nature as profoundly.

    Luojingshan describes a nation’s instinctive and primitive sacrifice and death. The spontaneity and sacredness of this kind of sacrifice and death embodies the eternal ethical and moral law of so-called national interests and national interests above all else. The helpless villagers silently protested against the invaders with guns, the bloody old monk took his own life without hesitation, and the heroine drowned herself in the lake to save her children when the crisis came, all of which concentrated on Feng Xiaoning’s understanding and thinking about death, irrationality and inhumanity of war.

    From the content, Luojing Mountain is a fictional character, plot and story in a real war environment. His story does not pursue completeness, logic and authenticity, but pays more attention to its implication, ideographic meaning and legend. As an important clue, the treasure in the story, that is, the true scriptures that Tang Priest lost after learning from the scriptures, makes the story more colorful with myths, fairy tales and fables. In the social background at that time, the love between the single mother and the mute in the film is romantic and can better reflect the theme of human nature.

    The film depicts the dumb, single mother and old monk in a true, objective and meticulous artistic image, and describes the war from their perspectives and situations, showing their different living conditions and rich spiritual world. Feng Xiaoning has done a remarkable job. It is one of Feng Xiaoning’s successes to dig out these little people and middle people who are not in the mainstream from the dust of history and accept the artistic representation of human nature in their true colors.

    Aestheticism is a remarkable artistic feature of Feng Xiaoning’s films. He is very particular about the color, picture and shape of the film and strives for perfection. "Falling Mountain" takes red and yellow warm colors as the basic colors, which makes each picture look more like a flowing oil painting. There is a scene in the film that left a deep impression on us. By the sunny river, the fallen leaves on the ground were dyed golden in the setting sun. In this picturesque scenery, the heroine is sewing clothes for the dumb, and the dumb and children are playing in the river not far away. The beauty of the scenery and the beauty of human nature are integrated into one. "The scenery is full of emotions, and the emotions are concrete and the scenery is the scene."

    This creative idea completely betrays the description of "typical environment" of into the badlands and the dark moon in the movies of War and Treasure Hunt. It is an artistic wisdom to contrast the beautiful natural environment with the bloody cruelty of the war itself, thus reflecting the extreme contradiction between human killing each other and the beauty of nature.

    In the way of photography, he also used a variety of shooting methods in addition to using a fixed position. There are not only panoramic large-scale performances, but also local detailed descriptions. The detailed descriptions are very real, the action scenes are vivid, and the fighting environment is very realistic. Coupled with the beautiful caves in Yinan, it is undoubtedly a pleasing visual feast.

Beita District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau: Building a "Safe Bottom Line" for the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers.

Red Net News January 31 ST(Correspondent Liu Longying Liu Yimeng) As the year is approaching, the Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will strengthen the publicity and inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in its jurisdiction, build a clean and tidy urban environment, and effectively eliminate the safety hazards caused by fireworks and firecrackers.
In Gaobao Community of Tianjiang Street, urban management law enforcement team members went into commercial stores to publicize the dangers of setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and guided the general public to strive to be communicators of civilized new winds, not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, and to live a fresh, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe low-carbon year.
In order to further strengthen the management of "no burning and no releasing" of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival, public officials of all party and government organs, enterprises and institutions in Beita District signed a letter of commitment not to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the no-firing area of the city. The District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau makes full use of publicity columns, car broadcasts, LED display screens in stores, and publicity materials distributed in the market to widely publicize the relevant laws and regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers. Implement grid management responsibility, strengthen inspection and duty work in key areas and time periods, and build a daily supervision system. Strengthen publicity and education, actively guide the general public to use sound, light and electricity products instead of traditional fireworks and firecrackers, and choose safe, environmentally friendly and novel festive ways such as festive music and flowers to celebrate the Spring Festival.
In the next step, Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will continue to increase the publicity of fireworks and firecrackers, strengthen inspections and investigations on key places and high-incidence periods, discourage discharge in time, and strive to create a safe, orderly and peaceful holiday atmosphere.

Not all stories are love stories | Reading Day

Recently, Chinese-American writer Yiyun Li’s novel "Should I Go" met readers in China, which is the first time that Yiyun Li has been translated into Chinese and introduced into domestic novels.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li, but many readers in China read Yiyun Li for the first time. Yiyun Li went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to writing. From the publication of her first novel collection "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, and has become one of the most accomplished Chinese writers in English. Now, she is finally ready to return her works to China.

The first novel translated into Chinese and published.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li.

Yiyun Li, a Chinese-American writer, is currently a professor and director of creative writing program at Lewis Art Center of Princeton University. She is a "post-70s" who went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to English writing. Her first collection of short stories, A Thousand Years of Worship, has aroused widespread concern and affirmation, and won the Frank O ‘Connor International Short Story Award, the American Pen Hemingway Award and the British Guardian Newcomer Award. She herself has been rated as the most noteworthy writer by major authoritative literary magazines, and won the MacArthur Genius Award in the United States in 2010. In 2012, Yiyun Li won the O Henry Award for her short story Kindness, making her the first Chinese writer to win the award. In 2022, Yiyun Li was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a year later, she won the Faulkner Prize for Literature for her new work The Book of Goose.

So far, Yiyun Li has published six novels, three collections of short stories and one memoir. Should I Go, published in 2020, is her first novel translated into Chinese. In this novel, "Lilia has been married three times, raised five children, and is now looking forward to the birth of the 17th grandchild. She has been helping people around her to recognize herself all her life. At the age of eighty-five, she began to be fascinated by the diary of her old friend Roland. When she was young, they had a romantic relationship. She wanted to see what she could leave for the younger generation. The diary recorded Roland’s affairs in great detail. Lilia took pains to add footnotes to everything. A secret relationship that lasted for decades was slowly uncovered, including the existence of her daughter Lucy, who even Roland himself didn’t know. Flame-like passion, the grief of annihilation, people’s hearts go back and forth between these two poles, but they have to find their home and exit and continue to cruise. Yiyun Li gave a dazzling praise to life in the novel, about Lilia and about everyone who comes and goes in our lives. "

At the launch of Should I Go in Shanghai, Bao Huiyi, a young writer and associate professor of English at Fudan University, said that at first she thought the novel was a work about how to face aging and the last years of life, but later she found that it subverted all her presuppositions. She explained that the 80-year-old woman was obsessed with her old lover and went to such great trouble to read his diary, probably because she was immersed in the past, but this was not the case at all. With the development of the story, if it had a core meaning, it was the death of her daughter. In the novel, Lilia gave birth to a child with Roland, or she got a life from Roland. Later, this life passed away. Therefore, in Bao Huiyi’s understanding, Lilia didn’t go to the diary to trace the old love affair at all, and the author Yiyun Li also warned readers from the beginning that not all stories are love stories.

Photo courtesy of Yiyun Li Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Who collects who?

When reading Should I Go, Bao Huiyi found two different voices contending. "There is a male first-person narrator in the book, and then the voice-over is female, because Lilia is constantly making comments when reading Roland’s book, and subverts the male voice, or it can’t be said to be subversive, because her comments actually appear irregularly, which can be said to be a deconstruction of the life story that the man thinks he is. Then you will see such a struggle for the narrative subject, which is very interesting and very tense. "

Bao Huiyi believes that "Should I Go" has at least three or more layers of structure, the first of which is Roland, the author of the diary, and Lilia, the commentator, and the relationship between Lilia and Roland can be expanded. However, Yiyun Li is not unconventional. In an interview with Zhong Na, a bilingual writer and literary translator, Yiyun Li said that she was willing to rely on a traditional structure, and she thought that she could tell the story well with the help of an existing framework. In Bao Huiyi’s view, this is actually a solid writing attitude. Writers rely on their own handy framework to write dialogues and characters well.

Bao Huiyi said that perhaps when reading more than ten pages in the book, readers will feel that Yiyun Li is an author with profound narrative skills and sophisticated life wisdom. For example, in the book, the struggle for topics such as memory and time, the man thinks that he can write a book with a coffin, and the young girl becomes his lover, just one of his many "collections", even just a small footnote in his life, but who actually collects who, who forgets who, what is permanence, what is transience and what is possession?

Zhong Na shared her reading experience at the launch of Should I Go? Zhong Na said that in "Should I Go", readers can see that Lilia shared a lot of life wisdom, and there are many enlightening things, especially some golden sentences, which also show the personality of the characters. "I think the interesting thing that Yiyun Li presents in this book is that there are many golden sentences, but at the same time, the golden sentences are constantly being deconstructed and overthrown, and they are often contradictory, which actually constitutes the personality characteristics of Lilia."

In addition, Lilia keeps reading the diary of his old lover and responding, which seems paranoid. How to understand this behavior, Zhong Na spent a long time thinking, and finally found the answer in another book by Yiyun Li, Dear Friends, Write Your Life from My Life. "Yiyun Li suffered from depression for two years, and then she did some thinking and digestion by reading and reviewing her life, including her relationship with her family, her relationship with literature, and her relationship with the first half of her life. So in fact, she is slowly gaining some wisdom to regain the balance of her life by constantly reading the writer’s letters and diaries. So that book is actually having a dialogue with "Should I Go?", that is, through very in-depth reading, the lives of readers and authors are intertwined. So after I reread the book, I read "Should I Go" again, and I have a feeling of understanding Lilia. When a person’s life is in a dilemma, she re-establishes a narrative by reading this most extreme way to enter the other’s brain. "

A Chinese writer who writes in English

The Chinese simplified version of Should I Go was published, which made many readers who had heard of Yiyun Li read Yiyun Li for the first time.

At the launch of Should I Go, Penglun, an archipelago book publisher, recalled his association with Yiyun Li and shared the publishing story of Should I Go. He said that for many readers, Yiyun Li has always been a legend or a legend. From the publication of the first collection of novels "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, but she was not born and raised in the United States, but a writer who went to study in the United States from China. Before going to the United States, she had never published her works in Chinese. Among the current Chinese writers, Yiyun Li can be said to be the most accomplished writer in English, and many readers in China who are concerned about the world literary world are also curious. Why has Yiyun Li never published Chinese works before?

Peng Lun introduced that he began to pay attention to Yiyun Li in 2004. At that time, his job was to report some trends in the literary and publishing circles at home and abroad, and he learned by chance that Yiyun Li had won a new literary prize. He had never heard of this writer, so he searched the Internet for relevant information and got in touch with Yiyun Li by email.

In 2005, Yiyun Li published her first collection of short stories in the United States and won some literary prizes. At that time, Peng Lungang started publishing and asked Yiyun Li if she could translate this collection of novels into China, but she refused. With the increasing popularity of Yiyun Li, other China media began to pay attention to this writer. However, when asked when he would publish a book in China, Yiyun Li said no.

"I noticed at that time that she felt that she was not ready at that stage, or that China was not ready to accept her as a Chinese writer writing in English." Peng Lun said.

Ten years later, until 2020, Peng Lun suddenly received a letter from Yiyun Li’s agent and her latest novel manuscript at that time, that is, "Should I go?".

Zhong Na thinks, "Should I Go" is a very mature writer who is very satisfied with his current creation, so Yiyun Li is willing to make it the starting point for his work to enter the Chinese world. Zhong Na has been paying attention to Yiyun Li’s creative career. In her view, the writer’s writing has been constantly changing, broadening her own boundaries. In the early days, Yiyun Li’s writing actually paid more attention to the depiction of characters’ inner images, as well as the connection of very special characters’ emotions and relationships, and even hid himself among the characters. But later, Yiyun Li did a lot of experiments and broadening on texts and writing, and his works were more mature than those in his early years.

It is reported that besides Should I Go, Yiyun Li’s other two works, The Book of Goose and Wednesday’s Children, have also been put on the publishing schedule. "Although her works entered the Chinese world for the first time, many readers, especially female readers, recognized her voice and the charm of her works very quickly, which gave me great confidence." Peng Lun said.

Reporter: Jiang Dan Editor: Zheng Xu Proofreading: Yang Hefang


Liquor giants are frequently expanding their production! Maotai invested 4.1 billion yuan, Wuliangye invested 2.75 billion yuan, and LU ZHOU LAO JIAO CO.,LTD invested 570 million yuan … for every re

Opening words:

New Year’s Eve is a day of family reunion. Behind the lights, there are always some people who choose to stick to their posts and contribute their strength to others’ Spring Festival.

When they are homesick, they can only "reunite" with their families online, make a phone call, make a video, report their peace to their families and send them lovesickness.

On this New Year’s Eve, upstream journalists visited ordinary people from different positions and recorded their online New Year’s Eve.

Thank them for their dedication, responsibility and responsibility.

Pay tribute to everyone who has spent New Year’s Eve online.

▲ At Jiangbei International Airport, Xiong Mengxiang, the ground flight attendant of Chongqing Airlines, is checking in passengers.

Xiong Mengxiang, a 32-year-old ground crew member of Chongqing Airlines, has only been back to his hometown in Hubei twice for New Year’s Eve since he worked for 10 years. This year’s Spring Festival, she still sticks to her post to ensure that thousands of tourists go home for reunion.

Video call with family during lunch time

"Mom, is the dinner ready for the New Year’s Eve?" On January 31st, New Year’s Eve, the day of family reunion, Xiong Mengxiang made a video call to his mother during the short lunch time.

"What do you eat today? Dad cooked a lot of delicious dishes, but it’s a pity that you can’t come back. " Mother’s words are full of regret and concern.

"You eat more, eat my share, I’m all right here, eat well, don’t worry …" Xiong Mengxiang in the video always keeps smiling. A few minutes later, after hanging up the phone, she quietly turned her head and gently wiped her tears. Immediately, she began to tidy up her appearance, then put on a smile again and returned to her post to continue her work.

▲ Xiong Mengxiang wears protective equipment and is ready to work.

"Hello, madam, do you have any luggage to check?" Xiong Mengxiang, who returned to his post, smiled and served every passenger who came to check in.

Work for 10 years, only go home on New Year’s Eve and spend the New Year’s Eve twice.

Xiong Mengxiang has been doing this job for 10 years. Because of the particularity of her job, on New Year’s Eve in the past 10 years, she stuck to her job for eight years and only went back to her hometown in Hubei twice. On New Year’s Eve this year, Xiong Mengxiang is still on duty.

Xiong Mengxiang’s current job is a 24-hour shift system, starting at 9 am and getting off work at 9 am the next day. The main job is to handle check-in, ticket sales, change of visa, inquiry and other services for passengers. In the morning, they have to greet the passengers on the first flight, and in the evening, they have to send the passengers on the last flight away before they can get off work.

▲ Xiong Mengxiang handles check-in procedures for passengers.

Check-in, communication and coordination, formalities … These actions are repeated hundreds of times every day. After the COVID-19 epidemic, they also need to check the "double code" and nucleic acid certificate, which makes her work more complicated.

During her stay in Spring Festival travel rush, she received an average of more than 200 passengers every day, and the reception volume may double during the peak period. In the face of passengers’ inquiries, they always smile and serve, and do every detail well. At the check-in counter, they should check in a passenger within 3 minutes, and at the sales counter, they are required to issue tickets within 1 minute and change their tickets within 5 minutes. Standing for a long time caused varicose veins in her calf.

"Although I will be absent from the family reunion dinner this year, I am very pleased to be able to guarantee thousands of tourists to go home for reunion." Xiong Mengxiang said.

Upstream journalist Gan Xiayi Li Jing

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Custom calendar for one week in morning weather | Warm up, warm up, warm up! The highest temperature in Shanghai is 29℃ on Friday, and the cold air "kills" on weekends.


It’s the end of October. Why is it so "hot"?

Recently, the weather in Shencheng is really good. The blue sky is lined with dazzling eyes during the day. In the afternoon, the body feels even warmer than the category of "crisp autumn", and many pedestrians wear short-sleeved skirts.

Close to beginning of winter, as warm as long summer?

Many netizens in Shanghai shouted "hot".

Shencheng continues to heat up today. With the help of warm autumn sun, the highest temperature in most parts of the city generally reaches around 25℃, including 24.9℃ at Xujiahui Station in the urban area and 26.9℃ at Qingpu Station.

Looking at the whole country, due to the weak cold air that has affected our country recently, this warming wave has a large scope.

According to China Weather Network, since October this year, the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side, with many places 2 to 4℃ higher than normal, and many places in North China have successively exceeded 30℃.

In the early part of this week, China’s central and eastern regions still maintained a warmer pattern.

Why is there such a rare warm and hot weather?

Li Liang, a meteorologist of China Weather Network, analyzed that since October this year, the polar vortex that accumulated cold air has been located in the north, and the cold air affecting China is significantly weaker than normal, and the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side. In the next three days, the cold air affecting China will be located in the north and weak, coupled with the blessing of sunny days, which is very conducive to the temperature rise in North China and its south.

For Shanghai, the temperature will continue to rise in the daytime tomorrow. It should be noted that the temperature difference between day and night is large, with the temperature difference in the central city exceeding 8℃ and that in the suburbs above 10℃. Pay attention to dressing flexibly.

Specific forecast for tomorrow:

Sunny to cloudy with southerly winds of 3-4. The highest temperature is 26℃ and the lowest temperature is 18℃. The relative humidity is 90%-45%. Fire risk rating Meteorological index: Grade 4, flammable.

In a week, the temperature rises first and then falls this week, and will reach the peak of this round of warming on Friday, with the highest temperature reaching 29℃.

Cold air finally arrived on weekends, and the temperature dropped all the way, accompanied by a light rain weather process.

The highest temperature will fall back to "prefix 1" next Monday.

According to the meteorological department, this week’s sunny or cloudy weather plays the leading role, and the weather is generally dry, so it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of replenishing water and using fire and electricity.


Most of the country will keep sunny and dry, and the temperature will gradually rise to a high state in the same period of the year.

  China Weather Network News In the next three days (November 18-20), most of the country will maintain a sunny and dry weather pattern, and the temperature will gradually rise. The maximum temperature of 20℃ will obviously rise northward. After the temperature rise, the temperature in many places will be 6-10℃ higher than normal, but the temperature difference between day and night will widen, so the public needs to increase or decrease clothes in time.

  Snowfall in Northeast China and other places has obviously weakened, and most of the country has started a sunny and dry mode.

  Yesterday, a large range of rain and snow continued in the northeast, and the intensity of local snowfall was high. The monitoring shows that moderate to heavy snow or sleet appears in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin and Shandong Peninsula, and there are local blizzards in Mudanjiang, Shuangyashan, Jiamusi and Hegang in Heilongjiang, and local blizzards in Shuangyashan and Hegang.

  Today, the snowfall in Northeast China and other places will be obviously weakened, and there will be rain and snow weather in southern Sichuan and Yunnan under the confrontation of cold and warm air. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet and central and southern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern and southern Sichuan, southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, and most of Yunnan. Among them, there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.


  From tomorrow on, most of the country will have little rain and snow, and precipitation will only appear in Xinjiang and other places. It is estimated that there will be light snow or sleet in parts of eastern and southern Heilongjiang, eastern and northern Jilin, northern Xinjiang, areas along Tianshan Mountain and southeastern Tibet. There is light rain in parts of Junggar Basin and Ili Valley in Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan and western Yunnan.


  The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and eastern Tibet. Among them, there will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and there will be heavy snow locally.


  In the next three days, most of the country will be short of rain and snow. Under the control of dry, cold and northerly winds, the minimum relative humidity in the northwest to Jiangnan and South China is generally only about 30%. The weather is dry, so the public should pay attention to hydrating and moisturizing. From the 21st, due to the influence of cold air, the northeast of Inner Mongolia, the northeast, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places will once again usher in the process of precipitation weather. At present, the forecasting time is far away, so we need to pay attention to it.

  Most of the country has stepped into the temperature rising channel and will reach a recent high on the 19th to 22nd.

  In terms of temperature, the impact of cold air on China came to an end yesterday, and some areas in Northeast China and North China experienced 4~8℃ cooling.

  Starting from this weekend, most of the country will start the warming mode, and it will reach the recent high temperature from 19th to 22nd, and the maximum temperature of 20℃ will be pushed northward to central Henan and northern Anhui. After warming up, the temperature in many places may be 6~10℃ higher than normal. For example, the highest temperature in Shenyang yesterday was still below freezing point, and then the temperature went up all the way, and it will rise to 12 C on the 21st. The highest temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is as high as 22~23℃ from 21st to 22nd, showing obvious warmth.

  However, compared with the rapid warming during the day, the warming process of the minimum temperature is slower. In the next few days, the temperature difference between day and night in most parts of the country is generally above 10℃, and it can even reach about 20℃ in the northern part of the country. It is recommended that the public increase or decrease clothes in time according to the temperature change to guard against catching a cold.

Strong cold air today "crosses" the Yangtze River, and the temperature in most parts of the country has hit record lows.

  China Weather Network News The cold wave is coming! On December 12th, a strong cold air began to affect our country. Today, it will affect along the Yangtze River, and tomorrow it will reach Jiangnan and South China. Affected by this, the temperature in most parts of the country will hit a new low one after another until December 15th. Not only that, the large-scale rain and snow weather in the south will also be carried out on this "strong cold air train", and many cities may usher in snow at the beginning of this winter.

  Strong winds and cooling will appear one after another, and the temperature in various places will be as low as "March 9" in a large area.

  Yesterday, this strong cold air has begun to affect China, but it is still in the "starting" stage. The affected area is only in the plateau area, and most other areas are still in a relatively stable state, such as North China, Huanghuai, Jianghan and other places. Fog and haze still appeared in the morning, but at night, with the cold air killing, the visibility improved, and the gale cooling also officially appeared one after another.

  This morning, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue warning of cold wave. It is predicted that from 08: 00 on December 13th to 08: 00 on December 15th, the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 8℃ in the eastern part of Northeast China, southeastern part of Northwest China, most of North China, most of Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, eastern part of Southwest China and most of South China. Among them, the temperature will drop by 10℃ in some areas such as southwest Hunan, southeast Guizhou and central and northern Guangxi. After cooling, the minimum temperature line of 0℃ will be pressed south to the line from southern Guizhou to northwestern Zhejiang. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds with gusts of 7 ~ 8 in the north, 4 ~ 5 northerly winds in the south, 6 ~ 7 gusts in rivers and lakes, 6 ~ 8 northerly winds with gusts of 9 in offshore waters.

Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

  This cold air moves faster. It has arrived along the Yangtze River today and will "cross" the Yangtze River. Tomorrow, it will mainly affect Jiangnan and South China. Affected by this, the early high temperature pattern in all parts of the country will be completely broken and turned to be obviously low. Since it is a cold wave, the power of this strong cold air is not only that, of course. It will also cause the temperature in most parts of the country to hit a new low since beginning of winter, and let many areas experience the "March 9th" and "April 9th" cold in advance.

  According to the forecast, the temperature in the northern region will hit a new low on the 13th to 14th. For example, in the northeast region, the highest temperature will generally drop to around -10℃, and the lowest temperature will drop all the way below -20℃. The highest temperature in the eastern part of northwest China, North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop to about 0℃, and the lowest temperature will only be around -10℃. In the southern region, the temperature will generally hit a new low on the 14th to 15th. In many places in Jianghuai, Jianghan and Jiangnan, it is only about 5℃ during the day, which can be called winter.

  It is worth noting that after the end of this cold wave process, there will be another cold air impact from December 16 to 18. It is expected that the intensity will be weaker than the current one, but it will also make the temperature in most places continue to be low. In a word, the recent cold air is the rhythm of one after another. Everyone needs to pay attention to the approaching forecast, and it is the key to do a good job of cold protection and warmth.

  There is little and weak snowfall in the north, and the rain and snow in the south are frozen on the line.

  In terms of precipitation, the rain and snow brought by this strong cold air to the north is generally weak, mainly because there will be some rain and snow processes in the central and eastern regions; In the south, on the contrary, riding the "strong cold air train", rain and snow will spread out on a large scale. It is estimated that today, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of the eastern part of the northwest, Jianghan, Jianghuai, western and northern Jiangnan, and eastern Guizhou, among which there will be heavy snow in southern Anhui and northwestern Hubei. There are small to moderate rains in parts of Sichuan Basin, most of Chongqing, western Guizhou, eastern Yunnan, southern Jiangnan, most of southern China and Taiwan Province Island, among which there is local heavy rain in southern Guangxi.

Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

  Tomorrow, the freezing situation of rain and snow in the southern region should not be underestimated. It is expected that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of southwestern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Hubei, western and northern Jiangnan, and northern and eastern Guizhou. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern Southwest China, central and southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China, among which there is heavy rain in the northeast of Taiwan Province Island.

Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

  It is understood that the southernmost snow line of this precipitation process can reach the first line of southern Guizhou-southern Hunan-northwestern Jiangxi-northwestern Zhejiang. Many places including Wuhan and Changsha will begin to experience the process of rain-to-snow at night, such as Wuhan. It is possible to usher in snowfall this evening, but due to the high ground temperature, the snow will not be obvious. In addition, in Guizhou and the western part of Hunan, freezing rain may start from tonight and will continue until tomorrow. The wet and icy roads may greatly affect the morning peak next Monday.

  Generally speaking, rain, snow and freezing at low temperature in Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places will lead to slippery roads, snow or icy roads. Public travel in these areas needs to pay attention to safety and arrange travel time reasonably.