Custom calendar for one week in morning weather | Warm up, warm up, warm up! The highest temperature in Shanghai is 29℃ on Friday, and the cold air "kills" on weekends.


It’s the end of October. Why is it so "hot"?

Recently, the weather in Shencheng is really good. The blue sky is lined with dazzling eyes during the day. In the afternoon, the body feels even warmer than the category of "crisp autumn", and many pedestrians wear short-sleeved skirts.

Close to beginning of winter, as warm as long summer?

Many netizens in Shanghai shouted "hot".

Shencheng continues to heat up today. With the help of warm autumn sun, the highest temperature in most parts of the city generally reaches around 25℃, including 24.9℃ at Xujiahui Station in the urban area and 26.9℃ at Qingpu Station.

Looking at the whole country, due to the weak cold air that has affected our country recently, this warming wave has a large scope.

According to China Weather Network, since October this year, the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side, with many places 2 to 4℃ higher than normal, and many places in North China have successively exceeded 30℃.

In the early part of this week, China’s central and eastern regions still maintained a warmer pattern.

Why is there such a rare warm and hot weather?

Li Liang, a meteorologist of China Weather Network, analyzed that since October this year, the polar vortex that accumulated cold air has been located in the north, and the cold air affecting China is significantly weaker than normal, and the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side. In the next three days, the cold air affecting China will be located in the north and weak, coupled with the blessing of sunny days, which is very conducive to the temperature rise in North China and its south.

For Shanghai, the temperature will continue to rise in the daytime tomorrow. It should be noted that the temperature difference between day and night is large, with the temperature difference in the central city exceeding 8℃ and that in the suburbs above 10℃. Pay attention to dressing flexibly.

Specific forecast for tomorrow:

Sunny to cloudy with southerly winds of 3-4. The highest temperature is 26℃ and the lowest temperature is 18℃. The relative humidity is 90%-45%. Fire risk rating Meteorological index: Grade 4, flammable.

In a week, the temperature rises first and then falls this week, and will reach the peak of this round of warming on Friday, with the highest temperature reaching 29℃.

Cold air finally arrived on weekends, and the temperature dropped all the way, accompanied by a light rain weather process.

The highest temperature will fall back to "prefix 1" next Monday.

According to the meteorological department, this week’s sunny or cloudy weather plays the leading role, and the weather is generally dry, so it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of replenishing water and using fire and electricity.


Most of the country will keep sunny and dry, and the temperature will gradually rise to a high state in the same period of the year.

  China Weather Network News In the next three days (November 18-20), most of the country will maintain a sunny and dry weather pattern, and the temperature will gradually rise. The maximum temperature of 20℃ will obviously rise northward. After the temperature rise, the temperature in many places will be 6-10℃ higher than normal, but the temperature difference between day and night will widen, so the public needs to increase or decrease clothes in time.

  Snowfall in Northeast China and other places has obviously weakened, and most of the country has started a sunny and dry mode.

  Yesterday, a large range of rain and snow continued in the northeast, and the intensity of local snowfall was high. The monitoring shows that moderate to heavy snow or sleet appears in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin and Shandong Peninsula, and there are local blizzards in Mudanjiang, Shuangyashan, Jiamusi and Hegang in Heilongjiang, and local blizzards in Shuangyashan and Hegang.

  Today, the snowfall in Northeast China and other places will be obviously weakened, and there will be rain and snow weather in southern Sichuan and Yunnan under the confrontation of cold and warm air. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Tibet and central and southern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern and southern Sichuan, southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, and most of Yunnan. Among them, there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.


  From tomorrow on, most of the country will have little rain and snow, and precipitation will only appear in Xinjiang and other places. It is estimated that there will be light snow or sleet in parts of eastern and southern Heilongjiang, eastern and northern Jilin, northern Xinjiang, areas along Tianshan Mountain and southeastern Tibet. There is light rain in parts of Junggar Basin and Ili Valley in Xinjiang, southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan and western Yunnan.


  The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and eastern Tibet. Among them, there will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of Xinjiang along Tianshan Mountain and Ili River Valley, and there will be heavy snow locally.


  In the next three days, most of the country will be short of rain and snow. Under the control of dry, cold and northerly winds, the minimum relative humidity in the northwest to Jiangnan and South China is generally only about 30%. The weather is dry, so the public should pay attention to hydrating and moisturizing. From the 21st, due to the influence of cold air, the northeast of Inner Mongolia, the northeast, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places will once again usher in the process of precipitation weather. At present, the forecasting time is far away, so we need to pay attention to it.

  Most of the country has stepped into the temperature rising channel and will reach a recent high on the 19th to 22nd.

  In terms of temperature, the impact of cold air on China came to an end yesterday, and some areas in Northeast China and North China experienced 4~8℃ cooling.

  Starting from this weekend, most of the country will start the warming mode, and it will reach the recent high temperature from 19th to 22nd, and the maximum temperature of 20℃ will be pushed northward to central Henan and northern Anhui. After warming up, the temperature in many places may be 6~10℃ higher than normal. For example, the highest temperature in Shenyang yesterday was still below freezing point, and then the temperature went up all the way, and it will rise to 12 C on the 21st. The highest temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is as high as 22~23℃ from 21st to 22nd, showing obvious warmth.

  However, compared with the rapid warming during the day, the warming process of the minimum temperature is slower. In the next few days, the temperature difference between day and night in most parts of the country is generally above 10℃, and it can even reach about 20℃ in the northern part of the country. It is recommended that the public increase or decrease clothes in time according to the temperature change to guard against catching a cold.

Strong cold air today "crosses" the Yangtze River, and the temperature in most parts of the country has hit record lows.

  China Weather Network News The cold wave is coming! On December 12th, a strong cold air began to affect our country. Today, it will affect along the Yangtze River, and tomorrow it will reach Jiangnan and South China. Affected by this, the temperature in most parts of the country will hit a new low one after another until December 15th. Not only that, the large-scale rain and snow weather in the south will also be carried out on this "strong cold air train", and many cities may usher in snow at the beginning of this winter.

  Strong winds and cooling will appear one after another, and the temperature in various places will be as low as "March 9" in a large area.

  Yesterday, this strong cold air has begun to affect China, but it is still in the "starting" stage. The affected area is only in the plateau area, and most other areas are still in a relatively stable state, such as North China, Huanghuai, Jianghan and other places. Fog and haze still appeared in the morning, but at night, with the cold air killing, the visibility improved, and the gale cooling also officially appeared one after another.

  This morning, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue warning of cold wave. It is predicted that from 08: 00 on December 13th to 08: 00 on December 15th, the temperature will drop by 6 ~ 8℃ in the eastern part of Northeast China, southeastern part of Northwest China, most of North China, most of Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, eastern part of Southwest China and most of South China. Among them, the temperature will drop by 10℃ in some areas such as southwest Hunan, southeast Guizhou and central and northern Guangxi. After cooling, the minimum temperature line of 0℃ will be pressed south to the line from southern Guizhou to northwestern Zhejiang. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds with gusts of 7 ~ 8 in the north, 4 ~ 5 northerly winds in the south, 6 ~ 7 gusts in rivers and lakes, 6 ~ 8 northerly winds with gusts of 9 in offshore waters.

Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

  This cold air moves faster. It has arrived along the Yangtze River today and will "cross" the Yangtze River. Tomorrow, it will mainly affect Jiangnan and South China. Affected by this, the early high temperature pattern in all parts of the country will be completely broken and turned to be obviously low. Since it is a cold wave, the power of this strong cold air is not only that, of course. It will also cause the temperature in most parts of the country to hit a new low since beginning of winter, and let many areas experience the "March 9th" and "April 9th" cold in advance.

  According to the forecast, the temperature in the northern region will hit a new low on the 13th to 14th. For example, in the northeast region, the highest temperature will generally drop to around -10℃, and the lowest temperature will drop all the way below -20℃. The highest temperature in the eastern part of northwest China, North China, Huanghuai and other places will drop to about 0℃, and the lowest temperature will only be around -10℃. In the southern region, the temperature will generally hit a new low on the 14th to 15th. In many places in Jianghuai, Jianghan and Jiangnan, it is only about 5℃ during the day, which can be called winter.

  It is worth noting that after the end of this cold wave process, there will be another cold air impact from December 16 to 18. It is expected that the intensity will be weaker than the current one, but it will also make the temperature in most places continue to be low. In a word, the recent cold air is the rhythm of one after another. Everyone needs to pay attention to the approaching forecast, and it is the key to do a good job of cold protection and warmth.

  There is little and weak snowfall in the north, and the rain and snow in the south are frozen on the line.

  In terms of precipitation, the rain and snow brought by this strong cold air to the north is generally weak, mainly because there will be some rain and snow processes in the central and eastern regions; In the south, on the contrary, riding the "strong cold air train", rain and snow will spread out on a large scale. It is estimated that today, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of the eastern part of the northwest, Jianghan, Jianghuai, western and northern Jiangnan, and eastern Guizhou, among which there will be heavy snow in southern Anhui and northwestern Hubei. There are small to moderate rains in parts of Sichuan Basin, most of Chongqing, western Guizhou, eastern Yunnan, southern Jiangnan, most of southern China and Taiwan Province Island, among which there is local heavy rain in southern Guangxi.

Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

  Tomorrow, the freezing situation of rain and snow in the southern region should not be underestimated. It is expected that there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of southwestern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Hubei, western and northern Jiangnan, and northern and eastern Guizhou. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern Southwest China, central and southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China, among which there is heavy rain in the northeast of Taiwan Province Island.

Strong cold air crossed the Yangtze River today, and the temperature in the whole country hit new lows one after another.

  It is understood that the southernmost snow line of this precipitation process can reach the first line of southern Guizhou-southern Hunan-northwestern Jiangxi-northwestern Zhejiang. Many places including Wuhan and Changsha will begin to experience the process of rain-to-snow at night, such as Wuhan. It is possible to usher in snowfall this evening, but due to the high ground temperature, the snow will not be obvious. In addition, in Guizhou and the western part of Hunan, freezing rain may start from tonight and will continue until tomorrow. The wet and icy roads may greatly affect the morning peak next Monday.

  Generally speaking, rain, snow and freezing at low temperature in Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places will lead to slippery roads, snow or icy roads. Public travel in these areas needs to pay attention to safety and arrange travel time reasonably.

New Year’s Day is smooth, and Guangdong traffic is in action!

Southern Network News (Reporter/Zheng Xuyan correspondent/Guangdong Communications Comprehensive) The traffic volume during the New Year holiday has increased. In order to do a good job in ensuring smooth roads and make everyone’s holiday travel smoother and safer, the following sections do so!
Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway:
30 teams and groups do their best to ensure smooth flow.
During the New Year’s Day, in order to ensure the smooth and orderly road network, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway set up 12 road standby stations and 6 rescue stations, and the road administration department sent 26 teams to participate in the smooth road surface maintenance throughout the day (8 teams in the morning shift, 10 teams in the middle shift, 5 teams in the night shift and 3 teams in the motor); Four teams in the monitoring center take turns to work, and the "road traffic abnormal event detection system" is applied to grasp the road traffic situation in real time.
Before the festival, Houjie Toll Station of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway was upgraded, and self-service card issuing machine and self-service payment machine were installed at the exit and entrance artificial lanes respectively, and four functions of self-service card issuing, self-service payment, mobile lane terminal and cloud toll hall were added to create a smart toll station of expressway with unattended lanes, abnormal remote operation and intelligent inspection afterwards.
South Ring Expressway:
Eight charging piles were put into operation in Leliu and Danzao service areas.
South Ring Expressway gives full play to the "multi-party" working mechanism, and implements "four-party joint" duty in the monitoring (customer service) center to improve the monitoring of important sections and the efficiency of information reporting; Road administration, traffic police, and rescue departments jointly prepare for duty at key sections of Nansha Bridge, allocate emergency and smooth forces step by step, dynamically adjust road stationing points, and deal with all kinds of emergencies efficiently and quickly.
The Leliu and Danzao service areas have completed the commissioning and commissioning of 8 charging piles. The upgraded charging piles are new 120KW double-gun charging piles. The two pairs of service areas can accommodate 16 new energy vehicles to charge at the same time. The single-gun charging flow can reach the maximum demand of 240A, and the charging power is increased by 50%, providing safer, more efficient and convenient charging services for new energy owners.
Humen Bridge:
In case of rush hour, it will cooperate with the traffic police department to enable hard shoulder traffic.
It is estimated that the peak traffic of Humen Bridge will appear on January 1st, which is higher than last year.
During the New Year’s Day, Humen Bridge will continue to ban trucks and buses with more than 40 seats all day; Strictly implement the "one blocking point and one scheme". In case of rush hour, vehicles will be guided to borrow hard shoulders from K42 eastbound to K39 eastbound (Guangzhou to Dongguan) and K36+900M westbound to K37+400M westbound (Dongguan to Guangzhou). Add two groups of mobile road officers to stand by, patrol alternately, and make up the position in a circular way to ensure that "measures are taken when people see cars"; Two-way rescue points will be set up in the area from Weiyuan Interchange to Nansha Interchange, and two rescue vehicles will be arranged to stop alternately to ensure rapid handling of road emergencies.
The following sections are closed.
The reconstruction and expansion project of the ferry road of Shiziyang Channel was started in mid-December 2023. From December 20, 2023 to April 30, 2028, the ferry road (section from Qishafulong Road in Sha Tin to Liansheng North Road in Baisha, Humen) was closed for traffic control.
In addition, during the New Year’s Day, the "Donghe Bridge to Zhuhai Station" section of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai section of the Guangzhou-Macao Expressway is occupied by the Nansha-Zhuhai section reconstruction and expansion project, and vehicles are prone to slow traffic during peak hours; The south and north areas of Dongsheng service area of Zhongjiang Expressway continue to be closed, and vehicles are prohibited from entering the service area. Please plan the detour route in advance to avoid traffic congestion.
During the New Year holiday, please take the wrong peak to travel, choose the route reasonably and try to avoid the rush hour!

The longest war launched by the United States will be lost in this way!

The first war launched by the United States in the 21st century, the longest war launched by the United States so far, is about to lose.
Of course, Americans will certainly argue: Who said I lost? We signed a peace agreement and left peacefully.
On the surface, it is. After 19 years of bloody war, the United States and the Taliban shook hands and made peace. On the afternoon of February 29th, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement in Qatar.
A historic agreement.
But in the 19 years of bloody war, as the only superpower in the world, the United States paid the lives of 2,400 young soldiers, resulting in more than 20,000 soldiers being disabled, and the war cost more than 750 billion US dollars. In the end, the Taliban did not collapse, but also controlled most of Afghanistan, and now it is going to make a comeback. On the contrary, the United States will withdraw its troops.
Who won? Who lost?
But the United States is more helpless.
The 19-year war has increasingly proved that Afghanistan is a big quagmire.
Keep fighting, America can’t defeat the Taliban.
Even if there are more advanced drones and more powerful cruise missiles, Americans are at a loss in the face of the Taliban hiding in the mountains.
Advanced weapons have a price, and American soldiers are more expensive, but the Taliban just can’t kill them. On the contrary, they have increased their counterattack against the United States. In the past 2019, dozens of American soldiers were killed, which is the biggest casualty of the United States in Afghanistan for many years.
Not to mention one 19 years, that is, several 19 years, Americans can’t win.
Besides, for Americans, what if they win? Can you send troops to stay in Afghanistan? That’s a sitting duck waiting to die.
The United States has long wanted to withdraw, but it has been unable to withdraw.
Desperately withdraw, where to put your face. Moreover, the Taliban did not give Americans a good face at all.
Originally, in September last year, the United States had held nine rounds of negotiations with the Taliban and could sign a peace agreement immediately.
But in September of that year, the Taliban launched another attack, and another American soldier was killed. This is trampling on the American red line. Trump suddenly became angry: Stop talking!
Americans want to get back more chips that are not on the negotiating table.
The United States is going to fight again, but the Taliban there are even worse: Americans, you must regret it even more.
In the next few months, the two sides fought again. But what makes Americans helpless is that the indiscriminate bombing of the Taliban did not work. On the contrary, the Bagram Air Force Base, the largest military base in Afghanistan, was attacked by the Taliban.
In January this year, although the United States and Iran were at loggerheads, the United States suffered the most, especially in Afghanistan. The Taliban killed many more American soldiers.
Even if you are impulsive and take risks again, Trump should have a set of accounts.
The red line of Americans has become a dotted line, and everything in face is secondary after all. In the end, let’s talk about it.
So, on the last day of February 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement.
For Americans, the lesson is painful.
Originally, there was no suspense in this war. One side is the only superpower in the world, and the other side is just a guerrilla regime. Moreover, at that time, the United States stood at the moral high ground and avenged the September 11 incident. Whoever sheltered bin Laden was the enemy.
The Taliban didn’t understand the situation at the time.
According to the tradition of Afghan tribes, bin Laden and Al Qaeda are their guests, and guests cannot be expelled. So he flatly refused to hand over bin Laden. As a result, the angry Bush administration launched a war against Afghanistan.
It was really devastating at first. In the winter of 2001, the Taliban was expelled from Kabul. However, the United States never imagined that the war had just begun, and it would take 19 years to fight.
Also in 2001, I went to Afghanistan and started my first battlefield career. Among them, it is bitter and sweet, and it is a long story.
American nightmare seems doomed from the beginning. At that time, in Kabul, the city was in the hands of the United States and allied forces, but in the surrounding mountains, it was the Taliban camp.
The fierceness of the mountain people really makes people gasp in admiration. Afghans are proud to tell me,This is the tomb of empires. They have defeated two empires: the British Empire and the Soviet Union, and will definitely defeat the third empire-the United States.
Of course, the Taliban itself has been criticized by the international community, such as extremely conservative religious ideas, especially the imprisonment of women, and the extreme behavior of destroying the Bamiyan Buddha.
But Afghanistan is Afghanistan, and the Taliban is the Taliban. The Taliban has the support of the bottom people and its superior guerrilla warfare ability, which makes the United States have to accept the reality.
After signing the peace agreement, Trump also lamented at the White House:The Taliban is a great warrior, a great warrior. If you don’t believe it, just ask the Soviets …
The United States is clapping its hands to withdraw, but for Afghanistan and the whole pattern of Central Asia, it means a new blood shed.
After all, in Kabul, there is the Afghan regime supported by Americans. How can the Taliban and the Ghani regime get along?
This is reminiscent of the tragedy after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union.
Najibullah was the leader of the Afghan puppet regime supported by the Soviet Union at that time. After the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, the resistance immediately attacked Kabul, and najibullah’s regime collapsed. He himself had to take refuge in the United Nations office.
The resistance was polite at least, but the Taliban, which rose later, was not polite at all.
On September 27th, 1996, Taliban soldiers who invaded Kabul finally found najibullah. According to what people in Kabul told me at that time, the poor former leader was executed in an insulting way. His mouth was stuffed with money, his genitals were cut off, and then he was shot dead at random. After his death, his body was hung on the lamppost in the city square for a long time …
The cruel execution of najibullah also showed the world the horror of the Taliban.
After 19 years, the Taliban will definitely enter Kabul again.
Finally, don’t say much. Recently, the focus of the world is not Afghanistan. Just like Trump’s press conference, reporters asked several questions about Afghanistan, and more about the spread of Covid-19.
The Americans are going to run away, and the life and death of the Afghans are also neglected by the Americans.
Some regrets:
First, no matter how powerful the empire is, it also has its own weaknesses.
Weapons are very important, but the United States, which has the most advanced weapons in the world, launched a 19-year war and paid 2400 lives, but still failed to defeat the Taliban. In this world, the wicked have their own grinding. Seeing a photo of the Taliban, a westerner commented: They never learn English, but they teach more than 40 countries a lesson!
Second, a war is over, but blood shed is coming.
Just as the Soviet Union withdrew its troops in those years, then the guerrillas captured Kabul, and then there was a more bitter civil war. How does the powerful Taliban divide power with the Kabul regime? What will happen to those Afghans who have worked with Americans? Americans have left a mess and a new blood shed.
Third, the people are the most miserable.
We went to Afghanistan in 2001, when Kabul airport was destroyed, and we landed at Bagram Air Force Base. On the road to Kabul, there is a wilderness full of mines, and there are still the wreckage of destroyed tanks and artillery on the roadside. Seeing the people fleeing in panic, there is really a deep sadness:Better be a peaceful dog than a stray.This is really the cry of the ancients.
We really don’t live in a peaceful world, but we are fortunate to live in a peaceful country.
Although we are now in another war without smoke, at least we have seen the dawn of victory.
Still cherish the present and cherish peace!