Watch the collection live and enjoy the beautiful scenery online.

  As the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, the tourism industry has gradually resumed production. Recently, the 19 peaks scenic spot in Chuanyan, Xinchang County, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province has attracted many tourists to visit in the spring through the form of "online cloud tour+offline experience". People’s vision

  Core reading

  Based on the principle of "orderly opening up" and "paying close attention to online", we will persist in accurately, orderly and solidly promoting the return to work and production of cultural and tourism enterprises. At the same time, accelerate the development of digital tourism industry.

  Online and offline concerted efforts

  A number of scenic spots held live online activities, attracting many tourists to participate.

  "Canceled the travel itinerary, and it is also very informative to visit online at home." These days, Lin Ying, a college teacher in Yangpu District, Shanghai, took her daughter to watch the live broadcast of Xi ‘an Beilin Museum online. Together with more than 300,000 "online tourists", she followed the commentator to the museum to learn about history. "The commentator’s explanation is humorous and vivid, and my daughter is very interested."

  Since February, some scenic spots have held live broadcast activities such as "Cloud Tour" on Internet platforms such as Tik Tok, Taobao, Tencent and Aauto Quicker. This new way of traveling has attracted many tourists to participate. At most, the single-day viewing of live events in museums alone has reached 10 million people.

  "Actively introducing new service methods is an effective measure for cultural tourism enterprises to cope with the impact of the epidemic." Jing Linbo, president of China Academy of Social Sciences Evaluation, believes that the epidemic has different impacts on different regions and industries, and the tertiary industry is the most affected as a whole. Tourism is directly related to the flow of people and is directly affected by the epidemic. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to February, the retail sales of travel goods dropped significantly, including the catering income related to tourism dropped by 43.1%, and the room income of the above-designated accommodation industry dropped by nearly 50%.

  At present, on the one hand, tourism enterprises actively resume work and production, on the other hand, they strive to seek transformation. In order to guide the national tourist attractions to continue to implement epidemic prevention and control, and steadily do a good job in the work related to the resumption of opening up, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently issued the "Guide to Prevention and Control Measures for the Resumption of Opening Up of Tourist Attractions", proposing that each scenic spot should gradually resume opening up in different regions and projects according to the actual situation, and clearly control the tourist flow, implement real-name registration and other scenic spot tour management measures.

  On March 1st, the Potala Palace held its first live webcast, with more than one million viewers in one hour. On March 9th, the Potala Palace once again boarded Taobao’s live broadcast room, which was broadcast live with 5G signal for the first time. The picture was clearer and smoother, and it was well received by viewers. According to incomplete statistics, up to now, more than 30 famous domestic museums, such as China National Museum, Dunhuang Research Institute, Nanjing Museum and Suzhou Museum, have held live webcasts, and some museum curators have gone online to tell the audience the story of national treasures.

  Scenic tours can be broadcast live, and industry training can also be broadcast live. Since mid-February, Jingyu Mama Group began to organize large-scale public welfare cultural travel live classes. This course, which is introduced once a day and lectured by tourism experts, has become a set of timely and rich training materials for tourism practitioners who are "busy charging" and "practicing internal strength" during the epidemic. As of the beginning of March, the cumulative number of viewers of the live class has exceeded 200,000.

  As the situation of domestic epidemic prevention and control continues to improve, the situation of offline tourism resuming production is also improving. On March 16th, shenzhen happy valley, windows of the world, splendid china Folk Village and other scenic spots under OCT Group resumed opening in an orderly manner. According to the relevant person in charge of shenzhen happy valley, after re-opening, visitors are required to keep a distance of more than 1.5 meters and wear masks all the way to the park, and the amusement equipment will be taken in separate seats. The staff will fully disinfect the seats immediately after each group of tourists leave.

  According to the 2020 Destination Recovery Index Report released by Ctrip. com, as of March 11th, the number of scenic spots reopened for booking on Ctrip platform has exceeded 900, and the number of 5A-level scenic spots nationwide has exceeded 100, accounting for nearly 40% of the total number of 5A-level scenic spots.

  Looking for new growth points

  The market fundamentals supporting the operation of tourism economy have not changed, and the tourism industry should continue to exert its efforts in improving quality.

  "During the epidemic, although people’s travel was suspended, the demand did not disappear and the upgrading trend did not disappear." Zhai Xiangkun, an associate professor in the Tourism Department of China Institute of Labor Relations, believes that tourism is directly affected by the epidemic, but it may rebound faster than other industries after the epidemic. After the epidemic, the new growth point of cultural tourism enterprises is still focused on improving quality.

  The market fundamentals supporting the operation of tourism economy have not changed. Recently, a special survey for urban and rural residents in china tourism academy showed that more than 70% of the respondents expressed their hope to travel after the epidemic.

  "The epidemic did not make the demand for tourism disappear, but it was delayed." Sun Jie, CEO of Ctrip, said that not long ago, Ctrip and global tourist destinations jointly launched the "Revival V Plan" and launched a 1 billion yuan recovery fund to help the tourism market regain its vitality.

  Yao Jun, general manager of OCT Group, believes that the current cultural tourism industry is undergoing profound changes, and the problem of "whether it is available or not" has been basically solved, and the problem of "whether it is good or not" is more and more prominent. After experiencing the rapid growth in the early stage, cultural tourism is facing transformation, traditional scenic spots are facing development bottlenecks, and the industrial structure is not suitable for market demand. The high-quality development of cultural tourism is an inevitable requirement.

  Innovation is the main source of new growth points. On March 26th, Song Cheng Performing Arts announced that its romance of the song dynasty, Guilin and Zhangjiajie will resume their performances on April 3rd, and hangzhou paradise will resume its opening on the same day. After the reopening of the park, a series of brand-new performances will be presented in Song Cheng, Hangzhou, including a number of new dramas, such as Hua Xiang Rong, Katyusha, Modern Times and Phantom, which were created during the epidemic period, and are expected to become new highlights to attract tourists.

  Looking forward to a lot of help.

  Help digital tourism enterprises to reduce the losses caused by the epidemic and expand the supply of high-quality digital tourism products.

  Zhai Xiangkun believes that the demand for travel will quickly pick up after the epidemic has become the consensus of the industry, and the cultural tourism industry, which is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises, needs to make efforts in many ways.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, we will adhere to the principle of "orderly opening up" and "paying close attention to online", and promote the resumption of work and production of cultural and tourism enterprises in an accurate, orderly and solid manner, and formulate open guidelines or guidance for tourist attractions, public libraries, cultural centers and cultural and cultural institutions respectively, so as to provide safer consumer products and places for the people on the premise of preventing and controlling the epidemic. At the same time, accelerate the development of digital tourism industry, strengthen the construction of smart tourism in 5A-level scenic spots, guide the scenic spots to change their development concepts, promote the deep integration of industries, constantly expand the connotation and extension of industries, create diversified products and improve the supply structure.

  In view of some problems faced by the development of digital tourism industry, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will issue relevant policies, including the implementation of fiscal, taxation and financial policies, to help enterprises reduce the losses caused by the epidemic and enhance the development confidence and stamina of digital tourism enterprises. At the same time, expand the supply of high-quality digital travel products, accelerate the release of emerging consumption potential, develop immersive experience-based travel consumption, and guide and cultivate new hot spots and new modes of consumption such as online consumption, experiential consumption and intelligent consumption. In addition, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will strengthen the construction of new infrastructure, promote the deep integration of cultural tourism and digital economy, and promote the digital, networked and intelligent development of the cultural tourism industry.

  In order to help enterprises trapped during the epidemic, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently issued a notice to temporarily refund part of the tourism service quality deposit and support travel agencies to cope with operational difficulties. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism also set up a column on official website to support the development policies and measures of enterprises in response to the epidemic situation, and set up online courses such as Red Tourism Cloud Classroom, Face-to-Face Live Classroom of Rural Tourism, Cloud Classroom of Tourist Attractions and Cloud Lecture Hall of Cultural Tourism Industry. At present, policies in finance, finance, taxation, social security and other aspects have benefited cultural and tourism enterprises.

  To tide over the difficulties and fully recover, the tourism industry also needs to work together. In order to alleviate the pressure on partners, the tourism platform Mawei has fully opened up and integrated the platform’s high-quality resources, and provided urgently needed action guides for partners free of charge, which has been welcomed by many partners.

  Recently, Linyi Blue Ocean International Hotel under Shandong Blue Ocean Hotel Group has found a new revenue growth point. The Blue Ocean Hotel, which joined the "Stay +X" evergreen plan of the US Mission, launched a take-away service during the epidemic, and the daily average take-away order increased rapidly from about 10 to 160, and the transaction volume also increased from 500 to 800 yuan at the beginning to nearly 13,000 yuan.

  Jing Linbo believes that as long as the cultural tourism enterprises accurately analyze the current trend of tourism consumption upgrading, further update tourism products, change tourism management and operation methods, and improve the risk management mechanism, they will certainly enhance their ability to resist risks and the driving force for sustainable development, thus achieving a comprehensive recovery of the cultural tourism industry.

  People’s Daily (April 1, 2020, 19th edition)

Huawu Village, Guizhou Province: Qianshan Mountain has beautiful scenery and rural revitalization road is wider.

  Standing on the observation deck, overlooking Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery, among the layers of clouds, there are rows of characteristic houses, picturesque landscapes, cruise ships passing through the blue waves, and tourists coming and going in an endless stream. Here, it is Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Township, Qianxi City, Bijie City, Guizhou Province (the county was withdrawn and the city was established on May 10, 2021).

  Huawu Village, formerly known as "Huawuji", means "village under the cliff". It is a small mountain village that was blocked by cliffs in the past and was once a state-level deep poverty village. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the continuous and precise efforts of a series of policies to benefit the people, Huawu Village has undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully removing the poverty "hat" and becoming a key village for rural tourism in Guizhou.

Corner of Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Corner of Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Taking the "fast train" of rural tourism development, Huawu Village, under the planning of the government and the development of villagers, relies on a good natural environment to vigorously develop tourism and Miao Xiu industries, and is changing from a single eco-tourism model to a variety of tourism formats. This small village, which used to go over mountains and mountains, has successfully embarked on a road of rural revitalization with rich development characteristics.

  Butterfly change: a poor mountain village takes on a new look

  Going out of the mountain to "pick rocks by hand", drinking water on the back of the river and living in thatched cottages were once a true portrayal of Huawu Village.

  Blocked by mountains, the former Huawu village had a bad environment and blocked information, and the villagers relied on self-sufficiency in food, clothing, housing and transportation. To make matters worse, the Wujiang River once sounded the "alarm" of the water ecological environment due to overfishing and deforestation, and the already fragmented land began to rocky desertification, making people’s lives increasingly difficult.

  "Poverty, at that time, there happened to be a reservoir resettlement policy, and many people chose ‘ Escape ’ And those who stay can only stick to it. " Yang Long, a villager in Huawu Village, clearly remembers that before 2012, many people moved out, and when his playmates grew up, he personally gave them away.

Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  The change of the house originated from the "road". From the initial "Maolu" to the asphalt highway and then to the tourist highway, a road has strung together thousands of households, which has made the villagers see the outside world, broadened their horizons and increased their knowledge. They made up their minds to plant trees and vowed to restore green mountains and rivers.

  After a few years of hard work, more than 1,000 acres of fruit trees are lush and fruitful, and new saplings have grown in the crevices between the mountains. The once barren hillside has gradually recovered its greenery. In 2017, Huawu Village successfully removed the hat of deep poverty village; At the end of 2019, the poor population was cleared.

  At the same time, the clean-up work of cage culture has also been carried out in Huawu Village. Village cadres went door to door to explain the fishing ban policy and persuade fishermen to go ashore. By the end of 2018, all 32 cages in Huawu Village had been dismantled, and 12 fishermen had switched to production, with a conversion rate of 100%.

  "In addition to comprehensively arranging our family situation, the village has also collected many policies on employment, entrepreneurship, skills training and social security for retired fishermen to help everyone change jobs." Yang Qingxin was born and raised as a homebody. In the past few decades, he has been fishing in the six red section of Wujiang River for a living. After the introduction of the no-fishing policy, Yang Qingxin went ashore and became a river guard, earning a steady income of 3,000 yuan per month.

Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  After the improvement of the ecological environment, the housebuilders with green mountains and green waters will naturally not miss it. Many villagers who moved out of the reservoir area chose to move back to the old site and build their homes together. As a result, the people who renovated their houses, skillfully changed their courtyards, and learned to cook, seized the opportunity and made preparations for eating "tourist meals".





  2021年2月3日至5日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到贵州考察调研,看望慰问各族干部群众,向全国各族人民致以美好的新春祝福。这是3日下午,习近平在毕节市黔西县新仁苗族乡化屋村文化广场上,向全国各族人民、港澳台同胞和海外侨胞拜年。新华社记者 李学仁摄





Miao Xiu products. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Miao Xiu products. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In order to make embroidery products more widely used, Yang Wenli’s poverty alleviation workshop was not limited to ethnic costumes, but set up a professional design team to combine tradition and fashion, and integrate embroidery batik into costumes, sachets and other designs, so that products are exported to all parts of the country. In 2021, Yang Wenli sold 1.6 million yuan of embroidered batik products "online and offline" to help more than 60 local embroidered mothers achieve employment.

  In addition, Huawu Village also has special food — — Huang ba. In order to let more tourists and consumers taste this traditional food, the "two committees" of Huawu village branch led the cooperative through the village party branch and opened the huang ba processing factory. On May 1, 2022, huang ba Processing Factory in Huawu Village was officially put into operation. At present, it has sold more than 160,000 kilograms of huang ba with a sales volume of 1.66 million yuan, which has driven more than 30 villagers to find jobs nearby.

Huawu Village develops huang ba's industry and promotes villagers' employment. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Huawu Village develops huang ba’s industry and promotes villagers’ employment. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Strengthen the eco-cultural tourism infrastructure of Wujiang Yuanbaili Gallery, build a Miao Xiu workshop for more young people to pick up needlework again, and make good use of the huang ba processing workshop to drive the surrounding villagers to stabilize their employment … … Huawu Village is committed to making a big article on the integration and development of diversified industries. A number of projects, such as Huawu Visitor Center, Ecological Camp, New Energy Cruise, Sightseeing Carriage, Kangyang Residential Accommodation, are being promoted one after another.

  Casting Soul: Civilization, Fresh Wind and Moisturizing Home

  "The development of tourism, unified standards is the key. The original intention of our association was to regulate the tourism market. " Yang Ye used to be a teacher and an early homestay owner in Huawu Village. His association is Huawuji Catering Homestay Association.

  In order to highlight the characteristics of Huawu and prevent uncivilized tourism phenomena such as shoddy goods, bullying customers and slaughtering customers, Huawu Village established Huawuji Catering B&B Association according to the wishes of the people. Many villagers joined the "big family" of the association and standardized from the most basic standards of food and shelter.

  An association, but not simple. As far as eating is concerned, Huawu Village has made great efforts in the research and development of special dishes, and established a leading group for the research and development of special dishes in Huawu Village, Qianxi City, headed by the Standing Committee of Qianxi Municipal Committee and the Minister of Propaganda, to create traditional Huawu farm dishes with characteristics and enhance tourists’ rural travel experience.

  Huawu Village develops the tourism industry and attracts tourists to "punch in". People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In the specific implementation process, the food R&D team made clear the 16 special dishes that must be cooked, and specified the materials used for each dish in detail, so that each farmhouse can accurately grasp the standard and quality of the dishes and satisfy the tourists.

  "Although no complaints have been received so far, it is better to standardize etiquette training and evaluate pricing by the association." Now, Yang Ye is the president of Huawuji Catering B&B Association. He said that he hoped that the villagers would take tourism as a long-term career and do a good job in all kinds of services, so that tourists can enjoy high-standard tourism services while enjoying the beautiful scenery, and really start the brand of plastic house tourism.




  化屋村“乡村振兴 共同富裕”几个字引人注目。人民网 龙章榆摄


  Adhering to ecological priority and green development, the Youjia three brothers are a microcosm of the villagers’ active participation in rural governance. As rural tourism continues to heat up, the housebuilders who are rich in scenery pay more attention to the protection of ecological environment, forming a good atmosphere of catching up and learning. "When the trash can is full, people who are ready to throw garbage will take their garbage home, and they will not pile it up everywhere. Everyone will also supervise each other and jointly care for the environment of the housebuilder." Chang Kailin is quite proud.

  Nowadays, the environment is beautiful, the days are rich, and life is more and more exciting. The villagers are more and more willing to "develop rural industries well, protect the ecological environment well, carry forward national traditional culture well, give full play to the effectiveness of social governance, and build grass-roots party organizations well". A picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance and rich life is slowly unfolding in Huawu Village. (Wang Qin, Wang Xiufang)

"Falling Mountain": Feeling Romance and Cruelty in Beautiful Scenery and Thinking about Human Nature

Liu Xiaowei is in the rain.

    Director Feng Xiaoning’s new work was published after ten years’ polishing, which continued the core idea of harmony, showed passion and romance, worries and responsibilities, rich imagination and strong expression in the film, and presented a feast for the audience with increasingly mature audio-visual language and narrative methods. Singing the beautiful feelings of human beings and condemning the evil in human nature with poetic film audio-visual language forms the distinctive style of Falling Mountain.

Li Zheng plays a game with his master in Luojingshan

    Compared with the impressive "War Trilogy", "Falling Mountain" has almost no large-scale war scenes, but focuses on an isolated mountain village and tells the story of their treasure-winning with a group of invaders. Although the number of people is small, and a large number of gun battles are not produced with special effects, the killing and death in "Falling Mountain" show the bloodiness and cruelty of human nature as profoundly.

    Luojingshan describes a nation’s instinctive and primitive sacrifice and death. The spontaneity and sacredness of this kind of sacrifice and death embodies the eternal ethical and moral law of so-called national interests and national interests above all else. The helpless villagers silently protested against the invaders with guns, the bloody old monk took his own life without hesitation, and the heroine drowned herself in the lake to save her children when the crisis came, all of which concentrated on Feng Xiaoning’s understanding and thinking about death, irrationality and inhumanity of war.

    From the content, Luojing Mountain is a fictional character, plot and story in a real war environment. His story does not pursue completeness, logic and authenticity, but pays more attention to its implication, ideographic meaning and legend. As an important clue, the treasure in the story, that is, the true scriptures that Tang Priest lost after learning from the scriptures, makes the story more colorful with myths, fairy tales and fables. In the social background at that time, the love between the single mother and the mute in the film is romantic and can better reflect the theme of human nature.

    The film depicts the dumb, single mother and old monk in a true, objective and meticulous artistic image, and describes the war from their perspectives and situations, showing their different living conditions and rich spiritual world. Feng Xiaoning has done a remarkable job. It is one of Feng Xiaoning’s successes to dig out these little people and middle people who are not in the mainstream from the dust of history and accept the artistic representation of human nature in their true colors.

    Aestheticism is a remarkable artistic feature of Feng Xiaoning’s films. He is very particular about the color, picture and shape of the film and strives for perfection. "Falling Mountain" takes red and yellow warm colors as the basic colors, which makes each picture look more like a flowing oil painting. There is a scene in the film that left a deep impression on us. By the sunny river, the fallen leaves on the ground were dyed golden in the setting sun. In this picturesque scenery, the heroine is sewing clothes for the dumb, and the dumb and children are playing in the river not far away. The beauty of the scenery and the beauty of human nature are integrated into one. "The scenery is full of emotions, and the emotions are concrete and the scenery is the scene."

    This creative idea completely betrays the description of "typical environment" of into the badlands and the dark moon in the movies of War and Treasure Hunt. It is an artistic wisdom to contrast the beautiful natural environment with the bloody cruelty of the war itself, thus reflecting the extreme contradiction between human killing each other and the beauty of nature.

    In the way of photography, he also used a variety of shooting methods in addition to using a fixed position. There are not only panoramic large-scale performances, but also local detailed descriptions. The detailed descriptions are very real, the action scenes are vivid, and the fighting environment is very realistic. Coupled with the beautiful caves in Yinan, it is undoubtedly a pleasing visual feast.

Zhilin Information applied for the patent of remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud service, and realized the remote vocational education examination system with flex

The patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud services, which relates to the technical field of remote examinations, and comprises a system management module, a test paper generation module, an online examination module and an analysis feedback module; The system management module is used to manage data storage and backup, the cloud server interface connected with the education system and data security detection; The test paper generation module is used to screen out the test questions from the test question bank according to the distribution, difficulty, innovation and novelty of knowledge points; The online examination module monitors the abnormal behavior of candidates in real time from two aspects: surveillance video monitoring and network activity monitoring; The analysis and feedback module adjusts the test paper generation method based on the examinee’s comprehensive anomaly index. The invention realizes a remote vocational education examination system with flexible test paper generation method and comprehensive abnormal behavior monitoring method.

Beita District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau: Building a "Safe Bottom Line" for the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers.

Red Net News January 31 ST(Correspondent Liu Longying Liu Yimeng) As the year is approaching, the Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will strengthen the publicity and inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in its jurisdiction, build a clean and tidy urban environment, and effectively eliminate the safety hazards caused by fireworks and firecrackers.
In Gaobao Community of Tianjiang Street, urban management law enforcement team members went into commercial stores to publicize the dangers of setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and guided the general public to strive to be communicators of civilized new winds, not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, and to live a fresh, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe low-carbon year.
In order to further strengthen the management of "no burning and no releasing" of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival, public officials of all party and government organs, enterprises and institutions in Beita District signed a letter of commitment not to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the no-firing area of the city. The District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau makes full use of publicity columns, car broadcasts, LED display screens in stores, and publicity materials distributed in the market to widely publicize the relevant laws and regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers. Implement grid management responsibility, strengthen inspection and duty work in key areas and time periods, and build a daily supervision system. Strengthen publicity and education, actively guide the general public to use sound, light and electricity products instead of traditional fireworks and firecrackers, and choose safe, environmentally friendly and novel festive ways such as festive music and flowers to celebrate the Spring Festival.
In the next step, Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will continue to increase the publicity of fireworks and firecrackers, strengthen inspections and investigations on key places and high-incidence periods, discourage discharge in time, and strive to create a safe, orderly and peaceful holiday atmosphere.

[Night Reading] Winter has come quietly, stepping on the catlike steps.

  Since November 13th, Beijing has been officially heated. For people in the north, the winter that has quietly arrived will not be so bitter. "there’s a gleam of green in an old bottle, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove." Although everything is withered in winter, life is still interesting. Tonight, follow the words of Liang Shiqiu and Wang Zengqi, and go back to the north and south where there was no heating and air conditioning nearly a hundred years ago to see what the different scenery and taste were in winter at that time.

Winter in the north,

Is chilling cold,

The "winter defense" that started early,

And the heavy snow falling after a cold night in the north wind.

Winter in Beiping (abridged)

Liang Shiqiu

  It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. Shortly after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family was busy preparing for the winter and making "winter defense".

  Speaking of winter, I shudder.

  I grew up in Beiping. It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. Shortly after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family was busy preparing for the winter and making "winter defense". On the first day of October in the lunar calendar, a fire will be lit in one room, and briquettes, hard coal and firewood should be lit early.

  Shaking coal balls is a big event. A bunch of camels carry bags of coal powder to the door, and the coal spots (note: the old name for coal workers) carry the coal powder into the door and pour it into the east yard, piling it up in a very high pile. Then, waiting for a sunny day, they came with a sieve, a rake, a shovel and two-claw hooks, with a piece of cloth on their heads and a short and thick cigarette bag inserted on the cloth around their waist.

  Their skill of shaking briquettes is really unambiguous. The coal powder was spread on the ground, and a pit was made in the middle to pour water, and the loess prepared in advance was added, so the two big men stirred up. After mixing, spread the slime-like coal powder on the open space, make it into a big cake, and pat it flat and bare with a shovel, about ten feet square. At this time, they are already sweating all over, and black sweat is running down their faces. It’s time to sit down and have a rest and smoke.

  After the rest, the coal powder is slightly dry and coagulated, and then it is cut horizontally and vertically with a shovel and cut into small squares, which is as clever as a chef cutting vegetables and radishes. Then he sat down, inverted a small flowerpot on the ground, put the sieve on the flowerpot, and another man shoveled the coal powder cut into squares into the sieve and began to shake it, just like shaking Yuanxiao, slowly shaking the squares into briquettes. Then spread it on the ground to dry. Shake it screen by screen and dry it screen by screen. It’s hard work, and it’s fun for children to watch.

  △ Old coal-burning stove

  When the day turns pale and the rain is coming, they have to come to clean up, gather together and cover something, otherwise the coal will be washed away by the rain, and all previous efforts will be wasted. He enjoys all this, just develop a little more wine money. When it is completely dried, he will come to collect coal again, which will be complete. See you next year.

  Coal balls are used for kitchen stoves and small white stoves everywhere, and even the poorest families have to reserve them in advance. People who have "foreign stoves" of course have to reserve large pieces of red coal and white coal, which must be smashed before they can be used, and it also takes some labor. Friends from the south are surprised to see that every household in Beiping is busy with "winter defense". He doesn’t know the severity of winter in Beiping.

  The north wind was cold all night, and the heavy snow fell one after another. The scenery was worth seeing.

  The north wind was cold all night, and the heavy snow fell one after another. The scenery was worth seeing. However, there are a few people who can enjoy the happiness of singing snow as calmly as Ms. Xie Daowen. All the people were cowered by the north wind that hurt people’s skin, and they were busy doing their own things.

  Isn’t the winter scenery in Beiping beautiful? That’s not true. Early in the morning, crows often fall on the branches at the top of the elm tree, croaking incessantly. What an ancient picture of Western jackdaw! There seem to be quite a few magpies in Beiping, chirping on the ridge of the eaves, but their upturned tails are very beautiful. Some people say that they come to give good news, and I don’t know where the joy comes from. There are many sparrows, but they put up their feathers like hemp fiber and scampered on the ground for food, looking miserable. I don’t know who stood the pigeons, but a group of pigeons rowed past, circling and circling, white against the blue sky, and whistles suddenly sounded. I don’t know which one is flying kites, sand geese, butterflies, dragons and fish, and gongs and drums are still on the bow. In the middle of winter, it is also dotted with some interests.

  Beiping is cold, in fact, it is colder than Beiping.

  In Beiping, there are many frivolous people, but most people wear bulky cotton gowns, trousers, cotton-padded jackets, cotton gowns, cotton vests, cotton trousers, cotton hoods, cotton wool nests and cotton gloves in winter. The exception is those who wear silk cotton. To those who pull foreign rickshaws, carry water, dig out dung, exchange foreign matches for lanterns (note: also called matches), change fertilizer (note: the black core of Gleditsia sinensis, which is equivalent to sending oil), and play drums (note: people who walk the streets and play drums to buy all kinds of second-hand goods from residents) … … Which one is not wearing thin clothes and shivering in the cold wind?

  △ North of Ergun City, Inner Mongolia, Linjiang Snow Scene, a border village close to the Ergun River, the border river between China and Russia Source: vision china

  Beiping is cold, in fact, it is colder than Beiping. I spent two winters in Shenyang. The double-layer glass window of the house is condensed with ice and snow on the outer layer. If a small hole is opened on the inner layer, cold air will come. There was a layer of ice and snow on the road, and another layer of ice and snow. I once went to a dinner party and fell down twice on the way. Everyone thought it was a common thing. But it’s not easy to break your leg and wear more clothes. An old friend came to see me, but he didn’t know each other, because his eyebrows and beard were all frosted! There is not a woman walking in the street. On the street lamp wire, there is a row of birds like birds, silent and staring blankly, so cold that they don’t even have the strength to scream. Farther north, such as Heilongjiang, it must be much colder. Beiping is not the coldest in comparison.

  Winter is really terrible. The poet said, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" I hope so.

  △ Heilongjiang Harbin Fairy Tale Snow Town Source: vision china

  "Cat Winter" in Old Beijing

  It gets dark very early in winter in Beijing, and old Beijingers have the habit of "cat winter". After dinner, the family chatted around the stove, and from the depths of the alley came the cries of vendors selling various items.

  "Stinky tofu — — Sauced tofu, stinky tofu in Wang Zhihe. " Vendors usually carry a burden, and later they also push a bicycle. There are stinky tofu, soy bean curd and bad bean curd in several earthen jars.

  "Radish — — Sally, spicy — — Tube change. " This is a radish that sells "beauty in the heart". The radish in Beijing is sweet, crisp and delicious, and it is the "fruit" of old Beijingers in autumn and winter.

  "Spiced rotten broad beans — — Hot. " Vendors selling rotten broad beans bear the burden of a small coal stove in winter. The coal stove is very small, and only a dozen briquettes or a few pieces of charcoal can be put in it, in order to keep the temperature of the broad beans in the steamer.

  "Gourd — — Rock sugar. " There has been little change in Sugar-Coated Berry for hundreds of years, but the unique hawking and selling methods of old Beijingers are rare in other places. Vendors shake a bamboo stick while shouting, and people who buy candied haws have to draw lots after paying a dime. Unlucky people can only take a small gourd with five or six fruits, and lucky people can draw one that is more than a foot long or stuffed with bean paste, which brings a lot of fun.

Winter in the south,

Is a bed covered with straw,

A copper furnace that can’t be released,

With exquisite seasonal delicacies.

Winter (with deletion)

Wang Zengqi

  When you are in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if you have an extra layer of protection in your life. Covered with straw, it is steaming and warm, which makes people feel happy.

  It’s cold, and there are curtains in the hall (note: curtains are floor-to-ceiling windows, door leaves or similar barriers with latticed eyes in the upper part). Juzi, which was unloaded in the spring, has been placed in the compartment. Now, I’ve moved it out, scrubbed it clean, and replaced it with new pink paper and snow-white paper. When you are in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if you have an extra layer of protection in your life. The family is sitting around, and the lights are amiable.

  The bed was torn down and covered with straw. When washing the curtains, you should choose a fine day in Enigmatic and dry it that day. Xia Bu’s curtains are hanging in the yard, and summer is far away. Straw is packed in a cloth cover, coarse and as big as a bed. Covered with straw, it is warm and fragrant, which makes people feel happy.

  Winter in the south is worse than in the north, and there is no fire in the house. General heating, just copper stove, foot stove and hand stove.

  But it’s still cold. Winter in the south is worse than in the north, and there is no fire in the house. Take off your cotton-padded clothes at night and get into the cold bed; Get up early and put on cold cotton-padded jacket and trousers. It’s really cold.

  After the winter vacation, you can sleep late. The cotton-padded clothes have been dried on the stove, so it is not very difficult to get up. In particular, cotton shoes are so hot that they are really comfortable to wear. There are few people who have iron stoves burning coal there. General heating, just copper stove, foot stove and hand stove.

  The footstool is made of brass and has a perforated cover. What is burned inside is coarse bran. Filled with coarse chaff, shovel a few shovels of red ash from the unfinished Luchai fire (where we burn reeds, it is called "Luchai") and cover it. Coarse chaff led, take a puff of smoke, and soon, when the smoke is gone, you can cover the furnace cover. The coarse chaff can be burned slowly for a long time. Old ladies can’t live without it. I have nothing to do, playing cards, and every old lady has a foot stove at her feet. The coarse chaff in the footstool is too solid, the air is not enough, and the firepower is getting weaker. So we should dig twice along the hearth with a "poker" to loosen the coarse chaff, and the fire will flourish. The foot stove warms people. If your feet are not cold, your whole body is not cold. The smell of burnt bran is also very good. Imitating Japanese haiku, you can make a poem: "In winter, the smell of chaff is burnt in the foot stove."

  Hand stoves are smaller than foot stoves, mostly made of white copper, and the exquisite ones are silver. The furnace cover is not a round hole, but mostly a hollow pine, bamboo and plum blossom pattern. Handstoves are very small, with charcoal sticks in the middle (block fuel made of charcoal powder, mostly cylindrical). Note: sound j:), led by paper media. A charcoal can last a day.

  △ Qing dynasty brass gold-plated "Fenghua Zhengmao" pattern 16-sided round double-beam hand stove. Source: vision china.

  In winter, there are black vegetables and frozen tofu. Fenzi, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

  In winter, there are black vegetables and frozen tofu. Black vegetables fall flat on the ground, which is called "bitter vegetables" in the south of the Yangtze River. This dish tastes slightly bitter. My grandmother opened a small plot in the back garden and planted black vegetables. After frost, the edges of the leaves were purple, and the taste was bitter and sweet. Black vegetables and "crab oil" are cooked together, and the taste is difficult to compare. "Crab oil" is made by boiling and removing meat from big crabs and adding lard. It is put in a bowl in the sea and solidified into crab jelly, which can be eaten for a winter without being bad for a long time.

  After tofu is frozen, I don’t know why it is honeycomb. Melt, cut into small pieces and cook with fresh meat, bacon, beef, dried rice or pickles. Chillies and green garlic should be put in frozen tofu.

  There used to be no Chinese cabbage in the north, only "green vegetables". Chinese cabbage is shipped from Shandong, euphemistically called "yellow sprouts", which is very expensive. "Green vegetables" are as big as rape and two feet high. They are eaten by every family all year round. Pickled vegetables are pickled with green vegetables. It snows on cloudy days and drinks pickles soup.

  △ Tangtuan made of glutinous rice flour Source: vision china

  Flour powder. There is a neighbor who has a cymbal (note: sound duì, a rice-pounding instrument made of wood and stone). This bicycle is usually not used by many people, and it is only borrowed by 10 or 20 nearby houses in winter. The house is very small, except for a raft, there are only some sieves and reeds. It’s fun to step on the pheasant. When you step on it with your foot, it squeaks and twists, and the pheasant mouth rises, and with a bang, it falls into the cockroach nest. When the rice flour is ready, you can steam the rice flour, make "Nian Shao Bing" (glutinous rice flour as the pedicle, wrapped with bean paste and white sugar, and cooked in the pot), and rub the dumplings (that is, dumplings). Fenzi, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

  Text/CCTV news synthesis, map/vision china, network, copyright belongs to the original author.

The book of common sense of ski resort is coming ~ Now we are asking for prizes from skiers all over the network.

Many people are fascinated by the feeling of going downhill quickly on the snowy road, and more and more people are fascinated by skiing. However, while enjoying the excitement and passion of skiing, whether you are an old skier, a novice or a torpedo, or any role on the snowy road, for the safety of all skiers, please keep in mind the common sense of skiing safety and skiing etiquette. Safe skiing is what each of us needs to do!

The level of small series is limited, so I urge tourists and snow friends to make valuable comments ~

Matters needing attention in ski resort


When skiing on the snowy road

(1) Sliding in the road

* When taxiing, pay attention to the situation in front and on both sides, and keep a safe distance from the surrounding skiers to prevent the collision between them from being dangerous.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Please don’t stop to rest, take photos or chat in the middle of the snowy road.

* Do not ski in closed areas, do not ski over or damage the protective net, and abide by the border management regulations.

* If more than one skier is skiing in the same area, avoid cross-skiing, and do not cross-ski all the way.

* Fall down during taxiing, and move to both sides of the snowy road without injury. If the skier who falls down is injured, he should provide help in time, call the rescue number of the snow field and make way for the rescuers and snowmobiles.

* When taxiing, choose a route that does not endanger the skiers in front (the skiers in front have the priority to use the snow trail). It is forbidden to slide on the snow track that is not closed and cleared by downhill. Skiers, especially snowboarders, should ensure that they will not endanger the safety of skiers in the rear when they go back to the mountains and ski in the giant slalom.

(2) Park taxiing

* In the park, it is necessary to avoid stopping or blocking in the platform or other areas.

* If the former falls while playing with props (platform jumping), he must wait for the fallen Xueyou to leave before starting.

* You need to take photos next to the props without affecting other people’s sliding, and leave quickly after shooting.

* When staff maintain the park, they need to choose props or terrain that have not been maintained.

(3) Snow skiing

* Wild snow skiers should slide according to the designated guide route, slide the rolling line when sliding, reduce cross cutting, and stick to the previous skier’s sliding trajectory as much as possible. Wild snow needs to slide in groups, and 5 -8 people must slide in groups. Please do not enter the wild snow area alone or in pairs. You need to bring communication equipment with enough electricity, certain warm-keeping equipment and energy supply. .

* Skiers should control the speed of skiing according to their own abilities, topography, snow conditions and weather, so that skiing is in a controllable state, and they should not go to areas beyond their abilities, abide by the border management regulations, and must not cross the border protection net and other facilities, and be responsible for their own life safety.

* When a snowmobile meets a slope while driving, it should cooperate with the rider to bend.

* When skiing in wild snow, if you need to take a break, you must ensure that your position will not endanger the safety of yourself and others; Avoid staying in animal caves, narrow snow trails and places with poor vision. If you accidentally fall nearby, you should leave as soon as possible.

* When the wild snow slides, we should pay enough attention to stones, branches, black objects and protruding objects in the snow.

* Before skiing in the wild snow, you should carefully study and master the correct usage of the avalanche three-piece set. In case of an accident, every skier has the obligation to help the rescue when he is sure of his own safety.

* It is recommended that skiers who ski wild snow carry whistles, which can be used to call for help when they slip away.

(4) When skiing

* Patients suffering from heart disease, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diseases that doctors tell are not suitable for strenuous exercise are not allowed to ski.

* Understand and master the ski map and the level of ski trails, and choose the suitable ski trails according to your own skills and abilities.

* Pay attention to keep the snow card, receipt and locker key.

* to understand the local climate and recent weather changes, in case of sudden weather changes.

* Don’t drink alcohol during skiing and during skiing, don’t slide while drunk, and respect the life and property safety of others.


When riding a magic carpet or cable car

(a) ride the magic carpet

* Please ride in an orderly manner according to the staff’s arrangement, and don’t rush, climb over the guardrail of the gate or damage the gate. Elderly people, venerable persons and children should be given priority.

* During the ride, you must not wear long clothes, the ends of the scarf must not stay outside the clothes, and the shoelaces of single shoes must not be exposed to prevent you from being involved in the conveyor belt when you fall; Keep a distance of about 2 meters from the former. Don’t walk or play on the magic carpet. Don’t sit on the magic carpet. Don’t get off the magic carpet halfway.

* If you fall halfway, please leave the magic carpet as soon as possible, and don’t try to go back to the magic carpet, so as not to affect others or the operation of the equipment.

* Don’t take photos or stay in the magic carpet ride area, so as not to hinder other snow friends.

(2) Take the box cable car.

* Line up in an orderly way, get off first, then get on, all ages ride in an orderly way, and the elderly, honored persons and children ride inside the cable car.

* Take a civilized ride, keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t put your feet on the seat, don’t litter, don’t put the stereo or mobile phone sound outside, and don’t eat food with irritating smell, so as not to affect others’ experience.

* Fighting in the car will endanger the safe operation of the ropeway. Visitors who quarrel should remember to be calm and restrained.

* Respect elders and ladies, avoid excessive approach or collision, and assist elders, venerable persons and children to get on and off the car.

* It is forbidden to have indecent and vulgar behavior in the car.

(3) Take the hanging chair

* Children under 1.2 meters in height need to be accompanied by a guardian.

* Line up in an orderly manner, and let the elders, venerable persons and children ride on the right side of the hanging chair. Young and middle-aged peers and men should take the initiative to take charge of putting away the hanging chair guardrail.

* Double-board skiers should ride without taking off their skis, and the tip of the poles should face the direction of the cable car to prevent the poles from hurting tourists nearby. Snowboarders can ride on a snowboard with one foot, or the fixer can be buckled on the backrest of the hanging chair to prevent the snowboard from falling and hurting the snowboarders below.

* You need to put down the guardrail and step on the fence when riding in the hanging chair. When leaving the hanging chair, please slowly lift the guardrail and pay attention to safety.

* Keep a balance, don’t talk loudly, don’t smoke, don’t litter, take good care of your belongings, and prevent them from slipping and hurting your friends under the hanging chair.

* When queuing to take the hanging chair, if you need to ride together, you should give the scattered positions that are currently vacant to the snow friends behind you.


Safety and rescue

* Emergency: Xueyou should know the steps to deal with emergency, including how to call the police, provide assistance and initial first aid.

* Help each other: Snow friends should help each other when needed, especially in emergencies, such as helping the injured and asking for help.

* In case of taxiing collision, Xueyou will encourage and help injured Xueyou to set up warning signs and call for help in time on the premise of technical conditions and own safety.

* Skiers must pay attention to all warning and reminder signs in ski resorts and ski trails, as well as the guidance of ski patrol members.

* Pay attention to the announcement broadcast in the ski resort and on the cable car.

* Snow friends should always wear helmets, protective gear, goggles and other safety equipment to minimize the risk of injury.


Seasonal events

* Pay attention to protect the skin. The winter in northern China is cold and dry, and the skin loses a lot of water under this climatic condition. In addition, the skin is stimulated by the relatively fast cold wind formed during skiing and burned by strong ultraviolet rays on the snow surface, which is the main cause of skin damage. You can choose some oily skin care products with the function of preventing water loss, and then apply sunscreen with good anti-ultraviolet effect and water resistance to your skin.

* To prevent frostbite, frostbite mainly occurs in the hands, feet, ears and other parts of the human body, so cashmere products or chemical fiber products with good thermal insulation effect should be selected to keep the above parts warm.

* Pay attention to the temperature difference between day and night in the ski resort, bring relevant replacement clothes, and be careful to catch a cold.


Environmental protection and sustainability

* Take good care of the vegetation and wild animals on the snow field, and do not litter the public areas and snow trails at will to damage the environment.

* Pay attention to saving water and energy to reduce the impact on the natural environment.


When leaving the snow field

* Personal belongings, skis, snowshoes and other snow gear should be taken away from the snow field or stored in the snow gear cabinet, and should not be placed in the public area of the snow field at will.

* If you use the equipment or facilities of the ski resort, you need to return them in time and go through the relevant formalities. If you need to rent or buy equipment, you also need to contact the staff of the ski resort and understand the relevant regulations and procedures.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to abide by the rules and requirements of the ski resort, such as returning the ski gear and paying the fees, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and troubles.

* When leaving the ski resort, you need to say goodbye to the staff and other skiers politely, express your gratitude and goodbye, and maintain good social etiquette and image.

Ski area etiquette articles


Mutual respect

* Respect the staff of the ski resort and the snow friends.

* Please apologize sincerely if you accidentally hit someone.

* Don’t make a face of snow just to be handsome.

* When taking photos on the snowy road, you need to respect the privacy and copyright of others and avoid disturbing others or making impolite behaviors.

* Closed public space, it is recommended not to eat food with pungent smell, and smoking and spitting are prohibited.

* Don’t casually wear other people’s snowshoes and take other people’s skis. Pay attention to identification when taking them to avoid taking the wrong skis.

* Borrow other people’s ski gear, please cherish it, even if the board resists falling, the owner will feel distressed.

* Don’t stand on your shoulders when walking with skis and poles, it’s easy to hit others.

* Skiing WeChat group never talks about skiing-related topics. Please consciously quit the group and don’t bother the group owner.


Public parking space

* Private vehicles are parked in the parking lot specified in the snow field.

* Ensure that the front of the car is in line with the arrow, and it is not allowed to park reversely or horizontally, and it is not allowed to occupy the special parking spaces for car ferry and employees.

* A car shall not occupy two parking spaces. It is necessary to maintain a good appearance of the car, park in a civilized and standardized manner, and bid farewell to the bad habits of parking and leaving the car in disorder with practical actions.

Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area.

The deadline is November 18th.

We will select the suggestions with the highest praise from the comment area.

Send out Cocoto Sea International Ski Resort.

23/24 snow season

The whole mountain brings its own snowboard ticket (on weekdays and weekends)

Come and join us!

Original title: "The Ski Resort Common Sense Collection is Coming ~ Now we are collecting prizes from skiers all over the network"

The longest war launched by the United States will be lost in this way!

The first war launched by the United States in the 21st century, the longest war launched by the United States so far, is about to lose.
Of course, Americans will certainly argue: Who said I lost? We signed a peace agreement and left peacefully.
On the surface, it is. After 19 years of bloody war, the United States and the Taliban shook hands and made peace. On the afternoon of February 29th, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement in Qatar.
A historic agreement.
But in the 19 years of bloody war, as the only superpower in the world, the United States paid the lives of 2,400 young soldiers, resulting in more than 20,000 soldiers being disabled, and the war cost more than 750 billion US dollars. In the end, the Taliban did not collapse, but also controlled most of Afghanistan, and now it is going to make a comeback. On the contrary, the United States will withdraw its troops.
Who won? Who lost?
But the United States is more helpless.
The 19-year war has increasingly proved that Afghanistan is a big quagmire.
Keep fighting, America can’t defeat the Taliban.
Even if there are more advanced drones and more powerful cruise missiles, Americans are at a loss in the face of the Taliban hiding in the mountains.
Advanced weapons have a price, and American soldiers are more expensive, but the Taliban just can’t kill them. On the contrary, they have increased their counterattack against the United States. In the past 2019, dozens of American soldiers were killed, which is the biggest casualty of the United States in Afghanistan for many years.
Not to mention one 19 years, that is, several 19 years, Americans can’t win.
Besides, for Americans, what if they win? Can you send troops to stay in Afghanistan? That’s a sitting duck waiting to die.
The United States has long wanted to withdraw, but it has been unable to withdraw.
Desperately withdraw, where to put your face. Moreover, the Taliban did not give Americans a good face at all.
Originally, in September last year, the United States had held nine rounds of negotiations with the Taliban and could sign a peace agreement immediately.
But in September of that year, the Taliban launched another attack, and another American soldier was killed. This is trampling on the American red line. Trump suddenly became angry: Stop talking!
Americans want to get back more chips that are not on the negotiating table.
The United States is going to fight again, but the Taliban there are even worse: Americans, you must regret it even more.
In the next few months, the two sides fought again. But what makes Americans helpless is that the indiscriminate bombing of the Taliban did not work. On the contrary, the Bagram Air Force Base, the largest military base in Afghanistan, was attacked by the Taliban.
In January this year, although the United States and Iran were at loggerheads, the United States suffered the most, especially in Afghanistan. The Taliban killed many more American soldiers.
Even if you are impulsive and take risks again, Trump should have a set of accounts.
The red line of Americans has become a dotted line, and everything in face is secondary after all. In the end, let’s talk about it.
So, on the last day of February 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement.
For Americans, the lesson is painful.
Originally, there was no suspense in this war. One side is the only superpower in the world, and the other side is just a guerrilla regime. Moreover, at that time, the United States stood at the moral high ground and avenged the September 11 incident. Whoever sheltered bin Laden was the enemy.
The Taliban didn’t understand the situation at the time.
According to the tradition of Afghan tribes, bin Laden and Al Qaeda are their guests, and guests cannot be expelled. So he flatly refused to hand over bin Laden. As a result, the angry Bush administration launched a war against Afghanistan.
It was really devastating at first. In the winter of 2001, the Taliban was expelled from Kabul. However, the United States never imagined that the war had just begun, and it would take 19 years to fight.
Also in 2001, I went to Afghanistan and started my first battlefield career. Among them, it is bitter and sweet, and it is a long story.
American nightmare seems doomed from the beginning. At that time, in Kabul, the city was in the hands of the United States and allied forces, but in the surrounding mountains, it was the Taliban camp.
The fierceness of the mountain people really makes people gasp in admiration. Afghans are proud to tell me,This is the tomb of empires. They have defeated two empires: the British Empire and the Soviet Union, and will definitely defeat the third empire-the United States.
Of course, the Taliban itself has been criticized by the international community, such as extremely conservative religious ideas, especially the imprisonment of women, and the extreme behavior of destroying the Bamiyan Buddha.
But Afghanistan is Afghanistan, and the Taliban is the Taliban. The Taliban has the support of the bottom people and its superior guerrilla warfare ability, which makes the United States have to accept the reality.
After signing the peace agreement, Trump also lamented at the White House:The Taliban is a great warrior, a great warrior. If you don’t believe it, just ask the Soviets …
The United States is clapping its hands to withdraw, but for Afghanistan and the whole pattern of Central Asia, it means a new blood shed.
After all, in Kabul, there is the Afghan regime supported by Americans. How can the Taliban and the Ghani regime get along?
This is reminiscent of the tragedy after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union.
Najibullah was the leader of the Afghan puppet regime supported by the Soviet Union at that time. After the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, the resistance immediately attacked Kabul, and najibullah’s regime collapsed. He himself had to take refuge in the United Nations office.
The resistance was polite at least, but the Taliban, which rose later, was not polite at all.
On September 27th, 1996, Taliban soldiers who invaded Kabul finally found najibullah. According to what people in Kabul told me at that time, the poor former leader was executed in an insulting way. His mouth was stuffed with money, his genitals were cut off, and then he was shot dead at random. After his death, his body was hung on the lamppost in the city square for a long time …
The cruel execution of najibullah also showed the world the horror of the Taliban.
After 19 years, the Taliban will definitely enter Kabul again.
Finally, don’t say much. Recently, the focus of the world is not Afghanistan. Just like Trump’s press conference, reporters asked several questions about Afghanistan, and more about the spread of Covid-19.
The Americans are going to run away, and the life and death of the Afghans are also neglected by the Americans.
Some regrets:
First, no matter how powerful the empire is, it also has its own weaknesses.
Weapons are very important, but the United States, which has the most advanced weapons in the world, launched a 19-year war and paid 2400 lives, but still failed to defeat the Taliban. In this world, the wicked have their own grinding. Seeing a photo of the Taliban, a westerner commented: They never learn English, but they teach more than 40 countries a lesson!
Second, a war is over, but blood shed is coming.
Just as the Soviet Union withdrew its troops in those years, then the guerrillas captured Kabul, and then there was a more bitter civil war. How does the powerful Taliban divide power with the Kabul regime? What will happen to those Afghans who have worked with Americans? Americans have left a mess and a new blood shed.
Third, the people are the most miserable.
We went to Afghanistan in 2001, when Kabul airport was destroyed, and we landed at Bagram Air Force Base. On the road to Kabul, there is a wilderness full of mines, and there are still the wreckage of destroyed tanks and artillery on the roadside. Seeing the people fleeing in panic, there is really a deep sadness:Better be a peaceful dog than a stray.This is really the cry of the ancients.
We really don’t live in a peaceful world, but we are fortunate to live in a peaceful country.
Although we are now in another war without smoke, at least we have seen the dawn of victory.
Still cherish the present and cherish peace!