Sudden attention! 6 boards, big cows, hot spots?

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  Recently, A-share board stocks have emerged in an endless stream, like 14 boards.11-plate10-plateWait, now it’s your turn.. The stock has been trading for six consecutive days since the daily limit of the word board began on November 7, becoming the "king of the board" of the current A shares. At the close of trading on Tuesday, it still had 33,000 orders to seal the daily limit, which was about 120 million yuan according to the latest price of 37.77 yuan.

  The data shows that there are currently 15 A shares (including) recorded 2 or more consecutive daily limit, andTied for the first place with 6 boards.andTied behind with 4 boards., Sampton,It is 3 connecting plates.


Going to Huawei to ask the world?

  According to public information, it is a large aluminum profile manufacturer integrating professional research and development, manufacturing and sales. And its recent surge in share prices, a high probability and the company’s recent multiple games.At the event, it was mentioned that Huawei asked about the community.

  Haomei New Materials first mentioned in the record of investor relations activities disclosed on October 30 that the company has obtained a total of 280 fixed-point projects in the first half of the year, and its customers cover joint venture models such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Honda and Toyota, and Guangzhou Automobile Ai’ an.Domestic brands such as Huawei Wenjie and Changan. This business (referring to automobile lightweight business) is throughEnterprises indirectly supply all kinds of aluminum extrusion materials and components to vehicle manufacturers, and indirectly supply them to Wenjie series vehicles.Pallet products. On October 31st, Haomei New Materials rose by 7.6%.

  Then, on November 3rd, the record of investor relations activities disclosed by Haomei New Materials once again stated that the company had made a fixed point for the series of models of Wenjie, mainly providing pallet products, but the previous quantity was always small, and after mass production of Wenjie M7, it brought a certain order increment to the company. On November 6, Haomei New Materials rose by 4.1%. Then there is a wave of 6 boards.

  In the last two stock transactions, it fluctuated abnormally.In China, Haomei New Materials kept silent about the world, only saying that most of the lightweight materials and components provided by the company need to be processed and assembled by enterprises and then supplied to the automobile factory.


Receive a letter of concern from the exchange

  On Tuesday, Haomei New Materials received a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange asked Haomei New Materials to explain whether the company’s disclosure on automobile lightweight business was true, accurate and complete in the recent record of investor relations activities and the two announcements of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading on November 9 and November 13, and whether there was speculation and hot spots.

  In addition, Haomei New Materials is also required to check whether the directors, supervisors, senior managers and their immediate family members have bought or sold the company’s shares and whether there is any suspected insider trading.


great momentum

  Recently, the concept is really strong. On Tuesday, the sector index rose by 1.19%, with a cumulative increase of 12.91% since October 24, and a cumulative increase of 36.45% since it bottomed out on April 27 this year.

  If you only look at Tuesday, among the concept stocks, in addition to the daily limit of Haomei New Materials,It is also the daily limit closing;Up more than 7%;Up over 6%;Up more than 5% and so on.


The new car in the world is on fire

  The strength of the concept plate should be said to have something to do with the hot sales in the field of inquiry. The data shows that 12,700 vehicles were delivered in October, up 78% from 7,125 vehicles delivered in September.

  In addition, the new M7 has continued to be popular since it was officially listed on September 12th. In the first month of listing, it has exceeded 60,000 vehicles, 70,000 vehicles after 45 days of listing, and 80,000 vehicles after 50 days of listing, with the latest breakthrough of 86,000 vehicles. There is also the unlisted M9, and the number of blind orders has exceeded 25,000.

  beforeIt is estimated that in 2023.Automobile sales reached 85,000 vehicles, up 6% year-on-year, of which M5 and M7 models sold 45,000 and 40,000 vehicles. In 2024, the automobile sales reached 255,000 vehicles, up by 200% year-on-year, among which the sales of M5, M7 and M9 vehicles were 7.5, 11 and 70,000 vehicles.

  It is pointed out that the M9 represents a new round of cooperation between Huawei and Intelligent Car Selection, and it is the first vehicle platform in China to participate deeply, including intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving. M9, which will be listed soon, is expected to continue to enhance the brand power of AITO.


The car is still booming.

  Judging from the whole car market, the car is still in a hot trend. Previously, the Federation estimated that the wholesale sales volume of new energy passenger car manufacturers in October was 890,000, a year-on-year increase of 32% and a quarter-on-quarter increase of 7%.

  Look at the part againBrand, sold 301,800 vehicles in October, up 38.57% year-on-year. In the first 10 months, the cumulative sales volume was 2,381,500 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 70.36%.

  Delivery reached a record high, exceeding 40,000 vehicles, reaching 40,400 vehicles, up 302.1% year-on-year and 12.09% quarter-on-quarter. As of October 31, 2023, a total of 284,600 vehicles were delivered throughout the year.It also achieved a breakthrough in October, with the monthly delivery reaching 20,000 vehicles for the first time;The number of cars delivered in October was 16,100, a year-on-year increase of 59.8%.

  It is believed that it is expected to usher in the inflection point of the second increase of permeability. The reason is that the vehicle supply is further enriched, the intelligent+fast charge+long battery life experience is improved, and the cost compression drives the price down, sinking into a more competitive price range.

  DongguanIt is said that the achievements of the "100-city Linkage" Automobile Festival and the "Thousands of Counties and Towns" new energy going to the countryside activities by the Ministry of Commerce have appeared, and superimposed car companies have started a new round of promotional activities, and the demand for car purchases has continued to be released. Looking forward to the follow-up, the orders of the new car companies led by Huawei Auto have achieved rapid growth during the National Day holiday, and the market fever is expected to continue, which may drive the automobile consumption at the end of the year to consolidate the realization of the steady growth goal of the automobile industry throughout the year.

  Besides,It is believed that many car companies have launched sub-brands to enrich their product matrix, and their high-end brands and personalized brands will gradually go public, which will promote the demand growth in the fourth quarter.

It is for investors’ reference only and does not constitute investment advice.

What kind of car is e300?

Mercedes-Benz E300 is a luxury car. The following is its related introduction:

In terms of appearance, the front face design of Mercedes-Benz E300 is the same as that of the imported version, with sharp lines of split high beam and low beam, and the overall effect is young and dynamic, completely washing away the image of "capital". The LED light group in the front of the car explains the word fashion more thoroughly. From the appearance, the new E-class extended edition of Mercedes-Benz has no change from the imported E-class, but some adjustments have been made for the China market in terms of body length, width and wheelbase. The body length of the domestic Mercedes-Benz E-Class extended version is 5012mm, the wheelbase is increased by 140mm, reaching 3014mm, and the body width remains unchanged.

In terms of interior, the interior of Mercedes-Benz E300 is dark gray, which looks younger. With brown seats, it feels very upscale. The center console focuses on the large-size GPS navigation screen, which is clear and easy to read. The middle part is the audio control button, which is convenient for the driver to operate. The lower part is the air conditioning control button, which is simple and convenient to operate.

As a luxury car, Mercedes-Benz E300 not only has a young and dynamic design in appearance, but also has exquisite interior, providing drivers with a comfortable driving experience. At the same time, the adjustment of its body size also makes it more suitable for the demand of China market. If you need to know more about Mercedes-Benz E300, you can go to Mercedes-Benz official website or a physical store to learn more about it.

Beijing will carry out unmanned vehicle highway test management rules to be announced in June.

Today (April 13th), Beijing Intelligent Networked Automobile Policy Pioneer Zone was officially announced. In the future, in the pioneer area, unmanned taxis will try commercial operation, and six expressways and urban expressways, including Daxing Airport Expressway, will welcome unmanned vehicles to test on the road.

Kong Lei, member of the Working Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone and deputy director of the Management Committee, revealed that it is expected that in June this year, the implementation rules for the test management of driverless vehicles are expected to be announced, and the safety officers in driverless taxis plan to withdraw vehicles one after another this year to achieve "unmanned" driving.

At present, there are many unmanned vehicles in Beijing Economic Development Zone for testing. Beijing News reporter Li Muyi photo

Detailed rules for the implementation of expressway test management for unmanned vehiclesWill be introduced

According to the policy plan, the high-speed test of self-driving cars will be opened in Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Policy Pioneer Zone, including six expressways and urban expressways around Yizhuang, including Daxing International Airport Expressway, Beijing Section of Jingtai Expressway, Beijing Section of Beijing-Tianjin Expressway, South Fifth Ring Road (from the new airport expressway to the Beijing-Tianjin expressway), South Sixth Ring Road (from the new airport expressway to the Beijing-Tianjin expressway) and Daxing Airport North Line Expressway. Initially formed a physical area covering cities, airports, highways, urban expressways and other scenes.

Kong Lei introduced that regarding the test of expressways, specific access standards are still being formulated. "Because expressways are more complicated, they also involve safety issues. It is now estimated that around June this year, the implementation rules for the test management of self-driving vehicles on highways will be introduced. "

Driverless taxis will charge a certain "taxi fare"

At present, citizens can experience driverless taxis for free in Beijing Economic Development Zone. According to the policy plan, in the future, enterprises in the pioneer area can carry out business operations based on fees. This means that driverless taxis will charge passengers a certain fee.

So, what is the "taxi price" of driverless taxis? Kong Lei said that at present, there is no specific charging standard for driverless taxis, and further research is needed. "It is possible to charge a certain fee symbolically at first, and then gradually adjust it to the charging standard corresponding to the travel service, which requires a process."

At the same time, with the development of commercial operation services of driverless taxis, their service specifications will be more specific, such as what kind of standardized services will be provided for passengers, and what standards are there for health and safety in the car. The driving range of driverless taxis will also be expanded.

In addition, it is worth noting that according to the current regulations, there is a security officer in the driverless taxi that can be experienced at present, but the security officer does not touch the steering wheel during driving. In the future, will there be security officers in the driverless taxis in the pioneer area?

In this regard, Kong Lei analyzed that the "unmanned operation" of driverless taxis is the development direction, but the premise is that the vehicle has been proved to be safe and there have been no accidents during driving. Only when it meets the safety requirements can it be considered to enter "unmanned".

He also stressed that "unmanned" also needs to go through certain procedures. "The safety officer may first transfer from the driver’s seat to the co-pilot seat, then to the back seat and finally withdraw. After withdrawing the security officer, we will also arrange monitors at the remote end or in the cloud. These links will have certain requirements and standards. "

Kong Lei revealed that it is expected that security officers will be arranged to evacuate vehicles this year, but there will be certain restrictions on the driving area of vehicles. "At the beginning, the safety officers were allowed to withdraw from some specific road sections, which would have certain requirements for vehicle speed and remote control ability. This is also a gradual process."

Large-scale trial operation such as independent parking service will be carried out in the policy pioneer area.

In addition, the policy pioneer zone will support the trial operation and commercial operation services of intelligent networking scenarios. Support enterprises to carry out large-scale trial operation and commercial operation services such as self-driving travel service, intelligent networked bus, self-driving logistics vehicle and independent parking service.

Kong Lei said that the policy pioneer area will formulate application methods for new self-driving products. Explore the traffic rules and traffic management mode suitable for unmanned vehicles driving on the road, give corresponding road rights, and establish a safety supervision system for unmanned vehicles. Explore the replacement of existing electric three-wheeled and four-wheeled express vehicles in the field of express terminal distribution.

Know a little more

The construction task of phase 1.0 of the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone was basically completed.

In September, 2020, the Beijing Municipal Government decided to build the world’s first networked cloud-controlled high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, which settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone. Kong Lei introduced that by building a complete system of vehicle, road, cloud, network, map technology, policy and industry, the demonstration area can realize the deep integration of vehicle and network and the coordination of vehicle and road, and accelerate the safe and large-scale operation of high-level autonomous driving. At present, the phase 1.0 construction task of the demonstration area has been basically completed.

Kong Lei said frankly, "In the process of construction, we found that the development of new technologies is generally ahead of the formulation of government management policies, which leads to certain obstacles in the application and promotion of new products." In order to solve these problems, relying on the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, Beijing has set up an intelligent networked policy pioneer zone, built a moderately advanced policy management system, provided support for the application and promotion of new products, technologies and models of intelligent networked automobiles, and created a business environment for policy-friendly industrial development.

The reporter learned that in 2017, Beijing took the lead in introducing the management measures for self-driving road testing in China. In the past four years, six supporting policy documents such as manned loading and unmanned testing have been issued one after another, and the management measures have been continuously improved. Up to now, Beijing has opened 200 self-driving public test roads, with a total length of about 700 kilometers, and issued 571 sets of test licenses for 87 self-driving vehicles of 14 enterprises, with a cumulative safety test mileage of more than 2.68 million kilometers. The data has been at the forefront of the country.

Great Wall Gun Beijing Auto Show Brush C-position, set up a new pickup order by going to sea ecologically!

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, the Great Wall Gun, the leader of pickup trucks in China, occupied an absolute C position: the 2.4T Great Wall Gun, a "global high-performance pickup truck", officially opened for pre-sale, and the pre-sale price of the 2.4T passenger gun was 148,800 yuan; The pre-sale price of commercial gun 2.4T is 126,800-138,800 yuan. In addition, the high-end luxury off-road new energy pickup truck, Shanhai Gun Hi4-T, was unveiled at the same time, bringing more power, more complete scenes and extremely reliable benchmark car experience.

Since 2019, the Great Wall Gun was born, which triggered the upgrade revolution of pickup truck market in China. Every time a new product is launched, it will quickly become popular in the market, thus boosting industrial upgrading. This year’s Beijing Auto Show, the new car of Great Wall Gun is heavy, what kind of vitality can it inject into the future market?

First of all, sales at home and abroad will be boosted by "fuel". According to the latest data, Great Wall pickup trucks sold 17,569 vehicles worldwide in March, accounting for nearly 50% of the domestic market; From January to March, a total of 43,495 new pickups were sold. Great Wall pickup trucks sold 3,440 vehicles overseas in March, a year-on-year increase of 25%. From January to March, the cumulative export volume of Great Wall pickup trucks reached 10,414 vehicles, up 19% year-on-year. In China, the Great Wall pickup truck has written the myth that "the domestic terminal market share is nearly 50%"; Overseas, the Great Wall pickup truck has maintained the leading position in export sales of China pickup truck brand with a high-spirited attitude. After the follow-up power of this impressive sales volume is added with the most powerful diesel pickup truck within 200,000 in China-the Great Wall Gun 2.4T model and the optimal solution of new energy pickup truck-the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T, the global sales volume of the Great Wall Gun will be "opened" again.

In addition, Shanhai Gun Hi4-T and its brother model Shanhai Gun HEV are the top three swords in the world. "Great Wall Cannon, China Cannon and Global Cannon", with the continuous innovation in pickup truck categories, the models that closely fit various scenes and take into account the whole scene are constantly enriched and upgraded. Great Wall Cannon has improved Chinese people’s understanding of pickup truck categories and led the industry’s passenger, high-end, intelligent and diversified development. At the same time, its overseas popularity and influence are increasing day by day, and it has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents around the world and won the annual awards in Australia, South America and South Africa. With the new energy becoming the general trend of global pickup truck development, Great Wall Gun stands out in the world by virtue of its technological and innovative advantages, and the speed of globalization is becoming increasingly obvious, which is also the most proud thing of China’s pickup truck manufacturing industry!

Like a bamboo, globalization is speeding up.

In March, at the 2024 Bangkok International Auto Show in Thailand, the Great Wall Shanhai Cannon HEV, which was positioned as the "new first-class smart pickup truck", officially opened for pre-sale, becoming the first new energy pickup truck product in Thailand’s auto market, and won the Best Commercial HEV Model Award from the Auto Show Organizing Committee in 2024.

In Thailand, pickup trucks are indispensable to people’s lives, and half of new car sales come from pickup trucks every year, forming a culture of using cars in the whole scene. However, in Thailand, China pickup truck is actually facing great challenges if it wants to gain a foothold in the market. Japanese auto giants have long occupied a dominant position, and the established market barriers is like a steel plate that is difficult to penetrate. However, judging from the current situation, the Japanese auto giants have a serious sense of crisis, and the once unbreakable market order seems to be blown to pieces in front of the Great Wall Gun.

First of all, this is due to the strong technical strength and innovation ability of Great Wall pickup truck, which can quickly launch smarter products that are more in line with the current global development, so that overseas consumers have more choices and better choices in choosing pickup trucks. Moreover, the advantages of the Great Wall pickup truck service system in China have been extended overseas, so that international consumers can also enjoy better and more convenient service guarantee.

As the first and only hybrid pickup truck model in Thailand, Shanhai Gun HEV has played a role in inciting and reshaping the pickup truck market in Thailand, making Thailand an important position for the globalization of the Great Wall Gun, radiating a wider Southeast Asian market, and accumulating strength for the continuous development of the ASEAN market, thus speeding up the globalization goal of the Great Wall Gun sword pointing to the top three in the world.

Since its birth, Great Wall Cannon has set its sights on the global market, enhanced its product strength and value by deeply applying the ride-sharing technology to the dual-use products of passengers and merchants, and persisted in global R&D, global manufacturing and global sharing to build a truly global car. In addition, the Great Wall Cannon is rooted in overseas local culture, and has tailored a new way of playing pickup trucks for the local area, integrating the Chinese pickup truck culture created by the whole scene, cross-circle and users into it, and realizing the "firing" upsurge of powerful circle-breaking.

Up to now, Great Wall Gun has been listed in more than 50 countries on four continents, representing China pickup truck in the global market. Judging from the specific market situation, the Great Wall Gun has completed a relatively complete layout in the global typical pickup truck market:

In Australia, Great Wall Gun became the first China automobile brand to receive a five-star safety rating under the new test standard of ANCAP in 2021. In 2023, the sales volume of the Great Wall Cannon squeezed into the seventh place in Australia, a year-on-year increase of 23.2%.

In Russia, the Great Wall pickup truck won the sales crown in 2023, an increase of 250.6% compared with 2022. The Great Wall Cannon ranks first in model sales, and the sales of King Kong Cannon and Fengjun series enter the top ten in pickup truck sales list.

In South Africa, the Great Wall brand ranks first in China, and in 2022, the South African Automobile Industry Association won the "Best New Pickup Truck of the Year" award against many international big-name models. In 2023, the Great Wall cross-country gun won the South African pickup truck model award of the year, which once again enhanced the recognition of the Great Wall gun by South African consumers.

In the Middle East, Great Wall Motor signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Teyseer Motors, a local car dealer in Qatar, thus officially entering the Qatar market, including pickup trucks. This cooperation means that the Great Wall pickup truck will fully cover the six markets of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

On the other side of the globe, the Great Wall Gun was produced locally in Ecuador. In Chile, the Great Wall Cannon went on the market for one month and won the "Best Pickup of the Year" award selected by MT ONLINE, ranking first in monthly sales for many times.

Win honor with strength and beat the market with products. Starting from Thailand, Brazil and Mexico will be the markets for the further development of the Great Wall Gun. Following the footsteps of Great Wall Motor, the globalization process of Great Wall Gun is in full swing.

Ecological going out to sea, "double-line" development

All along, the Great Wall Gun has been trying to "break the ice" in enhancing Chinese people’s awareness of pickup trucks, and actively promoting multi-scene use and expanding pickup truck users. At present, new energy is an irreversible development trend of the automobile industry, and new energy is also an opportunity to bring pickup trucks into the mainstream automobile product circle and further promote the household and passenger use of pickup trucks.

In order to enhance the value of pickup trucks, Great Wall Gun has spared no effort. The globalization strategy of Great Wall Gun has been rapidly upgraded to "going out to sea in an ecological way", taking the lead in the field of new energy, paving the way for its own brand and China pickup truck to popularize and enhance its popularity in the world in the future.

In fact, before it became the first and only hybrid pickup truck model in Thailand, Shanhai Artillery HEV was unveiled in Australia, and it will also be the first hybrid pickup truck mass-produced in Australia. From the time point of view, the Great Wall Gun has competed with Ford and Toyota in the decisive battle field of new energy, the future global pickup market, and seized the "highland".

Compared with the Great Wall Gun, the American and Japanese pickup truck giants are obviously slow in the layout of pickup trucks. The Ford Ranger plug-in hybrid model will not be launched until 2025, while the Toyota Hilux only has a 48V light mixing system, and the hybrid model is still missing.

To achieve the goal of becoming the top three pickup trucks in the world, Great Wall Gun needs long-term planning and execution in product upgrading. The Great Wall Gun never pulls its crotch in terms of products, and it has a rapid upgrade and update, and also has multiple unique design functions. In the tide of pickup truck’s new energy, the Great Wall Gun has shown its power to shake the global pickup truck pattern, and it is only a matter of time before it takes a place in the world.

It is worth mentioning that in the new energy products and globalization strategy of Great Wall Gun, the layout of "two-line development" is adopted, and the domestic market is the foundation.

In terms of new energy products, Shanhai Gun HEV is specially aimed at overseas markets, and Shanhai Gun Hi4-T, which was unveiled at Beijing Auto Show, is a surprise left by Great Wall Gun to domestic users. Compared with other hybrid forms, the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T retains the advantages of the traditional hard-core pickup truck to the maximum extent, but also incorporates the characteristics of new energy power, which can be both oil and electricity.

Shanhai Gun Hi4-T is equipped with 2.0T+9HAT powertrain and matched with P2 motor. Under parallel drive, the comprehensive power of the system is 300kW and the maximum comprehensive torque is 750 N m. The maximum power of P2 motor is 120kW and the maximum torque is 400N·m, and the peak efficiency is over 95%. The motor can reach the maximum torque in an instant, which makes the acceleration of the whole vehicle 100 kilometers only 7.15 seconds.

In this 2.0T+9HAT super hybrid system, a 2.0T Miller cycle hybrid engine is used, with the maximum power of 185kW and the maximum torque of 380N·m, and the maximum torque output can be achieved at 1700~4000rpm. The strong combination of hybrid special engine and high-power motor combines the characteristics of high engine stability and strong explosive power of motor, which makes the whole vehicle start lightly and overtake quickly. In extreme scenes such as getting out of trouble and climbing, the motor will assist the engine and comprehensively improve the explosive power of the vehicle. Even in extreme driving environments such as plateau, high temperature and cold, the power performance is still strong. Intelligent energy control system reduces the fuel consumption of the whole vehicle, achieving the purpose of economy and fuel saving.

In terms of safety, the battery layout of Shanhai Gun Hi4-T is groundbreaking, and it is fixed on the inner side of the transverse and longitudinal beams of the frame and above the frame at multiple points, thus avoiding the collision of the battery pack. At the same time, the protective plate is designed, and the surface is galvanized+electrophoretic+scratch-resistant coating, and the three-layer protection improves the rust-proof and scratch-resistant performance.

Because it is a hybrid model, Shanhai Gun Hi4-T has three power modes: pure electric, hybrid and intelligent. The battery has a partial capacity of 37.1kW?h, which can meet the pure battery life of 100km. Coupled with the 75L super-large fuel tank, the comprehensive cruising range can reach 780km. Moreover, in the intelligent mode, the oil and power consumption are both reduced, the comprehensive fuel consumption can be as low as 2.5L/100km, and the feed fuel consumption is only 10.2L/100km. The charging time is also quite saving. With 50kW high-power DC fast charging, the power can be changed from 30% to 80% in 26 minutes.

With the blessing of "electricity", the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T also has a powerful external discharge function. The discharge port supports 5.5kW high-power external discharge, which meets the outdoor expansion of coffee machines, projectors, most household appliances, etc., and is enough to solve the power consumption problems such as outdoor camping and picnics. Two 220V power connectors are reserved in the cab and the trunk, with 120W in the cab and 2.2kW in the trunk power supply, which can support the power demand of multiple devices at the same time. In addition, the new SOC energy management strategy can automatically adjust the proportion of oil and electricity according to the user’s habits, road conditions, traffic conditions, etc., and realize the personalized adaptation of the whole scene and all terrain. In addition, the Shanhai Gun Hi4-T adopts non-decoupled mechanical four-wheel drive with three locks, and the whole vehicle can easily match different car scenes to meet the needs of various outdoor scenes such as self-driving travel and camping.

Many innovations in the fuel version of Shanhai Gun, such as: equipped with advanced intelligent driving assistance system, the first design in China to improve the convenience of multi-scene use, luxurious riding experience and intelligent level in the car, C6 towing qualification that can meet the certification of 3.3-ton trailer, NVH quiet design, etc., have been extended to Shanhai Gun HI4-T.

In terms of globalization strategy, new energy products are a sharp weapon to open and expand overseas markets, while the domestic market is the base camp for the Great Wall Gun to continue to innovate, which not only enhances the influence of pickup trucks in China, but also continuously delivers "shells" to overseas markets, improving and strengthening its overseas competitiveness.

In 2024, the Great Wall Gun has been constantly upgrading its products: the model of "King Kong Gun" equipped with ZF 8AT gearbox was officially launched; Passenger guns, commercial guns and off-road guns have added 2.4T diesel engines of the same model as Shanhai guns, and the traction qualification has been upgraded to 3 tons.

It is not difficult to see that upgrading to a stronger engine and a more advanced gearbox is the next direction of the Great Wall Gun in domestic products. At the same time, "improving the overall performance" is also the development focus of the Great Wall Gun fuel pickup truck, which not only brings more satisfactory car experience to all kinds of users, but also helps the brand to achieve the two-way power of "fuel and new energy" in overseas markets.


Looking back, when Great Wall Cannon became an independent brand of pickup trucks and shouted the slogan of "becoming the top three in the world", many people knew in their hearts that it was to compete directly with pickup truck giants such as Ford, Toyota and Isuzu. But how many people can foresee that the Great Wall Gun can rise rapidly in six years and achieve today’s achievements.

"Strong civil war, expert in foreign war"! At home, although the joint venture has played its cards and introduced the latest models of the same model from overseas to China, the Great Wall Gun has always gained the upper hand in the contest with the joint venture. Overseas, the pace of globalization of the Great Wall Gun is solid and powerful, and it has quickly opened up big markets such as Australia. With the help of the new energy trend, Great Wall Gun began to March into important markets such as Thailand, and its own technological advantages and innovation ability seemed more like a duck to water.

Mid-Autumn National Day Super Long Holiday to "Xiaolong Game"

  Mid-Autumn Festival+National Day is about to begin. Have you planned where to play? Some people shuttle through the hutongs with yellow leaves in autumn and want to feel the fireworks of a city; Someone broke into northern Xinjiang and wanted to see the fleeting precious autumn colors of the grassland, but if you haven’t had time to make a travel plan, you can actually experience a happy long vacation in the city. A "Xiaolong Game" that integrates fun driving, grand prizes and happy experience must not be missed!

  It coincides with the opening of the international auto shows in Tianjin and Xi ‘an. During the two time periods from September 28th to October 4th (Tianjin) and October 1st to 7th (Xi ‘an), the Haval brand and its famous star model, Haval Xiaolong MAX, will bring well-designed experience subjects in the outfield of the two exhibitions, and there will be premium rewards for participation, which will bring to friends who love challenges, are eager to experience electric four-wheel drive driving and are bored to visit the exhibition.

  Seven fun ways to play, all-round electric four-wheel drive waiting for you.

  In this event, there are seven subject challenges, static and dynamic, and there are surprises in customs clearance. Users can win rich rewards by participating, and experience the advantages of Haval Xiaolong MAX in intelligent vehicle control, four-wheel drive control and super-large space in one stop.

  ① Top rushing on high slope: 60% slope challenge, in which the challenger drives the vehicle to 60% of the simulated slope, stops the engine after reaching the halfway stop line, and then starts the vehicle again to continue climbing to the top of the slope, which means the challenge is successful. Testing the driving skills of starting on a half-slope is also a good opportunity to experience Haval Xiaolong MAX’s steady start on a slope, which brings stronger grip and safety performance to daily passing through ice, rain and snow slopes.

  ② Blade Challenge: Have you ever heard of "blade overtaking" in stunt driving? In this 25-degree side slope challenge, the challenger needs to drive Haval Xiaolong MAX and use one-sided wheel to drive through the 25-degree side slope. This course mainly takes you to experience the professional chassis adjustment, front and rear independent suspension and higher strength of Haval Xiaolong MAX. It’s time to test your skills!

  (3) Walking on the flat ground: Sleeper road challenge, which simulates the bumpy road surface in daily driving. The challenger needs to drive the vehicle to the sleeper road, and the vehicle will start at zero speed. If it passes smoothly, it will be regarded as a success of the challenge. Fearless of bumps, experience the comfortable and calm driving experience brought by Haval Xiaolong MAX.

  ④ Multiple dilemmas: By simulating the comprehensive dilemma of SUV, challenge the comprehensive ability of Haval Xiaolong MAX to drive in potholes. Participants can experience Haval Xiaolong MAX’s Hi4 electric four-wheel drive, which explodes enough power to help you get out of trouble under the complex road environment in the suburbs.

  ⑤ Eye-catching: The challenger observes around the car body and accurately finds out how many induction probes Haval Xiaolong MAX has, so that it can pass the customs;

  ⑥ Keep your word: The challenger wakes up the intelligent voice system in the MAX cockpit of Haval Xiaolong, and releases 10 voice commands continuously and quickly. After the car system successfully recognizes and completes the operation, it passes through the customs;

  ⑦ "big" show: outdoor scene back row space experience, the challenger will put the Haval Xiaolong MAX seat flat and arrange the back row air cushion bed as required according to the guidelines, and pass the customs upon completion;

  In addition to the above links, this activity also brought the experience of family camping. Using Haval Xiaolong’s MAX 3.3kW external discharge function to connect electrical appliances, you can also taste drinks, punch in and take photos, and get the most special "tourist photos" in your circle of friends.

  As an all-round electric four-wheel drive new energy SUV, Haval Xiaolong MAX not only took the first ride on the new intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology Hi4 of Great Wall Motor, but also equipped with a new generation of Coffee OS smart cockpit and coffee smart driving that just completed OTA upgrade. Through millisecond-level response, intelligent voice interaction with one word and ten meanings, Hi4 electric four-wheel drive technology and wide interior size as a medium-sized SUV, it helps to challenge users to successfully complete a customs clearance experience, and the vehicle cost performance will be known after the test!

  Rich rewards, turning over the National Day file, challenging for good gifts.

  While completing the challenge, the government also brought rich rewards to friends in different degrees. After receiving VIP or SVIP cards from Harvard staff in the exhibition hall and completing the game in the field, you can get rich gifts customized by Harvard.

  In addition, this time Haval also made an unprecedented profit for car purchase. At present, ordering Haval Xiaolong MAX can enjoy the 0 yuan renewal plan, a limited purchase gift certificate from 299 yuan to 12,000 yuan, a cash expansion gift from 2,000 yuan to 8,000 yuan, and an online lottery of 10,000 yuan. Now, some subscribers have won a cash reward of 10,000 yuan, and buying a car during the activity is definitely full of value.

  This "Xiaolong Game" Haval National Electric Four-wheel Drive Talent Competition is a series of activities for more than two months, which will cover 100 cities across the country, including urban challenges in 26 cities and interactive challenges of prize-winning games in national distribution stores, rich gift awards and unprecedented interactive gameplay. Participating users will have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the year-end winter challenge finals, pay attention to the official news of Haval, and register in your city to start enjoying this "Xiaolong Game" carnival!

I have confirmed my eyes and met the right car. BYD Qin has 54,200 cases nationwide.

The penetration rate of private cars in China has been very high. However, at this stage, most people still choose to spend more on cars than on tools. Under this trend, most people are getting more and more expensive to buy cars. The original budget was about 200,000, but in the end, they spent 400,000. But after using it for a period of time, I complained repeatedly and regretted my irrationality. What is the appropriate budget or price for buying a car? One algorithm is that the car price you can afford is about 1-2 times the annual household income balance. Of course, the market can’t be missed, and catching up with the larger preferential sales will definitely save a lot of money. Take BYD Qin Wei as an example today to see the national real transaction price, preferential discount, sales volume, value preservation rate and other information of new cars, so as to help you understand the market situation of a car more comprehensively.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.35 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 11,300 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 54,200 yuan. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin. The national sales volume in the last month was 156 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we need to consider many factors, among which the preservation rate is also very important. The low preservation rate of the car indicates that the overall quality of the car is poor, while the high preservation rate indicates that the market is highly recognized. The chart below shows the value-preserving rate of BYD Qin. Is it within your acceptable range?

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Qin’s word-of-mouth score. BYD Qin’s comprehensive score is 4.78, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin can consider it.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of BYD Qin Jingpin. Among the following competing products, Jetta VA3 sold the most last month, with 5,358 cars. There is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Qin is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris in Anqing area is on sale, with the latest offer of 137,800! There are plenty of cars.

On the car home Anqing preferential promotion channel, preferential activities are being carried out. As an SUV model that has attracted much attention, the price of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris in Anqing has dropped to the lowest starting price of 137,800 yuan. This promotion can enjoy a maximum discount of 15,000 yuan, which provides excellent car purchase opportunities for the majority of riders. If you want to know more about the discount, you can click the "Check the car price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a stylish and dynamic SUV. The front face design of this car is very unique, with a large area of chrome decoration and sharp LED headlights, which makes the whole car look very delicate. The air intake grille adopts a hexagonal design, with smooth lines and three-dimensional body shape, which makes the whole car look more dynamic. Overall style, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris pays attention to fashion and sense of science and technology, and its body lines are smooth and atmospheric, and at the same time it combines a sense of modernity and futurity. The appearance design of this car system is very in line with the aesthetic needs of modern consumers for the appearance of the car, leaving a deep impression on people.

The body size of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris car series is 4781*1920*1671, the wheelbase is 2815mm, the front tread is 1641mm and the rear tread is 1642mm. The car’s side lines are smooth, showing a dynamic and steady style, showing the unique design charm of Eta Ursae Majoris. At the same time, the front tyre size is 235/55 R19, and the rear tyre size is 235/55 R19, which is equipped with wide tires to provide better handling and driving stability for drivers. The rim design of Eta Ursae Majoris car series is fashionable and atmospheric, which adds a sense of luxury to the whole car.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s interior design style is fashionable and simple, paying attention to details and comfort. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that the driver can find the most comfortable position. The 12.3-inch central control screen has a large size and clear display, and supports multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, sunroof and window voice recognition control systems, so that drivers can operate the vehicle more conveniently. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. The front row also has mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front-back adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the auxiliary seat supports front-back adjustment and backrest adjustment. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion, providing passengers with more space and comfort. The overall interior design is simple and clear, which meets the aesthetic needs of modern people.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. The engine is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, which provides excellent power performance and smooth shifting experience for the vehicle. No matter on urban roads or highways, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris can provide you with abundant power support.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that Starway Eta Ursae Majoris has some bright spots in its exterior design, especially the shape of the side and the rear of the car has been well received by car owners. However, the design of the front of the car is more general, and it is biased towards the shape of new energy vehicles. In addition, the owner also mentioned that the four exhaust pipes at the tail are too deliberate, giving people an unnatural feeling. In terms of body workmanship, the owner thinks that the overall performance is above average, but the gaps in individual positions are still large and the two sides are not completely consistent. Although there are some problems in some details, the stylish appearance and four-wheel drive configuration of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris still attract the attention of many car owners. It is believed that with the continuous optimization and improvement of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, the future models will be more excellent and bring better driving experience to consumers.

What should children do if they play mobile phones all day? Doctor: Parents should be clear about the "rules"

  "The child has Internet addiction, stays at home surfing the Internet all day, plays mobile phones all day long, and loses his temper when he says it. What should I do?" In the eyes of doctors, this problem is also very common.

  Yang Ying, deputy director of the Children and Adolescents Ward of Shandong Mental Health Center, said that nowadays, mobile phones have become an important way for everyone to get information. During the epidemic, they can’t meet their classmates and can only communicate on their mobile phones. There are several cases in which some children really use mobile phones as learning tools, but parents don’t trust them, thinking that they use learning as an excuse to peek and intervene from time to time. "Here, in fact, parents still make preconceived mistakes, presupposing that children can’t control themselves, don’t trust children, and cause children to resent, so they are very annoyed and lose their temper."

  There is also a situation where there are communication barriers in the family, and children don’t know what they really think. If they don’t have a place to pour out their worries, they will turn to the virtual world, which is actually a way to escape. Some children say that in fact, they don’t really want to play mobile phones, and playing mobile phones is to pass the time. Therefore, parents still have to communicate well with their children and understand their real thoughts. They can’t take coercive measures or even drop their mobile phones in a rage, which will only escalate the conflict and backfire.

  Tell your child the "rules" clearly, calmly, gently but firmly, and tell him how long to play with your mobile phone. You can jointly agree on a time period and tell your child to resolutely implement it. If not, then parents will tell your child that within two days, you have lost the right to own the mobile phone, and repeatedly and firmly tell him that this is not a punishment, but a means to help you manage yourself. For serious and real addicts, they have to go to regular medical institutions for treatment.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Zhang Ruyi

[See you at 18: 00] Too light? Those who leaked the information of "Hua Zong" were detained for 7 days and fined 500 yuan.

At 18 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.


The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to Taiwan Province’s "Industrial Research Institute" announcement prohibiting internal employees from using Huawei products.

On January 16th, at the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, a reporter asked questions about the announcement by Taiwan Province Industrial Research Institute that its internal employees were prohibited from using Huawei mobile phones and computers. Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that we firmly oppose such practices that undermine normal cross-strait economic and trade cooperation for political purposes. It not only harms the interests of mainland enterprises, but also seriously harms the interests of consumers in Taiwan Province. This kind of practice caters to some foreign forces and is willing to be a pawn of outsiders, which is unpopular.

Too light? Those who leaked the information of "Hua Zong" were detained for 7 days and fined 500 yuan.

Recently, Shenzhen Public Security Bureau issued a circular: Peng, a 42-year-old hotel manager in Shenzhen, was given administrative detention for 7 days and fined 500 yuan. The source was found, but 500 yuan was only sentenced to seven days’ detention, which was questioned by the public. What was the basis for this punishment? Is the penalty too light? In the case of "Hua Zong", because the illegal actor has only disclosed and illegally provided the personal identity information of "Hua Zong", and there is no evidence to prove that the illegal actor has made illegal profits and the amount of illegal profits exceeds 5,000 yuan, so the illegal actor’s behavior has not reached the level of crime, and it is not enough to reach the level of criminal prosecution through criminal law.


Wang Junwen, the former director of state-owned enterprises in Hainan Province, returned to China and surrendered himself.

According to the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on January 15, 2019, under the overall coordination of the International Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group, with the unremitting efforts of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Wang Junwen, a suspected fugitive from duty, surrendered himself and actively returned to China. This is the first fugitive duty criminal suspect who returned to China to surrender after the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the sixth fugitive who came to the case after the Central Pursuit Office announced the clues of 50 fugitives suspected of duty crimes and economic crimes.

The main person in charge of Hualin Company suspected of pyramid schemes has been under the control of the police.

According to the website of the Huanghua Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of Hebei Province, after intense work, it was initially found out that the company was suspected of organizing and leading pyramid schemes since the Huanghua Joint Investigation Team entered Hualin Company. At present, the main person in charge of the company and related personnel have been under the control of the police. The investigation team of the case will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law.


South Korea’s national defense white paper deletes "North Korea as an enemy"

The South Korean Ministry of National Defense released the "2018 National Defense White Paper" on the 15th, deleting the statement that the North Korean government and army are "enemies". This change reflects the improvement of North-South relations. The new white paper refers to a broader national security threat with "enemy", and generally defines all forces that threaten and violate "Korea’s sovereignty, territory, national life and property security" as enemies. The South Korean Ministry of National Defense said in a press release that this concept includes not only North Korea, but also transnational threats, non-military threats and increasing potential threats.

The government hasn’t opened the door yet. Trump wants 50,000 employees to come back to work without paying.

Washington post reported on the 15th that Trump said on Tuesday (15th) local time that he had asked to "recall" 50,000 federal employees to "perform some key government duties", including paying tax rebates, supervising flight safety, and inspecting the national food and medicine supply. However, these government employees will return to work without pay.

Nissan said it would thoroughly investigate the former chairman’s irregularities and consider a claim lawsuit.

A number of Japanese media reported on the 15th that Nissan Motor Company found through internal investigation that Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman, had asked Nissan to pay for the decoration of its overseas residence, the membership fee of the sailing club and the donation to the university. Nissan intends to thoroughly investigate its series of violations and consider filing a claim lawsuit. Nissan said that it will sort out a series of facts and promote information sharing and claim litigation procedures with Renault. Mitsubishi Motors, a subsidiary of Nissan, also conducted an internal investigation on former chairman Ghosn, and it is expected that the relevant information will be announced as soon as this week.


The first-instance judgment of the fund-raising fraud case of "Kuailu Department": Kuailu Group was fined 1.5 billion and two people were sentenced to life imprisonment.

On the morning of January 16th, Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court publicly pronounced a series of cases in which the defendants Shanghai Kuailu Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Changning Donghongqiao Microfinance Co., Ltd., Shanghai Donghongqiao Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. and 15 defendants, including Huang Jiaxuan, Wei Yanping, Zhou Mengmeng and Xu Qi (American), illegally absorbed public deposits, and guaranteed Kuailu Group, Donghongqiao Microfinance Company and Donghongqiao. Huang Jiaxuan and Wei Yanping were sentenced to life imprisonment and fined for fund-raising fraud; Xu Qi was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined for two crimes of fund-raising fraud and illegal absorption of public deposits; The remaining 12 defendants, including Zhou Mengmeng, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 15 years to 9 years and fined for fund-raising fraud.

Wenzhou opened the first "low-headed family" ticket and was fined 10 yuan for crossing the road to see the mobile phone.

"Hello, I just saw you crossing the zebra crossing while holding your mobile phone. According to the Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Wenzhou, pedestrians will be punished by 10 yuan when they look down at their mobile phones when crossing the road." Recently, Wenzhou traffic police issued a penalty ticket to Ms. Hu, a "low-headed family" on the zebra crossing. According to reports, this is also the first ticket for pedestrians to watch mobile phones on zebra crossings after the implementation of the Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Wenzhou City on January 1, 2019.


Zhou Yang, a famous short track speed skater from China, was elected as a member of the Sports Committee of the International Skating Federation.

According to the China Skating Association, Zhou Yang, the two-time champion of short track speed skating in the Winter Olympics, was elected as a member of the Athletes Committee of the International Skating Federation, with a term of office from the 2019 World Championships to the 2023 World Championships.

In the 2019 Asian Cup, Australia defeated Syria and advanced to the top 16 with the second place in the group.

Group B of the Asian Cup ended the final round of competition on the evening of 15th. Australia beat Syria in injury time and advanced to the top 16 with the second place in the group. The Syrian team regretted going out at the last minute.


Wu Mengchao: 97-year-old winner of the highest national science and technology award retires.

"Now it seems that the right choice of returning to China, studying medicine, joining the army and joining the party has enabled me to truly realize my life value. Therefore, I am glad of my choice, and I will always be grateful to the party and the country, and thank the big family of the army for their education and training. " On January 14th, Wu Mengchao, a 97-year-old member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of the Oriental Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital of the Second Military Medical University, said emotionally at his academician retirement ceremony.

He has been a doctor for more than 70 years, treated 16,000 patients with hepatobiliary diseases, and had at least 3 operations every week before retirement. "Working for the health of the motherland for 70 years" has a double meaning in him. Swift between the liver and gallbladder, but also with the patient’s liver and gallbladder, he explained what is a doctor’s kindness and what is a benevolent life!

Ren Zhengfei: "I miss my daughter very much and believe that justice will be done."

On January 15th, Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Huawei, said in an interview that Huawei is entirely owned by employees of the company, with nearly 97,000 shareholders. "No external organization owns our stock". When talking about his daughter, Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei, he said that he missed her very much and believed that justice would be done.

Geng Yanbo: "The mayor of the city" stepped down and was called the realistic version of Dakang Li.

On January 15, the Standing Committee of Taiyuan Municipal Committee held an enlarged meeting to announce the decision of Shanxi Provincial Committee on adjusting the main leadership positions of Taiyuan Municipal Government: Comrade Li Xiaobo was appointed as a member, standing committee member and deputy secretary of Taiyuan Municipal Committee; Geng Yanbo was relieved from the post of Deputy Secretary, Standing Committee Member of Taiyuan Municipal Committee. On the afternoon of the same day, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Taiyuan Municipal People’s Congress was held. The meeting decided to accept Geng Yanbo’s resignation as mayor of Taiyuan and appointed Li Xiaobo as deputy mayor and acting mayor of Taiyuan. Geng Yanbo is famous for his diligence and hard work, and he is called "Mayor of online celebrity". During his tenure in Datong and Taiyuan, local citizens often met him at construction sites and pollution control sites.

Recently, a video of Geng Yanbo, then mayor of Datong, was widely circulated on social media, according to the report of WeChat WeChat official account "Politics". In the video, Geng Yanbo’s words are sharp and decisive, and he even breaks into a furious rage in order to implement the problem, causing heated discussion. The video clip was taken from a documentary broadcast in 2015, which recorded the arduous course of Geng Yanbo, the mayor of Datong, Shanxi Province, in the restoration of the ancient city during his tenure.

Theresa May: The Brexit agreement was not passed by the lower house of the British Parliament.

The lower house of the British Parliament voted on Theresa May’s Brexit agreement on the evening of 15th, and the result was that the agreement was overwhelmingly rejected by 432:202. It is said that this vote was the worst failure in the history of the British government. The previous record was that it failed by 166 votes in 1924.

After the voting, Theresa May made a brief speech. She said that in view of the complete defeat of the voting results, members of Parliament will have the opportunity to debate a motion of no confidence tomorrow (16th). She also said that she will continue to look for a solution acceptable to everyone.

Bella: the fourth anniversary of his death.

She was the first champion in the Youth Song Competition, and her cornea brought light to them after her death. On January 16th, 2015, singer Bella died of breast cancer at the age of 33. In April of that year, asteroid 41981 was named after her.

See you tomorrow at 18: 00!

Zhiji Automobile released the road map of intelligent driving products in the next 3-5 years and moved towards the end of automatic driving.

Beijing News Shell Finance News (Reporter Lin Zi) On August 16th, Beijing News Shell Finance reporter Zi Zhiji learned that Guo Hui, the chief scientist of Zhiji automobile intelligent driving, announced that Zhiji would officially open the public beta of "iAd City NOA" in October this year, and iAd intelligent driving would be fully data-driven, and most scenes would be automatically driven in the next 3-5 years, leading to the end of automatic driving.

From the road map, in the next 3-5 years, Zhiji Automobile will start the intelligent driving products to accelerate the running, and the intelligent driving products such as high-precision map NOA, urban NOA and commuting mode will be intensively launched. Among them, "going to the high-precision map NOA", IM AD will open the public beta in September; "City NOA", which started internal testing in April this year, is progressing smoothly and will start public testing in October; "Commuting mode" is expected to quickly cover 100+ cities nationwide in 2024; In 2025, IM AD will enter the era of Door to Door.

Zhiji Automobile was established on December 25th, 2020. It is a brand-new user-oriented automobile science and technology company jointly built by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group. In July this year, SAIC announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Audi to jointly sprint the new electric intelligent track. It is reported that the two sides may cooperate on Zhiji’s electric vehicle platform.

Editor Yue Caizhou

Proofread Junyan Zhang