"The harm caused by Japan’s nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea will be global" (international perspective)

  On August 9, more than 20 college students from many places in South Korea formed a "delegation against Fukushima nuclear polluted water discharging into the sea" to hold a protest rally in Tokyo, Japan, and strongly opposed the Japanese government’s plan to force nuclear polluted water discharging into the sea.

  Our reporter Yue Linyi photo

  According to media reports, Japan is studying to start the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea as early as late August. The Japanese government’s behavior of ignoring the legitimate and reasonable concerns of all parties and insisting on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea has triggered continuous opposition and criticism from Japan and the international community. All parties urge the Japanese government to fully respond to the concerns of the international community, fulfill its due moral responsibilities and obligations under international law, stop pushing the plan of sea discharge, fully communicate with neighboring countries in a sincere manner, ensure the safe disposal of nuclear polluted water, and accept strict international supervision.

  "The Japanese government should abandon the established route of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea."

  On August 9, more than 20 college students from many places in South Korea formed a "delegation against Fukushima nuclear pollution" to hold a protest rally near the Prime Minister’s residence and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Tokyo, Japan. The students held banners and slogans such as "Oppose the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea" and "Don’t pollute everyone’s sea" and shouted slogans such as "Stop Fukushima nuclear polluted water from discharging into the sea" and "Preserve nuclear polluted water on land", and strongly opposed the Japanese government’s plan to force nuclear polluted water to discharge into the sea.

  Park Jae-min, a student from Korea’s Jianguo University who participated in the protest rally, told this reporter that the safety of Fukushima’s nuclear polluted water discharged into the sea has not been fully verified, and it is impossible to eliminate the worries and uneasiness of ordinary people all over the world, including South Korea. South Korea and Japan are close neighbors, and the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea is bound to do harm to ordinary people in South Korea and seriously affect South Korea’s marine fisheries.

  On August 7th, Japanese citizens’ groups held a theme forum on "Opposing Nuclear Pollution Water Discharging into the Sea" in Nagasaki City. More than 100 citizens and students from Nagasaki and all over Japan attended the forum. In his speech, the host Gu Yazhi said that discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is to put economic cost above safety, and the Japanese government chose discharging the sea as a simple way to save money out of economic self-interest. Gu Yazhi emphasized that the nuclear polluted water in Fukushima contains a variety of radioactive substances, which is not the same as the waste water generated by normal nuclear power plants. All radioactive wastes generated by nuclear accidents, including nuclear polluted water, should be permanently sealed and kept.

  At the forum, Masahiro Kaoda, a co-representative of the Fukushima Peace Forum, a local civic group in Fukushima Prefecture, pointed out that although various feasible measures can be taken to prevent nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company have always regarded the sea discharge plan as an "established policy", ignoring many objections, concealing various problems that are not conducive to the nuclear polluted water discharge plan, and constantly pushing forward the sea discharge plan.

  Masahiro Kakuda stressed that Japanese fishing groups insisted on opposing the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea and demanded that the Japanese government continue to preserve nuclear polluted water on land. This voice was very strong among ordinary people in Fukushima. However, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company turned a blind eye to this and refused to re-study other disposal methods other than discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea. He said, "The Japanese government should abandon the established route of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, show courage and make a political decision to re-study the disposal plan of nuclear polluted water."

  From August 4th, the second phase of the 2023 World Conference on the Prohibition of Atomic Bombs and Hydrogen Bombs, sponsored by the Japan National Conference on the Prohibition of Atomic Bombs and Hydrogen Bombs, was held in Hiroshima, Japan. On the morning of the 5th, at the sub-forum to discuss the Japanese government’s nuclear power policy, many experts, scholars and representatives of civic groups once again severely criticized and resolutely opposed the Japanese government’s insistence on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea regardless of public opinion.

  In his speech, Professor Emeritus of osaka prefecture university, Mr. Kazuyuki Sawazawa, pointed out that the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company’s promotion of Fukushima nuclear polluted water to the sea not only violated the relevant provisions of the London Convention on Dumping Waste, but also suspected of violating Japan’s domestic law. The London Dumping Convention prohibits the dumping of radioactive wastes into the sea through artificial structures at sea. As a contracting party to the London Dumping Convention, Japan attempts to discharge the Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea, which obviously violates the relevant provisions of the Convention. In addition, at present, the amount of radiation in the space environment in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant far exceeds the limit measurement, and the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea will further increase the amount of radiation in the space environment in this area, which is an illegal act suspected of violating relevant Japanese restrictions and regulations.

  Park Zhenying, a representative of a civic group from Ulsan, South Korea, said in his speech that the current domestic polls show that more than 80% of South Koreans strongly oppose the Japanese government’s discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea. More than 700 citizens’ organizations in South Korea unanimously opposed the Japanese government’s plan to force nuclear polluted water into the sea. Once the nuclear polluted water is discharged into the sea, it means that the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident will last for 30 years or even longer.

  "It is a barbaric act to force the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea."

  Li Zaiming, leader of the Common Democratic Party, the largest opposition party in South Korea, said at the symposium on "Preventing Fukushima nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea" held by the South Korean National Assembly on the 8th, "Now we should unite and take countermeasures to prevent Japanese nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea. Ensuring that future generations can live in a safe and comfortable environment is one of the important responsibilities of our generation. "

  Yu Yuanzhi, member of the Standing Committee of the Common Democratic Party’s "Countermeasures Committee for Preventing Contaminated Water from Discharging into the Sea", said at the forum that the Japanese government could not dispel people’s concerns no matter how unreasonable it claimed to be "safe". The Common Democratic Party will stick to the end and prevent Japan’s nuclear polluted water from being discharged into the sea.

  More than 200 local people, including citizens’ groups in Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, held a rally on the 5th to condemn Japan’s plan of forcing nuclear polluted water into the sea. The citizens attending the rally said that the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea is a disaster for the earth’s ecosystem and all mankind. Local citizens’ groups said: "In order to resist the Japanese nuclear pollution, we will fight with all the people in Chungcheongnam-do to the end."

  South Korea’s Gwangju Citizen Group held a press conference on the 2nd, strongly condemning and protesting the Japanese plan of forcing nuclear polluted water into the sea. The people who participated in the protests said: "It is a barbaric act for Japan to push the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea. We must not sit idly by and ignore the serious consequences caused by the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea. We hope that more people can understand the harmfulness and seriousness of the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea through protests. We must stop this behavior and protect our future. "

  "The Japanese government should face up to the concerns of the international community."

  Luke Mani, director and senior researcher of the Solomon Islands Foreign Policy Advisory Secretariat, said in an interview with this reporter that the Pacific island countries are firmly opposed to Japan’s nuclear pollution water discharge plan. Pacific island countries are basically small island countries, and people’s lives depend heavily on marine ecosystems. For example, the most important marine resource of many Pacific island countries — — Tuna is a highly migratory fish, and discharging nuclear polluted water anywhere in the Pacific Ocean will put this important economic and food resource in danger. "Tunas from Pacific island countries are not only exported to Japan, but also to Europe, so the harm caused by Japan’s nuclear pollution water discharging into the sea will be global."

  Tillman Ruff, co-chairman of the Australian International Doctors Organization for the Prevention of Nuclear War and co-founder of the International Movement for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, said in an interview with the media a few days ago that Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea violated international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the London Dumping Convention, and there was also evidence that such behavior would cause extensive and sustained harm and would not bring any benefits. "The Japanese government should face up to the concerns of the international community." Luf said that Japan’s nuclear pollution discharged into the sea will also bring social and economic consequences. The decline of income and export of fishery and other related industries, the strengthening of supervision and restrictions on imports by various countries will all have an impact on Japanese fishermen.

  Weng Shijie, Chairman of Malaysian Center for New Asian Strategic Studies, said in an interview with this reporter that Japan’s insistence on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea is irresponsible and detrimental to its international reputation. At the same time, the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea will also endanger Japan’s own marine fisheries, and some countries and regions have strictly controlled Japanese seafood.

  Jin Ping, director of the Institute of International Relations of the Royal Cambodian Academy of Sciences, told this reporter that it is a major problem to discharge the nuclear polluted water from Fukushima into the sea. Nuclear polluted water will do harm to marine life, which is not conducive to marine fisheries and poses a threat to human beings. The Japanese government should fully consult with neighboring countries and other stakeholders to effectively dispose of nuclear polluted water in a scientific, safe and transparent manner.

  (Tokyo, Seoul, Canberra, Bangkok, August 9th)

Two Apple 16 yuan netizens shouted: I can’t afford fruit this year.

  Recently, many people have found that the price of fruits has gone up. Fruits such as litchi and cherries, which are usually relatively expensive, are even more expensive than "don’t want to buy" … … According to the data released by the Nutrition Society of China recently, the average daily fruit intake of urban and rural residents in China is at a low level, so experts suggest that a person should eat one catty of vegetables and half a catty of fruit every day. In this regard, the online discussion group went astray, "Fruit is more expensive than meat", which expressed the voice of many netizens in one sentence.

  Fruit is more expensive than meat.

  Netizen: "My heart hurts when I eat."

  Yang Yuexin, chairman of the China Nutrition Society, pointed out that fruits and vegetables provide the human body with daily essential vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, plant compounds and other nutrients, and are an important part of a reasonable diet. Insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables will increase the morbidity and mortality of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Ma Guansheng, vice chairman of the Nutrition Society of China, even suggested that we should ensure that there are vegetables in meals and fruits every day, and one should eat one catty of vegetables and half a catty of fruits every day. Unexpectedly, for this statement, many netizens have exploded, and the topic has gone astray collectively. Listen to the personal experience of netizens:

  "peaches are 20 yuan a catty, and you can’t afford fruit in Hainan"; "Nectarine is 15 yuan a catty, and the taste is still average"; "Six little mango 58 yuan, really can’t afford it"; "A quarter of a watermelon is 17 yuan, which hurts when you eat it"; "Even the unpretentious apples have gone up in price. The total price of two apples with average appearance and taste is 15.98 yuan, almost 8 yuan each. Can you believe it?" Judging from everyone’s feedback, the most "kind" banana is: "Just three bananas are more than a catty, and all the others have started with six pieces. I really can’t afford it."

  Netizens like rabbits sleeping standing up: I can’t afford to eat, and now fruit is more expensive than meat. The glory of the king, a netizen, beat his younger brother: Now the price of fruit is almost catching up with that of seafood. I can’t afford it, so I can only eat one and a half kilos of vegetables.

  The reporter visited the retail terminal

  Three apples are equal to a catty of pork belly.

  On the 14th, the reporter visited several farmers’ markets and supermarkets in Chengdu. The price tag on the fruit and what the vendors said confirmed this: the price of fruit is indeed a bit high recently.

  In a chain supermarket, a catty of cherries is 50 yuan, and a randomly weighed cherry is 1.25 yuan, which can buy an egg with a moderate price; A catty of red Fuji 9.9 yuan, the price of three red Fuji apples can buy a catty of pork belly; Peaches are 16.8 yuan a catty, and the prices of three peaches and a catty of pork belly are also quite the same. "The most expensive is cherries, 50 yuan/kg, cherry 35 yuan/kg, mangosteen 25 yuan/kg, and the cheapest banana is 5 yuan/kg." In an ordinary farmer’s market in Jinjiang District, a fruit merchant told reporters that even the most common apples have sold to 11 yuan for 1 catty, which is several pieces higher than the price at this time last year. In the store next door, the price of cherries has reached 70 yuan/Jin. Vendors say that all the fruits sold in the store are seasonal, and if they are sold out of season, the price is more expensive. "Since the beginning of this year, the price of fruit has risen sharply, and our business is not good." In the farmer’s market, the vendors frowned. As for the reasons, they are not very clear.

  On a nationwide scale, the prices of various fruits are on the rise. According to the monitoring of "National Agricultural Products Wholesale Market Price Information System" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, among fruits, the biggest increase is Red Fuji apple. Since mid-March, the ring has been showing a year-on-year growth trend, and in the past two weeks, the year-on-year increase has even exceeded 40%. In addition, after the Spring Festival, the price of bananas has been higher than that of the same period last year, and the price of watermelons has been rising year-on-year for nearly two months.

  The fruit retail data released recently in many places also point to the same result: price increase. For example, according to the information released by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, the average retail price of fruits increased by 0.2% from May 6 to May 12. Due to the rainy weather last week, the transportation and storage costs of fruits increased slightly, driving the overall price of fruits to rise. According to the data of Guangxi Department of Commerce, from May 6 to May 12, the retail price of fruits was 9.46 yuan/kg, and the price increased by 1.94% from the previous month. Among the seven retail fruit varieties monitored, the retail prices of apples, grapes, pears, watermelons and lychees rose.


  Why is fruit so expensive this year?

  Too much rain during the flowering period of Longquan loquat leads to reduced production.

  "The price of loquat is good this year, and the bad ones are removed, and the large and small fruits are packaged and sold. 10 yuan weighs a catty, which is twice as high as last year." Zeng Xinjian is a big loquat planter in Longquan industrial and rural areas, planting 20 mu of loquat. Due to the weather, there is too much rain at the flowering stage of loquat, which leads to insufficient flower bud differentiation, low fruiting rate and nearly half of loquat yield. "In the past, it was possible to produce 1,500 kg to 2,000 kg per mu, but now it is reduced by about 1,000 kg per mu, and the overall output is reduced by at least 40%." Zeng Xinjian said that at the end of April, loquat was about to mature, entered the last expansion period, and suffered from high temperature. The loquat facing the sun all showed "sun scars" to varying degrees. "The taste of this kind of loquat has not changed, but the appearance is very poor, and the purchaser will not want it. It must be picked out when picking." Zeng Xinjian said that as a result, the output has dropped by tens of thousands of Jin, making the overall output drop by 60%, the output drop and the price of loquat rise, making his income this year lower than last year. "Last year, it was able to sell for 120,000 yuan, and this year it is estimated to be only 80,000 yuan."

  Zhang Wenxiang, director of the workers’ and peasants’ villages, said that there are 2,000 mu of loquat planting areas in industrial and rural areas. At present, the purchase price is from 10 yuan to 12 yuan/kg. Due to weather factors, the overall output has dropped this year, but the price has doubled compared with the same period last year. "It is estimated that the income of villagers this year will be the same as last year."

  Large watermelon growers switched jobs, resulting in reduced production.

  At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Chengdu Pengzhou Mengyang Fruit Wholesale Market was deserted. Last year, the watermelon area where Ren Dajie was located was not like this.

  "Even at this time last year, the watermelons were sold from one end to the other." Sister Ren has been engaged in watermelon business for more than ten years. This year, the price of watermelon is really high and "affordable". At present, Chengdu basically sells local watermelons in Dayi. It has been sold for half a month since 3.1 yuan/Jin -3.3 yuan/Jin, which was listed in early May, and the wholesale price is still maintained at 2.5 yuan/Jin -2.6 yuan/Jin.

  "In previous years, just two or three pieces were listed. In a few days, a large number of watermelons were listed, and they immediately fell to a few hairs." Ren Dajie said that the main reason is the reduction of production. In the past few years, the price of watermelon continued to be low. Last year, it suffered from floods. Large growers lost money year after year, and large growers in other places retreated and changed careers, resulting in a decline in production, at least by half. "As soon as the price is high, many people will stop eating, and fewer people will buy melons."

  Apple and pear suffered from frost during flowering period, resulting in reduced production.

  Speaking of the prices of apples and pears, Deng Darong, who has been a fruit wholesaler for 30 years, said, "It is rare for decades, and the price has risen fiercely, quickly and greatly." Deng Darong said that the apples sold in the market are all from Jingning County, Gansu Province. At present, the wholesale price of apples varies according to the size of the fruit, and the price is 5 yuan/Jin -8 yuan Jin. The reason is that in April last year, when the apple bloomed, the northern part suffered from frost, the fruit setting rate was low, and the output was significantly reduced by 2/3, and the appearance was not good. Since it was purchased and put into storage last year, all localities began to snap up, and the purchase price per Jin was higher than that of previous years. This year,

  "When the output is small, all localities are grabbing goods, and the price is even higher when they grab it." Deng Darong said that in addition to apples, there are pears and other fruits affected by frost. He predicted that although apples and pears are out of stock at present, there is little room for future price increases. "It has reached the peak, and the possibility of rising again is very small."

  Insufficient nutrition of litchi and other reasons lead to reduced production.

  For litchi, this year is a veritable small year. At present, the litchi sold in Chengdu comes from Haikou, and the output has decreased by at least two-thirds. Now the wholesale price is 17 yuan/Jin -18 yuan/Jin. He Qun, the person in charge of Renping Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., said that litchi has a three-year cycle. The year before last and last year were bumper harvest years, and this year happens to be a small year for litchi. "The bumper harvest for two consecutive years has excessively consumed the nutrition of branches. In addition, last year, it was a warm winter in the south, and it was affected by rain, which directly led to a decrease in yield." She predicted that Guangdong litchi would be listed in the next few days, but it was also affected by the reduction in production, and the price dropped slightly, but there was not much room for decline.

  The origin of cherries is not large, and the price has been high over the years.

  And online celebrity fruit "cherries", He Qun said, this is a normal price, which is not much different from previous years. Recently, cherries sold for 70 to 80 yuan a catty, because cherries are produced in Shandong. "People produce early, the output is not big, and the price has been high over the years." He Qun said. Now Wenchuan and Hanyuan cherries have been listed, and the wholesale price is from 15 yuan/kg to 25 yuan/kg, and the price is not much different from previous years.


  National Bureau of Statistics: Prices will not remain high.

  The State Council Press Office held a press conference on the morning of 15th. Liu Aihua, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics, introduced the national economic operation in April this year and answered relevant questions. Liu Aihua said that consumer prices rose by 2.5% in April, an increase of 0.2 percentage points over the previous month. The year-on-year increase of individual varieties has risen, and the year-on-year increase of pork, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits has exceeded 10%. There are two factors that led to the increase in April, one is the increase in pork prices, and the other is that fresh vegetables and fruits with strong seasonality are greatly affected by seasonality. Among them, from the price of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, these two varieties are obviously affected by seasonal factors of extreme weather, and these seasonal short-term shocks are not sustainable, and the price increase of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits will not last at a high level. From these aspects, food prices have a stable foundation.

Jiyuan: Heyuan Street Primary School held the theme forum of "Learning-welcoming Classroom" in city primary schools.

In this activity, four teachers, Zhai Huimin, Wang Fang, Zhou Libo and Ran Huixia, shared the educational research and practical achievements of "Yue Xue Classroom" with teachers. Teacher Zhai Huimin shared "Yue Pin Le Xiang-Teaching and Research Practice Based on Primary School English Spelling Teaching", which used wonderful cases to analyze the selection method of primary school English theme scenes and the teaching mode of "independent Yue Pin"; Teacher Wang Fang shared "Reading Pleasure-A Preliminary Study on the Construction of English Reading Curriculum in Primary Schools", which introduced the construction and practice of E-interest English curriculum from the aspects of curriculum construction background, curriculum system design and curriculum framework. Teacher Zhou Libo shared the "Discourse-based Training Practice of" Yue Xue Classroom "in primary school English, which deeply interpreted Yue Xue classroom from the aspects of the development process, teaching concept and teaching paradigm, and pointed out the direction and strategy of Yue Xue topic practice. Finally, Mr. Ran shared "Based on the Curriculum Horizon, Implementing the" Happy Learning Classroom "in Primary School English", which made the teachers here have a deeper understanding of the "happy learning classroom" and pointed out the direction for English teaching in the future.

With the arrival of spring, "Document No.1" emphasizes these five "strengths"

  Spring is the first year of the year, and agriculture is the first. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, "Document No.1" arrived as scheduled with spring. This is the first Central Document No.1 issued after the 20th Party Congress, which writes a blueprint for rural revitalization and emphasizes "keep ‘ Agriculture, countryside and farmers ’ The basic dish is very important and can’t be lost, which conveys a strong signal of emphasizing agriculture and strengthening agriculture.

  Document No.1 of the Central Committee has made nine arrangements for comprehensively promoting the key work of rural revitalization. The first task is to pay close attention to the stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products. It is the experience of last year and the direction of this year that "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" are improving and taking the initiative in the overall situation. Looking back on 2022, in the face of the stormy international environment and arduous domestic reform, development and stability tasks, China’s grain production achieved "19 consecutive harvests" and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" made solid progress, winning the initiative to effectively cope with the impact of unexpected factors. Looking forward to 2023, to turn the big goal of "keeping the national grain output above 1.3 trillion Jin" into a small goal, we must not only stabilize the area, focus on yield per unit area, and strive to increase production, but also strive to ensure that farmers can earn money from growing grain. Only by increasing production and stopping losses, and simultaneously strengthening agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural science and technology and equipment support can we protect the rice bag, vegetable basket and oil bottle.

  A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and a strong agriculture can strengthen the country. Earlier, the Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress first proposed "accelerating the construction of an agricultural power". What is the strength of an agricultural power? Document No.1 of the Central Committee gives the answer — — Strong supply guarantee, strong scientific and technological equipment, strong management system, strong industrial toughness and strong competitiveness. To achieve these five goals, the bottom line is to ensure food security and prevent large-scale poverty. On this basis, we must solidly promote key tasks such as rural development, rural construction and rural governance. It is a strategic and long-term task to strengthen agriculture and strengthen agriculture. At present, only by focusing on promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way, concentrating on human input, material allocation and financial security, and solidly promoting the "five revitalization" of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organization can we provide solid support for accelerating the construction of an agricultural power.

  In the final analysis, promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and rural revitalization is to benefit farmers and meet their expectations for a better life. This needs to promote the overall improvement of the countryside from the outside to the inside, both in form and spirit, so that farmers can be rich in both pockets and brains. Rich "pocket" depends on promoting employment, increasing skills and carrying out reforms. Broaden the channels of increasing income and getting rich, so that hundreds of millions of peasants can get property benefits in a down-to-earth manner and share the fruits of reform, which can better stimulate their enthusiasm. Rich "brains" require equal attention to rural shaping and soul casting, and coordination between material civilization and spiritual civilization, so that the "high-priced bride price" and "big-scale operation" that everyone cares about can be effectively managed, and the customs can be truly changed, so that the countryside can be stable and peaceful, livable and suitable for business, and the happiness index can be higher and higher.

  A year’s plan starts with spring. At present, from Woye in the South to the granary in the Central Plains, all localities are in full swing to carry out spring tube spring ploughing, and the vast countryside is full of spring and hope. If the nation is to be revived, the countryside will be revitalized. In the new year, we should make strenuous efforts, implement the No.1 Document of the Central Committee, and keep the basics of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", which will surely enable the broad masses of peasants to live a good life with a growing sense of gain, and make progress in building a strong agricultural country and promoting rural revitalization.

  (Text | Dong Zhu)

There is a kind of beauty called autumn in Lianyungang!

  An autumn rain and a cold, while feeling the rustling autumn rain, we also realize that late autumn is coming.

  Lianyungang, with four distinct seasons and picturesque scenery in every season, what will it be like in autumn?

  Once autumn comes to other places in Lianyungang, no matter how beautiful it is, it will only be!

  Every grass and tree is beautiful, like God knocking over the palette.

  Huaguoshan in autumn

  Nature covered the mountains with a layer of hazy gold with magical fingers. Looking from the foot of the mountain, layers of shadows fell, and the shades of colors alternately complemented each other between the ups and downs of the mountains. An autumn landscape painting was beautifully staged in Huaguo Mountain.

(Image from official WeChat of Huaguoshan Scenic Area in Lianyungang)

  In autumn, the most beautiful place in Yuntai Mountain on the sea is to climb high and look far, climb to the Genting observation deck, the main peak, and overlook the blue sea and blue sky by the railing, stretching for thousands of miles, and seagulls soar freely on the water.

(Image from the official WeChat of Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area at sea)

  Yueyadao scenic spot

  In the golden autumn of October, the powder-worn grass has entered its full bloom, and the crescent island at this time is as romantic and beautiful as a fairy tale.

(Reporter: Yan Jinyong Correspondent: Photo by Yaxuan Wang)

  Xishuanghu scenic spot

  In autumn, the wind is fresh and refreshing, and it grows along the embankment in the south of Xishuang Lake, and the autumn red in Yiyi Lake along Chun Lv. When the maple, sapium sebiferum and reeds in the scenic spot enter the colorful moment, the whole scenic spot is as colorful as the color palette of nature, which is particularly beautiful.

(Image source learning power)

  In autumn, in Dayi Mountain, the red leaves are covered with mountains, and the layers of forests are all dyed. If the color is flame from the valley to the mountainside and from the mountainside to the top, it is like an oil painting.

(Image source Dayi Mountain Scenic Area)

  Chaohewan scenic spot

  In autumn, what is left for Chaohe Bay Scenic Area is the endless sea of golden flowers and dreamy sea of pink flowers, as well as cosmos, Puwei, sulfur chrysanthemum … A beautiful autumn scenery map of Chaohe Bay in the flower world.

  (Image source Chaohewan Scenic Area)

  In the Garden of Eden Scenic Area, in the golden autumn, the powder and verbena in the Garden of Eden enter the endless pink and purple world in full bloom. Whenever the wind blows, the whole powder and verbena field rises and falls like waves, which is very beautiful.

(Image source Chaohewan Scenic Area)

  Cangwu Green Garden

  The golden autumn is cool, and the osmanthus fragrance is fragrant. Recently, the osmanthus in Cangwu Green Park is competing to open and usher in the most fragrant season of the year. The fragrance of osmanthus can’t help but make people stop looking for it.

  (Reporter: Yan Jinyong correspondent: photo by Zhang Kejin)

  Li Nian Forest Farm, although it is already late autumn, when you drive on the "Shuanglin Highway" leading to Li Nian Forest Farm, your eyes suddenly light up. The colored zebra crossing on the highway points to both sides of the distant road, and the flowers bloom as if entering the spring and the heaven.

(Image source learning power)

  haizhou bay

  In Haizhou Bay, many seagulls sometimes hover and dance in a coastal aquaculture beach, and sometimes stroll in the shallows … … Together with Bihai Jinsha, it constitutes an ecological beauty.

(Reporter: Zhang Zerui correspondent: photo by Si Wei and Wang Panming)

  Shuoxiang Lake

  In autumn, guannan county Shuoxiang Lake is full of beautiful fish, fat shrimp and reeds, and a group of wild ducks are lined up in the middle of the lake. They spend most of their time "floating" on the lake to rest and occasionally flap their wings.

(Image source learning power)

  This is the autumn in Lianyungang, the shortest season among the four seasons and the most unforgettable season.

  (Source: Lianyungang Publishing Editor/Wang Wei)

On the first day of work years later, all walks of life in the new district quickly entered the working state.

  Open column language

  New year’s new atmosphere, strive to open a new bureau! 2023 is the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, a crucial year for Tianjin to build a socialist modern metropolis in an all-round way, and a crucial year to speed up the construction of a beautiful "coastal city" in the new era. At the beginning of the new year in the Year of the Rabbit, all the development zones, towns, departments and units in Binhai New Area are working hard, and every minute counts. A tough battle centered on the implementation of high-quality development support and leading actions in Binhai New Area is blowing horns and beating drums in the land of Bincheng. The vast number of builders in the new area are facing difficulties and seizing the opportunity. With the winning belief and high-spirited attitude of "starting at the beginning of the year, starting a decisive battle", they have turned a high-quality development "construction drawing" into a "real map". In order to fully show the vivid situation and brand-new look of "struggling to open a new bureau and make a good start" in the new district, and further carry forward the spirit of "starting a second business" in Binhai New Area, the media center of Binhai New Area has launched a column "Bincheng opened a new bureau to win a good start".

  Yesterday was the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday. The reporter walked into various departments, enterprises and construction sites in Binhai New Area, and a busy labor scene appeared in front of him. Everyone has said that we should start early, not take a nap, and quickly enter the working state with a full mental state to show the new year’s new atmosphere.

  The department actively serves the enterprise masses.

  At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, the government service staff in the bonded area had already sat in front of the computer. "Hello, what business do you handle?" The deputy agent wearing a "red ribbon" warmly greeted the staff of the enterprise after seeing them. After inquiry, it was learned that it was the enterprise that needed to apply for the Drainage Permit. Under the guidance of the deputy agent, the enterprise staff soon got the Drainage Permit through the "notification commitment system".

  "I thought that just after the New Year, the approval of the license would not be so fast. I didn’t expect the work efficiency of the bonded area to be so high after the year. It is so convenient for the company to get the Drainage Permit immediately by signing the letter of commitment! " The business staff said with satisfaction.

  Teng Lizhen, head of the government affairs service hall in the bonded area, said: "Although today is the first working day after the Spring Festival, the service windows of the government affairs service hall have all been opened, and the staff members are full of enthusiasm and full of energy to receive the business people who come to handle business.

  On the first day of work, the reporter learned from the District People’s Social Security Bureau that in order to seize the favorable opportunity of the Spring Festival and actively implement the relevant policies of stabilizing employment and ensuring employment, the new district began to organize a "Spring Breeze Action and Employment Assistance Month" job fair every week from January 29, and organized a live post-taking activity every month. In combination with the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control, offline recruitment activities were launched in a timely manner to build an efficient docking platform for employers and job seekers to help all kinds of people with employment needs get full employment. The vast number of job seekers and enterprises can log on to "Bincheng Employment Talent Network" in https://www.bhrc.com.cn to sign up.

  It is understood that the activities are mainly aimed at rural workers who are willing to work and start businesses, including rural laborers who plan to go out to work and start businesses nearby, migrant workers, workers who come to Tianjin in the pairing assistance area, all kinds of people with employment difficulties, graduates from previous universities and other job seekers, as well as employers with employment needs, especially key industrial chain supply chain enterprises.

  Enterprises strive to achieve a "good start"

  On the first day of work years later, although the festive atmosphere has not completely dissipated, all the staff of Tianjin International Biomedical Joint Research Institute quickly returned to their posts with full spirit and started a new journey in the New Year. In the laboratory on the eighth floor, several staff members in lab clothes are absorbed in the experimental operation. The R&D Center for Transformation Products of the Joint Research Institute has been deployed according to the work plan for 2023, and the annual order task has been arranged. All the staff of the center began to carry out relevant experiments in early January. "At present, the first batch of customized synthetic orders (ADC drug Liner) has been completed halfway. On the first day after the end of the Spring Festival holiday, the center staff immediately put into the experiment, made synthetic feeding, and closely connected the experimental work before the holiday to ensure that the order task was completed in an orderly manner according to the time node. " Dr. Cai Yan, director of the R&D Center for Transformation Products of the Joint Research Institute, was busy with the experiment while introducing it.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from Lishen Battery, an enterprise in High-tech Zone, that Lishen Battery adheres to the spirit of "decisive battle is the beginning, and sprint is the beginning", and has continuously produced, stabilized and increased production, welcoming the "acceleration" of production and "a good start" of development.

  In the production workshop of Lishen battery, the PACK production department made every effort to ensure that the upcoming Dongfeng supporting power battery project was successfully delivered, and the front-line employees stuck to their posts without taking a nap and quickly put into work. From equipment inspection, commissioning, line alignment to first article confirmation and start-up production, the team cooperated tacitly, and the production rate was planned to reach 100% on the same day. The person in charge of Lishen Battery said that in the new year, the company will usher in new development opportunities and achieve new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, capacity improvement and base construction. In 2023, the project is expected to produce supporting power batteries for more than 45,000 new energy vehicles.

  On the first day of work after the holiday, the dry composite film workshop, the third phase expansion project of Gaolier (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd. located in Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, showed a busy scene: the equipment was running stably, the technicians were skilled in operation, and the composite film was running smoothly on the roller … After joint acceptance, electromechanical installation and joint operation and debugging of the equipment, the project entered the trial production stage. However, the related equipment operation indexes of photovoltaic power generation projects that have just completed grid-connected power generation have also remained stable, and enterprises have enjoyed the new impetus brought by green energy.

  It is understood that Gaolier (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd. belongs to Italian Gaolier Group, an industry leader in the field of flexible packaging. Since it was completed and put into operation in Tianjin Port Bonded Zone in 2006, it mainly produces composite packaging bags for liquid products and patented products in the coffee field, and is committed to providing a full range of customized packaging solutions. After more than ten years’ development, the company has all kinds of excellent packaging equipment and a complete set of quality inspection equipment, which ensures sufficient production capacity and stable quality.

  The construction site played the "Endeavour Music" for returning to work after the holiday.

  The reporter saw at the construction site of Tianjin Port’s special freight passage project yesterday morning that a new year’s construction has been started here with the rumble of machines. On-site graders and bulldozers are advancing back and forth in an orderly manner, and the site is being leveled; Excavators and drillers are lined up in turn, and drilling is performed according to the working procedure. The company broke the practice of entering the site after the spring blossoms in previous years, implemented the project content according to local conditions, and rationally arranged and adjusted the process plan according to the temperature conditions, which greatly improved the effective utilization rate of time during the construction period.

  It is understood that in order to achieve the project construction goal, 300 workers and more than 100 sets of construction equipment have been put into work after the holiday. At present, the main construction contents of the project are bridge pile foundation construction, water supply and drainage construction, subgrade construction and temporary construction of the project.

  The Spring Festival holiday is not over yet, and all the builders of the second phase project of Binhai New Area Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have already returned to their posts and made all the preparations before construction. The second phase of Binhai New Area Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a construction area of about 40,000 square meters, and 426 beds are planned to be added. It will build single buildings such as administrative research building, inpatient building and fever inpatient building, which is expected to be completed in 2026. On the basis of the Luban Award of China Construction Project in 2022-2023, the first phase of the project will create a high-quality project with the management of "standardization, standardization and refinement". The reporter learned at the scene that at present, the pile foundation project of the project has resumed construction, and the "Endeavour Song" for returning to work after the holiday has been fully played, and it has been advanced in an efficient and orderly manner towards the established construction goals.

Source: Bincheng Times


This Spring Festival, gold has sold out again! Zodiac transit beads sell thousands of pieces a day. Netizen: Wait until the price is reduced before buying.

China Economic Weekly-Economic News The China Gold Association said on the 18th that during the Spring Festival, despite the high price of gold, China’s gold consumption is still hot, and gold jewelry and dragon year gold bars have become the most popular products.
According to CCTV’s financial report, a person in charge of a gold shop said that the zodiac transshipment beads will sell more than thousands of pieces every day. Judging from the sales situation in different regions, gold consumption has also entered second-and third-tier cities from first-tier cities.
Gold analysts said that not only the first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have strong sales demand, but also the demand for gold jewelry, including gold investment, has increased significantly in various provinces and cities across the country.
Some netizens said, "Even the gold jewelry in my hometown’s 18-line county during the Spring Festival is sold out!" "Zodiac transit beads have emotional value needs, and gold products also have the function of maintaining and appreciating investment, so the gold consumer market continues to prosper." "Wait for the price of gold to be reduced before buying, and regret that I didn’t start before." "Investment needs to be cautious!"
New Media Editor: Wang Xinjing

What are the bonus points policies for self-study exams?

What are the bonus points policies for self-study exams? Self-study examination is one of the important ways to improve academic qualifications. In the era when academic qualifications are valued, especially for newly graduated students or young people who have just entered the workplace, the recruitment requirements of units and enterprises will clearly state the requirements for academic qualifications. The purpose of self-study exam to improve academic qualifications is to obtain an academic qualification. If you want to pass the exam smoothly, you must know some common questions about self-study exam in advance. The following small series answers the relevant information about the self-study exam for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main college and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

What are the bonus points policies for self-study exams?

Self-study examination is an important part of adult higher education in China and an important way to improve academic qualifications. In order to let more people have the opportunity to receive higher education and encourage people who are positive and full of positive energy, the self-study exam has introduced corresponding care policies, including: admission without examination, extra points for admission, and lower points for admission.

Won the title of national model worker, national advanced worker, and the winner of the national’ May 1st’ Labor Medal, you can enter the school without examination. Upon my own application, and with the approval of the provincial sports administrative department, the "Recommended Form for Excellent Athletes to Apply for Admission to Adult Colleges and Universities without Examination" (supervised by the State Sports General Administration) can be admitted without Examination after the examination of the provincial admissions office and the consent of the admissions school.

Candidates over the age of 25 can take care of 20 points when they are admitted. Candidates from poverty-stricken townships in the old areas (the household registration and salary relations are all in the units of poverty-stricken townships) can take care of 20 points. Children and spouses of martyrs; Children of returned overseas Chinese and candidates from Taiwan Province Province; Candidates from ethnic minority townships and villages in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities clearly defined by the provincial government can take care of 20 points when they are admitted.

Admission policy of dropping points: majors such as agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, geology, mining, public security, prison, surveying and mapping, ocean transportation, social welfare, etc. can be appropriately dropped when the number of online students is insufficient, and the drop rate is no more than 20 points.

The above is related to the self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

"Falling Mountain": Feeling Romance and Cruelty in Beautiful Scenery and Thinking about Human Nature

Liu Xiaowei is in the rain.

    Director Feng Xiaoning’s new work was published after ten years’ polishing, which continued the core idea of harmony, showed passion and romance, worries and responsibilities, rich imagination and strong expression in the film, and presented a feast for the audience with increasingly mature audio-visual language and narrative methods. Singing the beautiful feelings of human beings and condemning the evil in human nature with poetic film audio-visual language forms the distinctive style of Falling Mountain.

Li Zheng plays a game with his master in Luojingshan

    Compared with the impressive "War Trilogy", "Falling Mountain" has almost no large-scale war scenes, but focuses on an isolated mountain village and tells the story of their treasure-winning with a group of invaders. Although the number of people is small, and a large number of gun battles are not produced with special effects, the killing and death in "Falling Mountain" show the bloodiness and cruelty of human nature as profoundly.

    Luojingshan describes a nation’s instinctive and primitive sacrifice and death. The spontaneity and sacredness of this kind of sacrifice and death embodies the eternal ethical and moral law of so-called national interests and national interests above all else. The helpless villagers silently protested against the invaders with guns, the bloody old monk took his own life without hesitation, and the heroine drowned herself in the lake to save her children when the crisis came, all of which concentrated on Feng Xiaoning’s understanding and thinking about death, irrationality and inhumanity of war.

    From the content, Luojing Mountain is a fictional character, plot and story in a real war environment. His story does not pursue completeness, logic and authenticity, but pays more attention to its implication, ideographic meaning and legend. As an important clue, the treasure in the story, that is, the true scriptures that Tang Priest lost after learning from the scriptures, makes the story more colorful with myths, fairy tales and fables. In the social background at that time, the love between the single mother and the mute in the film is romantic and can better reflect the theme of human nature.

    The film depicts the dumb, single mother and old monk in a true, objective and meticulous artistic image, and describes the war from their perspectives and situations, showing their different living conditions and rich spiritual world. Feng Xiaoning has done a remarkable job. It is one of Feng Xiaoning’s successes to dig out these little people and middle people who are not in the mainstream from the dust of history and accept the artistic representation of human nature in their true colors.

    Aestheticism is a remarkable artistic feature of Feng Xiaoning’s films. He is very particular about the color, picture and shape of the film and strives for perfection. "Falling Mountain" takes red and yellow warm colors as the basic colors, which makes each picture look more like a flowing oil painting. There is a scene in the film that left a deep impression on us. By the sunny river, the fallen leaves on the ground were dyed golden in the setting sun. In this picturesque scenery, the heroine is sewing clothes for the dumb, and the dumb and children are playing in the river not far away. The beauty of the scenery and the beauty of human nature are integrated into one. "The scenery is full of emotions, and the emotions are concrete and the scenery is the scene."

    This creative idea completely betrays the description of "typical environment" of into the badlands and the dark moon in the movies of War and Treasure Hunt. It is an artistic wisdom to contrast the beautiful natural environment with the bloody cruelty of the war itself, thus reflecting the extreme contradiction between human killing each other and the beauty of nature.

    In the way of photography, he also used a variety of shooting methods in addition to using a fixed position. There are not only panoramic large-scale performances, but also local detailed descriptions. The detailed descriptions are very real, the action scenes are vivid, and the fighting environment is very realistic. Coupled with the beautiful caves in Yinan, it is undoubtedly a pleasing visual feast.

Zhilin Information applied for the patent of remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud service, and realized the remote vocational education examination system with flex

The patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud services, which relates to the technical field of remote examinations, and comprises a system management module, a test paper generation module, an online examination module and an analysis feedback module; The system management module is used to manage data storage and backup, the cloud server interface connected with the education system and data security detection; The test paper generation module is used to screen out the test questions from the test question bank according to the distribution, difficulty, innovation and novelty of knowledge points; The online examination module monitors the abnormal behavior of candidates in real time from two aspects: surveillance video monitoring and network activity monitoring; The analysis and feedback module adjusts the test paper generation method based on the examinee’s comprehensive anomaly index. The invention realizes a remote vocational education examination system with flexible test paper generation method and comprehensive abnormal behavior monitoring method.