This Spring Festival, gold has sold out again! Zodiac transit beads sell thousands of pieces a day. Netizen: Wait until the price is reduced before buying.

China Economic Weekly-Economic News The China Gold Association said on the 18th that during the Spring Festival, despite the high price of gold, China’s gold consumption is still hot, and gold jewelry and dragon year gold bars have become the most popular products.
According to CCTV’s financial report, a person in charge of a gold shop said that the zodiac transshipment beads will sell more than thousands of pieces every day. Judging from the sales situation in different regions, gold consumption has also entered second-and third-tier cities from first-tier cities.
Gold analysts said that not only the first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have strong sales demand, but also the demand for gold jewelry, including gold investment, has increased significantly in various provinces and cities across the country.
Some netizens said, "Even the gold jewelry in my hometown’s 18-line county during the Spring Festival is sold out!" "Zodiac transit beads have emotional value needs, and gold products also have the function of maintaining and appreciating investment, so the gold consumer market continues to prosper." "Wait for the price of gold to be reduced before buying, and regret that I didn’t start before." "Investment needs to be cautious!"
New Media Editor: Wang Xinjing

What are the bonus points policies for self-study exams?

What are the bonus points policies for self-study exams? Self-study examination is one of the important ways to improve academic qualifications. In the era when academic qualifications are valued, especially for newly graduated students or young people who have just entered the workplace, the recruitment requirements of units and enterprises will clearly state the requirements for academic qualifications. The purpose of self-study exam to improve academic qualifications is to obtain an academic qualification. If you want to pass the exam smoothly, you must know some common questions about self-study exam in advance. The following small series answers the relevant information about the self-study exam for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

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What are the bonus points policies for self-study exams?

Self-study examination is an important part of adult higher education in China and an important way to improve academic qualifications. In order to let more people have the opportunity to receive higher education and encourage people who are positive and full of positive energy, the self-study exam has introduced corresponding care policies, including: admission without examination, extra points for admission, and lower points for admission.

Won the title of national model worker, national advanced worker, and the winner of the national’ May 1st’ Labor Medal, you can enter the school without examination. Upon my own application, and with the approval of the provincial sports administrative department, the "Recommended Form for Excellent Athletes to Apply for Admission to Adult Colleges and Universities without Examination" (supervised by the State Sports General Administration) can be admitted without Examination after the examination of the provincial admissions office and the consent of the admissions school.

Candidates over the age of 25 can take care of 20 points when they are admitted. Candidates from poverty-stricken townships in the old areas (the household registration and salary relations are all in the units of poverty-stricken townships) can take care of 20 points. Children and spouses of martyrs; Children of returned overseas Chinese and candidates from Taiwan Province Province; Candidates from ethnic minority townships and villages in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities clearly defined by the provincial government can take care of 20 points when they are admitted.

Admission policy of dropping points: majors such as agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, geology, mining, public security, prison, surveying and mapping, ocean transportation, social welfare, etc. can be appropriately dropped when the number of online students is insufficient, and the drop rate is no more than 20 points.

The above is related to the self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

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Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

"Falling Mountain": Feeling Romance and Cruelty in Beautiful Scenery and Thinking about Human Nature

Liu Xiaowei is in the rain.

    Director Feng Xiaoning’s new work was published after ten years’ polishing, which continued the core idea of harmony, showed passion and romance, worries and responsibilities, rich imagination and strong expression in the film, and presented a feast for the audience with increasingly mature audio-visual language and narrative methods. Singing the beautiful feelings of human beings and condemning the evil in human nature with poetic film audio-visual language forms the distinctive style of Falling Mountain.

Li Zheng plays a game with his master in Luojingshan

    Compared with the impressive "War Trilogy", "Falling Mountain" has almost no large-scale war scenes, but focuses on an isolated mountain village and tells the story of their treasure-winning with a group of invaders. Although the number of people is small, and a large number of gun battles are not produced with special effects, the killing and death in "Falling Mountain" show the bloodiness and cruelty of human nature as profoundly.

    Luojingshan describes a nation’s instinctive and primitive sacrifice and death. The spontaneity and sacredness of this kind of sacrifice and death embodies the eternal ethical and moral law of so-called national interests and national interests above all else. The helpless villagers silently protested against the invaders with guns, the bloody old monk took his own life without hesitation, and the heroine drowned herself in the lake to save her children when the crisis came, all of which concentrated on Feng Xiaoning’s understanding and thinking about death, irrationality and inhumanity of war.

    From the content, Luojing Mountain is a fictional character, plot and story in a real war environment. His story does not pursue completeness, logic and authenticity, but pays more attention to its implication, ideographic meaning and legend. As an important clue, the treasure in the story, that is, the true scriptures that Tang Priest lost after learning from the scriptures, makes the story more colorful with myths, fairy tales and fables. In the social background at that time, the love between the single mother and the mute in the film is romantic and can better reflect the theme of human nature.

    The film depicts the dumb, single mother and old monk in a true, objective and meticulous artistic image, and describes the war from their perspectives and situations, showing their different living conditions and rich spiritual world. Feng Xiaoning has done a remarkable job. It is one of Feng Xiaoning’s successes to dig out these little people and middle people who are not in the mainstream from the dust of history and accept the artistic representation of human nature in their true colors.

    Aestheticism is a remarkable artistic feature of Feng Xiaoning’s films. He is very particular about the color, picture and shape of the film and strives for perfection. "Falling Mountain" takes red and yellow warm colors as the basic colors, which makes each picture look more like a flowing oil painting. There is a scene in the film that left a deep impression on us. By the sunny river, the fallen leaves on the ground were dyed golden in the setting sun. In this picturesque scenery, the heroine is sewing clothes for the dumb, and the dumb and children are playing in the river not far away. The beauty of the scenery and the beauty of human nature are integrated into one. "The scenery is full of emotions, and the emotions are concrete and the scenery is the scene."

    This creative idea completely betrays the description of "typical environment" of into the badlands and the dark moon in the movies of War and Treasure Hunt. It is an artistic wisdom to contrast the beautiful natural environment with the bloody cruelty of the war itself, thus reflecting the extreme contradiction between human killing each other and the beauty of nature.

    In the way of photography, he also used a variety of shooting methods in addition to using a fixed position. There are not only panoramic large-scale performances, but also local detailed descriptions. The detailed descriptions are very real, the action scenes are vivid, and the fighting environment is very realistic. Coupled with the beautiful caves in Yinan, it is undoubtedly a pleasing visual feast.

Zhilin Information applied for the patent of remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud service, and realized the remote vocational education examination system with flex

The patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud services, which relates to the technical field of remote examinations, and comprises a system management module, a test paper generation module, an online examination module and an analysis feedback module; The system management module is used to manage data storage and backup, the cloud server interface connected with the education system and data security detection; The test paper generation module is used to screen out the test questions from the test question bank according to the distribution, difficulty, innovation and novelty of knowledge points; The online examination module monitors the abnormal behavior of candidates in real time from two aspects: surveillance video monitoring and network activity monitoring; The analysis and feedback module adjusts the test paper generation method based on the examinee’s comprehensive anomaly index. The invention realizes a remote vocational education examination system with flexible test paper generation method and comprehensive abnormal behavior monitoring method.

Shanghai: Seize working hours and speed up the resumption of work and production in the automobile industry.

  Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 10th Title: Shanghai: Seize working hours and speed up the resumption of work and production of the automobile industry.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Rui

  After the epidemic, Shanghai auto industry is speeding up the resumption of production and working hours. Head factories including Tesla Giga Shanghai and Lingang Factory of SAIC Passenger Car Company have resumed double-shift production.

  According to the data released by SAIC on the 9th, in May, the company sold 364,000 vehicles, which is gradually coming out of the epidemic. Among them, the sales volume of new energy vehicles was nearly 72,000, up 56.6% year-on-year. Sales in overseas markets reached 86,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 97%.

On May 25th, at Shanghai haitong international Automobile Terminal in Waigaoqiao, Shanghai, after loading more than 3,000 cars, including more than 1,000 SAIC MG and new Datong cars, the ro-ro ship set off for Australia. Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Yushe

  Faced with the severe challenges brought by the epidemic, SAIC actively promoted the industrial chain and supply chain to resume production while doing a solid job in various epidemic prevention work, and continued to accelerate the pace of production and sales recovery. On May 27th, the Lingang factory of SAIC Passenger Car Company started the double-shift production stress test. At present, the production capacity is about twice that of the single-shift production, which is close to 80% of the full production.

  With the effective control of the epidemic, the supply chain of the automobile industry chain in the Yangtze River Delta region is gradually returning to normal. It is expected that from mid-June, SAIC Passenger Car Company, SAIC Volkswagen and SAIC General Motors will all achieve double-shift production, and SAIC Group’s production and sales are expected to return to growth.

  The reporter learned from Tesla China that since the resumption of production on April 19th, Tesla Giga Shanghai has now rolled off more than 40,000 vehicles, and the capacity utilization rate has returned to 100%. At the same time, this factory also actively promotes and helps the overall industrial chain to resume work efficiently, and promotes the industrial chain of new energy vehicles to return to normal as soon as possible from production to logistics and from sales to delivery.

  According to the data released by the Association, the wholesale sales volume of Tesla in May was 32,165, of which 22,340 were exported to Europe, Australia, Japan and other places. From January to May this year, Tesla delivered a total of 215,851 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of over 50%.

  Tesla’s hundreds of suppliers are not only spread all over the country, but also include many overseas supply links. Relevant departments have promoted and boosted the supply of key parts and warehousing and logistics, and Tesla’s resumption of work has driven relevant industrial chains to resume work and resume production.

  The factory production of the head enterprise has been accelerated, and the self-driving enterprises in the research and development period are also "grabbing working hours".

  The 5G+L4 smart heavy truck project of Youdao Zhitu, a science and technology company in the field of automatic driving, tested "non-stop" under the epidemic situation and "grabbed working hours" by returning to work in batches and stages. According to the plan, by the end of 2022, the downsizing test conducted by enterprises on Donghai Bridge will be gradually reduced from the current five safety officers to two safety officers, that is, except for the head car and the tail car, there will be no safety officers in the middle three cars, so as to achieve a higher degree of autonomous driving operation. This measure is expected to effectively improve the traffic efficiency of Donghai Bridge by 30% to 40%.

On the Donghai Bridge, Youdao Zhitu 5G+L4 smart heavy trucks are lining up. (Respondents for the picture)

  The brand-new unmanned pure electric intelligent transfer vehicle independently developed by Youdao Zhitu can realize 24-hour unmanned operation in ports and docks. During the epidemic, the trial production team took the initiative to close the scientific research work, and completed the first car off-line and site dynamic test as originally planned. According to the plan, the unmanned pure electric intelligent transfer vehicle will start commercial operation in Qingdao port in the second half of the year.

The top ten bull stocks were released in May! The best stock rose 176%

K diagram 301368_0

  The A-share market closed in May. In May, which continued to fluctuate,The cumulative decline was 3.57%, 4.80% and 5.65% respectively.

  The industry with the biggest increase in May is defensive.Industry, up 4.28%; The best stock staged a "20CM" daily limit five times this month., a cumulative increase of 176.10%.

  The data shows that as of the close of May 31, the total market value of A shares was 89.13 trillion yuan, a decrease of 2.72 trillion yuan from the beginning of this month.

  On the capital level, the data shows that the cumulative net outflow of northbound funds in May was 12.136 billion yuan, of whichfund2.6 billion yuan,The net outflow of funds was 14.736 billion yuan. As of May 30th, in May, the balance of financing in the two cities bought 3.455 billion yuan, and financiers actively increased their positions.

  The best stock rose 176%

  In May, the three major indexes of A shares all fluctuated and adjusted.Driven by the sector, the Shanghai Composite Index once stood at 3,400 points, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the Growth Enterprise Market Index continued to adjust.

  According to the data, in May, among the 31 industries in Shenwan, only, electronics, communications, environmental protection, computers and national defense.The industry rose by 4.28%, 2.26%, 1.36%, 0.48% and 0.03% respectively; Other industries all fell, with retail trade, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and architectural decoration industries leading the decline, falling by 11.66%, 10.05% and 8.87% respectively. In addition, building materials,, petroleum and petrochemical,Both fell by more than 8%.

  In May, the data showed that 2501 A-share stocks rose positively, 179 stocks rose more than 20%, and 34 stocks rose more than 50%. Excluding those listed in MayThe top ten bull stocks are,Among them, 4 stocks rose more than 100%.

Top ten bull stocks in May


  The top ten bull stocks in May were distributed in machinery and equipment, textiles and clothing, electronics, light industry manufacturing, computers, communications, media and other industries, and AI+was the place with more bull stocks in May.

  The biggest increaseIn May, the cumulative increase was 176.10%, during which there were five "20CM" daily limit, including "20CM" daily limit for four consecutive trading days from May 18 to May 23. As a human formFengli Intelligent, a concept stock, was well received by the market in the middle and late May, and its market value rose from 2.664 billion yuan at the beginning of May to 7.355 billion yuan at the end of May.

  The stocks with the biggest decline fell by nearly 90%

  In May, the data showed that 2,648 A-share stocks fell, and 40 stocks fell by more than 30%. Excluding the new shares listed in May, the top ten stocks that fell were.

  Among them, except for, which has entered the delisting period, the other 8 stocks are all. It is worth noting that,,,, and have determined the delisting rules for transactions that will trigger the delisting of face value.

  The above-mentioned ten stocks with the top decline are distributed in industries such as computer, coal, real estate, medicine and biology, commerce and retail, building decoration, electronics, etc., among which there are four in the real estate industry.

The top ten stocks that fell in May


  For the June market,It is said that both historical experience and fundamentals suggest that the current market has entered the bottom, and there is little room for further downside. The dilemma reversal may come in June.

  Galaxy believes that from a fundamental point of view, there is no basis for A shares to continue to fall in their current position. At present, it is still in the process of shock bottoming, and it is laid out.Machine. After the short-term negative emotions are fully released, the market is expected to stabilize and then go up, still focusing on structural opportunities.

Not all stories are love stories | Reading Day

Recently, Chinese-American writer Yiyun Li’s novel "Should I Go" met readers in China, which is the first time that Yiyun Li has been translated into Chinese and introduced into domestic novels.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li, but many readers in China read Yiyun Li for the first time. Yiyun Li went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to writing. From the publication of her first novel collection "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, and has become one of the most accomplished Chinese writers in English. Now, she is finally ready to return her works to China.

The first novel translated into Chinese and published.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li.

Yiyun Li, a Chinese-American writer, is currently a professor and director of creative writing program at Lewis Art Center of Princeton University. She is a "post-70s" who went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to English writing. Her first collection of short stories, A Thousand Years of Worship, has aroused widespread concern and affirmation, and won the Frank O ‘Connor International Short Story Award, the American Pen Hemingway Award and the British Guardian Newcomer Award. She herself has been rated as the most noteworthy writer by major authoritative literary magazines, and won the MacArthur Genius Award in the United States in 2010. In 2012, Yiyun Li won the O Henry Award for her short story Kindness, making her the first Chinese writer to win the award. In 2022, Yiyun Li was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a year later, she won the Faulkner Prize for Literature for her new work The Book of Goose.

So far, Yiyun Li has published six novels, three collections of short stories and one memoir. Should I Go, published in 2020, is her first novel translated into Chinese. In this novel, "Lilia has been married three times, raised five children, and is now looking forward to the birth of the 17th grandchild. She has been helping people around her to recognize herself all her life. At the age of eighty-five, she began to be fascinated by the diary of her old friend Roland. When she was young, they had a romantic relationship. She wanted to see what she could leave for the younger generation. The diary recorded Roland’s affairs in great detail. Lilia took pains to add footnotes to everything. A secret relationship that lasted for decades was slowly uncovered, including the existence of her daughter Lucy, who even Roland himself didn’t know. Flame-like passion, the grief of annihilation, people’s hearts go back and forth between these two poles, but they have to find their home and exit and continue to cruise. Yiyun Li gave a dazzling praise to life in the novel, about Lilia and about everyone who comes and goes in our lives. "

At the launch of Should I Go in Shanghai, Bao Huiyi, a young writer and associate professor of English at Fudan University, said that at first she thought the novel was a work about how to face aging and the last years of life, but later she found that it subverted all her presuppositions. She explained that the 80-year-old woman was obsessed with her old lover and went to such great trouble to read his diary, probably because she was immersed in the past, but this was not the case at all. With the development of the story, if it had a core meaning, it was the death of her daughter. In the novel, Lilia gave birth to a child with Roland, or she got a life from Roland. Later, this life passed away. Therefore, in Bao Huiyi’s understanding, Lilia didn’t go to the diary to trace the old love affair at all, and the author Yiyun Li also warned readers from the beginning that not all stories are love stories.

Photo courtesy of Yiyun Li Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Who collects who?

When reading Should I Go, Bao Huiyi found two different voices contending. "There is a male first-person narrator in the book, and then the voice-over is female, because Lilia is constantly making comments when reading Roland’s book, and subverts the male voice, or it can’t be said to be subversive, because her comments actually appear irregularly, which can be said to be a deconstruction of the life story that the man thinks he is. Then you will see such a struggle for the narrative subject, which is very interesting and very tense. "

Bao Huiyi believes that "Should I Go" has at least three or more layers of structure, the first of which is Roland, the author of the diary, and Lilia, the commentator, and the relationship between Lilia and Roland can be expanded. However, Yiyun Li is not unconventional. In an interview with Zhong Na, a bilingual writer and literary translator, Yiyun Li said that she was willing to rely on a traditional structure, and she thought that she could tell the story well with the help of an existing framework. In Bao Huiyi’s view, this is actually a solid writing attitude. Writers rely on their own handy framework to write dialogues and characters well.

Bao Huiyi said that perhaps when reading more than ten pages in the book, readers will feel that Yiyun Li is an author with profound narrative skills and sophisticated life wisdom. For example, in the book, the struggle for topics such as memory and time, the man thinks that he can write a book with a coffin, and the young girl becomes his lover, just one of his many "collections", even just a small footnote in his life, but who actually collects who, who forgets who, what is permanence, what is transience and what is possession?

Zhong Na shared her reading experience at the launch of Should I Go? Zhong Na said that in "Should I Go", readers can see that Lilia shared a lot of life wisdom, and there are many enlightening things, especially some golden sentences, which also show the personality of the characters. "I think the interesting thing that Yiyun Li presents in this book is that there are many golden sentences, but at the same time, the golden sentences are constantly being deconstructed and overthrown, and they are often contradictory, which actually constitutes the personality characteristics of Lilia."

In addition, Lilia keeps reading the diary of his old lover and responding, which seems paranoid. How to understand this behavior, Zhong Na spent a long time thinking, and finally found the answer in another book by Yiyun Li, Dear Friends, Write Your Life from My Life. "Yiyun Li suffered from depression for two years, and then she did some thinking and digestion by reading and reviewing her life, including her relationship with her family, her relationship with literature, and her relationship with the first half of her life. So in fact, she is slowly gaining some wisdom to regain the balance of her life by constantly reading the writer’s letters and diaries. So that book is actually having a dialogue with "Should I Go?", that is, through very in-depth reading, the lives of readers and authors are intertwined. So after I reread the book, I read "Should I Go" again, and I have a feeling of understanding Lilia. When a person’s life is in a dilemma, she re-establishes a narrative by reading this most extreme way to enter the other’s brain. "

A Chinese writer who writes in English

The Chinese simplified version of Should I Go was published, which made many readers who had heard of Yiyun Li read Yiyun Li for the first time.

At the launch of Should I Go, Penglun, an archipelago book publisher, recalled his association with Yiyun Li and shared the publishing story of Should I Go. He said that for many readers, Yiyun Li has always been a legend or a legend. From the publication of the first collection of novels "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, but she was not born and raised in the United States, but a writer who went to study in the United States from China. Before going to the United States, she had never published her works in Chinese. Among the current Chinese writers, Yiyun Li can be said to be the most accomplished writer in English, and many readers in China who are concerned about the world literary world are also curious. Why has Yiyun Li never published Chinese works before?

Peng Lun introduced that he began to pay attention to Yiyun Li in 2004. At that time, his job was to report some trends in the literary and publishing circles at home and abroad, and he learned by chance that Yiyun Li had won a new literary prize. He had never heard of this writer, so he searched the Internet for relevant information and got in touch with Yiyun Li by email.

In 2005, Yiyun Li published her first collection of short stories in the United States and won some literary prizes. At that time, Peng Lungang started publishing and asked Yiyun Li if she could translate this collection of novels into China, but she refused. With the increasing popularity of Yiyun Li, other China media began to pay attention to this writer. However, when asked when he would publish a book in China, Yiyun Li said no.

"I noticed at that time that she felt that she was not ready at that stage, or that China was not ready to accept her as a Chinese writer writing in English." Peng Lun said.

Ten years later, until 2020, Peng Lun suddenly received a letter from Yiyun Li’s agent and her latest novel manuscript at that time, that is, "Should I go?".

Zhong Na thinks, "Should I Go" is a very mature writer who is very satisfied with his current creation, so Yiyun Li is willing to make it the starting point for his work to enter the Chinese world. Zhong Na has been paying attention to Yiyun Li’s creative career. In her view, the writer’s writing has been constantly changing, broadening her own boundaries. In the early days, Yiyun Li’s writing actually paid more attention to the depiction of characters’ inner images, as well as the connection of very special characters’ emotions and relationships, and even hid himself among the characters. But later, Yiyun Li did a lot of experiments and broadening on texts and writing, and his works were more mature than those in his early years.

It is reported that besides Should I Go, Yiyun Li’s other two works, The Book of Goose and Wednesday’s Children, have also been put on the publishing schedule. "Although her works entered the Chinese world for the first time, many readers, especially female readers, recognized her voice and the charm of her works very quickly, which gave me great confidence." Peng Lun said.

Reporter: Jiang Dan Editor: Zheng Xu Proofreading: Yang Hefang


Being ridiculed by the southern urban agglomeration, there is no nightlife. Beijing night economy: I am too difficult.

Night Economy in Beijing: Counter-attack of First-tier Cities
China News Weekly reporter/Yang Zhijie
September 16, 2019 China Newsweek, No.916.
23:20, it’s late at night. The city quieted down in the dark, like a tired lion, and temporarily converged sharply.
The night bus No.27 starts from Wuyi Garden Station on the East Sixth Ring Road in Beijing on time, all the way to the west, and the destination is Guomao on the East Third Ring Road. A group of special passengers got on the bus. They all hung work tags and each carried a folding scooter. Many people are frequent visitors and know each other well. This is a famous "special drive line" in Beijing, and the night bus to the city center at night is the beginning of their hope every day.
There are 36 night shift lines in Beijing, which start at 23: 20 and close at 4:50 in the morning, with an average daily departure of 792 times, carrying more than 10,000 urban night returnees every day. According to the China Smart Travel Big Data Report released by Didi, Beijing is one of the cities with the worst overtime in China, and the proportion of white-collar workers leaving work before 19: 00 is less than 40%. At the headquarters of the Internet company in Houchang Village, the lights are always on until after midnight, and the boss who lives with the rhythm of 996 and the "overtime dog" keep Beijing awake at night.
Beijing, which never sleeps in the middle of the night, cannot be directly equated with the prosperous night economy. Day and night are the AB side of the city. The A side of Beijing is an orderly international metropolis in high-speed operation, and it is a place of dreams and ambitions supported by more than 21 million people. Beijing, on the other hand, has always been ridiculed by the southern urban agglomeration as "no nightlife", because the night economy does not mean overtime at night, and it is not a simple continuation of the daytime economy.
The lack of presence in the night economy does not match Beijing’s economic strength. The data shows that in 2018, Beijing’s per capita GDP reached 21,200 US dollars, which is at the level of developed countries, ranking first in the country. Internationally, the prosperity of "night economy" is an important symbol of a city’s economic openness and activity. Therefore, at the two sessions in Beijing this year, the prosperous night economy was written into the government work report. On July 12th, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce launched "13 Articles on Night Economy".
Beijing is trying to make up the lesson of "night economy".
There is no nightlife in Beijing?
Jia Jingnan lives in Haidian District, Beijing, where there are many colleges and universities, a strong educational atmosphere and many Internet companies, most of which are "code farmers" living the "996" rhythm.
"We Haidian people don’t pay attention to nightlife." At the age of 29, there is no business atmosphere in Haidian District. The nearest to his home is Wukesong, and now the Huaxi LIVE commercial district has been built, which is the most prominent night economic hot spot in western Beijing. But three years ago, there were only Wukesong Stadium and outdoor basketball court, and it was not popular at night.
Jia Jingnan’s main nightlife is in Chaoyang District and Dongcheng District. "Haidian boy’s nightlife is that he doesn’t have a girlfriend to play in Wukesong, but he has a girlfriend to go shopping in the east." In his impression, Nancheng has no sense of existence. He will drive to niujie with his family and friends at night to eat hotpot, but he will go home early after eating. In his view, Nancheng belongs to old Beijing, and the residents are older as a whole. There are no large office buildings and enterprises around, and it is "deserted after 10 pm".
For most Beijingers, nightlife is dispensable. Southerners in the circle of friends are always "poisoning in the middle of the night": Guangzhou people go out at 12 o’clock in the evening to meet for supper, Changsha people are partying at Jiefang West Road at 2 o’clock in the middle of the night, and Chengdu people are still waiting in line at the hot pot restaurant at 3 o’clock in the morning.
By southern standards, there is no nightlife in Beijing. Many big data can support this impression. According to the hungry 2017 take-away supper order quantity ranking, Beijing supper order quantity only ranks sixth. According to Didi Chuxing’s 2017 Urban Traffic Travel Report, among the top ten business districts with the richest nightlife index in China, Beijing’s Houhai and Sanlitun are only ranked 8 th and 9 th.
In fact, there is no shortage of landmark night economic areas in Beijing. Workers’ sports, Sanlitun, Houhai and Guijie have propped up half of Beijing’s night economy. Sanlitun business circle is the weather vane of nightlife in Beijing at present. In this small area of 2.2 square kilometers of East Third Ring Road, there are more than 57,000 permanent residents, a considerable number of whom are foreigners.
Sanlitun has become an economic highland at night, which is closely related to the strong international atmosphere around it. Near Sanlitun, there are 93 embassies in China, 15 United Nations agencies in China, and China headquarters of many multinational companies. In 1995, the first bar opened in Sanlitun, originally serving foreigners around, but imported products quickly took root and became the most fashionable lifestyle of young people in Beijing at night. At the peak, more than 200 bars gathered around Sanlitun.
As the location of Beijing CBD, Chaoyang District, where Sanlitun is located, is also the most active area in Beijing at night. The staff of Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that the night economy in Chaoyang District shows a multi-point flowering distribution, and Sanlitun, Hujialou, Chaoyangmen, Jianguomen, Shuangjing and Jinsong are the most active areas in the city. The data shows that in 2018, Chaoyang District accounted for 33.1% of online consumption at night in Beijing. Beijing Unicom’s mobile phone signaling data (telecom terminology) shows that after 22 pm, the active population in Chaoyang District accounts for 1/5 of the city, which is more active than other areas in Beijing.
The nightlife of "Chaoyang people" is rich, but it can’t cover up the overall lack of night economy in Beijing. There are some bright spots locally, but the whole is not active, which is also a common problem in northern cities.
Night-to-store consumption shows an obvious trend of "strong in the south and weak in the north", which is the conclusion drawn in the "Night Economy" Report released by Alibaba in July. Among the 10 cities with the most active night consumption in China, the southern cities account for 9 seats, and the northern cities are only listed in Beijing. In the "nightlife index" published by the New First-tier Cities Research Institute, eight of the top 20 nightlife indexes are cities south of the Yangtze River, Beijing ranks fourth, and the top three are Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Zhang Bairui, deputy director of the Institute of Urban Studies, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, once noticed a detail. In many southern cities, no matter the size of the restaurant store or what time it is at night, few waiters take the initiative to remind them to close, and this scene is very common in Beijing. "Affected by natural conditions, the night economy in the south is more developed than that in the north, and the service consciousness is stronger." He told China Newsweek.
Climate is not the only reason that restricts Beijing’s economy at night. The inconvenient transportation at night is also an important factor. In the urban nightlife index released by the New First-tier Cities Research Institute, almost all the top ten cities in the night bus coverage are southern cities, especially Guangdong and Hainan. Beijing ranks out of the top 20, and its night bus coverage rate is only 17.8%. For many white-collar workers who have dinner at night, they must pinch the time like Cinderella, and make the happiness of the party come to an abrupt end before the end of the last bus.
But this year, this situation has changed a lot. In order to stimulate the night economy, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission announced that the operation hours of Metro Lines 1 and 2 will be extended from May to October every year on Fridays and Saturdays, so as to provide convenience for consumers to go to the night consumption places in Beijing along Chang ‘an Avenue and around the Second Ring Road. At the same time, many other subway lines also extended their business hours over the weekend.
"In fact, Beijing has a large enough demand for night consumption." Zhang Bairui believes that for a world-class city like Beijing, the development of night economy has the effect of "getting more at once": it is not only an important way to promote consumption upgrading, but also a necessary condition for developing high-quality life and an important symbol of Beijing’s urban vitality. "In some international metropolises, the prosperity of night economy also represents the vitality of the city to a certain extent."
Make up "Midnight Food Store"
Guijie is a microcosm of Beijing’s night economy.
Guijie, where Hu Da Restaurant is located, is the most landmark midnight snack street in Beijing. On both sides of the street with a total length of more than 1400 meters, there are more than 250 merchants, of which more than 90 are crayfish shops. Hu Da Restaurant has four branches in this street, which can sell 8,000 Jin of crayfish every day. Fang Xuhu, assistant general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, told China Newsweek that at the gate of the main store, people began to line up at 11 am every day, and the waiting time continued until 2 am. There are also some customers who will eat until six or seven in the morning, wake up completely from the drunkenness of the night before, get up and walk into a new day.
Although midnight snack in Guijie Street has been popular for more than 20 years, Beijing, like other parts of the country, is planning to build more "Midnight Food Store" on how to better take care of people’s restless stomachs in the middle of the night.
In the context of the slowdown of national economic growth, various places have begun to tap the potential of night economy. How to eat well is the most important thing in all the ways to promote the night economy, because catering is one of the most important categories in the night economy. On July 12th, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce launched "13 items of night economy", in which it specifically mentioned that 10 food and beverage blocks with Midnight Food Store characteristics were launched. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce also provided real money to provide financial support to Midnight Food Store.
Yang Wenxin took over as the general manager of Beijing Zhongjun World City (hereinafter referred to as "World City") last year. World City is a commercial complex in Chaoyang CBD area. At that time, a big problem faced by Yang Wenxin was that the World City was located in a narrow block on the north side of World Trade Center day order, facing the popular Qiaofufang Grassland in the northwest. The project was very small, and it has been running for 10 years, and it has been tepid and lacked a sense of existence in the eyes of consumers.
He led the team to conduct market research, asked about the needs of consumers and businesses, and smelled the potential of night consumption in Beijing. The heat map provided by Didi to the World City shows that the area around the World City has the largest number of orders among the areas where the special orange car is played at night in Beijing. Yang Wenxin’s analysis of China Newsweek shows that the main customer base of World City is middle and high-end users, who have consumption power and demand, so he decided to play differentiated competition in business format and time.
Yang Wenxin’s team began to transform the world city block, transforming the former retail and lifestyle boutiques into catering shops, and introducing some catering brands and online celebrity stores. In his view, the consumption in the big environment is relatively bad, and everyone can’t make higher-level consumption. The World City pays more attention to doing some "lipstick effect" industries, such as eating a meal and watching a movie. In addition to introducing stores with their own traffic, World City started late-night operation in July, and many stores have posted the words "Midnight Food Store", and the business hours have been extended to 2 am, of which Haidilao is open 24 hours a day.
Jassamyn Liu, the manager of a yogurt house in the World City, remembers that after zero, the number of consumers decreased obviously. But from time to time, tipsy customers from the opposite bar turn in and order a cup of yogurt to relieve the hangover. What impressed her the most was that the store closed immediately, and a foreigner couldn’t find other restaurants nearby. He sat in the yogurt house for more than 3 o’clock in the morning and buried himself in three bowls of yogurt. In Jassamyn Liu’s view, even in the middle of the night, people still have a demand for food and beverage.
In just one month, "Midnight Food Store" gave a beautiful report card. According to the data provided by the Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce, World City is the only high-end dining block in the CBD of Chaoyang District that is open late at night. From 22: 00 pm in June to 2: 00 am the next day, the daily average passenger flow of stores in World City increased by more than 40 times, reaching nearly 10,000 person-times.
However, the extension of business hours will inevitably bring about an increase in costs. Yang Wenxin introduced that the opening of the World City project in Midnight Food Store will increase the cost by about 1.2 million yuan per month. In the view of Fang Xuhu, assistant general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, the head office is open 24 hours a day, and the staff cost will definitely increase, but they are more concerned about creating an atmosphere of night economy and gathering popularity for Guijie.
24-hour business also poses more challenges to the operation and management of the store. Every night, there are more than 50 waiters in the front hall of Hu Da Head Office shuttling between the private rooms and the lobby, and more than 50 chefs in the back kitchen stir-fry all the time. Cao Wenli, the manager of the head office, is concentrating on checking every process of the hotel. After two o’clock in the morning, the long queue ended, but the hall was still full of customers. People’s rhythm slowed down, but the manager Cao didn’t dare to relax.
During this time, people are most likely to drink and make trouble. "Now we are drinking late at night, and the cups touch together, all of which are the sound of broken dreams." The poet Kitajima wrote in A Visitor from Poland. And waiters in Hu Da must always be alert, most afraid of hearing the sound of broken cups.
Night economy night market
Apart from catering, bars and nightclubs, the traditional places of nightlife, are not encouraged.
In the researchers’ view, this time, the government tried to create an "upgraded version" of the night economy in the past, and some people said it was version 2.0 of the night economy, which was different from version 1.0 spontaneously formed by the market in the past. The 1.0 version of the night economy is dominated by night markets and bars, but it has gradually shrunk in recent years under the influence of various factors.
The night market has always been a missing link in Beijing’s night economy. The civilian open-air night market has been banned, and even the Wangfujing Donghuamen snack street, which foreign tourists love to punch cards, has been shut down and transformed. The open-air barbecue has not been allowed for many years, and there are fewer and fewer civilian nightlife methods. On the other hand, high consumption at night has become a roadblock for ordinary people’s nightlife. Beijing has never lacked the legend of profligacy at night. Some WeChat official account once broke the news: In 2016, Wang Sicong threw 2.5 million yuan at KTV one night. Some people lamented: "I drank a house in Beijing’s East Fifth Ring Road."
Zhang Bairui, deputy director of the Institute of Urban Studies of the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told China Newsweek that in the past, night economy was a minority research field in the mainstream domestic economics and public policy fields. Some policy makers do not have a comprehensive understanding of the night economy, and often associate the night economy with specific consumption symbols such as bars, nightclubs and food stalls, and even have some negative associations.
But to some extent, the bar is an important indicator to measure the level of urban nightlife. "I have a story. Do you have any wine?" For many urban young people, "having a drink" is the sign of the beginning of urban nightlife.
The format of bars and nightclubs has also experienced ups and downs in Beijing, among which Sanlitun is the representative. The first bar in Sanlitun was officially opened in 1995, and "Sanlitun North Street", a street adjacent to the embassy district, became popular rapidly in just a few years. In 2002, a debate broke out on whether Sanlitun should be demolished, and the resulting "Sanlitun Bar Street Reconstruction Project" planned to "merge" the bar street with the original site of Sanlitun clothing market that had been demolished. However, this planned "sense of order" does not have much vitality. The original bar consumers soon gathered in another alley, and the "dirty street" quietly rose around 2005. But soon, Sanlitun North and South Street began to be rectified again. This time, it was positioned as a "fashion and cultural block". Many bars that had just obtained business licenses were forced to close because they did not meet the development orientation. Until 2017, another round of large-scale rectification made the "dirty street" completely withdraw from the historical stage.
However, with the recovery of night economy in various places this year, the night economy has also gone through the process of re-understanding. The latest research report of PwC Eliot’s "Night Economy Activates City" FUN Life "shows that: from an international perspective, night economy is very diverse. Localization and internationalization, tradition and trend, grounding gas and high night economy often have their own markets. For example, as the most dynamic economic and cultural center in the world and a "city that never sleeps" famous for its 24-hour subway, new york’s nightlife starts from culture. Whether it is the traditional center of Times Square and Broadway, or the East Village and Brooklyn where young people gather, the nightlife is rich and full of vitality.
The domestic night economy has also begun to show a diversified trend. 24-hour bookstores, museums, art galleries and Livehouse performance markets have begun to become the main positions for late-night consumption in Beijing.
At 9 o’clock in the evening, Zhao Qi crossed the busy Taikooli South District and flicker into Sanlian Taofen Bookstore, which is open 24 hours a day. Compared with the busy neighborhood outside, the bookstore is a bit deserted. Zhao Qi lives nearby. She just quarreled with her family in the evening. She has nowhere to go but to run into the bookstore. The 24-hour bookstore can always provide psychological comfort for some urban night returnees when necessary.
Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that Sanlian Bookstore operates at night and is still losing money at present, but it is more for the sake of public service. In order to develop the night economy, Chaoyang District has built 150 24-hour self-service library, 4 city bookstores, and 2 street-level libraries to extend the consumption time.
In response to the development of Beijing’s night economy, the National Museum was extended to close at 9 pm every Sunday in summer from July 28th. Guobo’s attempt played a leading role. beijing museum of natural history, China Garden Museum and Beijing Guo Shoujing Memorial Hall all joined the "Museum Night" team.
In Zhang Bairui’s view, compared with other cities, the biggest advantage of Beijing’s night economy lies in culture and technology. The head of the Consumption Promotion Department of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that no city in China has more cultural resources than Beijing. There are more than 160 museums, more than 50 art galleries, a large number of public libraries, private libraries, zoos and various historical and cultural attractions in Beijing, all of which are the blue ocean of "night economy" to be developed.
However, in Zhang Bairui’s view, Beijing still has great potential to enhance the value of culture and technology in the night economy. The index report of city night tour released by the New First-tier City Research Institute also points out: On the whole, the night economic development of cities is still in the primary stage, and there are few night activities and night tour places with different attributes, so there is still a lot of room for development.
The Dilemma of "Elephant Turning"
As the special status of the capital, Beijing has both special endowments and many constraints in developing the night economy.
Fang Xuhu, assistant general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, told China Newsweek that in July this year, the Guijie Chamber of Commerce, composed of Guijie merchants, and 36 merchants, planned to hold a "No Night Festival" during the summer peak hours to extend the business hours and attract more people to Guijie. In order to hold this event, the Chamber of Commerce needs to go to at least 10 departments including Dongcheng District Transportation Commission, Food and Drug Administration, and Emergency Office for filing and approval in advance.
But this plan was initially opposed by many departments. "Guijie Chamber of Commerce has no choice but to find feedback from Dongcheng District Bureau of Commerce. The Bureau of Commerce finally invited the district head to come forward and convened the heads of various departments to hold a coordination meeting to develop the night economy." Fang Xuhu recalled that after this coordination meeting, Guijie Chamber of Commerce clearly felt the reversal of attitudes of various departments, stopped unanimously opposing, and began to emphasize precautions and emergency plans, and then said, "We will cooperate with you, and you should regulate yourself."
Being in the political center, Beijing’s demand for order and stability is overwhelming. For a long time in the past, Beijing has invested a lot of energy in rectifying the appearance of the city. Open-air barbecues, nightclubs, bars, food stalls and other projects that are prone to potential safety hazards and frequently receive complaints about traffic, environmental protection and noise have become key management targets.
For several years in a row, Guijie Street has been the focus of rectification. At the end of March 2014, the urban management, public security, traffic control and other departments of Dongcheng District and Beixinqiao Sub-district Office jointly took action to dismantle the lanterns and light box advertisements that had been hung in more than 40 stores on Guijie Street for many years. In 2016, Guijie was selected into the list of "sparse function and population control" in Dongcheng District, Beijing, and then it was upgraded: the sidewalks were widened and greenery was added. No parking was allowed on the roadside, but it was concentrated in nearly 200 parking spaces around Guijie. Even, in order to improve hygiene, the melon seeds knocked by the guests were replaced with corn flakes.
Guijie Street has changed from the original "dirty mess" to a model dining street, and the transformation has been satisfied by the surrounding residents, but the merchants can’t hide their disappointment. Fang Xuhu remembers that in the winter of 2017, many shops in Guijie Street also suffered from the cold winter of passenger flow. Guests can’t park on the street, and the queue atmosphere of fireworks is lost. The business in Hu Da has dropped by nearly 50%. "Guijie Street is clean and tidy now, but the business atmosphere is not as strong as before." Some shopkeepers he knew could not bear to lose money, and they moved away after the contract expired, feeling that "Guijie is no longer the Guijie of the past".
The prosperous scene spontaneously formed in the past has been pulled back and forth in the repeated policies and criticized by many people as the root cause of the lack of vitality in the night economy. But for the management, "laissez-faire" is unrealistic and unacceptable. How to coordinate the relationship between tourists and residents, residents and businesses, businesses and the government tests the level of urban night governance.
A staff member of Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce visited Shanghai and Chengdu, and he obviously felt that the "outward swing project" in these places was relatively open in management. Shanghai’s "outdoor display project" of night economy already has a set of mechanisms. The local commercial bureau can coordinate the streets and law enforcement departments and have a standardized access mechanism for night display, while Beijing is not so easy.
In the new round of night economic boom, how to explore more inclusive supervision methods has become a new topic that all localities must face. Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that as one of the landmarks of "Night Capital", Sanlitun business district is conducting a pilot project of outward display, which is different from the disorderly state in the past, and has stricter norms on environmental protection and safety.
The development of "night economy" sometimes means that some governance methods in the past must be re-examined or even "adjusted back". The Bureau of Commerce of a certain district in Beijing told China Newsweek that this year, a coordination meeting has been held with various departments to explain the night economic policy to different departments, but many departments did not understand it at first. "Some street offices complain that in the past few years, it took so much effort to solve the small business hawkers and now let them out." After several coordination meetings, each department slowly understood the policy and appropriately liberalized the scale.
The assessment standards for some departments also need to be changed. The staff of the above-mentioned Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek that Beijing has implemented "12345" as soon as complaints are received, and the government will regularly inform the streets and departments with lower rankings based on the response rate, settlement rate and satisfaction rate. However, the development of night economy may increase the complaint rate. Under such standards, the assessed units are under great pressure. "It is possible to be strict economically at night in order to fulfill their duties. Therefore, to develop the night economy, it is necessary to gradually improve the supporting contents such as assessment standards. "
"The development of night economy should be market-oriented, and the government plays an encouraging and guiding role." Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce told China Newsweek frankly.
Some scholars also suggest that the government should not only cultivate, but also get rid of excessive regulation that is not conducive to night consumption.
(At the request of the interviewee, Jia Jingnan and Zhao Qi are pseudonyms)

How do people with visual impairment and hearing impairment watch movies together?

How do people with visual impairment and hearing impairment watch movies together? On December 19th, the barrier-free version of director Jia Zhangke’s work "Swim until the sea turns blue" was shown in Zhangjiang Drama Valley. The narration clearly described the content of each picture segment. In addition to the subtitle description, sometimes there was a sign language interpreter in the lower right corner of the picture. The barrier-free film screening and micro-exhibition of "Light, Shadow and Love" co-sponsored by Shanghai Guava Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Shanghai Metropolitan Music Communication Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Yier Information Technology Co., Ltd. will open on the same day, and 18 barrier-free films will be screened in the whole city, including "Swimming until the sea turns blue", "Seventy-seven days", "Endless Climbing" and "There is her in the world", which will enrich the spiritual and cultural life of hearing-impaired groups and last for one month.

site of activity

There are nearly 100,000 visually impaired people in Shanghai, and the number of hearing-impaired and visually impaired people in China is about 2 to 1. The cultural and entertainment needs of these people are far from being met. "This barrier-free film screening activity has been enthusiastically registered among the hearing-impaired groups. Until this morning, some people asked if they could participate." Han Dongxue, founder and CEO of Shanghai Guava Culture Communication Co., Ltd. & Yier Technology, said that many people do not understand the entertainment needs of the hearing-impaired groups and the forms of obtaining entertainment content. Through this activity, I hope to spread the concept of barrier-free entertainment to the public.

The audience led the guide dog into the stadium.

Han Ying, the head of Shanghai Shadow Sound Barrier-free Film and Television Culture Development Center, was blind the day after tomorrow. She stepped onto the stage with the help of a guide dog. She still remembers the excitement when she first enjoyed barrier-free movies. "I thought I would be abandoned by the cinema in my life. I didn’t expect barrier-free movies to let me return to the cinema and find myself still living in the sun." Yang Zaishen, a senior sign language consultant of Shanghai Yier Information Technology Co., Ltd., is a hearing-impaired group. With the help of the translator, he told everyone, "I was busy until 1: 30 at night yesterday and heard that there was a screening event. Many hearing-impaired friends asked me to sign up. They were very curious about what barrier-free movies were and very eager to know the film information in advance."

Sign language interpreters are available at the event site to serve the hearing-impaired groups.

Sign language interpreters are available at the event site to serve the hearing-impaired groups.

"Hearing-impaired groups are also limited when watching movies. Although there are subtitles, some people have poor understanding of words and cannot understand the emotional transmission in the voice of the film. Sign language teachers will complete emotional supplement through their rich expressions and sign language to help the audience empathize. " According to Han Dongxue, barrier-free movies in Shanghai developed earlier in China. Compared with the barrier-free movie viewing project of Sunshine Love Cinema, which serves visually impaired groups, the barrier-free film and television projects of Guava Culture and Translated Technology are more focused on Internet communication and serve visually impaired and hearing impaired groups at the same time.

In this screening, Jia Zhangke and other directors maintained cooperation with the organizers. Because the film commentary usually has subjective understanding, when writing the commentary "Swim until the sea turns blue", the writer can directly ask Jia Zhangke, "Do you want to express these in this scene, and do I understand it correctly?"

Nowadays, many people with disabilities like Han Ying and Yang Zaishen have joined barrier-free film production, changing from beneficiaries to helpers. In the process of participation, Han Ying deeply felt the difficulty behind the production. Making a barrier-free version of a 90-minute film may take hundreds of hours of recording and creating tens of thousands of words of commentary. In less than two years, Yang Zaishen has participated in the production of 15 film and television works.

"They are both users and creators, and they can represent the voice of the group and have certain professional knowledge." Han Dongxue said that in the future, he hopes to invite more visually and hearing-impaired people to join the writing, recording, post-production and sign language picture production of barrier-free entertainment, and further connect with the market, so that the disabled groups can have wonderful and rich cultural consumption products to choose from and enjoy the latest and hottest film and television dramas.

In addition to screening activities, a micro exhibition of barrier-free movies will be launched in the near future, showing the origin and development of barrier-free movies and the situation of barrier-free movies in China. There will also be a barrier-free movie screening experience house and an interactive game area, where viewers can try how to "speak" movies in the form of sound and "watch" movies in the form of words.

Editor-in-Chief: Shi Chenlu

Author: Zhong Han

Title Source: Organizer

Image source: Organizer

The longest war launched by the United States will be lost in this way!

The first war launched by the United States in the 21st century, the longest war launched by the United States so far, is about to lose.
Of course, Americans will certainly argue: Who said I lost? We signed a peace agreement and left peacefully.
On the surface, it is. After 19 years of bloody war, the United States and the Taliban shook hands and made peace. On the afternoon of February 29th, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement in Qatar.
A historic agreement.
But in the 19 years of bloody war, as the only superpower in the world, the United States paid the lives of 2,400 young soldiers, resulting in more than 20,000 soldiers being disabled, and the war cost more than 750 billion US dollars. In the end, the Taliban did not collapse, but also controlled most of Afghanistan, and now it is going to make a comeback. On the contrary, the United States will withdraw its troops.
Who won? Who lost?
But the United States is more helpless.
The 19-year war has increasingly proved that Afghanistan is a big quagmire.
Keep fighting, America can’t defeat the Taliban.
Even if there are more advanced drones and more powerful cruise missiles, Americans are at a loss in the face of the Taliban hiding in the mountains.
Advanced weapons have a price, and American soldiers are more expensive, but the Taliban just can’t kill them. On the contrary, they have increased their counterattack against the United States. In the past 2019, dozens of American soldiers were killed, which is the biggest casualty of the United States in Afghanistan for many years.
Not to mention one 19 years, that is, several 19 years, Americans can’t win.
Besides, for Americans, what if they win? Can you send troops to stay in Afghanistan? That’s a sitting duck waiting to die.
The United States has long wanted to withdraw, but it has been unable to withdraw.
Desperately withdraw, where to put your face. Moreover, the Taliban did not give Americans a good face at all.
Originally, in September last year, the United States had held nine rounds of negotiations with the Taliban and could sign a peace agreement immediately.
But in September of that year, the Taliban launched another attack, and another American soldier was killed. This is trampling on the American red line. Trump suddenly became angry: Stop talking!
Americans want to get back more chips that are not on the negotiating table.
The United States is going to fight again, but the Taliban there are even worse: Americans, you must regret it even more.
In the next few months, the two sides fought again. But what makes Americans helpless is that the indiscriminate bombing of the Taliban did not work. On the contrary, the Bagram Air Force Base, the largest military base in Afghanistan, was attacked by the Taliban.
In January this year, although the United States and Iran were at loggerheads, the United States suffered the most, especially in Afghanistan. The Taliban killed many more American soldiers.
Even if you are impulsive and take risks again, Trump should have a set of accounts.
The red line of Americans has become a dotted line, and everything in face is secondary after all. In the end, let’s talk about it.
So, on the last day of February 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement.
For Americans, the lesson is painful.
Originally, there was no suspense in this war. One side is the only superpower in the world, and the other side is just a guerrilla regime. Moreover, at that time, the United States stood at the moral high ground and avenged the September 11 incident. Whoever sheltered bin Laden was the enemy.
The Taliban didn’t understand the situation at the time.
According to the tradition of Afghan tribes, bin Laden and Al Qaeda are their guests, and guests cannot be expelled. So he flatly refused to hand over bin Laden. As a result, the angry Bush administration launched a war against Afghanistan.
It was really devastating at first. In the winter of 2001, the Taliban was expelled from Kabul. However, the United States never imagined that the war had just begun, and it would take 19 years to fight.
Also in 2001, I went to Afghanistan and started my first battlefield career. Among them, it is bitter and sweet, and it is a long story.
American nightmare seems doomed from the beginning. At that time, in Kabul, the city was in the hands of the United States and allied forces, but in the surrounding mountains, it was the Taliban camp.
The fierceness of the mountain people really makes people gasp in admiration. Afghans are proud to tell me,This is the tomb of empires. They have defeated two empires: the British Empire and the Soviet Union, and will definitely defeat the third empire-the United States.
Of course, the Taliban itself has been criticized by the international community, such as extremely conservative religious ideas, especially the imprisonment of women, and the extreme behavior of destroying the Bamiyan Buddha.
But Afghanistan is Afghanistan, and the Taliban is the Taliban. The Taliban has the support of the bottom people and its superior guerrilla warfare ability, which makes the United States have to accept the reality.
After signing the peace agreement, Trump also lamented at the White House:The Taliban is a great warrior, a great warrior. If you don’t believe it, just ask the Soviets …
The United States is clapping its hands to withdraw, but for Afghanistan and the whole pattern of Central Asia, it means a new blood shed.
After all, in Kabul, there is the Afghan regime supported by Americans. How can the Taliban and the Ghani regime get along?
This is reminiscent of the tragedy after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union.
Najibullah was the leader of the Afghan puppet regime supported by the Soviet Union at that time. After the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, the resistance immediately attacked Kabul, and najibullah’s regime collapsed. He himself had to take refuge in the United Nations office.
The resistance was polite at least, but the Taliban, which rose later, was not polite at all.
On September 27th, 1996, Taliban soldiers who invaded Kabul finally found najibullah. According to what people in Kabul told me at that time, the poor former leader was executed in an insulting way. His mouth was stuffed with money, his genitals were cut off, and then he was shot dead at random. After his death, his body was hung on the lamppost in the city square for a long time …
The cruel execution of najibullah also showed the world the horror of the Taliban.
After 19 years, the Taliban will definitely enter Kabul again.
Finally, don’t say much. Recently, the focus of the world is not Afghanistan. Just like Trump’s press conference, reporters asked several questions about Afghanistan, and more about the spread of Covid-19.
The Americans are going to run away, and the life and death of the Afghans are also neglected by the Americans.
Some regrets:
First, no matter how powerful the empire is, it also has its own weaknesses.
Weapons are very important, but the United States, which has the most advanced weapons in the world, launched a 19-year war and paid 2400 lives, but still failed to defeat the Taliban. In this world, the wicked have their own grinding. Seeing a photo of the Taliban, a westerner commented: They never learn English, but they teach more than 40 countries a lesson!
Second, a war is over, but blood shed is coming.
Just as the Soviet Union withdrew its troops in those years, then the guerrillas captured Kabul, and then there was a more bitter civil war. How does the powerful Taliban divide power with the Kabul regime? What will happen to those Afghans who have worked with Americans? Americans have left a mess and a new blood shed.
Third, the people are the most miserable.
We went to Afghanistan in 2001, when Kabul airport was destroyed, and we landed at Bagram Air Force Base. On the road to Kabul, there is a wilderness full of mines, and there are still the wreckage of destroyed tanks and artillery on the roadside. Seeing the people fleeing in panic, there is really a deep sadness:Better be a peaceful dog than a stray.This is really the cry of the ancients.
We really don’t live in a peaceful world, but we are fortunate to live in a peaceful country.
Although we are now in another war without smoke, at least we have seen the dawn of victory.
Still cherish the present and cherish peace!