The "answer sheet industry" behind the exam

Yang Daxin cartography

  Internet has become the main tool for cheating.

    With the approach of the entrance examination for postgraduate students in 2009, there are a lot of information on the Internet selling the answers to postgraduate entrance examinations. Enter any two of the keywords "postgraduate entrance examination, answer, postgraduate exam, and pass the exam" in the search engine, and you can easily see a large number of peddled posts.

    "It’s less than 40 days before the’ postgraduate exam’. There is no free lunch in the world. It’s very important to choose a good home. It’s not good to expect mixed answers! My price is slightly more expensive than that of my peers, but it is worth the money, and a penny is worth the money! "

    "Honesty and professionalism, caring service, and payment after the exam."

    "The latest equipment in 2009, anti-shielding, anti-‘electronic dog’, let you feel at ease."

    Among all the information, the author noticed three organizations selling answers —— "exam-aid alliance", "answer carrier" and "Zhongzheng Education and Training". The author wrote down their QQ and telephone numbers respectively, and talked with them as postgraduate students.

    As soon as I talked, the "answer carrier" urged the author to "speak quickly, the exam is coming soon, and I have been busy with a lot of business recently."

    "I’m preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, but I’m not fully prepared. Can I get any help from you?" The author asked.

    "You can provide answers in English and politics, and both subjects can be guaranteed to be above 70 points."

    What is the concept of "over 70 points"?

    In the postgraduate examinations in recent years, the national re-examination scores for English are all around 45 points. Although some popular majors in famous universities have higher requirements for English, they are all far below 70 points.

    "English is guaranteed to be above 70 points", which is very attractive to most candidates.

    Postgraduate entrance examination, as an extremely important national unified examination, according to common sense, the management of examination papers should be very strict, so where do the answers provided by the agencies selling answers come from?

    In the conversation with Yonghui Education, the author asked: Can you provide the answers before the exam?

    The answer is: "it’s impossible. If anyone has the correct answer before the exam, I’ll chop off my head and give it to you as a stool."

    The "Test Aid Alliance" also said, "This is no better than CET-4 and CET-6, and it is very difficult to get the answers before the postgraduate exam."

    It is very unlikely to get the test paper and answer before the exam. So where did the answer come from?

    The "answer carrier" asked the author to log in to his QQ space, saying, "Take a good look and everything will be clear after reading it."

    In the personal space of "Answer Aircraft Carrier", the author found a picture uploaded at 11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008, which was taken at the examination site. The content of the test paper "Administrative Ability Test" for civil servants in 2009 is from questions 111 to 115. Enlarge this picture and watch it clearly.

    The time when the photo was sent-11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008 shows that the photo was sent during the exam.

    Like the "answer carrier", many answer providers put some photos of the test papers on the website or QQ space to prove that they have the strength to get the test papers and provide effective answers. On the website of Zhongzheng Education and Training, the author saw six pictures of the operation of CET-4 and CET-6. In order to prove the shooting time, there was also a reference message on December 20 (the date of CET-4 and CET-6 in 2008). The middle position of the computer screen also showed that the shooting time was 10: 22: 44. At this time, the CET-4 in December 2008 was in progress.

    In the column of "Proof of Strength" of its website, the "Test Aid Alliance" posted photos of the test papers of more than 10 test items, such as "08 Notes, Justice, 08 Public English Level 3, College English Level 4, Professional Physician, PETS Public English, CPA Certified Public Accountant, local civil servant in the first half of 2008, and 08 Professional English Level 4".

  The website exposed the "answer in the exam" transmission.

    What kind of high technology does the seller of answers rely on to get the test paper out from under the eyes of the invigilator?

    According to the introduction of the "answer carrier" and a number of answer providers, the so-called "answer in the exam" mainly takes the following steps-

    First of all, people who are qualified to take the postgraduate exam are hired to take the exam. On the day of the exam, the employees bring miniature scanning instruments or pinhole cameras with wireless transmission function into the examination room, and after they get the test papers, they send them to the off-site through the above equipment. After the off-site people get the test papers, they immediately send them to the hired experts who do the questions, and the experts who do the questions send the answers to the transit people in the shortest time. The transit people then send the answers to the QQ group composed of candidates who buy the answers, and then wait on the computer.

    It can be seen that the internet plays an extremely important role in the process of cheating, whether it is pre-test propaganda or passing answers in the exam. Why do cheaters use the Internet to cheat so easily?

    The author interviewed internet society of china and 12321 Bad Information Reporting Center, but both units declined the interview. Mr. Zhong, who is in charge of publicity at the Internet Society, said, "The Society is only a non-governmental organization. I suggest you find other units." The 12321 Reporting Center said that "we only accept reports here, and nothing else will be accepted."

    Nowadays, you can still easily get a lot of information about selling answers through search engines, but the focus of selling has shifted from the postgraduate entrance examination to the upcoming local civil service examinations. For example, "Answer Aircraft Carrier" announced in its QQ space as early as a week before the postgraduate exam: the research exam is progressing smoothly and the Zhejiang civil service exam is being actively prepared.

  Cheating equipment is mostly produced by Shenzhen enterprises.

    Wireless cameras and pinhole cameras that send papers out of the examination room, wireless earphones that transmit answers, watches, pens, erasers that can display words, and professional transmitters … Where do these cheating tools with scientific and technological content come from?

    "The equipment I recommend to you is the new model in 2009. It is not an earphone or a pen, but a mechanical watch that can take pictures. On the surface, this kind of watch is no different from ordinary watches, and the information displayed on it can only be seen within half a meter from the watch screen. "Answer Aircraft Carrier" introduced the superior performance of this cheating watch to the author with great interest and sent a URL link through QQ.

    The introduction of all kinds of cheating devices on the webpage is extremely detailed, but there is no explanation for the company address, customer service phone number and email. The author entered the ICP number of this website into the website management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the query result was "No information found"-this website is illegal.

    According to the inquiry of the brand (SUNLIPS) of cheating watches provided by Answer Aircraft Carrier, we know that this mechanical information table is produced by Sanlipu (Hong Kong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., a network technology company registered in Hong Kong and produced in Shenzhen. The author called the marketing manager of the company, and when asked if he knew that the sales agents in various places sold the watch to the answer provider for cheating, the manager hastily hung up the phone without asking whether he could.

    In the follow-up unannounced visit to Yonghui Education, the author has continuous and in-depth contact with the answer buyer Mavericks (a pseudonym). The night before the postgraduate exam, Mavericks said that they had bought an information form for cheating at Yonghui Education. When I looked at the information table, I found a "instruction manual of SUNLIPS mechanical pointer information table". The calf said to the author, "This is the manual of the watch."

    In this year’s postgraduate examination, the "answer carrier" is not the only one who focuses on the mechanical information table. In contact with the "test-aid alliance", the "test-aid alliance" also believes that the safest equipment this year is the mechanical information table. "Many people tried it in the CET-4 and CET-6, and it generally reflected well."

    The mechanical information table recommended by the "Test Aid Alliance" is more advanced, and you need to wear special glasses to see the contents presented on the watch screen through infinite transmission. "The naked eye can only see the dial and the hands."

    After repeated inquiries by the author, the "Test Aid Alliance" revealed the brand of the mechanical information table-"Will Reiss". Upon inquiry, the "Welles" mechanical watch was produced by Shenzhen Welles Technology Development Co., Ltd. In the prominent position of the company’s website, there is a detailed introduction to the "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch": "1. Anti-cheating gram, invisible earphone detector, electronic dog; 2, to prevent leaks, to prevent others from peeping, breaking the characteristics of traditional pagers that are not confidential enough. The first special glasses introduced from Germany Short photoelectric technology and matched with ordinary appearance in China can really be seen by me, even if others are around or facing the sun. Safety comes first in the information age; 3, the shield, this product adopts forward error correction, data interleaving access, adaptive equalization and other technologies, so that the shield has a very small impact on it … "

    Check out the display of products produced by Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd., including "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch, transmitter antenna, 50W transmitter, glasses and ruler (when they are at a certain angle, you can observe infinitely transmitted words)". All the above products are cheating tools highly recommended by online vendors.

    Login to the "Enterprise Information Inquiry System" of Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce failed to find the relevant information of Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd.. The person in charge of the company’s surname Liu said to the author on the phone: "You have no right to know whether the enterprise is registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau." And said angrily: "You and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in recent days. I hope you don’t ask for trouble."

Editor: Li Xiuwei

Two departments: after 2020, candidates with technical secondary school education will no longer be accepted to take the licensed pharmacist exam.

  BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, National Medical Products Administration and the heads of relevant departments of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security answered questions from reporters on the Provisions on the Professional Qualification System for Licensed Pharmacists and the Implementation Measures for the Professional Qualification Examination for Licensed Pharmacists. The relevant person in charge said that this system revision has set up a connection plan for the transition between the old and new systems for technical secondary school education. The transition period will end on December 31, 2020, and candidates with technical secondary school education will no longer be accepted after 2020.

  1. What is the background and significance of the revision of the System Regulations and Examination Measures?

  A: The licensed pharmacist system in China was established in 1994. In 1999, the former National Medical Products Administration and the former Ministry of Personnel jointly revised the Interim Provisions on the Qualification System of Licensed Pharmacists and the Implementation Measures for the Qualification Examination of Licensed Pharmacists (No.34 [1999] of the People’s Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as "Document No.34"), which clearly stipulated that licensed pharmacists should implement a unified national outline, unified examination, unified registration and unified management. Over the years, licensed pharmacists have played an active role in guiding the public to use drugs safely and rationally and ensuring the quality and safety of drugs. By the end of 2018, the number of people who passed the licensed pharmacist qualification examination had reached 1.03 million.

  With the implementation of new laws and regulations and the development of drug safety supervision, some new situations and problems have emerged in the work of licensed pharmacists, and Circular 34 has been unable to meet the needs of the construction and development of licensed pharmacists and supervision. First, with the development of China’s pharmaceutical higher education and the increasing demand for public medication safety, the admission conditions for licensed pharmacists stipulated in Document No.34 can no longer meet the requirements of the current situation. Second, in view of the outstanding problems in the management of licensed pharmacists, such as "certificate attachment" and the failure of enterprises to equip licensed pharmacists as required, Circular No.34 lacks corresponding punishment clauses and grass-roots supervision cannot be relied upon. Third, the administrative subject of the implementation of the current system has changed several times.

  In order to meet the needs of reform and development, rationalize the management rights and responsibilities of licensed pharmacists, speed up the construction of licensed pharmacists, and ensure the safe and effective use of drugs by the public, the two departments revised Circular 34 on the basis of fully listening to opinions from many parties.

  Two, compared with the original system, what are the main changes in the "system regulations" and "examination methods"?

  A: First, improve the entry threshold for licensed pharmacists’ academic qualifications, adjust the minimum academic qualifications from technical secondary school to junior college, and appropriately increase the working years of candidates in related majors in pharmacy (Chinese pharmacy). The second is to carry out information management on the registration of licensed pharmacists nationwide, establish credit records of licensed pharmacists, and conduct credit management on practice activities. The third is to clarify the punishment measures for licensed pharmacists and practicing units, and to restrict licensed pharmacists with bad information records when applying for registration. The fourth is to strengthen the operability of linking the professional qualification of licensed pharmacists with the intermediate professional title of pharmacy. Fifth, it is clear that Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents are treated equally with mainland residents when they participate in national licensed pharmacist qualification examination, registration, continuing education and practice. Sixth, adjust the examination period from two years to four years, and extend the examination period appropriately.

  3. What are the specific requirements of the "Regulations" for the qualification examination of licensed pharmacists?

  A: In order to improve the quality of licensed pharmacists, strengthen the professionalism of the team, and highlight the post practice requirements, this revision will adjust the entry threshold for licensed pharmacists’ academic qualifications from secondary school to junior college, and appropriately increase the working years of relevant professional candidates in pharmacy (Chinese pharmacy).

  The "Regulations" clarify that all People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens and foreigners who are allowed to work in China can apply for the professional qualification examination for licensed pharmacists if they meet one of the following conditions: (1) They have obtained a college degree in pharmacy and Chinese medicine, and have worked in pharmacy or Chinese medicine for 5 years; (two) to obtain a bachelor’s degree or bachelor’s degree in pharmacy or Chinese medicine, and to work in pharmacy or Chinese medicine for 3 years; (3) Having obtained the second bachelor’s degree, graduate class or master’s degree in pharmacy or Chinese pharmacy, and having worked in pharmacy or Chinese pharmacy for one year; (four) to obtain a doctorate in pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine; (5) Persons who have obtained corresponding academic qualifications or degrees in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine will have their working years in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine increased by one year.

  4. How do the Examination Measures stipulate the conditions for applying for some examination subjects with exemption?

  A: The "Examination Measures" canceled the original working years for the conditions for applying for some examination subjects that are exempt from examination. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, those who have obtained senior professional titles in pharmacy or medicine and work in pharmaceutical posts may be exempted from taking the examination of pharmaceutical professional knowledge (1) and pharmaceutical professional knowledge (2), and only take the examination of pharmaceutical management and regulations and pharmaceutical comprehensive knowledge and skills; Those who have obtained the senior professional title of Chinese medicine or Chinese medicine and work in the post of Chinese medicine can be exempted from the examination of Chinese medicine professional knowledge (1) and Chinese medicine professional knowledge (2), and only take the examination of pharmaceutical affairs management and regulations and comprehensive knowledge and skills of Chinese medicine.

  Applicants with senior titles who meet the requirements of exemption from the two subjects must work in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine and obtain senior titles in pharmacy or medicine, and their qualifications for senior titles should be obtained before the deadline for registration. Those who have worked in pharmacy or Chinese pharmacy and obtained senior professional titles in pharmacy or medicine but have not been employed in the corresponding positions may apply for the exam.

  V. What transitional policies or measures are there for the applicants with technical secondary school education in this revision?

  A: In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of candidates, this system revision has set up a bridging scheme for the transition between the old and new systems for technical secondary school education, with the transition period ending on December 31, 2020. Those who meet the requirements of the original No.34 document and register for the examination in 2018 and 2019, the validity period of the examination results shall be implemented according to the original provisions of 2 years; Those who sign up for the exam in 2020 should complete all the exam subjects within that year, and will no longer accept candidates with secondary school education after 2020.

  Six, how to manage the continuing education of licensed pharmacists, and how to effectively link the registration management with continuing education?

  A: Licensed pharmacists should receive continuing education, update their professional knowledge and improve their professional level in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national continuing education for professional and technical personnel. The state encourages licensed pharmacists to participate in practical training. The continuing education credits of licensed pharmacists shall be recorded in the national licensed pharmacist registration management information system in time by the continuing education management institution.

  7. How are the professional qualifications and professional titles of licensed pharmacists linked?

  A: In order to implement the relevant requirements of the reform of the central professional title system and promote the effective connection between the professional qualification system and the professional title system, the "System Regulations" clearly stipulates that professional and technical personnel who have obtained the professional qualification of licensed pharmacists can be recognized as having the title of competent pharmacist or competent Chinese pharmacist, and can be used as a condition for applying for a higher-level professional title. The unit selects the best one according to the needs of the work.

  Eight, the "Regulations" on the "Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate" linked to other acts of what punishment?

  A: In order to solve the problem of law enforcement at the grass-roots level, the "Regulations on the System" stipulates a number of measures to solve the regulatory problems such as the on-the-job absence of licensed pharmacists and the affiliation of the Registered Certificate of Licensed Pharmacists. For example, the second paragraph of Article 13 stipulates that applicants for registration must abide by the law and discipline, abide by the professional ethics of licensed pharmacists, and have no bad information records. Article 26 stipulates that units that fail to equip licensed pharmacists according to regulations shall be ordered by the local drug supervision and administration department at or above the county level to equip them within a time limit, and shall be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Article 28 stipulates that if a licensed pharmacist registration certificate is obtained by cheating, bribery or other improper means, the licensed pharmacist registration certificate shall be revoked by the issuing department and the licensed pharmacist shall not be registered within three years; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. It is strictly forbidden to link the Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate. If the registered unit of the holder is inconsistent with the actual work unit, the Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate shall be revoked by the issuing department and recorded in the national licensed pharmacist registration management information system as personal bad information by the department responsible for drug supervision and administration. Units that buy, sell or lease the Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate shall be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  The "Regulations on the System" clarifies the punishment measures for the violations of licensed pharmacists and practicing units, so that grass-roots supervision has laws to follow. When applying for registration of licensed pharmacists with bad information records, the registration will not be approved until the bad information records are revoked. Through the establishment of licensed pharmacists’ integrity records and licensed pharmacists’ big data management, we will increase the crackdown on licensed pharmacists’ "hanging certificates" and establish a normalization mechanism for "hanging certificates" governance.

  9. What are the new regulations for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents in this revision?

  A: In order to further facilitate the work and life of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents in the Mainland (Mainland) and promote the technical exchange of pharmaceutical professionals and technicians, the "System Regulations" has specially added relevant provisions for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents to apply for the professional qualification of licensed pharmacists, making it clear that Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents’ application for national licensed pharmacist qualification examination, registration, continuing education, practice and other activities, just like mainland (Mainland) residents, should be handled with reference to relevant regulations.

  X. How to promote the follow-up work after the promulgation of the "System Provisions" and "Examination Measures"?

  A: We will do a good job in the following four aspects: First, we will do a good job in organizing and implementing the system. Carry out various forms of publicity and policy interpretation, so that the majority of pharmaceutical technicians can fully know, understand and support the newly revised "System Provisions" and "Examination Methods". Second, taking the opportunity of system revision, we will carry out centralized rectification of licensed pharmacists in pharmaceutical retail enterprises to promote the healthy and benign development of licensed pharmacists’ professional qualification system. The third is to pay close attention to the revision of the "Administrative Measures for the Registration of Licensed Pharmacists" and other supporting documents. The fourth is to implement the development goals and tasks of licensed pharmacists in the "Thirteenth Five-Year National Drug Safety Plan", strengthen the supervision and inspection of licensed pharmacists in retail pharmacies, standardize the practice behavior of licensed pharmacists, and guide and urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility of licensed pharmacists.

Zhilin Information applied for the patent of remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud service, and realized the remote vocational education examination system with flex

The patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud services, which relates to the technical field of remote examinations, and comprises a system management module, a test paper generation module, an online examination module and an analysis feedback module; The system management module is used to manage data storage and backup, the cloud server interface connected with the education system and data security detection; The test paper generation module is used to screen out the test questions from the test question bank according to the distribution, difficulty, innovation and novelty of knowledge points; The online examination module monitors the abnormal behavior of candidates in real time from two aspects: surveillance video monitoring and network activity monitoring; The analysis and feedback module adjusts the test paper generation method based on the examinee’s comprehensive anomaly index. The invention realizes a remote vocational education examination system with flexible test paper generation method and comprehensive abnormal behavior monitoring method.

SHEIN reshapes the rules of global fashion industry with the innovative model of "SHEIN Chain"

As its name implies, "fruit chain" is the global hardware industry chain led by Apple, which symbolizes large-scale orders, technical support and significant growth opportunities for related enterprises, and its strict supplier screening system is regarded as a strength certification and promotion ladder. In the fashion industry, "SHEIN Chain"/"HI Chain" is an unprecedented value chain.

"SHEIN Chain" is a value chain built by SHEIN, covering upstream and downstream partners such as garment factories, textile and supporting service providers. With the support of digital technology, it cooperates efficiently to jointly design, produce and sell fashion products to the world. "SHEIN Chain", like "Fruit Chain", shows strong integration and growth potential, and innovates the cooperation mode of traditional fashion industry chain in a unique mode.

Being in the position of "chain owner" in the industrial chain, SHEIN’s significance to chain enterprises goes beyond the simple order relationship. Like SHEIN, Apple has a global "fruit chain" as a component supplier and assembler, and it delegates its own product design concept and technological innovation ability to suppliers in the form of supply chain.

The same is true of SHEIN. At the domestic headquarters, the company has mastered a full set of technologies, R&D, flexible manufacturing methodology and product standards. By investing heavily in smart supply chain construction, it has fed back the extremely efficient production mode to the domestic clothing industry chain and transformed it into real productivity through the global sales system.

However, although they are both "chain owners" of the physical manufacturing industry, the values played by SHEIN and Apple in their respective industries have both similarities and differences. What they have in common is that Apple and SHEIN are both physical manufacturing industries, and both need a large number of skilled industrial workers and mature manufacturing production lines. Therefore, every newly opened factory will bring a lot of jobs to the local area. Advanced production technology and mode are also absorbed by every eco-chain enterprise through the form of technology decentralization.

The uniqueness of SHEIN lies in its eco-chain, which actively advocates and promotes the concept of flexible infrastructure, permeates this concept into every eco-chain enterprise that cooperates with it, effectively promotes the continuous progress, upgrading and transformation of these enterprises, and drives the chain enterprises to grow continuously.

Before cooperating with SHEIN, these factories basically had no systematic and intelligent operation mode, and mainly relied on manual operation, using traditional tools such as Excel and mail to arrange production, which was inefficient and weak in competitiveness in the industry. Since joining hands with SHEIN, these factories have undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully transformed from traditional to digital, and become modern digital factories. This not only significantly reduces the waste of materials, but also greatly shortens the waiting time of workers and improves the overall production efficiency.

Specifically, the production standards and quality requirements of each style of SHEIN brand will be synchronized to all suppliers in real time through online digital tools, and suppliers will make production scheduling, production management, find problems in time and make adjustments through online digital management tools. After completing this set of standardized operating procedures formulated by SHEIN, these chain enterprises seem to have undergone a profound digital and intelligent transformation baptism, transformed themselves from the traditional manufacturing mode, and became a typical representative of modern production in the industry, which also promoted the garment industry cluster to move towards a more resilient, efficient and flexible new industrial chain structure as a whole.

To sum up, as the world’s four major brands, SHEIN has successfully subverted the cooperation mode of the traditional fashion industry supply chain with its innovative "SHEIN Chain" model, and effectively promoted the continuous progress and industrial upgrading of garment manufacturing enterprises in China and even around the world. In the future, as SHEIN continues to deepen the construction of smart supply chain, increase investment in technology research and development, and further expand and optimize the global sales network. We have reason to believe that "SHEIN Chain" will play a greater leading role in the global fashion industry and create a more agile, sustainable and competitive new generation of industrial clusters.

Not all stories are love stories | Reading Day

Recently, Chinese-American writer Yiyun Li’s novel "Should I Go" met readers in China, which is the first time that Yiyun Li has been translated into Chinese and introduced into domestic novels.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li, but many readers in China read Yiyun Li for the first time. Yiyun Li went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to writing. From the publication of her first novel collection "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, and has become one of the most accomplished Chinese writers in English. Now, she is finally ready to return her works to China.

The first novel translated into Chinese and published.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li.

Yiyun Li, a Chinese-American writer, is currently a professor and director of creative writing program at Lewis Art Center of Princeton University. She is a "post-70s" who went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to English writing. Her first collection of short stories, A Thousand Years of Worship, has aroused widespread concern and affirmation, and won the Frank O ‘Connor International Short Story Award, the American Pen Hemingway Award and the British Guardian Newcomer Award. She herself has been rated as the most noteworthy writer by major authoritative literary magazines, and won the MacArthur Genius Award in the United States in 2010. In 2012, Yiyun Li won the O Henry Award for her short story Kindness, making her the first Chinese writer to win the award. In 2022, Yiyun Li was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a year later, she won the Faulkner Prize for Literature for her new work The Book of Goose.

So far, Yiyun Li has published six novels, three collections of short stories and one memoir. Should I Go, published in 2020, is her first novel translated into Chinese. In this novel, "Lilia has been married three times, raised five children, and is now looking forward to the birth of the 17th grandchild. She has been helping people around her to recognize herself all her life. At the age of eighty-five, she began to be fascinated by the diary of her old friend Roland. When she was young, they had a romantic relationship. She wanted to see what she could leave for the younger generation. The diary recorded Roland’s affairs in great detail. Lilia took pains to add footnotes to everything. A secret relationship that lasted for decades was slowly uncovered, including the existence of her daughter Lucy, who even Roland himself didn’t know. Flame-like passion, the grief of annihilation, people’s hearts go back and forth between these two poles, but they have to find their home and exit and continue to cruise. Yiyun Li gave a dazzling praise to life in the novel, about Lilia and about everyone who comes and goes in our lives. "

At the launch of Should I Go in Shanghai, Bao Huiyi, a young writer and associate professor of English at Fudan University, said that at first she thought the novel was a work about how to face aging and the last years of life, but later she found that it subverted all her presuppositions. She explained that the 80-year-old woman was obsessed with her old lover and went to such great trouble to read his diary, probably because she was immersed in the past, but this was not the case at all. With the development of the story, if it had a core meaning, it was the death of her daughter. In the novel, Lilia gave birth to a child with Roland, or she got a life from Roland. Later, this life passed away. Therefore, in Bao Huiyi’s understanding, Lilia didn’t go to the diary to trace the old love affair at all, and the author Yiyun Li also warned readers from the beginning that not all stories are love stories.

Photo courtesy of Yiyun Li Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Who collects who?

When reading Should I Go, Bao Huiyi found two different voices contending. "There is a male first-person narrator in the book, and then the voice-over is female, because Lilia is constantly making comments when reading Roland’s book, and subverts the male voice, or it can’t be said to be subversive, because her comments actually appear irregularly, which can be said to be a deconstruction of the life story that the man thinks he is. Then you will see such a struggle for the narrative subject, which is very interesting and very tense. "

Bao Huiyi believes that "Should I Go" has at least three or more layers of structure, the first of which is Roland, the author of the diary, and Lilia, the commentator, and the relationship between Lilia and Roland can be expanded. However, Yiyun Li is not unconventional. In an interview with Zhong Na, a bilingual writer and literary translator, Yiyun Li said that she was willing to rely on a traditional structure, and she thought that she could tell the story well with the help of an existing framework. In Bao Huiyi’s view, this is actually a solid writing attitude. Writers rely on their own handy framework to write dialogues and characters well.

Bao Huiyi said that perhaps when reading more than ten pages in the book, readers will feel that Yiyun Li is an author with profound narrative skills and sophisticated life wisdom. For example, in the book, the struggle for topics such as memory and time, the man thinks that he can write a book with a coffin, and the young girl becomes his lover, just one of his many "collections", even just a small footnote in his life, but who actually collects who, who forgets who, what is permanence, what is transience and what is possession?

Zhong Na shared her reading experience at the launch of Should I Go? Zhong Na said that in "Should I Go", readers can see that Lilia shared a lot of life wisdom, and there are many enlightening things, especially some golden sentences, which also show the personality of the characters. "I think the interesting thing that Yiyun Li presents in this book is that there are many golden sentences, but at the same time, the golden sentences are constantly being deconstructed and overthrown, and they are often contradictory, which actually constitutes the personality characteristics of Lilia."

In addition, Lilia keeps reading the diary of his old lover and responding, which seems paranoid. How to understand this behavior, Zhong Na spent a long time thinking, and finally found the answer in another book by Yiyun Li, Dear Friends, Write Your Life from My Life. "Yiyun Li suffered from depression for two years, and then she did some thinking and digestion by reading and reviewing her life, including her relationship with her family, her relationship with literature, and her relationship with the first half of her life. So in fact, she is slowly gaining some wisdom to regain the balance of her life by constantly reading the writer’s letters and diaries. So that book is actually having a dialogue with "Should I Go?", that is, through very in-depth reading, the lives of readers and authors are intertwined. So after I reread the book, I read "Should I Go" again, and I have a feeling of understanding Lilia. When a person’s life is in a dilemma, she re-establishes a narrative by reading this most extreme way to enter the other’s brain. "

A Chinese writer who writes in English

The Chinese simplified version of Should I Go was published, which made many readers who had heard of Yiyun Li read Yiyun Li for the first time.

At the launch of Should I Go, Penglun, an archipelago book publisher, recalled his association with Yiyun Li and shared the publishing story of Should I Go. He said that for many readers, Yiyun Li has always been a legend or a legend. From the publication of the first collection of novels "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, but she was not born and raised in the United States, but a writer who went to study in the United States from China. Before going to the United States, she had never published her works in Chinese. Among the current Chinese writers, Yiyun Li can be said to be the most accomplished writer in English, and many readers in China who are concerned about the world literary world are also curious. Why has Yiyun Li never published Chinese works before?

Peng Lun introduced that he began to pay attention to Yiyun Li in 2004. At that time, his job was to report some trends in the literary and publishing circles at home and abroad, and he learned by chance that Yiyun Li had won a new literary prize. He had never heard of this writer, so he searched the Internet for relevant information and got in touch with Yiyun Li by email.

In 2005, Yiyun Li published her first collection of short stories in the United States and won some literary prizes. At that time, Peng Lungang started publishing and asked Yiyun Li if she could translate this collection of novels into China, but she refused. With the increasing popularity of Yiyun Li, other China media began to pay attention to this writer. However, when asked when he would publish a book in China, Yiyun Li said no.

"I noticed at that time that she felt that she was not ready at that stage, or that China was not ready to accept her as a Chinese writer writing in English." Peng Lun said.

Ten years later, until 2020, Peng Lun suddenly received a letter from Yiyun Li’s agent and her latest novel manuscript at that time, that is, "Should I go?".

Zhong Na thinks, "Should I Go" is a very mature writer who is very satisfied with his current creation, so Yiyun Li is willing to make it the starting point for his work to enter the Chinese world. Zhong Na has been paying attention to Yiyun Li’s creative career. In her view, the writer’s writing has been constantly changing, broadening her own boundaries. In the early days, Yiyun Li’s writing actually paid more attention to the depiction of characters’ inner images, as well as the connection of very special characters’ emotions and relationships, and even hid himself among the characters. But later, Yiyun Li did a lot of experiments and broadening on texts and writing, and his works were more mature than those in his early years.

It is reported that besides Should I Go, Yiyun Li’s other two works, The Book of Goose and Wednesday’s Children, have also been put on the publishing schedule. "Although her works entered the Chinese world for the first time, many readers, especially female readers, recognized her voice and the charm of her works very quickly, which gave me great confidence." Peng Lun said.

Reporter: Jiang Dan Editor: Zheng Xu Proofreading: Yang Hefang


Custom calendar for one week in morning weather | Warm up, warm up, warm up! The highest temperature in Shanghai is 29℃ on Friday, and the cold air "kills" on weekends.


It’s the end of October. Why is it so "hot"?

Recently, the weather in Shencheng is really good. The blue sky is lined with dazzling eyes during the day. In the afternoon, the body feels even warmer than the category of "crisp autumn", and many pedestrians wear short-sleeved skirts.

Close to beginning of winter, as warm as long summer?

Many netizens in Shanghai shouted "hot".

Shencheng continues to heat up today. With the help of warm autumn sun, the highest temperature in most parts of the city generally reaches around 25℃, including 24.9℃ at Xujiahui Station in the urban area and 26.9℃ at Qingpu Station.

Looking at the whole country, due to the weak cold air that has affected our country recently, this warming wave has a large scope.

According to China Weather Network, since October this year, the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side, with many places 2 to 4℃ higher than normal, and many places in North China have successively exceeded 30℃.

In the early part of this week, China’s central and eastern regions still maintained a warmer pattern.

Why is there such a rare warm and hot weather?

Li Liang, a meteorologist of China Weather Network, analyzed that since October this year, the polar vortex that accumulated cold air has been located in the north, and the cold air affecting China is significantly weaker than normal, and the temperature in most parts of China has been on the high side. In the next three days, the cold air affecting China will be located in the north and weak, coupled with the blessing of sunny days, which is very conducive to the temperature rise in North China and its south.

For Shanghai, the temperature will continue to rise in the daytime tomorrow. It should be noted that the temperature difference between day and night is large, with the temperature difference in the central city exceeding 8℃ and that in the suburbs above 10℃. Pay attention to dressing flexibly.

Specific forecast for tomorrow:

Sunny to cloudy with southerly winds of 3-4. The highest temperature is 26℃ and the lowest temperature is 18℃. The relative humidity is 90%-45%. Fire risk rating Meteorological index: Grade 4, flammable.

In a week, the temperature rises first and then falls this week, and will reach the peak of this round of warming on Friday, with the highest temperature reaching 29℃.

Cold air finally arrived on weekends, and the temperature dropped all the way, accompanied by a light rain weather process.

The highest temperature will fall back to "prefix 1" next Monday.

According to the meteorological department, this week’s sunny or cloudy weather plays the leading role, and the weather is generally dry, so it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of replenishing water and using fire and electricity.





    News from (broadcast through Hongkong on May 29th):   > > > > Click to watch the video. ….

    In the face of the fierce financial turmoil, the Hong Kong SAR Government used its magic weapon. What thrilling dispute stories happened in several confrontations with Soros? Why did the then Financial Secretary Donald Tsang secretly cry? What are the mysteries hidden in the final Armageddon? "Through to Hong Kong" today broadcasts a special program "Ten Years of Memories of Financial Defence (Part II)".

That financial storm was threatening in those days.

How does the Hong Kong authorities resolve the financial crisis?

Why did Donald Tsang secretly shed tears during the financial turmoil?

    The financial storm that started to make waves in July 1997 swept across Asia like a volcanic eruption, and then stirred the whole world. Those countries that fell in the storm were mired in the quagmire of economic collapse and could only be slaughtered by others. However, Hong Kong, which is still standing in the storm, has already suffered from black and blue wounds in its financial market. At this time, the SAR Government has realized that although the impact of international speculators has been defused several times, a more violent storm has not yet arrived, and the SAR Government must meet the challenge with tougher measures and a more active attitude. It is also at this time that Soros, who has been waiting for the best opportunity, is constantly accumulating energy and preparing to launch a final blow to Hong Kong. The decisive battle of Hong Kong’s financial defense finally kicked off in August 1998.     


    Welcome to the special program on the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China, which was produced by "Through Hong Kong".

      The financial storm that started to make waves in July 1997 quickly swept through Asia like a volcanic eruption and then stirred the whole world. Those countries that fell in the storm were trapped in the quagmire of economic collapse and could only be slaughtered. However, Hong Kong, which is still standing in the storm, has also suffered from black and blue financial markets. At this time, the SAR Government has realized that although the impact of international speculators has been defused several times, a more violent storm has not yet arrived, and the SAR Government must meet the challenge with tougher measures and a more active attitude. It is also at this time that Soros, who has been waiting for the best opportunity, is constantly accumulating energy and preparing to launch a final blow to Hong Kong. The Armageddon of Hong Kong’s financial defense finally kicked off in August 1998.

      On August 5, 1998, international speculators sold more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in one day. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority changed its passive approach in the past, and absorbed all of Hong Kong’s fiscal reserves to stabilize the foreign exchange market at the level of HK$ 7.75 to US$ 1, and the interbank market borrowing interest only increased slightly.

      On August 6th, speculators sold more than HK$ 20 billion, and the Monetary Authority made a new move, not only accepting all the Hong Kong dollars according to the order, but also depositing them into the Hong Kong banking system, which played a role in stabilizing interbank lending interest and prevented the stock market from falling due to the increase in interest rate.

      On August 7th, the Hang Seng Index fell by 212 points, or 3%, due to the poor performance of some blue-chip stocks that have announced interim results. In the following trading days, from 7th to 13th, the Hong Kong government continued to adopt the method of absorbing Hong Kong dollars to stabilize the interbank interest rate and thus achieve the goal of stabilizing the stock market. However, due to speculators’ short selling in the stock market, the Hang Seng Index finally fell to a low around 6,600 points, almost 10,000 points lower than a year ago, and the total market value evaporated by HK$ 2 trillion in one year. .

      On August 13th, after the Hang Seng Index was suppressed to 6,660 points, the Hong Kong government organized Hong Kong capital and mainland capital to enter the market, and launched a battle with rivals for the August stock index futures contract. Speculators want to suppress the index, while the Hong Kong Government wants to hold the index, forcing speculators to fail to cash out their contracts in full before the end of August. After entering the market, the Hong Kong Government bought a large number of August stock index futures contracts shorted by international speculators, pushing the futures index up from 6,610 points before entering the market to 7,820 points on the 24th, which was higher than the average opening price of 7,500 points by investment speculators, and achieved initial victory. After the market closed that day, the Hong Kong Government announced that it had used the Exchange Fund to intervene in the stock market and futures market.

      On August 14th, the Hong Kong government officially participated in the stock market and futures market transactions. In order to safeguard the Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong Government brought huge amounts of exchange funds into the stock market and futures market to directly confront speculators. The Hong Kong Government issued instructions to a number of securities firms in Hong Kong, such as Bank of China, Dodoli and Hesheng, to absorb a large number of blue-chip stocks in the Hang Seng Index, saying that it must raise the stock index in August by 600 points at all costs. The Hong Kong government’s reversal of the previous policy of "positive non-intervention" has dealt an unexpected heavy blow to speculators.

      On August 24th, in order to break the speculators’ arbitrage plan, the Hong Kong Government took the initiative again and intervened in the market with HK$ 5 billion. On that day, the Hang Seng Index fluctuated violently, with a short-term plunge of 300 points, and then it was quickly pulled back. At the close, the Hang Seng Index rose by 318 points.

      For the snipers and defenders of Hong Kong’s financial market, this is definitely a thrilling August. The curtain of the decisive battle has been opened, and the last moment of the decisive battle is coming. August 28th, 1998 is the settlement date of August contract of Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Futures. International speculators have a large number of futures orders that must be sold when they expire. If the stock market and foreign exchange market can stabilize at a high level or continue to break through, speculators will lose hundreds of millions or even more than one billion dollars. On the contrary, the tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars invested by the Hong Kong Government before will be thrown into the sea. Two rivals who have been fighting in the financial market for a whole year have finally waited for the final battle to decide life and death.

      On August 27th, 1998, bad news kept coming from the global financial field. The US Dow Jones stock index fell by 217 points, and the European and Latin American stock markets fell by 3% ~ 8%. The Hong Kong stock market is facing a severe test. Under the command of Donald Tsang, the then Financial Secretary of the SAR, the Hong Kong Government injected about HK$ 20 billion a day, which steadily boosted the Hang Seng Index by 88 points, laying the foundation for the final decisive battle. On the same day, Soros’s Quantum Fund publicly declared that the Hong Kong Government would fail. This kind of public challenge to a government in the name of a company or individual, threatening to defeat a government, is unprecedented. Of course, there is intimidation in this, but it also shows Soros’s ambition and confidence. For this decisive battle, both sides are prepared, and no one can afford to lose.

      August 28th may be the longest day in Hong Kong since there was a stock market.

      At 10 o’clock in the morning, the transaction officially began. Only five minutes after the market opened, the turnover of the stock market exceeded HK$ 3.9 billion. Half an hour later, the turnover exceeded HK$ 10 billion, and by the close of the morning, the turnover had reached HK$ 40 billion, which was close to the record of HK$ 46 billion daily turnover set on August 29, 1997.

      After the market opened in the afternoon, the selling continued unabated, and the Hong Kong government accepted all the orders, and the turnover climbed all the way, while the Hang Seng Index and the Futures Index remained above 7,800 points. As the bell rang at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the constantly beating Hang Seng Index, Futures Index and transaction amount on the display screen were finally locked at 7829, 7851 and 79 billion respectively.

      The Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region immediately announced that the Hong Kong Government had won the battle against international speculators and defending the Hong Kong stock market and the Hong Kong dollar.

      If we leave aside the tragic war on this day, then the closing point of the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong on the 28th is really a very dull number, which is even 93 points lower than that of the previous day. However, the significance of this figure to Hong Kong’s financial market is immeasurable. It has made Hong Kong’s stock market stand firm, leaving international speculators with no room for profit, and because their contracts have expired, they will inevitably suffer huge losses. This enter the dragon was later written into the financial textbooks of many countries all over the world, and it also became an important plot in many film and television dramas. However, no matter how it was deduced in actual combat in class or how it was performed in movies, it was not as wonderful as that day.

      August 28th, 1998 is a heartbreaking day for many speculators. They came with the results of sweeping Southeast Asia and the ambition of sweeping Hong Kong, and their battle plan was not careless. Perhaps their only failure was to underestimate the determination of the Hong Kong SAR government. The Hong Kong government, which has always pursued a zero-intervention economic policy, actually carried 98 billion US dollars of foreign exchange reserves and entered the stock market and the foreign exchange market for a large-scale defense.

      On the 28th, international speculative funds almost rushed out in an attempt to completely suppress the stock index, while the Hong Kong government took all the sales orders and held them to the stock market. The transaction amount on this day reached HK$ 79 billion, setting a record for a single day in the Hong Kong market.

      After the decisive battle on the 28th, international speculators also made a fight against the trapped animals. They believe that neither financial pressure nor public opinion pressure can sustain the SAR Government for a long time, so they decided to transfer the contract from August to September, hoping to fight a protracted war with the Hong Kong Government. The SAR government immediately made a decision to continue to push up the price of stock index futures, forcing speculative capital losses to leave. On September 7, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority promulgated new regulations on foreign exchange, securities trading and settlement, which greatly restricted speculators’ speculation. On that day, the Hang Seng Index soared 588 points and stood at the 8,000-point mark. The losses of international speculators further intensified and eventually they had to retreat from Hong Kong.

      It is estimated by Hong Kong market participants that the Hong Kong government invested more than HK$ 100 billion in the two-week stock market support operation, and concentrated on acquiring the shares of several major blue-chip companies in Hong Kong, becoming the major shareholders of several blue-chip companies in Hong Kong. After that, everyone knows the story. The Hong Kong market gradually recovered its vitality. In 1999, the Hang Seng Index returned to more than 10,000 points, and the Hong Kong government completely withdrew from the stock market, earning billions of dollars.

      At that time, there were loud voices for and against the government’s abandonment of the "zero intervention policy" and the use of foreign exchange reserves to intervene in the stock market and futures market. Today, conservative economists still believe that this move has damaged the international image of Hong Kong as a free economy. Soros even launched world public opinion and attacked the Hong Kong government for "administrative intervention in the market", which violated the rules of the market economy. However, supporters believe that the economy manipulated by speculative capital is not a free economy, and the Hong Kong government entered the market precisely to break this manipulation. Donald Tsang, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong who personally directed the market entry operation at that time, was even more deeply impressed.

      Tsang Pau Siu-Mei, the wife of Donald Tsang, never asked about her husband’s official business. Even if Donald Tsang attacked an "international financial tycoon" in the financial turmoil, she knew nothing beforehand.

      "That summer (1998), I went to Jiuzhaigou with him (Donald Tsang). At that time, he had been calling back to Hong Kong. When he and I went to Istanbul later, I only felt that he had been preparing something urgent. Halfway through the trip, he suddenly said that something important had come back to Hong Kong, leaving me alone in Istanbul, having no idea what had happened. After returning to Hong Kong, I realized that he had made a decision to enter the market. "

      In a letter to his younger brother, Donald Tsang explained why he was in favor of entering the market.

      "Why should I make this intervention decision? ….. If the government does not take action again, the stock market will fall to an unreasonable level because of manipulation, interest will continue to be high, the Link will continue to be under pressure, and economic recovery will only be in the foreseeable future. "

      "You may ask, why doesn’t the government just announce the abandonment of the linked exchange rate? ….. Decoupling at this time will only make Hong Kong people lose their confidence in the Hong Kong dollar overnight. Hong Kong is an economy that relies heavily on exports. Once the linked exchange rate is lost, the stability of Hong Kong’s foreign trade will be immediately reduced, and the stock market and property market will plunge again, interest rates will soar, and the economic environment will further deteriorate. Even in the long run, it may not be the blessing of Hong Kong people. "

      Donald Tsang later said that he shed tears the night before the government decided to intervene in the market. But as he said in his letter: government participation in the market is a dilemma. Now that I have made this decision, I must stick to my principles and accept criticism. ….. I will never take it lightly, and I will redouble my efforts to account to the people of Hong Kong. ….. Our life is very difficult. But I don’t believe that we Hong Kong people will lose.

      At that time, Soros, who sang against Donald Tsang, gave people the impression that he was a very mysterious figure. Even the specific figure of his losses in Hong Kong has never been known, so there will always be some deductive elements when talking about him. At that time, there was a widely circulated saying that some people even mentioned in the article that in 1998, when Soros directed speculative funds to attack Hong Kong in turn, an incident that happened in the mainland of China surprised him.

      In March 1998, Zhu, who just became the Prime Minister of the State Council, China? Ji held his first press conference in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

      "If Hong Kong needs it, the central government will defend Hong Kong at all costs!"

      This is the sentence that surprised Soros. It is said that Soros was drinking tea at that time, and when he heard this sentence, the cup in his hand fell to the ground. Although the truth of this statement cannot be verified, the firm support of the China government is a great encouragement to Hong Kong compatriots and a shock to international speculators.

      In fact, in 1998, China’s economy also encountered many difficulties, such as declining export growth rate, sluggish domestic demand, and catastrophic floods. At that time, the whole world almost unanimously declared that China’s economy would struggle if the RMB did not depreciate. However, in a highly responsible attitude, the China government has made a solemn commitment not to devalue the RMB from the overall situation of maintaining stability and development in the region. To show sincerity, the China government also narrowed the floating range of the RMB against the US dollar.

      While insisting that the RMB will not depreciate, the China government has adopted the policy of expanding domestic demand and stimulating economic growth, which has maintained the healthy and stable growth of the domestic economy and played an important role in easing the economic tension in Asia and promoting the economic recovery in Asia.

      The financial defense war in Hong Kong, which happened at the end of last century, is still talked about by people, although there is no sword and shadow, and there is no smoke. When many economies collapsed in the face of the storm, the young Hong Kong Special Administrative Region withstood Soros’s indiscriminate bombing and kept the development achievements of Hong Kong for decades. If one day, we can read Soros’s autobiography, I wonder how he will describe the Waterloo in Hong Kong.

    Editor: Liu Di

    The voice of the "top leaders" of the central bank, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission is an important signal.

      BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Reporter Li Jinlei) Recently, Pan Gongsheng, Party Secretary and President of the People’s Bank of China, Li Yunze, Party Secretary and Director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, and Yi Huiman, Party Secretary and Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, were interviewed by the media, publicly speaking, responding to hot issues in financial work and releasing important signals.

      On serving the real economy

      Promote the financing cost of the real economy to decrease steadily.

      Serving the real economy is the bounden duty and fundamental purpose of finance. The Central Financial Work Conference clearly requires that "finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development".

      How to serve the real economy?

      Pan Gongsheng said: First, pay more attention to cross-cyclical and counter-cyclical adjustment, and maintain a reasonable growth in the total amount of money and credit and the scale of social financing. Second, strengthen coordination and cooperation with fiscal and regulatory policies, and continuously increase support for major strategies, key areas and weak links. The third is to reasonably grasp the interest rate level and promote the steady decline of financing costs in the real economy. The fourth is to coordinate the internal and external balance and maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

      Yi Huiman said that the capital market is not large in the whole financial market, but it has unique advantages in serving the real economy. In the next step, we will adhere to the problem orientation, be honest and innovative, and launch more pragmatic measures around improving the function of the capital market. First, promote the stock issuance registration system to go deep and practical. Second, improve the multi-level capital market system. Third, vigorously improve the quality of listed companies. Fourth, promote the high-level institutional opening of the capital market.

      On financial supervision

      Resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns"

      The Central Financial Work Conference requires that financial supervision should be comprehensively strengthened to effectively prevent and resolve financial risks. Effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision, bring all financial activities under supervision according to law, comprehensively strengthen institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, eliminate regulatory gaps and blind spots, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and severely crack down on illegal financial activities.

      How to effectively improve the effectiveness of financial supervision?

      Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will focus on strong supervision and strict supervision, resolutely achieve "long teeth with thorns" and continuously improve the forward-looking, accurate, effective and synergistic supervision. First, comprehensively strengthen the "five major supervision". The second is to strictly enforce the law and dare to show the sword. The third is to strengthen supervision and protection.

      He pointed out that the chaos in the financial market should be thoroughly rectified, so as to adhere to principles, dare to face difficulties, treat people equally, and be fair and just. Focus on the "key things" that affect financial stability, "key people" that cause major financial risks, and "key behaviors" that undermine market order, and really hit the board accurately and hurt.

      Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will focus on improving the adaptability and pertinence of supervision and create a more favorable environment for the reform and development of the capital market. First, make every effort to maintain the stable operation of the capital market. The second is to implement the main responsibility of supervision. The third is to resolutely eliminate the regulatory vacuum. The fourth is to strengthen supervision capacity building.

      Lian Ping, chairman of China Chief Economist Forum and vice president of Shanghai Economic Association, believes that in the next few years, comprehensively strengthening financial supervision will become the top priority of China’s financial work, which will help accelerate the construction of a modern financial system with China characteristics and provide a healthy and stable financial environment for the high-quality development of China’s economy.

      Dong Ximiao, the chief researcher of Zhaolian and a part-time researcher at the Institute of Finance of Fudan University, believes that this will help reduce the regulatory gap, bring all financial activities into supervision, and ensure that financial supervision has no dead ends, no blind spots and no exceptions.

      On preventing and resolving financial risks

      Accelerate the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions.

      The central financial work conference pointed out that "there are still many hidden dangers in economic and financial risks" and demanded that "the risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions should be handled in time".

      Pan Gongsheng pointed out that the People’s Bank of China will cooperate with relevant departments and a few provinces where high-risk institutions are relatively concentrated to formulate and implement the reform plan for small and medium-sized banks, further reduce the number and risk level of high-risk institutions, handle financial risks according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the interests of the largest number of depositors, small and medium-sized investors and the insured according to law.

      Li Yunze said that in the next step, we will adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, resolutely fight tough battles and protracted wars, with the focus on accelerating the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions. First, adhere to a safe and orderly manner. The second is the precise policy of classification. The third is to deepen both the symptoms and the root causes.

      Dong Ximiao analyzed that both Pan Gongsheng and Li Yunze mentioned the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized financial institutions. Under the complicated internal and external environment, the central financial work conference should be held as an opportunity to further promote and deepen the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized banks, and at the same time build high-quality small and medium-sized banks into "specialized and innovative" banks. (End)

    Excellent film | Saving Private Ryan: One and Eight, War and Human Nature

    Special feature of 1905 film network

    There are many war movies with surging blood and roaring gunfire, and some of them are forgotten after watching them;

    Some can only be used as a substitute in our ordinary life, stimulating our senses and releasing our emotions;

    Some are destined to stay in the depths of our memory, watch it once and purify our hearts once.

    Undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

    The real hero in the war saved our hearts.

    Saving Private Ryan tells the story of eight people taking risks to save one person.

    Director Spielberg won the Oscar for Best Director again for this film. (1993, Saving Private Ryan, 1998)

    Saving Private Ryan, which has won numerous praises, is one of the best war films in Hollywood history and a milestone in war films. In 2014, the film was selected into the list of "national treasure films" in the United States.

    During World War II, Ryan, an American paratrooper played by Matt Damon, was trapped behind enemy lines, and all his three brothers were killed. If he is also killed, the mother at home will bear the huge blow of losing four sons at once.

    The US General Command decided to send an 8-member team including Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) to rescue him.

    In fact, they in the film and we all have the same question:Is it worth it to save one from eight risks?

    Great war movies are more than just gunfire and passion. What really hits us is the softness of human nature in war movies.

    Saving Private Ryan is constantly changing between rigidity and softness, cruelty and fragility. The camera moves from the solemn cemetery to the beach in fierce fighting, to the quiet rural Yuan Ye, to the ruins in the war, and finally to the peaceful cemetery. After several changes, it seems like a lifetime ago.

    The opening twenty minutes of the film is the famous Normandy landing.

    At the beginning of the film, the bloody and horrible war scenes were presented to us naked: the mutilated people who were blown up in the air, the soldiers who were dying calling for their mothers, the wounded who were wailing everywhere, the sea water dyed red with blood, the sound of bullets shuttling through the water, the sound of bullets hitting the steel frame, bloody battlefield surgery and so on … … More than 20 minutes of continuous motion scenes left us no room for breathing, which was extremely shocking.

    — — What a tragic sight.

    — — Yes, it’s tragic.

    If the war scene of more than 20 minutes at the beginning only strongly stimulated our senses, then the next calm and serene scene, which is the softest place in our hearts, brought a heavy blow.

    In the quiet office where you can only hear the sound of typewriters, the crack is a death knell.

    The most tragic thing is not the scene of war, but the notice of death to inform relatives.

    Dear Mr. Boyd, you should have heard about the death of your son. Nothing can alleviate your grief. Our army deeply regrets his death. He was an excellent soldier … …

    Your husband is devoted to his duties, and everyone misses him … …

    You are the mother of five soldiers who died gloriously on the battlefield. I feel that my words are weak and powerless, and I can’t appease your sorrow at all, nor can I make up for your loss. But I must thank you here. They died to save the country. May God appease your bereavement and make you miss your beloved forever. The sacred glory belongs to you, because you paid a heavy price for freedom. — — Sincerely from Lincoln

    The picture of a mother collapsed to the ground without a line made people feel very sad. The photo on the right shows everything. She has lost three sons, and the only one (Ryan) is still in doubt.

    The next eight-person team’s adventure to find Ryan is the highlight of the whole film.

    First of all, going deep into the battlefield to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Secondly, Ryan is trapped behind enemy lines and the rescue work is very dangerous.

    Captain Miller led an eight-person team, and the rescue of Ryan filled us with suspense and expectation. Eight people have a common goal, but each person has his own unique personality. There are many accidents, conflicts and hesitations in the middle, and what is more cruel is that people are dying one after another.

    Tom HanksCaptain Miller, with calm eyes and rich combat experience. The film does not try to create his tall heroic image, but shows his complete humanity from different aspects.

    His right hand often shakes, and he will be afraid.

    He has the courage of a tough guy, but his heart is still soft. When his comrade-in-arms died, he sat on the stone alone and cried.

    He used to be a middle school teacher, and the integration of the essence of civilian intellectuals and military identity made his behavior full of deeper human values from the beginning. Obeying the orders of superiors is not purely for military purposes, but for humanitarianism. Saving a person’s life is equivalent to saving an entire family.

    Another distinctive and impressive character is that he can speak German and French.Translation — — Urban.

    He was called cowardly and timid by many people. Seeing that he was afraid of delaying to save his teammates in trouble, which led to the death of his teammates, I believe many people can’t help but be angry. And his kindness transcends the opposition of the camp. He will be soft on the enemy, give water to prisoners of war, chat with them, and even agree to let them go.

    Everyone wants to be a hero, but when we really go to war, maybe we are just weak Urban, and we may not be able to keep this kindness in our hearts.

    Sniper JacksonThe death of is worrying. He likes to kiss the cross and praise God before aiming at shooting. His marksmanship is accurate and ruthless, and he sleeps soundly than anyone else because he is simple enough.

    At the top of the tower, he fired eight shots to cover his comrades, and was blown to pieces by the tanks on the ground. Just before the enemy fired, he shouted to his comrades around him, "Get down!"

    The road to saving Ryan is full of difficulties. The rescuers are praying that Ryan is worth saving even if he sacrifices his teammates.

    RyanLive up to expectations, he is indeed a brave and responsible good soldier.

    When the team found him, Captain Miller told him that his three brothers had been killed and he was ordered to send Ryan home safely.

    Ryan firmly said that he would stay and fight side by side with his teammates. He said that his mother at home would understand him and would agree with him.

    Captain Miller couldn’t take Ryan away, so he had to discuss countermeasures with his teammates. There are two choices before them: one is to go back, and the other is to stay and fight with him. Their choice is to stay. Because "if we look back on the past one day, we may feel that Saving Private Ryan is a great masterpiece that we have accomplished in this war-torn era."

    So, the team that saved Ryan and Ryan stayed behind to do the final battle together.

    Their task is to hold a bridge in Ramle. If the bridge is captured by the Germans, the American troops will retreat.

    In the last half hour of the film, the bridge stuck to the battle, echoing the Normandy beach landing battle at the beginning. Cruelty and cruelty are the unchanging scenes of war. Gunfire, gunfire, the roar of tanks and the cry of tearing are the eternal background sounds of war.

    In addition to these two themes, the core of the film is to convey the theme of human nature and the discussion of life.

    Is there a difference between life and weight? Ryan is human, so are the two teammates who died in the squad. The American army is human, so are the captured German soldiers.

    No matter who lives or dies, war is a massacre.

    At the end of the film, the camera returned to the quiet cemetery.

    Ryan, an old man, recovered from his painful memories. He thought of the bridge at Lamble and Captain Miller’s last entrustment.

    "James, don’t let everyone down."

    Old Ryan, in front of Captain Miller’s grave, said slowly:

    "I try my best to live my life every day. I hope this is enough, or at least make you feel,I have lived up to everything you have done for me."

    WANDA CINEMAS’s most important project premiered this year, and "Three Battalions" entered the New Year’s Eve file.

    enter12After mid-June, the competition for lunar new year’s eve stalls has intensified, and the film "Three Battalions" will also be released on12moon15Day in.The film "Three Battalions" is produced by Chen Sicheng, directed by Dai Mo, written by Zhang Ji, and starring Zhang Yi. It tells the story that the three battalions led by Cheng Bing were imprisoned for accidentally causing the death of the suspect when they detected a vicious case. After being released from prison, Cheng Bing led the members of the three battalions to pursue the murderer and finally arrested the murderer.

    Recently, The Three Battalions held its premiere in Beijing. This is the fourth time this year that Zhang Yi has met the audience in the cinema as the leading role after "Man Jiang Hong", "Knife Point" and "Priceless Treasure".

    Zhang Yi plays Cheng Bing, the captain of the Third Brigade of Criminal Investigation in the movie "Three Brigade". Zhang Yi thinks that the ups and downs of fate and the growth on the way to chase the murderer are the most attractive parts of this story. Although Zhang Yi only appeared as the leading actor in the cast list, according to the screenwriter Zhang Ji, Zhang Yi participated in designing the details of several scenes. For example, in the original plot design, the master Lao Zhang, played by Yang Xinming, died of overwork and illness, but Zhang Yi thought that the first half of the plot needed ups and downs, so the death of Lao Zhang in the final film was related to the pursuit of the murderer.

    Poster of the movie "Three Battalions"

    And "ups and downs" is not exactly the same as "dramatization". Zhang Ji once worked as a screenwriter for realistic films such as "Chinese Partner", "Dear" and Leap, and won the Best Screenwriter Award in the 33rd Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award with Leap. Zhang Ji said at the premiere that in the process of creating Three Battalions, he, producer Chen Sicheng and director Dai Mo all hoped that the film would present a more simple and grounded texture.

    Chen Sicheng directed the detective chinatown series, and participated in the Sheep Without A Shepherd series and The Lost Woman as a producer and producer. These films also make Chen Sicheng deeply bound with labels such as "commercial films" and "reverse cool articles". Dai Mo, the director of "Three Battalions", once directed the film "manslaughter 2"",and" detective chinatown "online drama of the same name. Dramatization is the commonality of Chen Sicheng and Daimo’s previous works, but Zhang Ji thinks: "They are determined to return to the original." Zhang Ji revealed that in his original script, he chose Looking Back and Heart in Action as the interludes of the film. He thought that the film might need more genre and some sensational parts, but Chen Sicheng finally chose a more down-to-earth version of Young Men’s Ambition.

    The film "Three Battalions" is adapted from the documentary literary work "Please tell the director that the task of the three battalions has been completed". The article was published in "Netease Human Studio" in 2018. In the comment area of the article, the most popular message is that the theme of the article is suitable for adaptation into a movie. In 2019, "Netease Human Studio" said that it officially signed a contract with Wanda Pictures, and Wanda Pictures exclusively obtained the film and television copyright of this article.

    Poster of the movie "Three Battalions"

    The Third Battalion is also one of the few master control projects in WANDA CINEMAS this year. Although WANDA CINEMAS turned a profit from net profit in the first half of the year, the income from cinema screening accounted for over 60%, while the income from film production, distribution and related businesses was only 202 million yuan, accounting for less than 3% of the total revenue. According to public information, WANDA CINEMAS participated in Wandering Earth 2 in the first three quarters."Space Exploration Editorial Department", "Enthusiasm", "Put all your eggs in one basket", "Volunteer Army: Attack by Xiongbing" and "Rescue the Suspect" and other projects, but only as one of the joint producers. The cumulative box office of WANDA CINEMAS’s project "Countdown Love You" is only2637.0Ten thousand yuan, WANDA CINEMAS’s dilemma in the content section can be seen. "Three Battalions" can be said to be the most important master control project in WANDA CINEMAS this year, and it is also the key project of WANDA CINEMAS’s revenue in the content section this year.

    In addition, on December 6,WANDA CINEMAS announced that its indirect controlling shareholder, Beijing Wanda Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd., its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Hengrun Enterprise Management Development Co., Ltd., and its actual controller, Wang Jianlin, intend to transfer 51% equity of its controlling shareholder, Beijing Wanda Investment Co., Ltd., to Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd. And inThis year 7June, Shanghai Confucianism has been to22.62Buy Beijing Wanda Investment at a price of 100 million yuan.49% of the shares, through the form of indirect holding shares in WANDA CINEMAS. If this transaction is completed, the control right of WANDA CINEMAS Company will change. The "Three Battalions" is the first master control project released after WANDA CINEMAS announced this news, which will not only directly affect the revenue of WANDA CINEMAS, but also to a certain extent.Shanghai Confucianism has an influence.

    Shanghai Taobao Film Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., which belongs to Alibaba Pictures, is also one of the producers of Three Battalions. Before the premiere, the film "Three Battalions" appeared in the list of films to be shown announced by Ali Pictures at this year’s Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, and onceAppeared as the closing film of the domestic new film exhibition of Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.. In addition, the "Three Brigade" has been in December.2Day and12mooneightTwo rounds of screening will be launched on the 20 th, and the third round of national screening will also be held in12moon11SolsticeOpen on the 14th.

    As of December12The total box office of screening and pre-sale of "Three Battalions" exceeded.More than 78 million yuan, Lighthouse Professional Edition wants to see more than 160,000 people..On the same day as The Three Battalions, there was also The God of Dogs directed by luc besson, whose reputation in Douban is slightly better than The Three Battalions, but the number of people who want to see it is slightly lower. Detective Conan: The Fish Shadow of Black Iron and Furious Tide starring Nick Cheung and Ehan Juan will also be released on December 16th. It remains to be seen whether the Three Battalions can break through the tight encirclement.
