With the arrival of spring, "Document No.1" emphasizes these five "strengths"

  Spring is the first year of the year, and agriculture is the first. At the beginning of the Spring Festival, "Document No.1" arrived as scheduled with spring. This is the first Central Document No.1 issued after the 20th Party Congress, which writes a blueprint for rural revitalization and emphasizes "keep ‘ Agriculture, countryside and farmers ’ The basic dish is very important and can’t be lost, which conveys a strong signal of emphasizing agriculture and strengthening agriculture.

  Document No.1 of the Central Committee has made nine arrangements for comprehensively promoting the key work of rural revitalization. The first task is to pay close attention to the stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products. It is the experience of last year and the direction of this year that "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" are improving and taking the initiative in the overall situation. Looking back on 2022, in the face of the stormy international environment and arduous domestic reform, development and stability tasks, China’s grain production achieved "19 consecutive harvests" and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" made solid progress, winning the initiative to effectively cope with the impact of unexpected factors. Looking forward to 2023, to turn the big goal of "keeping the national grain output above 1.3 trillion Jin" into a small goal, we must not only stabilize the area, focus on yield per unit area, and strive to increase production, but also strive to ensure that farmers can earn money from growing grain. Only by increasing production and stopping losses, and simultaneously strengthening agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural science and technology and equipment support can we protect the rice bag, vegetable basket and oil bottle.

  A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and a strong agriculture can strengthen the country. Earlier, the Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress first proposed "accelerating the construction of an agricultural power". What is the strength of an agricultural power? Document No.1 of the Central Committee gives the answer — — Strong supply guarantee, strong scientific and technological equipment, strong management system, strong industrial toughness and strong competitiveness. To achieve these five goals, the bottom line is to ensure food security and prevent large-scale poverty. On this basis, we must solidly promote key tasks such as rural development, rural construction and rural governance. It is a strategic and long-term task to strengthen agriculture and strengthen agriculture. At present, only by focusing on promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way, concentrating on human input, material allocation and financial security, and solidly promoting the "five revitalization" of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organization can we provide solid support for accelerating the construction of an agricultural power.

  In the final analysis, promoting the high-quality development of agriculture and rural revitalization is to benefit farmers and meet their expectations for a better life. This needs to promote the overall improvement of the countryside from the outside to the inside, both in form and spirit, so that farmers can be rich in both pockets and brains. Rich "pocket" depends on promoting employment, increasing skills and carrying out reforms. Broaden the channels of increasing income and getting rich, so that hundreds of millions of peasants can get property benefits in a down-to-earth manner and share the fruits of reform, which can better stimulate their enthusiasm. Rich "brains" require equal attention to rural shaping and soul casting, and coordination between material civilization and spiritual civilization, so that the "high-priced bride price" and "big-scale operation" that everyone cares about can be effectively managed, and the customs can be truly changed, so that the countryside can be stable and peaceful, livable and suitable for business, and the happiness index can be higher and higher.

  A year’s plan starts with spring. At present, from Woye in the South to the granary in the Central Plains, all localities are in full swing to carry out spring tube spring ploughing, and the vast countryside is full of spring and hope. If the nation is to be revived, the countryside will be revitalized. In the new year, we should make strenuous efforts, implement the No.1 Document of the Central Committee, and keep the basics of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", which will surely enable the broad masses of peasants to live a good life with a growing sense of gain, and make progress in building a strong agricultural country and promoting rural revitalization.

  (Text | Dong Zhu)

Newsletter: The 2024 FIVB Beach Volleyball Championship will be held in Yunyang.

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On the first day of work years later, all walks of life in the new district quickly entered the working state.

  Open column language

  New year’s new atmosphere, strive to open a new bureau! 2023 is the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, a crucial year for Tianjin to build a socialist modern metropolis in an all-round way, and a crucial year to speed up the construction of a beautiful "coastal city" in the new era. At the beginning of the new year in the Year of the Rabbit, all the development zones, towns, departments and units in Binhai New Area are working hard, and every minute counts. A tough battle centered on the implementation of high-quality development support and leading actions in Binhai New Area is blowing horns and beating drums in the land of Bincheng. The vast number of builders in the new area are facing difficulties and seizing the opportunity. With the winning belief and high-spirited attitude of "starting at the beginning of the year, starting a decisive battle", they have turned a high-quality development "construction drawing" into a "real map". In order to fully show the vivid situation and brand-new look of "struggling to open a new bureau and make a good start" in the new district, and further carry forward the spirit of "starting a second business" in Binhai New Area, the media center of Binhai New Area has launched a column "Bincheng opened a new bureau to win a good start".

  Yesterday was the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday. The reporter walked into various departments, enterprises and construction sites in Binhai New Area, and a busy labor scene appeared in front of him. Everyone has said that we should start early, not take a nap, and quickly enter the working state with a full mental state to show the new year’s new atmosphere.

  The department actively serves the enterprise masses.

  At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, the government service staff in the bonded area had already sat in front of the computer. "Hello, what business do you handle?" The deputy agent wearing a "red ribbon" warmly greeted the staff of the enterprise after seeing them. After inquiry, it was learned that it was the enterprise that needed to apply for the Drainage Permit. Under the guidance of the deputy agent, the enterprise staff soon got the Drainage Permit through the "notification commitment system".

  "I thought that just after the New Year, the approval of the license would not be so fast. I didn’t expect the work efficiency of the bonded area to be so high after the year. It is so convenient for the company to get the Drainage Permit immediately by signing the letter of commitment! " The business staff said with satisfaction.

  Teng Lizhen, head of the government affairs service hall in the bonded area, said: "Although today is the first working day after the Spring Festival, the service windows of the government affairs service hall have all been opened, and the staff members are full of enthusiasm and full of energy to receive the business people who come to handle business.

  On the first day of work, the reporter learned from the District People’s Social Security Bureau that in order to seize the favorable opportunity of the Spring Festival and actively implement the relevant policies of stabilizing employment and ensuring employment, the new district began to organize a "Spring Breeze Action and Employment Assistance Month" job fair every week from January 29, and organized a live post-taking activity every month. In combination with the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control, offline recruitment activities were launched in a timely manner to build an efficient docking platform for employers and job seekers to help all kinds of people with employment needs get full employment. The vast number of job seekers and enterprises can log on to "Bincheng Employment Talent Network" in https://www.bhrc.com.cn to sign up.

  It is understood that the activities are mainly aimed at rural workers who are willing to work and start businesses, including rural laborers who plan to go out to work and start businesses nearby, migrant workers, workers who come to Tianjin in the pairing assistance area, all kinds of people with employment difficulties, graduates from previous universities and other job seekers, as well as employers with employment needs, especially key industrial chain supply chain enterprises.

  Enterprises strive to achieve a "good start"

  On the first day of work years later, although the festive atmosphere has not completely dissipated, all the staff of Tianjin International Biomedical Joint Research Institute quickly returned to their posts with full spirit and started a new journey in the New Year. In the laboratory on the eighth floor, several staff members in lab clothes are absorbed in the experimental operation. The R&D Center for Transformation Products of the Joint Research Institute has been deployed according to the work plan for 2023, and the annual order task has been arranged. All the staff of the center began to carry out relevant experiments in early January. "At present, the first batch of customized synthetic orders (ADC drug Liner) has been completed halfway. On the first day after the end of the Spring Festival holiday, the center staff immediately put into the experiment, made synthetic feeding, and closely connected the experimental work before the holiday to ensure that the order task was completed in an orderly manner according to the time node. " Dr. Cai Yan, director of the R&D Center for Transformation Products of the Joint Research Institute, was busy with the experiment while introducing it.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from Lishen Battery, an enterprise in High-tech Zone, that Lishen Battery adheres to the spirit of "decisive battle is the beginning, and sprint is the beginning", and has continuously produced, stabilized and increased production, welcoming the "acceleration" of production and "a good start" of development.

  In the production workshop of Lishen battery, the PACK production department made every effort to ensure that the upcoming Dongfeng supporting power battery project was successfully delivered, and the front-line employees stuck to their posts without taking a nap and quickly put into work. From equipment inspection, commissioning, line alignment to first article confirmation and start-up production, the team cooperated tacitly, and the production rate was planned to reach 100% on the same day. The person in charge of Lishen Battery said that in the new year, the company will usher in new development opportunities and achieve new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, capacity improvement and base construction. In 2023, the project is expected to produce supporting power batteries for more than 45,000 new energy vehicles.

  On the first day of work after the holiday, the dry composite film workshop, the third phase expansion project of Gaolier (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd. located in Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, showed a busy scene: the equipment was running stably, the technicians were skilled in operation, and the composite film was running smoothly on the roller … After joint acceptance, electromechanical installation and joint operation and debugging of the equipment, the project entered the trial production stage. However, the related equipment operation indexes of photovoltaic power generation projects that have just completed grid-connected power generation have also remained stable, and enterprises have enjoyed the new impetus brought by green energy.

  It is understood that Gaolier (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd. belongs to Italian Gaolier Group, an industry leader in the field of flexible packaging. Since it was completed and put into operation in Tianjin Port Bonded Zone in 2006, it mainly produces composite packaging bags for liquid products and patented products in the coffee field, and is committed to providing a full range of customized packaging solutions. After more than ten years’ development, the company has all kinds of excellent packaging equipment and a complete set of quality inspection equipment, which ensures sufficient production capacity and stable quality.

  The construction site played the "Endeavour Music" for returning to work after the holiday.

  The reporter saw at the construction site of Tianjin Port’s special freight passage project yesterday morning that a new year’s construction has been started here with the rumble of machines. On-site graders and bulldozers are advancing back and forth in an orderly manner, and the site is being leveled; Excavators and drillers are lined up in turn, and drilling is performed according to the working procedure. The company broke the practice of entering the site after the spring blossoms in previous years, implemented the project content according to local conditions, and rationally arranged and adjusted the process plan according to the temperature conditions, which greatly improved the effective utilization rate of time during the construction period.

  It is understood that in order to achieve the project construction goal, 300 workers and more than 100 sets of construction equipment have been put into work after the holiday. At present, the main construction contents of the project are bridge pile foundation construction, water supply and drainage construction, subgrade construction and temporary construction of the project.

  The Spring Festival holiday is not over yet, and all the builders of the second phase project of Binhai New Area Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have already returned to their posts and made all the preparations before construction. The second phase of Binhai New Area Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a construction area of about 40,000 square meters, and 426 beds are planned to be added. It will build single buildings such as administrative research building, inpatient building and fever inpatient building, which is expected to be completed in 2026. On the basis of the Luban Award of China Construction Project in 2022-2023, the first phase of the project will create a high-quality project with the management of "standardization, standardization and refinement". The reporter learned at the scene that at present, the pile foundation project of the project has resumed construction, and the "Endeavour Song" for returning to work after the holiday has been fully played, and it has been advanced in an efficient and orderly manner towards the established construction goals.

Source: Bincheng Times


Why is it so "pit" that the coach is unqualified and the swimming pool is unsanitary?

  Ms. Kong’s 8-month-old child in Tianjin developed a small pimple on her stomach after swimming, and was diagnosed with contagious molluscum. She went to the hospital every one or two weeks and was completely cured in more than three months.

  With parent-child swimming becoming more and more popular with young parents, swimming like Ms. Kong’s children is infected with various diseases, and even babies are in danger of drowning. A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that many parents-child swimming classes, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time, lack qualified coaches, and the health management of swimming pools is chaotic, and the safety of children is not guaranteed.

  Parent-child swimming blooms everywhere, and a class costs hundreds to thousands of dollars.

  A reporter from a water education early education hall in Guangzhou saw that there was a pool of about 8 square meters in the middle of the water education hall, and there were two small swimming pools next to it. There were swimming AIDS such as neck rings, pillows and underarm rings in the hall. According to the person in charge of the swimming pool, children aged 0 to 6 can come to swim.

  Parent-child swimming pools like this are blooming everywhere in major cities. The reporter visited many parent-child swimming institutions in Chengdu and Guangzhou and learned that the general courses are divided into group classes and private classes. Group class is a class where a coach leads many parents and children together, and the general charge is above 300 yuan per hour; Private classes are one-on-one teaching, and the tuition is relatively more expensive, usually thousands of dollars an hour.

  Swimming institutions offer a wide variety of courses. The Australian "WWSS" course shown to reporters by a staff member of a large parent-child swimming pool in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, shows that through learning, the baby can strengthen the ability of primitive reflex, hand-eye coordination and learn body control and breathing control. "The goal is to let the baby really learn to swim and fall in love with swimming. Our youngest here came to class 15 days after birth. " The staff member said.

  It is understood that the courses of most parent-child swimming institutions are packaged and sold. The reporter saw in the investment list of "Yourui International Parent-child Swimming" that, taking Beijing as an example, the average unit price per class hour is 350 yuan according to the membership standard, and the average annual class hour per student is 40 class hours. Some parent-child swimming institutions in Guangzhou start selling at least 58 class hours, which means that parents invest at least about 20 thousand yuan at a time, and there are 70 thousand yuan or 80 thousand yuan in expensive class bags.

  Changing water in the swimming pool cannot be guaranteed, and auxiliary equipment can be used at will.

  Many parent-child swimming pools have advertised slogans such as "Enhance the baby’s physique from the root", "Children who swim for a long time have high immunoglobulin index in their blood", "Parent-child swimming makes babies less sick" and "Swimming is the only independent exercise that can start from the age of 0", and some institutions have also publicized the concept of "implanting foreign parent-child swimming concept".

  "Parent-child swimming is just a normal exercise. Children’s swimming can really promote development and growth to a certain extent, but it does not have those exaggerated effects. Babies under 1 year old are very weak and still in the initial development. It is not recommended to start swimming too early. " Zhu Hua, chief pediatrician of Chengdu Third People’s Hospital, said.

  Zhou Weihang, a former national swimmer, told reporters that many parents believe in the propaganda of some organizations and hope to achieve some unrealistic results through swimming. In fact, the main purpose of parent-child swimming is not to teach children to swim, but to explore each other and establish deeper parent-child feelings during swimming.

  Hygiene is the most concerned issue in parent-child swimming. Some parents reported that although many swimming pools promised to change water every day, they could not guarantee it and were not supervised. In a large parent-child swimming pool in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, the staff said that it was disinfected and replenished with new water every day. When the reporter asked whether to change the water every day, the staff vaguely said that the whole pool is close to 100 square meters, and it will take a long time to change it all, unless there are really children urinating in it, the water will be changed temporarily. "Changing the water will affect the course arrangement, and it is very troublesome to send a notice temporarily."

  In order to prevent children from urinating in the water, the swimming pool will require children to wear waterproof diapers. The reporter saw in a parent-child swimming pool in Guangzhou that a warning paper was posted by the pool: "Any child who urinates in the pool will be fined 360 yuan." There are three children about one year old swimming in the big pool, and none of them are wearing waterproof diapers.

  There are also many bath towels in swimming pools that also have health hazards. Ms. Kong told the reporter that the child was looking for the cause of the illness after he got sick. The doctor said that the child might have been exposed to unclean bath towels. Infectious molluscum is mainly transmitted through direct contact, and many patients are infected in public bathrooms or swimming pools.

  In addition, security risks can not be ignored. Some parent-child swimming pools are quite casual in the use of baby swimming AIDS. A staff member of a swimming pool in Guangzhou told reporters that there is no uniform standard for children to use auxiliary swimming equipment. Generally, they wear neck rings for less than 6 months, pads for more than 6 months, and underarm rings for more than 2 years old.

  Zhou Weihang introduced that the neck ring is easy to cause certain damage to the child’s spine. The children’s bones did not harden six months ago, and it is easy to hurt the spine with the neck ring, which poses a safety hazard. In May last year, a July-old boy in Fuzhou drowned in a swimming pool wearing a sitting swimming ring. Fortunately, the child was not life-threatening after being sent to hospital.

  "Some informal swimming pools have misunderstandings about parent-child swimming, and the methods are more radical. They want to teach in a few months, and the curriculum is unreasonable, which does not meet the physical development of small babies." The coach of a parent-child swimming pool in Chengdu said.

  Emerging industries urgently need to establish health and safety standards.

  The reporter learned that at present, the opening of the parent-child swimming pool only needs to register a business license, and there are no standards such as health inspection and personnel requirements, and there is no clear supervision.

  Coach is an important guarantee for children’s safety. The reporter learned in the investigation that some parent-child swimming pools claim to learn from foreign countries in their coaching training methods, but many of them have no qualifications at all. "Some parent-child swimming pools have almost zero threshold for recruiting employees. Some are kindergarten aunts who are recruited to be coaches of parent-child swimming. How to ensure the safety of children?" An industry insider in Chengdu said.

  Shen Yong, head coach of a parent-child swimming pool in Guangzhou, said that there is no uniform standard for parent-child swimming pools in China at present, and it depends entirely on industry self-discipline. "For coach specifications, each swimming pool generally sets its own standards." Some standardized swimming pools require coaches to obtain lifeguard certificates and swimming social sports instructor certificates, and at the same time, they must be trained as parent-child swimming teachers for infants before they can take up their posts.

  Chen Yunde, director of the Complaints and Consultation Department of Sichuan Consumer Protection Committee, said that parent-child swimming is a new industry, and it is urgent to formulate clear standards in sanitation and disinfection, personnel qualifications and safety management to ensure the safety of infants and young children. People in the industry call for speeding up the guidance and establishment of industry self-discipline standards, such as coach training mode and the threshold for recruiting students, so as to make this emerging industry develop healthily and orderly.

  Zhu Hua and other experts said that parents should treat parent-child swimming correctly, and focus on parent-child interaction, instead of seeking to let babies learn swimming skills quickly.

  (According to Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, April 4 th)

The "answer sheet industry" behind the exam

Yang Daxin cartography

  Internet has become the main tool for cheating.

    With the approach of the entrance examination for postgraduate students in 2009, there are a lot of information on the Internet selling the answers to postgraduate entrance examinations. Enter any two of the keywords "postgraduate entrance examination, answer, postgraduate exam, and pass the exam" in the search engine, and you can easily see a large number of peddled posts.

    "It’s less than 40 days before the’ postgraduate exam’. There is no free lunch in the world. It’s very important to choose a good home. It’s not good to expect mixed answers! My price is slightly more expensive than that of my peers, but it is worth the money, and a penny is worth the money! "

    "Honesty and professionalism, caring service, and payment after the exam."

    "The latest equipment in 2009, anti-shielding, anti-‘electronic dog’, let you feel at ease."

    Among all the information, the author noticed three organizations selling answers —— "exam-aid alliance", "answer carrier" and "Zhongzheng Education and Training". The author wrote down their QQ and telephone numbers respectively, and talked with them as postgraduate students.

    As soon as I talked, the "answer carrier" urged the author to "speak quickly, the exam is coming soon, and I have been busy with a lot of business recently."

    "I’m preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, but I’m not fully prepared. Can I get any help from you?" The author asked.

    "You can provide answers in English and politics, and both subjects can be guaranteed to be above 70 points."

    What is the concept of "over 70 points"?

    In the postgraduate examinations in recent years, the national re-examination scores for English are all around 45 points. Although some popular majors in famous universities have higher requirements for English, they are all far below 70 points.

    "English is guaranteed to be above 70 points", which is very attractive to most candidates.

    Postgraduate entrance examination, as an extremely important national unified examination, according to common sense, the management of examination papers should be very strict, so where do the answers provided by the agencies selling answers come from?

    In the conversation with Yonghui Education, the author asked: Can you provide the answers before the exam?

    The answer is: "it’s impossible. If anyone has the correct answer before the exam, I’ll chop off my head and give it to you as a stool."

    The "Test Aid Alliance" also said, "This is no better than CET-4 and CET-6, and it is very difficult to get the answers before the postgraduate exam."

    It is very unlikely to get the test paper and answer before the exam. So where did the answer come from?

    The "answer carrier" asked the author to log in to his QQ space, saying, "Take a good look and everything will be clear after reading it."

    In the personal space of "Answer Aircraft Carrier", the author found a picture uploaded at 11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008, which was taken at the examination site. The content of the test paper "Administrative Ability Test" for civil servants in 2009 is from questions 111 to 115. Enlarge this picture and watch it clearly.

    The time when the photo was sent-11: 29: 31 am on November 30, 2008 shows that the photo was sent during the exam.

    Like the "answer carrier", many answer providers put some photos of the test papers on the website or QQ space to prove that they have the strength to get the test papers and provide effective answers. On the website of Zhongzheng Education and Training, the author saw six pictures of the operation of CET-4 and CET-6. In order to prove the shooting time, there was also a reference message on December 20 (the date of CET-4 and CET-6 in 2008). The middle position of the computer screen also showed that the shooting time was 10: 22: 44. At this time, the CET-4 in December 2008 was in progress.

    In the column of "Proof of Strength" of its website, the "Test Aid Alliance" posted photos of the test papers of more than 10 test items, such as "08 Notes, Justice, 08 Public English Level 3, College English Level 4, Professional Physician, PETS Public English, CPA Certified Public Accountant, local civil servant in the first half of 2008, and 08 Professional English Level 4".

  The website exposed the "answer in the exam" transmission.

    What kind of high technology does the seller of answers rely on to get the test paper out from under the eyes of the invigilator?

    According to the introduction of the "answer carrier" and a number of answer providers, the so-called "answer in the exam" mainly takes the following steps-

    First of all, people who are qualified to take the postgraduate exam are hired to take the exam. On the day of the exam, the employees bring miniature scanning instruments or pinhole cameras with wireless transmission function into the examination room, and after they get the test papers, they send them to the off-site through the above equipment. After the off-site people get the test papers, they immediately send them to the hired experts who do the questions, and the experts who do the questions send the answers to the transit people in the shortest time. The transit people then send the answers to the QQ group composed of candidates who buy the answers, and then wait on the computer.

    It can be seen that the internet plays an extremely important role in the process of cheating, whether it is pre-test propaganda or passing answers in the exam. Why do cheaters use the Internet to cheat so easily?

    The author interviewed internet society of china and 12321 Bad Information Reporting Center, but both units declined the interview. Mr. Zhong, who is in charge of publicity at the Internet Society, said, "The Society is only a non-governmental organization. I suggest you find other units." The 12321 Reporting Center said that "we only accept reports here, and nothing else will be accepted."

    Nowadays, you can still easily get a lot of information about selling answers through search engines, but the focus of selling has shifted from the postgraduate entrance examination to the upcoming local civil service examinations. For example, "Answer Aircraft Carrier" announced in its QQ space as early as a week before the postgraduate exam: the research exam is progressing smoothly and the Zhejiang civil service exam is being actively prepared.

  Cheating equipment is mostly produced by Shenzhen enterprises.

    Wireless cameras and pinhole cameras that send papers out of the examination room, wireless earphones that transmit answers, watches, pens, erasers that can display words, and professional transmitters … Where do these cheating tools with scientific and technological content come from?

    "The equipment I recommend to you is the new model in 2009. It is not an earphone or a pen, but a mechanical watch that can take pictures. On the surface, this kind of watch is no different from ordinary watches, and the information displayed on it can only be seen within half a meter from the watch screen. "Answer Aircraft Carrier" introduced the superior performance of this cheating watch to the author with great interest and sent a URL link through QQ.

    The introduction of all kinds of cheating devices on the webpage is extremely detailed, but there is no explanation for the company address, customer service phone number and email. The author entered the ICP number of this website into the website management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the query result was "No information found"-this website is illegal.

    According to the inquiry of the brand (SUNLIPS) of cheating watches provided by Answer Aircraft Carrier, we know that this mechanical information table is produced by Sanlipu (Hong Kong) Network Technology Co., Ltd., a network technology company registered in Hong Kong and produced in Shenzhen. The author called the marketing manager of the company, and when asked if he knew that the sales agents in various places sold the watch to the answer provider for cheating, the manager hastily hung up the phone without asking whether he could.

    In the follow-up unannounced visit to Yonghui Education, the author has continuous and in-depth contact with the answer buyer Mavericks (a pseudonym). The night before the postgraduate exam, Mavericks said that they had bought an information form for cheating at Yonghui Education. When I looked at the information table, I found a "instruction manual of SUNLIPS mechanical pointer information table". The calf said to the author, "This is the manual of the watch."

    In this year’s postgraduate examination, the "answer carrier" is not the only one who focuses on the mechanical information table. In contact with the "test-aid alliance", the "test-aid alliance" also believes that the safest equipment this year is the mechanical information table. "Many people tried it in the CET-4 and CET-6, and it generally reflected well."

    The mechanical information table recommended by the "Test Aid Alliance" is more advanced, and you need to wear special glasses to see the contents presented on the watch screen through infinite transmission. "The naked eye can only see the dial and the hands."

    After repeated inquiries by the author, the "Test Aid Alliance" revealed the brand of the mechanical information table-"Will Reiss". Upon inquiry, the "Welles" mechanical watch was produced by Shenzhen Welles Technology Development Co., Ltd. In the prominent position of the company’s website, there is a detailed introduction to the "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch": "1. Anti-cheating gram, invisible earphone detector, electronic dog; 2, to prevent leaks, to prevent others from peeping, breaking the characteristics of traditional pagers that are not confidential enough. The first special glasses introduced from Germany Short photoelectric technology and matched with ordinary appearance in China can really be seen by me, even if others are around or facing the sun. Safety comes first in the information age; 3, the shield, this product adopts forward error correction, data interleaving access, adaptive equalization and other technologies, so that the shield has a very small impact on it … "

    Check out the display of products produced by Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd., including "photoelectric dense display pointer paging watch, transmitter antenna, 50W transmitter, glasses and ruler (when they are at a certain angle, you can observe infinitely transmitted words)". All the above products are cheating tools highly recommended by online vendors.

    Login to the "Enterprise Information Inquiry System" of Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce failed to find the relevant information of Shenzhen Weireisi Technology Development Co., Ltd.. The person in charge of the company’s surname Liu said to the author on the phone: "You have no right to know whether the enterprise is registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau." And said angrily: "You and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in recent days. I hope you don’t ask for trouble."

Editor: Li Xiuwei

Four-year-old boy died mysteriously after swimming for a week, so be wary of these behaviors in summer swimming.

       CCTV News:With the coming of summer, swimming has become an outdoor sport choice for many people. Many people have had the experience of choking when swimming, and most of the time they can be relieved quickly by taking a rest, but they must not be careless, especially for children and some sensitive people, because there is a drowning method called secondary drowning, which is likely to occur only a few hours or even days after drowning, and once it occurs, it may be life-threatening.


Children swimming

       The Francisco couple from Texas, USA, are immersed in grief because their four-year-old son died not long ago. The doctor’s diagnosis shows that little Francisco died of secondary drowning, which may be caused by an accidental drowning while swimming a week ago. His father said in an interview that after coming out of the swimming pool, little Francisco said that he had abdominal pains, and he was accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea for the next few days, but his symptoms were getting better, so they didn’t care. It was not until he woke up one morning that little Francisco developed symptoms of suffocation and eventually died because of ineffective rescue.


Little Francisco and his son

       Different from common drowning asphyxia, the amount of water choked into the lungs during secondary drowning may not be enough to affect gas exchange, butIf the choking is swimming pool water containing chlorine,Edema may occur in children’s delicate lungs. If you inhale dirty water,Bacteria entering the lungs may also cause pneumonia and acute pulmonary edema.Then there are symptoms such as high fever, cough and difficulty breathing. People with bronchial sensitivity also need attention.

       News attracts attention to the timely rescue of two-year-old patients

       The news that little Francisco died of secondary drowning caught the attention of another father. Because his two-year-old son Gio had the same symptoms after choking in the community swimming pool not long ago, he quickly took the child to the hospital. After examination, the doctor confirmed his judgment and said that his son’s life would be in danger if he was one day late.



       [Extended reading]

       What is delayed drowning?

       Delayed drowning means that people do not die at the time of drowning, but die within 24 hours after drowning. The reasons are mostly secondary pulmonary edema, bronchitis or lung abscess.

       What is dry drowning?

       Not all drowning people have water in their lungs, and 10%-15% drowning people have no water in their lungs. This is because in the process of drowning, the throat spasm and glottis are closed, air and water can’t enter the lungs, and the drowning person suffocates because of lack of air, which eventually leads to death.

Summer swimming

Children swimming

       Matters needing attention in children swimming

       First, children should prepare lifebuoys and other equipment when swimming. Safety is the most important thing. Even older children, such as six or seven years old, should wear lifebuoys on their arms and waist to avoid choking when swimming.

       Second, although you don’t have to hold the child anymore, you or the coach should always pay attention to the child’s situation within a safe distance. Children should do a warm-up activity before entering the water, splash the water in the swimming pool on their bodies, slowly adapt their skin to the temperature of the water, and never put the children into the water rashly.

       Third, you should be patient. Sometimes a child may like playing in the water very much, but sometimes he may be very afraid of getting into the water. At this time, you should never force the child to get into the water until the child is ready.

       4. There should be signs of deep water area and shallow water area in the swimming pool, and it is best if there is a dividing line to distinguish them.

       5. Never find someone to look after your children temporarily, even if a lifeguard is present.

       6. Some children hate getting their faces wet. In this case, you can let your child try to put his head under the shower nozzle at home to get used to it.

       Seven, generally outside the swimming pool will be posted a "warm reminder" announcement, which has the water quality situation, which is also a regular swimming pool must be publicized, so parents should be careful not to ignore the water problem.

Beita District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau: Building a "Safe Bottom Line" for the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers.

Red Net News January 31 ST(Correspondent Liu Longying Liu Yimeng) As the year is approaching, the Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will strengthen the publicity and inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in its jurisdiction, build a clean and tidy urban environment, and effectively eliminate the safety hazards caused by fireworks and firecrackers.
In Gaobao Community of Tianjiang Street, urban management law enforcement team members went into commercial stores to publicize the dangers of setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and guided the general public to strive to be communicators of civilized new winds, not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, and to live a fresh, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe low-carbon year.
In order to further strengthen the management of "no burning and no releasing" of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival, public officials of all party and government organs, enterprises and institutions in Beita District signed a letter of commitment not to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the no-firing area of the city. The District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau makes full use of publicity columns, car broadcasts, LED display screens in stores, and publicity materials distributed in the market to widely publicize the relevant laws and regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers. Implement grid management responsibility, strengthen inspection and duty work in key areas and time periods, and build a daily supervision system. Strengthen publicity and education, actively guide the general public to use sound, light and electricity products instead of traditional fireworks and firecrackers, and choose safe, environmentally friendly and novel festive ways such as festive music and flowers to celebrate the Spring Festival.
In the next step, Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will continue to increase the publicity of fireworks and firecrackers, strengthen inspections and investigations on key places and high-incidence periods, discourage discharge in time, and strive to create a safe, orderly and peaceful holiday atmosphere.

[Night Reading] Winter has come quietly, stepping on the catlike steps.

  Since November 13th, Beijing has been officially heated. For people in the north, the winter that has quietly arrived will not be so bitter. "there’s a gleam of green in an old bottle, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove." Although everything is withered in winter, life is still interesting. Tonight, follow the words of Liang Shiqiu and Wang Zengqi, and go back to the north and south where there was no heating and air conditioning nearly a hundred years ago to see what the different scenery and taste were in winter at that time.

Winter in the north,

Is chilling cold,

The "winter defense" that started early,

And the heavy snow falling after a cold night in the north wind.

Winter in Beiping (abridged)

Liang Shiqiu

  It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. Shortly after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family was busy preparing for the winter and making "winter defense".

  Speaking of winter, I shudder.

  I grew up in Beiping. It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. Shortly after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family was busy preparing for the winter and making "winter defense". On the first day of October in the lunar calendar, a fire will be lit in one room, and briquettes, hard coal and firewood should be lit early.

  Shaking coal balls is a big event. A bunch of camels carry bags of coal powder to the door, and the coal spots (note: the old name for coal workers) carry the coal powder into the door and pour it into the east yard, piling it up in a very high pile. Then, waiting for a sunny day, they came with a sieve, a rake, a shovel and two-claw hooks, with a piece of cloth on their heads and a short and thick cigarette bag inserted on the cloth around their waist.

  Their skill of shaking briquettes is really unambiguous. The coal powder was spread on the ground, and a pit was made in the middle to pour water, and the loess prepared in advance was added, so the two big men stirred up. After mixing, spread the slime-like coal powder on the open space, make it into a big cake, and pat it flat and bare with a shovel, about ten feet square. At this time, they are already sweating all over, and black sweat is running down their faces. It’s time to sit down and have a rest and smoke.

  After the rest, the coal powder is slightly dry and coagulated, and then it is cut horizontally and vertically with a shovel and cut into small squares, which is as clever as a chef cutting vegetables and radishes. Then he sat down, inverted a small flowerpot on the ground, put the sieve on the flowerpot, and another man shoveled the coal powder cut into squares into the sieve and began to shake it, just like shaking Yuanxiao, slowly shaking the squares into briquettes. Then spread it on the ground to dry. Shake it screen by screen and dry it screen by screen. It’s hard work, and it’s fun for children to watch.

  △ Old coal-burning stove

  When the day turns pale and the rain is coming, they have to come to clean up, gather together and cover something, otherwise the coal will be washed away by the rain, and all previous efforts will be wasted. He enjoys all this, just develop a little more wine money. When it is completely dried, he will come to collect coal again, which will be complete. See you next year.

  Coal balls are used for kitchen stoves and small white stoves everywhere, and even the poorest families have to reserve them in advance. People who have "foreign stoves" of course have to reserve large pieces of red coal and white coal, which must be smashed before they can be used, and it also takes some labor. Friends from the south are surprised to see that every household in Beiping is busy with "winter defense". He doesn’t know the severity of winter in Beiping.

  The north wind was cold all night, and the heavy snow fell one after another. The scenery was worth seeing.

  The north wind was cold all night, and the heavy snow fell one after another. The scenery was worth seeing. However, there are a few people who can enjoy the happiness of singing snow as calmly as Ms. Xie Daowen. All the people were cowered by the north wind that hurt people’s skin, and they were busy doing their own things.

  Isn’t the winter scenery in Beiping beautiful? That’s not true. Early in the morning, crows often fall on the branches at the top of the elm tree, croaking incessantly. What an ancient picture of Western jackdaw! There seem to be quite a few magpies in Beiping, chirping on the ridge of the eaves, but their upturned tails are very beautiful. Some people say that they come to give good news, and I don’t know where the joy comes from. There are many sparrows, but they put up their feathers like hemp fiber and scampered on the ground for food, looking miserable. I don’t know who stood the pigeons, but a group of pigeons rowed past, circling and circling, white against the blue sky, and whistles suddenly sounded. I don’t know which one is flying kites, sand geese, butterflies, dragons and fish, and gongs and drums are still on the bow. In the middle of winter, it is also dotted with some interests.

  Beiping is cold, in fact, it is colder than Beiping.

  In Beiping, there are many frivolous people, but most people wear bulky cotton gowns, trousers, cotton-padded jackets, cotton gowns, cotton vests, cotton trousers, cotton hoods, cotton wool nests and cotton gloves in winter. The exception is those who wear silk cotton. To those who pull foreign rickshaws, carry water, dig out dung, exchange foreign matches for lanterns (note: also called matches), change fertilizer (note: the black core of Gleditsia sinensis, which is equivalent to sending oil), and play drums (note: people who walk the streets and play drums to buy all kinds of second-hand goods from residents) … … Which one is not wearing thin clothes and shivering in the cold wind?

  △ North of Ergun City, Inner Mongolia, Linjiang Snow Scene, a border village close to the Ergun River, the border river between China and Russia Source: vision china

  Beiping is cold, in fact, it is colder than Beiping. I spent two winters in Shenyang. The double-layer glass window of the house is condensed with ice and snow on the outer layer. If a small hole is opened on the inner layer, cold air will come. There was a layer of ice and snow on the road, and another layer of ice and snow. I once went to a dinner party and fell down twice on the way. Everyone thought it was a common thing. But it’s not easy to break your leg and wear more clothes. An old friend came to see me, but he didn’t know each other, because his eyebrows and beard were all frosted! There is not a woman walking in the street. On the street lamp wire, there is a row of birds like birds, silent and staring blankly, so cold that they don’t even have the strength to scream. Farther north, such as Heilongjiang, it must be much colder. Beiping is not the coldest in comparison.

  Winter is really terrible. The poet said, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" I hope so.

  △ Heilongjiang Harbin Fairy Tale Snow Town Source: vision china

  "Cat Winter" in Old Beijing

  It gets dark very early in winter in Beijing, and old Beijingers have the habit of "cat winter". After dinner, the family chatted around the stove, and from the depths of the alley came the cries of vendors selling various items.

  "Stinky tofu — — Sauced tofu, stinky tofu in Wang Zhihe. " Vendors usually carry a burden, and later they also push a bicycle. There are stinky tofu, soy bean curd and bad bean curd in several earthen jars.

  "Radish — — Sally, spicy — — Tube change. " This is a radish that sells "beauty in the heart". The radish in Beijing is sweet, crisp and delicious, and it is the "fruit" of old Beijingers in autumn and winter.

  "Spiced rotten broad beans — — Hot. " Vendors selling rotten broad beans bear the burden of a small coal stove in winter. The coal stove is very small, and only a dozen briquettes or a few pieces of charcoal can be put in it, in order to keep the temperature of the broad beans in the steamer.

  "Gourd — — Rock sugar. " There has been little change in Sugar-Coated Berry for hundreds of years, but the unique hawking and selling methods of old Beijingers are rare in other places. Vendors shake a bamboo stick while shouting, and people who buy candied haws have to draw lots after paying a dime. Unlucky people can only take a small gourd with five or six fruits, and lucky people can draw one that is more than a foot long or stuffed with bean paste, which brings a lot of fun.

Winter in the south,

Is a bed covered with straw,

A copper furnace that can’t be released,

With exquisite seasonal delicacies.

Winter (with deletion)

Wang Zengqi

  When you are in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if you have an extra layer of protection in your life. Covered with straw, it is steaming and warm, which makes people feel happy.

  It’s cold, and there are curtains in the hall (note: curtains are floor-to-ceiling windows, door leaves or similar barriers with latticed eyes in the upper part). Juzi, which was unloaded in the spring, has been placed in the compartment. Now, I’ve moved it out, scrubbed it clean, and replaced it with new pink paper and snow-white paper. When you are in bed, you look tight and comfortable, as if you have an extra layer of protection in your life. The family is sitting around, and the lights are amiable.

  The bed was torn down and covered with straw. When washing the curtains, you should choose a fine day in Enigmatic and dry it that day. Xia Bu’s curtains are hanging in the yard, and summer is far away. Straw is packed in a cloth cover, coarse and as big as a bed. Covered with straw, it is warm and fragrant, which makes people feel happy.

  Winter in the south is worse than in the north, and there is no fire in the house. General heating, just copper stove, foot stove and hand stove.

  But it’s still cold. Winter in the south is worse than in the north, and there is no fire in the house. Take off your cotton-padded clothes at night and get into the cold bed; Get up early and put on cold cotton-padded jacket and trousers. It’s really cold.

  After the winter vacation, you can sleep late. The cotton-padded clothes have been dried on the stove, so it is not very difficult to get up. In particular, cotton shoes are so hot that they are really comfortable to wear. There are few people who have iron stoves burning coal there. General heating, just copper stove, foot stove and hand stove.

  The footstool is made of brass and has a perforated cover. What is burned inside is coarse bran. Filled with coarse chaff, shovel a few shovels of red ash from the unfinished Luchai fire (where we burn reeds, it is called "Luchai") and cover it. Coarse chaff led, take a puff of smoke, and soon, when the smoke is gone, you can cover the furnace cover. The coarse chaff can be burned slowly for a long time. Old ladies can’t live without it. I have nothing to do, playing cards, and every old lady has a foot stove at her feet. The coarse chaff in the footstool is too solid, the air is not enough, and the firepower is getting weaker. So we should dig twice along the hearth with a "poker" to loosen the coarse chaff, and the fire will flourish. The foot stove warms people. If your feet are not cold, your whole body is not cold. The smell of burnt bran is also very good. Imitating Japanese haiku, you can make a poem: "In winter, the smell of chaff is burnt in the foot stove."

  Hand stoves are smaller than foot stoves, mostly made of white copper, and the exquisite ones are silver. The furnace cover is not a round hole, but mostly a hollow pine, bamboo and plum blossom pattern. Handstoves are very small, with charcoal sticks in the middle (block fuel made of charcoal powder, mostly cylindrical). Note: sound j:), led by paper media. A charcoal can last a day.

  △ Qing dynasty brass gold-plated "Fenghua Zhengmao" pattern 16-sided round double-beam hand stove. Source: vision china.

  In winter, there are black vegetables and frozen tofu. Fenzi, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

  In winter, there are black vegetables and frozen tofu. Black vegetables fall flat on the ground, which is called "bitter vegetables" in the south of the Yangtze River. This dish tastes slightly bitter. My grandmother opened a small plot in the back garden and planted black vegetables. After frost, the edges of the leaves were purple, and the taste was bitter and sweet. Black vegetables and "crab oil" are cooked together, and the taste is difficult to compare. "Crab oil" is made by boiling and removing meat from big crabs and adding lard. It is put in a bowl in the sea and solidified into crab jelly, which can be eaten for a winter without being bad for a long time.

  After tofu is frozen, I don’t know why it is honeycomb. Melt, cut into small pieces and cook with fresh meat, bacon, beef, dried rice or pickles. Chillies and green garlic should be put in frozen tofu.

  There used to be no Chinese cabbage in the north, only "green vegetables". Chinese cabbage is shipped from Shandong, euphemistically called "yellow sprouts", which is very expensive. "Green vegetables" are as big as rape and two feet high. They are eaten by every family all year round. Pickled vegetables are pickled with green vegetables. It snows on cloudy days and drinks pickles soup.

  △ Tangtuan made of glutinous rice flour Source: vision china

  Flour powder. There is a neighbor who has a cymbal (note: sound duì, a rice-pounding instrument made of wood and stone). This bicycle is usually not used by many people, and it is only borrowed by 10 or 20 nearby houses in winter. The house is very small, except for a raft, there are only some sieves and reeds. It’s fun to step on the pheasant. When you step on it with your foot, it squeaks and twists, and the pheasant mouth rises, and with a bang, it falls into the cockroach nest. When the rice flour is ready, you can steam the rice flour, make "Nian Shao Bing" (glutinous rice flour as the pedicle, wrapped with bean paste and white sugar, and cooked in the pot), and rub the dumplings (that is, dumplings). Fenzi, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

  Text/CCTV news synthesis, map/vision china, network, copyright belongs to the original author.

Cancel the restrictions on the movement of used cars nationwide, interpreted by the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce-accelerating the release of consumption potential in the used

  Core reading

  Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 16 departments, issued the "Several Measures on Invigorating Automobile Circulation and Expanding Automobile Consumption", proposing "supporting the large-scale development of used car circulation, and strictly implementing the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars in all regions". In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said in an interview with this reporter that after the removal restriction policy is completely abolished, used cars will further realize free circulation throughout the country, and the supply of automobile products in various places will be more abundant, which will enhance the adaptability between supply and demand and better meet the demand for automobile consumption.

  Recently, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 16 departments, issued the "Several Measures on Invigorating Automobile Circulation and Expanding Automobile Consumption" (hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures"), proposing "supporting the large-scale development of used car circulation, and strictly implementing the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars in various regions". What is the background for the "Several Measures" to cancel the policy of restricting the movement of used cars? What new measures are there to accelerate the active second-hand car market? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce.

  Second-hand cars will further realize free circulation throughout the country.

  Restricting the removal of used cars has always been a prominent problem that restricts the construction of a unified national automobile market. In the past few years, the State Council has deployed many times, and relevant departments and localities have conscientiously implemented it, and continued to promote the cancellation of the policy of restricting the movement of used cars, and achieved positive results.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, some enterprises and the masses have reported that since the implementation of the national sixth emission standard for new cars nationwide, a few places have "added policy" to used cars, requiring foreign countries to transfer used cars to meet the national sixth emission standard, and vehicles with national fifth emission standards are not allowed to move in. At the same time, there are still some places that violate the existing regulations of the state and restrict the movement of used cars that meet the emission standards of in-use cars, which hinders the free circulation of used cars across regions, restricts the operation of enterprises and inhibits the automobile consumption demand of the masses, which has been strongly reflected by all parties.

  In order to solve these problems, in May, the State Council issued a "package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy", which clearly required that the policy of restricting the movement of used cars be completely abolished. The "Several Measures" have further refined and implemented this to ensure that this measure will be effective as soon as possible. The first is to clarify the scope requirements. That is to say, it is required to implement this policy nationwide, including key areas for air pollution prevention and control, and promote the free circulation of used cars that meet the national five emission standards. The second is to clarify the time requirements. In a few areas, the policy of lifting the restriction on relocation has made slow progress. In order to ensure that this measure will be effective as soon as possible, it is further clarified that this measure will be fully implemented from August 1 this year.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, according to the analysis of relevant institutions, at present, the flow of used cars in China generally presents a regional feature from first-and second-tier cities to third-and fourth-tier cities. After the removal restriction policy is completely abolished, used cars will further realize the free circulation throughout the country, promote the rich supply of automobile products in various places, enhance the adaptability between supply and demand, better meet the demand for automobile consumption, satisfy people’s yearning for a better life, and achieve good economic and social benefits.

  The person in charge said that the Ministry of Commerce will closely follow the progress of the implementation of local policies with relevant departments, do a good job of supervision and inspection, and ensure that the policies are fully implemented and effective as soon as possible.

  Thoroughly get through the difficulties in the circulation of used cars.

  Used cars are an important link in the whole life cycle of automobiles. Invigorating the circulation of used cars can revitalize the stock of cars and increase the consumption of new cars, which plays a very important role in promoting the consumption of cars.

  China’s car ownership has exceeded 300 million, ranking first in the world. After the car ownership reaches a certain level, the second-hand car market begins to increase in volume, which is the universal law of automobile consumption in the world. In 2021, China’s second-hand car trading volume reached 17.59 million, less than 6% of the car ownership, far below the proportion of the international mature car market. The problems of cross-regional restrictions on the movement of second-hand cars, unclear commodity attributes, and limited distribution business have seriously hindered the development of the second-hand car market.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, on the basis of systematic combing and extensive investigation, the Ministry of Commerce has put forward a series of measures to comprehensively develop the circulation of used cars, hoping to completely break through the difficulties in the circulation of used cars, so that used cars can gradually standardize transactions, circulate freely and consume with confidence like new cars. These measures cover almost all aspects and fields of second-hand car circulation, from the registration of market entities to filing, to the accounting treatment and invoice issuance of second-hand cars, and then to the cross-regional circulation and transfer registration of vehicles. In addition to the total cancellation of the relocation restriction policy, the "Several Measures" also includes the following aspects — —

  Support the development of distribution business and promote scale development. Enterprise distribution mode is the main circulation channel of the mature international used car market, accounting for about 70%. China’s used car market is dominated by the "broker+individual" model, and the problem of "small and weak" in the industry is prominent. To this end, the "Several Measures" require the abolition of unreasonable restrictions on the development of second-hand car distribution, and it is clear that enterprises with registered residences and business premises outside the second-hand car trading market can carry out second-hand car sales business. At the same time, because natural persons can’t issue sales invoices to the purchasing enterprises as sellers when selling used cars, in order to facilitate the people to sell cars and business operations, used car enterprises are allowed to issue invoices as buyers, that is, "reverse invoicing", and handle the transfer registration procedures accordingly.

  Optimize transaction registration management and promote efficient circulation. The "Several Measures" clarify that the second-hand cars distributed by enterprises should be accounted for as "inventory goods" like new cars, and a separate endorsement should be made when the vehicles are transferred and registered, and a temporary number plate should be issued, which greatly optimizes the transaction registration process; For cities where automobile purchases are restricted, it is clear that the second-hand cars purchased by automobile sales enterprises and used for sales do not occupy the number plate index, further reducing the operating costs of enterprises and facilitating the circulation of second-hand car transactions.

  Promote the professional, large-scale and standardized development of used car circulation

  The "Several Measures" proposes to restrict natural persons from selling three or more used cars that have been held for less than one year in a natural year. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce said that this measure is more specific, but it plays an important role in promoting the professional, large-scale and standardized development of used car circulation.

  This policy meets the needs of the development of used car circulation and the demands of the industry. According to the current regulations, individuals do not have to pay value-added tax when selling used cars, and they are tax-free. However, the distribution enterprises should levy value-added tax according to a certain proportion of sales when selling used cars. For this reason, some second-hand car distribution enterprises carry out second-hand car distribution business in the name of brokers, and trade the vehicles under the name of individuals, resulting in the phenomenon of individual "backtracking". At present, the circulation of second-hand cars in China is dominated by "brokers+individuals", which leads to the "small and weak" industry, and has a negative impact on society, resulting in unfair competition, as well as many transaction disputes, which has dampened consumer confidence and become a drawback of the industry. The industry calls for effective policies to effectively regulate this phenomenon.

  This measure also draws lessons from the experience of the mature international automobile market. The Ministry of Commerce has fully investigated the management of second-hand car circulation in developed countries. The circulation of second-hand car transactions in developed countries is very common and there are many mature experiences and practices. For example, if an individual sells a certain number of used cars within a certain period of time, he is recognized as a used car dealer. At this time, he can no longer trade in his own name, and must pay taxes according to law. He must express his car condition information to the next distribution enterprise and consumers, and he must also bear the responsibility of quality assurance. The Ministry of Commerce also draws lessons from these international advanced practices.

  This measure will not affect the normal car sales behavior of the majority of car owners. The starting point of this measure is to eliminate the phenomenon of individual "back-selling" and will not affect individual car sales. The number of cars in China has exceeded 300 million, and the number of individual owners is 215 million. Among the 215 million car owners, there are about 2 million car owners who own more than three or more cars. The Ministry of Commerce has conducted in-depth research. Among these 2 million car owners, it is rare to sell more than three cars that have been held for less than one year in one year. Therefore, this measure will not affect the normal car sales behavior of individuals. At the same time, this measure also reserved a half-year transition period, which also reserved sufficient time for reasonably guiding market expectations and ensuring a smooth transition of policies.

  People’s Daily (August 18, 2022, 07 edition)

Not all stories are love stories | Reading Day

Recently, Chinese-American writer Yiyun Li’s novel "Should I Go" met readers in China, which is the first time that Yiyun Li has been translated into Chinese and introduced into domestic novels.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li, but many readers in China read Yiyun Li for the first time. Yiyun Li went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to writing. From the publication of her first novel collection "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, and has become one of the most accomplished Chinese writers in English. Now, she is finally ready to return her works to China.

The first novel translated into Chinese and published.

Many readers in China have heard of Yiyun Li.

Yiyun Li, a Chinese-American writer, is currently a professor and director of creative writing program at Lewis Art Center of Princeton University. She is a "post-70s" who went to the United States to study after graduating from the Biology Department of Peking University, and later turned to English writing. Her first collection of short stories, A Thousand Years of Worship, has aroused widespread concern and affirmation, and won the Frank O ‘Connor International Short Story Award, the American Pen Hemingway Award and the British Guardian Newcomer Award. She herself has been rated as the most noteworthy writer by major authoritative literary magazines, and won the MacArthur Genius Award in the United States in 2010. In 2012, Yiyun Li won the O Henry Award for her short story Kindness, making her the first Chinese writer to win the award. In 2022, Yiyun Li was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a year later, she won the Faulkner Prize for Literature for her new work The Book of Goose.

So far, Yiyun Li has published six novels, three collections of short stories and one memoir. Should I Go, published in 2020, is her first novel translated into Chinese. In this novel, "Lilia has been married three times, raised five children, and is now looking forward to the birth of the 17th grandchild. She has been helping people around her to recognize herself all her life. At the age of eighty-five, she began to be fascinated by the diary of her old friend Roland. When she was young, they had a romantic relationship. She wanted to see what she could leave for the younger generation. The diary recorded Roland’s affairs in great detail. Lilia took pains to add footnotes to everything. A secret relationship that lasted for decades was slowly uncovered, including the existence of her daughter Lucy, who even Roland himself didn’t know. Flame-like passion, the grief of annihilation, people’s hearts go back and forth between these two poles, but they have to find their home and exit and continue to cruise. Yiyun Li gave a dazzling praise to life in the novel, about Lilia and about everyone who comes and goes in our lives. "

At the launch of Should I Go in Shanghai, Bao Huiyi, a young writer and associate professor of English at Fudan University, said that at first she thought the novel was a work about how to face aging and the last years of life, but later she found that it subverted all her presuppositions. She explained that the 80-year-old woman was obsessed with her old lover and went to such great trouble to read his diary, probably because she was immersed in the past, but this was not the case at all. With the development of the story, if it had a core meaning, it was the death of her daughter. In the novel, Lilia gave birth to a child with Roland, or she got a life from Roland. Later, this life passed away. Therefore, in Bao Huiyi’s understanding, Lilia didn’t go to the diary to trace the old love affair at all, and the author Yiyun Li also warned readers from the beginning that not all stories are love stories.

Photo courtesy of Yiyun Li Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Who collects who?

When reading Should I Go, Bao Huiyi found two different voices contending. "There is a male first-person narrator in the book, and then the voice-over is female, because Lilia is constantly making comments when reading Roland’s book, and subverts the male voice, or it can’t be said to be subversive, because her comments actually appear irregularly, which can be said to be a deconstruction of the life story that the man thinks he is. Then you will see such a struggle for the narrative subject, which is very interesting and very tense. "

Bao Huiyi believes that "Should I Go" has at least three or more layers of structure, the first of which is Roland, the author of the diary, and Lilia, the commentator, and the relationship between Lilia and Roland can be expanded. However, Yiyun Li is not unconventional. In an interview with Zhong Na, a bilingual writer and literary translator, Yiyun Li said that she was willing to rely on a traditional structure, and she thought that she could tell the story well with the help of an existing framework. In Bao Huiyi’s view, this is actually a solid writing attitude. Writers rely on their own handy framework to write dialogues and characters well.

Bao Huiyi said that perhaps when reading more than ten pages in the book, readers will feel that Yiyun Li is an author with profound narrative skills and sophisticated life wisdom. For example, in the book, the struggle for topics such as memory and time, the man thinks that he can write a book with a coffin, and the young girl becomes his lover, just one of his many "collections", even just a small footnote in his life, but who actually collects who, who forgets who, what is permanence, what is transience and what is possession?

Zhong Na shared her reading experience at the launch of Should I Go? Zhong Na said that in "Should I Go", readers can see that Lilia shared a lot of life wisdom, and there are many enlightening things, especially some golden sentences, which also show the personality of the characters. "I think the interesting thing that Yiyun Li presents in this book is that there are many golden sentences, but at the same time, the golden sentences are constantly being deconstructed and overthrown, and they are often contradictory, which actually constitutes the personality characteristics of Lilia."

In addition, Lilia keeps reading the diary of his old lover and responding, which seems paranoid. How to understand this behavior, Zhong Na spent a long time thinking, and finally found the answer in another book by Yiyun Li, Dear Friends, Write Your Life from My Life. "Yiyun Li suffered from depression for two years, and then she did some thinking and digestion by reading and reviewing her life, including her relationship with her family, her relationship with literature, and her relationship with the first half of her life. So in fact, she is slowly gaining some wisdom to regain the balance of her life by constantly reading the writer’s letters and diaries. So that book is actually having a dialogue with "Should I Go?", that is, through very in-depth reading, the lives of readers and authors are intertwined. So after I reread the book, I read "Should I Go" again, and I have a feeling of understanding Lilia. When a person’s life is in a dilemma, she re-establishes a narrative by reading this most extreme way to enter the other’s brain. "

A Chinese writer who writes in English

The Chinese simplified version of Should I Go was published, which made many readers who had heard of Yiyun Li read Yiyun Li for the first time.

At the launch of Should I Go, Penglun, an archipelago book publisher, recalled his association with Yiyun Li and shared the publishing story of Should I Go. He said that for many readers, Yiyun Li has always been a legend or a legend. From the publication of the first collection of novels "A Thousand Years of Worship" in 2005 to the present, she has always written in English, but she was not born and raised in the United States, but a writer who went to study in the United States from China. Before going to the United States, she had never published her works in Chinese. Among the current Chinese writers, Yiyun Li can be said to be the most accomplished writer in English, and many readers in China who are concerned about the world literary world are also curious. Why has Yiyun Li never published Chinese works before?

Peng Lun introduced that he began to pay attention to Yiyun Li in 2004. At that time, his job was to report some trends in the literary and publishing circles at home and abroad, and he learned by chance that Yiyun Li had won a new literary prize. He had never heard of this writer, so he searched the Internet for relevant information and got in touch with Yiyun Li by email.

In 2005, Yiyun Li published her first collection of short stories in the United States and won some literary prizes. At that time, Peng Lungang started publishing and asked Yiyun Li if she could translate this collection of novels into China, but she refused. With the increasing popularity of Yiyun Li, other China media began to pay attention to this writer. However, when asked when he would publish a book in China, Yiyun Li said no.

"I noticed at that time that she felt that she was not ready at that stage, or that China was not ready to accept her as a Chinese writer writing in English." Peng Lun said.

Ten years later, until 2020, Peng Lun suddenly received a letter from Yiyun Li’s agent and her latest novel manuscript at that time, that is, "Should I go?".

Zhong Na thinks, "Should I Go" is a very mature writer who is very satisfied with his current creation, so Yiyun Li is willing to make it the starting point for his work to enter the Chinese world. Zhong Na has been paying attention to Yiyun Li’s creative career. In her view, the writer’s writing has been constantly changing, broadening her own boundaries. In the early days, Yiyun Li’s writing actually paid more attention to the depiction of characters’ inner images, as well as the connection of very special characters’ emotions and relationships, and even hid himself among the characters. But later, Yiyun Li did a lot of experiments and broadening on texts and writing, and his works were more mature than those in his early years.

It is reported that besides Should I Go, Yiyun Li’s other two works, The Book of Goose and Wednesday’s Children, have also been put on the publishing schedule. "Although her works entered the Chinese world for the first time, many readers, especially female readers, recognized her voice and the charm of her works very quickly, which gave me great confidence." Peng Lun said.

Reporter: Jiang Dan Editor: Zheng Xu Proofreading: Yang Hefang
