Expert: High-potassium fruit is a "deadly poison" for patients with kidney disease.

  Wuhan Evening News (correspondent Liu Shan, reporter Yan Yan) The man ate five oranges in one breath, and soon fainted to the ground, and his heart might stop at any time? Don’t doubt, it seems incredible, but it has something to do with the common disease of hypertension.

  Mr. Jiang, a 44-year-old from Houhu, opened a small shop by himself. Because he kept the shop every day, he seldom had any activities. More than ten years ago, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure, but he felt that he was young and strong. He didn’t take medicine at all. He only took it once in a while when he felt unwell. When he was well, he stopped taking medicine and never went to the hospital for a physical examination.

  Some time ago, Mr. Jiang always felt bored, and sometimes his calves were swollen, but he didn’t care too much. Before lunch the day before yesterday, he ate oranges while looking at the shop and ate five at a time. Not long after, Mr. Jiang lost consciousness and fainted on the ground. His family quickly called 120 ambulances to take him to the nearby Houhu Campus in central hospital of wuhan.

  After examination, his creatinine was as high as 1700umol/L, and his blood potassium was as high as 7.2mmol/l, while the normal concentration of blood potassium was 3.5-5.5 mmol/L. The doctor diagnosed it as uremia and hyperkalemia!

  The situation is critical and cardiac arrest may occur at any time. The rescue was carried out against time. After emergency hemodialysis, hypokalemia and other symptomatic treatments, Mr. Jiang finally turned the corner. Xiao Wei, Deputy Chief Physician of Nephrology, inquired about the medical history and found that Mr. Jiang himself suffered from hypertension, but there was no standardized treatment, and the result was uremia. And oranges are the "fuse" of the disease: rich in potassium. For uremia patients, oranges are delicious but deadly poison. Normal people can excrete excess potassium in their bodies through urine, but patients with chronic renal insufficiency have reduced potassium excretion ability because of renal function decline. If you eat a lot of high-potassium food, it may lead to the accumulation of potassium in the body and hyperkalemia, which may lead to cardiac arrest and life-threatening.

  Chen Wenli, director of the Department of Nephrology, said that in recent years, the increasing of hypertension and diabetes is an important reason for the increase of uremia patients. Long-term poor control of hypertension and hyperglycemia will lead to serious damage to renal function and eventually lead to uremia. Therefore, it is suggested that people with high-risk factors should treat and control diseases in a standardized way. In addition to regular monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar, urine routine and renal function should also be checked regularly.

  As the Spring Festival is approaching, people with renal insufficiency such as uremia must keep their mouths shut and eat less or no foods with high potassium content, such as grapes, bananas, oranges, oranges, pomegranates, kelp, leeks and spinach, so as not to cause hyperkalemia. Potassium intake can be reduced by blanching vegetables. In addition, low sodium salt also contains a large amount of potassium salt, which can not be used for patients with chronic renal insufficiency.

Feel the breath of spring, Chongqing is full of flowers and intoxicated tourists.

After beginning of spring, everything recovered, and the life that had been dormant for a winter was quietly in full bloom, and it entered Chongqing’s parks, scenic spots and sightseeing agricultural complexes. Pear blossoms were whiter than snow, rape blossoms were gorgeous and warm, peach blossoms were tender and delicate, and plum blossoms, plum blossoms, begonia flowers and tulips all blossomed brilliantly.
On February 24th, the reporter of New Chongqing-Chongqing Daily combed the information released by the Municipal Cultural Tourism Commission and other departments, specially arranged a number of good places to enjoy flowers, punched in with family and friends, and felt the breath of spring at a glance.
When you go to Chongqing to enjoy flowers in spring, the first thing is naturally the "train to spring" talked about by countless netizens. Its address is located in Fotuguan Park, Yuzhong District. At present, the plum blossom here has been opened for the second time. In addition to the colorful flowers and quiet and pleasant fragrance, you can also take a close-up photo with Rail Transit Line 2 when you go to Fotuguan Park to enjoy the plum blossom. It should be reminded that citizens and tourists come here to enjoy the flowers and take photos. Apart from the fact that the rail train passes through the flowers, the scene of the train on Line 2 entering the tunnel in front of Daping Station is also very aesthetic. The wide angle of the lens can be enlarged, and the picture of Jialing River water and binjiang road can be captured.
▲ Plum blossoms along Baigongguan-Zhazidong Scenic Area. Photo courtesy of respondents
At present, the foot of Geleshan Mountain has a breath of spring. Tens of thousands of square meters of red plums are planted in Meiyuan in Geleshan and along the east side of Baigongguan to the south side of Zhazidong. Citizens and tourists can first take photos and punch in the hillside beside Songshan Square/in front of Zhazidong, and then walk along the mountain line, enjoying the flowers and enjoying the Hongyan spirit.
▲ Plum blossoms in Caiyunhu National Wetland Park in Jiulongpo. Photo courtesy of respondents
At present, a wide variety of plum blossoms have been in full bloom in Caiyunhu National Wetland Park in Jiulongpo District. In addition to a large area of Meilin landscape, the entrance, platform and other venues are also decorated with cultural landscape elements such as landscape walls and cave doors, which increases the cultural atmosphere of Meiyuan.
The plum blossoms in Huayan tourist area have a unique style against the red wall, which can let citizens and tourists appreciate the leisurely Zen of red plum. Plum blossoms are planted on the roadside around the lake in the tourist area, which is combined with the scenery around the lake and has a unique charm.
▲ Cherry blossoms in Jiangjun Village, Qitang Town, Bishan. Photo courtesy of respondents
Jiangjun Village, Qitang Town, Bishan District, a small farmhouse with brick walls and blue tiles, is embedded between green mountains and green waters, and the clouds are faint and smoky, which is a vibrant scene. At present, more than 100,000 cherry blossoms here are also in full bloom, and the trees and clouds are bright and moving, much like the comic book world. In addition to cherry blossom viewing, you can also go fishing, pick fruits and vegetables, taste farm dishes, etc., which has an original ecological countryside taste.
More than 60,000 red cherry blossoms have also entered the best viewing period in the beautiful cherry blossom sea scenic spot in Jinlong Village, Shimen Town, Jiangjin. A cherry blossom feast, a beautiful myth and a feeling of traveling through time and space … At present, the eighth Red Cherry Blossom Festival and the second classic "Shan Hai Jing" are being held in the scenic spot, offering a visual and cultural feast to tourists.
▲ Rape flowers in the hometown of Chen Yu in Weinan. Photo courtesy of respondents
The 2024 Chongqing Tongnan Chentuan Hometown Cauliflower Festival will also open on February 28th, inviting citizens and tourists to meet "Tong": enjoy the most beautiful flowers and punch in the most beautiful spring. This year, the cauliflower festival lasted for one month, built 30,000 mu of high-quality art scenic spots, upgraded and put into use 68 kinds of amusement facilities, and launched more than 20 wonderful cultural tourism activities in three categories, with many fancy new explosions and fancy new games to let tourists enjoy the "rhyme of spring".
▲ Jinfeng Jiufeng Lihua Mountain in High-tech Zone. Photo courtesy of respondents
It is worth mentioning that the Municipal Urban Management Bureau has also issued the "Spring in Parks in Chongqing in 2024", which includes the flower viewing information of nearly 50 flowering plants in more than 220 flower viewing spots from February to May in all districts and counties of the city, including urban parks, street roads, squares, flower seedling bases and rural tourist destinations.
At the same time, major parks in Chongqing will also hold a series of "Spring in the Park" activities, including lantern viewing, cultural performances, theme photography, popular science interaction and many other special cultural activities. Interested citizens and tourists can check the guide through "Chongqing Urban Management" WeChat WeChat official account.

The Deed Tax Law will be implemented from now on: the deed tax will be exempted in six situations, such as the transfer of ownership by husband and wife and the inheritance of real estate by children

The Deed Tax Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (hereinafter referred to as the Deed Tax Law) shall come into force on September 1, 2021, and the Provisional Regulations on Deed Tax of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (hereinafter referred to as the Provisional Regulations) shall be abolished at the same time. Has the deed tax rate really increased? Compared with the Provisional Regulations, which provisions of the Deed Tax Law have changed and which have not? Don’t worry, we’ve arranged it for you.
1. The statutory tax rate has not changed.
The Deed Tax Law maintains the tax rate of 3% ~ 5% as stipulated in the Provisional Regulations, and does not increase it. It only adjusts the procedure for determining the applicable tax rate according to the principle of statutory taxation: it is determined by the provincial people’s government and put forward by the provincial people’s government and reported to the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at the same level for decision, and then put on record according to regulations.
Second, the scope of taxation has been slightly adjusted.
The scope of taxation stipulated in the Deed Tax Law has been slightly adjusted, and the most important thing is to include the "transfer of collectively operated construction land" in the scope of taxation.
Third, the preferential targets have been expanded.
On the basis of the original preferential treatment, the Deed Tax Law has added provisions to exempt some non-profit organizations from deed tax. At the same time, the Deed Tax Law makes it clear that if the ownership of land and house is changed between husband and wife during the marriage relationship, the legal heirs can enjoy the privilege of exemption from deed tax by inheriting the ownership of land and house.
Fourth, it is more convenient to declare and pay taxes.
The Deed Tax Law combines the declaration period and the tax payment period into one, so taxpayers can complete the declaration and tax payment at one time before going through the registration formalities of land and house ownership.
Fifth, the rights and interests of taxpayers are more secure.
The Deed Tax Law also clarifies the tax refund situation and strengthens the confidentiality of tax-related information, which is an important embodiment of fully protecting taxpayers’ rights and interests.
See the following table for details of specific changes:
People’s Republic of China (PRC) deed tax law
(Adopted at the 21st meeting of the 13th the NPC Standing Committee on August 11th, 2020)
Article 1 The units and individuals who transfer the ownership of land and houses within the territory of People’s Republic of China (PRC) are taxpayers of deed tax and shall pay the deed tax in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 2 The transfer of ownership of land and houses as mentioned in this Law refers to the following acts:
(a) the transfer of land use rights;
(two) the transfer of land use rights, including sale, gift and exchange;
(three) the sale, gift and exchange of houses.
The transfer of land use right mentioned in the second paragraph of the preceding paragraph does not include the transfer of land contractual management right and land management right.
Where the ownership of land and houses is transferred by means of fixed-price investment (share purchase), debt repayment, transfer or reward, deed tax shall be levied in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 3 The deed tax rate is 3% to 5%.
The specific applicable tax rate of deed tax shall be proposed by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government within the tax rate range specified in the preceding paragraph, submitted to the Standing Committee of the people’s congress at the same level for decision, and reported to the NPC Standing Committee and the State Council for the record.
Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the preceding paragraph, determine different tax rates for the transfer of ownership of different subjects, different regions and different types of housing.
Article 4 Tax basis for deed tax:
(a) the transfer and sale of land use rights, the sale of houses, the transaction price determined for the transfer contract of land and house ownership, including the money to be delivered and the price corresponding to the physical objects and other economic benefits;
(two) land use rights swap, housing swap, the difference between the exchanged land use rights and housing prices;
(3) The land use right gift, house gift and other transfer of land and house ownership without price are the prices legally approved by the tax authorities with reference to the market price of land use right sale and house sale.
If the difference between the transaction price and the swap price declared by the taxpayer is obviously low without justifiable reasons, it shall be verified by the tax authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) Municipality on the Administration of Tax Collection.
Article 5 The taxable amount of deed tax shall be calculated by multiplying the tax basis by the specific applicable tax rate.
Article 6 Under any of the following circumstances, the deed tax shall be exempted:
(1) State organs, institutions, social organizations and military units shall inherit the ownership of land and houses for office, teaching, medical care, scientific research and military facilities;
(two) non-profit schools, medical institutions, social welfare institutions to bear the ownership of land and housing for office, teaching, medical care, scientific research, pension, relief;
(three) bear the barren hills, wasteland, wasteland land use rights for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production;
(four) during the marriage relationship between husband and wife to change the ownership of land and housing;
(five) the legal heir to inherit the ownership of land and housing through inheritance;
(six) foreign embassies, consulates and representative offices of international organizations in China that should be exempted from tax according to the law shall inherit the ownership of land and houses.
According to the needs of national economic and social development, the State Council can provide for the exemption or reduction of deed tax for the housing needs of residents, enterprise restructuring and post-disaster reconstruction, and report it to the NPC Standing Committee for the record.
Article 7 Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may decide to exempt or reduce deed tax in the following cases:
(a) because the land and houses are expropriated and requisitioned by the people’s governments at or above the county level, the ownership of the land and houses is re-assumed;
(two) the loss of housing due to force majeure, to bear the ownership of housing.
Specific measures for the exemption or reduction of deed tax stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be proposed by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, submitted to the Standing Committee of the people’s congress at the same level for decision, and reported to the NPC Standing Committee and the State Council for the record.
Article 8 Taxpayers who change the use of relevant land and houses, or have other circumstances that no longer belong to the exemption or reduction of deed tax as stipulated in Article 6 of this Law, shall pay the tax that has been exempted or reduced.
Article 9 The time when the obligation to pay taxes on deed tax occurs is the day when the taxpayer signs the land and house ownership transfer contract, or the day when the taxpayer obtains other certificates with the nature of the land and house ownership transfer contract.
Tenth taxpayers should declare and pay the deed tax before going through the registration formalities of land and house ownership according to law.
Article 11 After a taxpayer handles tax payment, the tax authorities shall issue deed tax payment vouchers. Taxpayers handle the registration of land and house ownership, and the real estate registration agency shall check the deed tax payment, tax reduction or exemption certificate or relevant information. If the deed tax is not paid in accordance with the regulations, the real estate registration agency shall not handle the registration of land and housing ownership.
Article 12 Before the registration of land and house ownership in accordance with the law, if the ownership transfer contract or the nature certificate of the ownership transfer contract is invalid, invalid, revoked or cancelled, the taxpayer may apply to the tax authorities for refund of the tax paid, and the tax authorities shall handle it according to the law.
Thirteenth tax authorities shall establish a deed tax information sharing and cooperation mechanism with relevant departments. Natural resources, housing and urban construction, civil affairs, public security and other relevant departments shall provide the tax authorities with information related to the transfer of land and housing ownership in a timely manner, and assist the tax authorities in strengthening the management of deed tax collection.
The tax authorities and their staff shall keep confidential the personal information of taxpayers they know in the process of tax collection and management, and shall not disclose or illegally provide it to others.
Article 14 The deed tax shall be collected and managed by the tax authorities where the land and houses are located in accordance with this Law and the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Tax Collection and Management.
Fifteenth taxpayers, tax authorities and their staff in violation of the provisions of this law, in accordance with the "People’s Republic of China (PRC) tax collection and management law" and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall be investigated for legal responsibility.
Article 16 This Law shall come into force as of September 1, 2021. On July 7, 1997, the Provisional Regulations on Deed Tax in People’s Republic of China (PRC) issued by the State Council was abolished at the same time.
Source: China Tax News, New Media, Legal Home.

This Spring Festival, gold has sold out again! Zodiac transit beads sell thousands of pieces a day. Netizen: Wait until the price is reduced before buying.

China Economic Weekly-Economic News The China Gold Association said on the 18th that during the Spring Festival, despite the high price of gold, China’s gold consumption is still hot, and gold jewelry and dragon year gold bars have become the most popular products.
According to CCTV’s financial report, a person in charge of a gold shop said that the zodiac transshipment beads will sell more than thousands of pieces every day. Judging from the sales situation in different regions, gold consumption has also entered second-and third-tier cities from first-tier cities.
Gold analysts said that not only the first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have strong sales demand, but also the demand for gold jewelry, including gold investment, has increased significantly in various provinces and cities across the country.
Some netizens said, "Even the gold jewelry in my hometown’s 18-line county during the Spring Festival is sold out!" "Zodiac transit beads have emotional value needs, and gold products also have the function of maintaining and appreciating investment, so the gold consumer market continues to prosper." "Wait for the price of gold to be reduced before buying, and regret that I didn’t start before." "Investment needs to be cautious!"
New Media Editor: Wang Xinjing

Huawu Village, Guizhou Province: Qianshan Mountain has beautiful scenery and rural revitalization road is wider.

  Standing on the observation deck, overlooking Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery, among the layers of clouds, there are rows of characteristic houses, picturesque landscapes, cruise ships passing through the blue waves, and tourists coming and going in an endless stream. Here, it is Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Township, Qianxi City, Bijie City, Guizhou Province (the county was withdrawn and the city was established on May 10, 2021).

  Huawu Village, formerly known as "Huawuji", means "village under the cliff". It is a small mountain village that was blocked by cliffs in the past and was once a state-level deep poverty village. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the continuous and precise efforts of a series of policies to benefit the people, Huawu Village has undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully removing the poverty "hat" and becoming a key village for rural tourism in Guizhou.

Corner of Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Corner of Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Taking the "fast train" of rural tourism development, Huawu Village, under the planning of the government and the development of villagers, relies on a good natural environment to vigorously develop tourism and Miao Xiu industries, and is changing from a single eco-tourism model to a variety of tourism formats. This small village, which used to go over mountains and mountains, has successfully embarked on a road of rural revitalization with rich development characteristics.

  Butterfly change: a poor mountain village takes on a new look

  Going out of the mountain to "pick rocks by hand", drinking water on the back of the river and living in thatched cottages were once a true portrayal of Huawu Village.

  Blocked by mountains, the former Huawu village had a bad environment and blocked information, and the villagers relied on self-sufficiency in food, clothing, housing and transportation. To make matters worse, the Wujiang River once sounded the "alarm" of the water ecological environment due to overfishing and deforestation, and the already fragmented land began to rocky desertification, making people’s lives increasingly difficult.

  "Poverty, at that time, there happened to be a reservoir resettlement policy, and many people chose ‘ Escape ’ And those who stay can only stick to it. " Yang Long, a villager in Huawu Village, clearly remembers that before 2012, many people moved out, and when his playmates grew up, he personally gave them away.

Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Tongzu Road in Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  The change of the house originated from the "road". From the initial "Maolu" to the asphalt highway and then to the tourist highway, a road has strung together thousands of households, which has made the villagers see the outside world, broadened their horizons and increased their knowledge. They made up their minds to plant trees and vowed to restore green mountains and rivers.

  After a few years of hard work, more than 1,000 acres of fruit trees are lush and fruitful, and new saplings have grown in the crevices between the mountains. The once barren hillside has gradually recovered its greenery. In 2017, Huawu Village successfully removed the hat of deep poverty village; At the end of 2019, the poor population was cleared.

  At the same time, the clean-up work of cage culture has also been carried out in Huawu Village. Village cadres went door to door to explain the fishing ban policy and persuade fishermen to go ashore. By the end of 2018, all 32 cages in Huawu Village had been dismantled, and 12 fishermen had switched to production, with a conversion rate of 100%.

  "In addition to comprehensively arranging our family situation, the village has also collected many policies on employment, entrepreneurship, skills training and social security for retired fishermen to help everyone change jobs." Yang Qingxin was born and raised as a homebody. In the past few decades, he has been fishing in the six red section of Wujiang River for a living. After the introduction of the no-fishing policy, Yang Qingxin went ashore and became a river guard, earning a steady income of 3,000 yuan per month.

Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Scenery of Wujiang Baili Gallery beside Huawu Village. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  After the improvement of the ecological environment, the housebuilders with green mountains and green waters will naturally not miss it. Many villagers who moved out of the reservoir area chose to move back to the old site and build their homes together. As a result, the people who renovated their houses, skillfully changed their courtyards, and learned to cook, seized the opportunity and made preparations for eating "tourist meals".





  2021年2月3日至5日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到贵州考察调研,看望慰问各族干部群众,向全国各族人民致以美好的新春祝福。这是3日下午,习近平在毕节市黔西县新仁苗族乡化屋村文化广场上,向全国各族人民、港澳台同胞和海外侨胞拜年。新华社记者 李学仁摄





Miao Xiu products. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Miao Xiu products. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In order to make embroidery products more widely used, Yang Wenli’s poverty alleviation workshop was not limited to ethnic costumes, but set up a professional design team to combine tradition and fashion, and integrate embroidery batik into costumes, sachets and other designs, so that products are exported to all parts of the country. In 2021, Yang Wenli sold 1.6 million yuan of embroidered batik products "online and offline" to help more than 60 local embroidered mothers achieve employment.

  In addition, Huawu Village also has special food — — Huang ba. In order to let more tourists and consumers taste this traditional food, the "two committees" of Huawu village branch led the cooperative through the village party branch and opened the huang ba processing factory. On May 1, 2022, huang ba Processing Factory in Huawu Village was officially put into operation. At present, it has sold more than 160,000 kilograms of huang ba with a sales volume of 1.66 million yuan, which has driven more than 30 villagers to find jobs nearby.

Huawu Village develops huang ba's industry and promotes villagers' employment. People's Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Huawu Village develops huang ba’s industry and promotes villagers’ employment. People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  Strengthen the eco-cultural tourism infrastructure of Wujiang Yuanbaili Gallery, build a Miao Xiu workshop for more young people to pick up needlework again, and make good use of the huang ba processing workshop to drive the surrounding villagers to stabilize their employment … … Huawu Village is committed to making a big article on the integration and development of diversified industries. A number of projects, such as Huawu Visitor Center, Ecological Camp, New Energy Cruise, Sightseeing Carriage, Kangyang Residential Accommodation, are being promoted one after another.

  Casting Soul: Civilization, Fresh Wind and Moisturizing Home

  "The development of tourism, unified standards is the key. The original intention of our association was to regulate the tourism market. " Yang Ye used to be a teacher and an early homestay owner in Huawu Village. His association is Huawuji Catering Homestay Association.

  In order to highlight the characteristics of Huawu and prevent uncivilized tourism phenomena such as shoddy goods, bullying customers and slaughtering customers, Huawu Village established Huawuji Catering B&B Association according to the wishes of the people. Many villagers joined the "big family" of the association and standardized from the most basic standards of food and shelter.

  An association, but not simple. As far as eating is concerned, Huawu Village has made great efforts in the research and development of special dishes, and established a leading group for the research and development of special dishes in Huawu Village, Qianxi City, headed by the Standing Committee of Qianxi Municipal Committee and the Minister of Propaganda, to create traditional Huawu farm dishes with characteristics and enhance tourists’ rural travel experience.

  Huawu Village develops the tourism industry and attracts tourists to "punch in". People’s Network Long Zhangyu photo

  In the specific implementation process, the food R&D team made clear the 16 special dishes that must be cooked, and specified the materials used for each dish in detail, so that each farmhouse can accurately grasp the standard and quality of the dishes and satisfy the tourists.

  "Although no complaints have been received so far, it is better to standardize etiquette training and evaluate pricing by the association." Now, Yang Ye is the president of Huawuji Catering B&B Association. He said that he hoped that the villagers would take tourism as a long-term career and do a good job in all kinds of services, so that tourists can enjoy high-standard tourism services while enjoying the beautiful scenery, and really start the brand of plastic house tourism.




  化屋村“乡村振兴 共同富裕”几个字引人注目。人民网 龙章榆摄


  Adhering to ecological priority and green development, the Youjia three brothers are a microcosm of the villagers’ active participation in rural governance. As rural tourism continues to heat up, the housebuilders who are rich in scenery pay more attention to the protection of ecological environment, forming a good atmosphere of catching up and learning. "When the trash can is full, people who are ready to throw garbage will take their garbage home, and they will not pile it up everywhere. Everyone will also supervise each other and jointly care for the environment of the housebuilder." Chang Kailin is quite proud.

  Nowadays, the environment is beautiful, the days are rich, and life is more and more exciting. The villagers are more and more willing to "develop rural industries well, protect the ecological environment well, carry forward national traditional culture well, give full play to the effectiveness of social governance, and build grass-roots party organizations well". A picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance and rich life is slowly unfolding in Huawu Village. (Wang Qin, Wang Xiufang)

Two departments: after 2020, candidates with technical secondary school education will no longer be accepted to take the licensed pharmacist exam.

  BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, National Medical Products Administration and the heads of relevant departments of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security answered questions from reporters on the Provisions on the Professional Qualification System for Licensed Pharmacists and the Implementation Measures for the Professional Qualification Examination for Licensed Pharmacists. The relevant person in charge said that this system revision has set up a connection plan for the transition between the old and new systems for technical secondary school education. The transition period will end on December 31, 2020, and candidates with technical secondary school education will no longer be accepted after 2020.

  1. What is the background and significance of the revision of the System Regulations and Examination Measures?

  A: The licensed pharmacist system in China was established in 1994. In 1999, the former National Medical Products Administration and the former Ministry of Personnel jointly revised the Interim Provisions on the Qualification System of Licensed Pharmacists and the Implementation Measures for the Qualification Examination of Licensed Pharmacists (No.34 [1999] of the People’s Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as "Document No.34"), which clearly stipulated that licensed pharmacists should implement a unified national outline, unified examination, unified registration and unified management. Over the years, licensed pharmacists have played an active role in guiding the public to use drugs safely and rationally and ensuring the quality and safety of drugs. By the end of 2018, the number of people who passed the licensed pharmacist qualification examination had reached 1.03 million.

  With the implementation of new laws and regulations and the development of drug safety supervision, some new situations and problems have emerged in the work of licensed pharmacists, and Circular 34 has been unable to meet the needs of the construction and development of licensed pharmacists and supervision. First, with the development of China’s pharmaceutical higher education and the increasing demand for public medication safety, the admission conditions for licensed pharmacists stipulated in Document No.34 can no longer meet the requirements of the current situation. Second, in view of the outstanding problems in the management of licensed pharmacists, such as "certificate attachment" and the failure of enterprises to equip licensed pharmacists as required, Circular No.34 lacks corresponding punishment clauses and grass-roots supervision cannot be relied upon. Third, the administrative subject of the implementation of the current system has changed several times.

  In order to meet the needs of reform and development, rationalize the management rights and responsibilities of licensed pharmacists, speed up the construction of licensed pharmacists, and ensure the safe and effective use of drugs by the public, the two departments revised Circular 34 on the basis of fully listening to opinions from many parties.

  Two, compared with the original system, what are the main changes in the "system regulations" and "examination methods"?

  A: First, improve the entry threshold for licensed pharmacists’ academic qualifications, adjust the minimum academic qualifications from technical secondary school to junior college, and appropriately increase the working years of candidates in related majors in pharmacy (Chinese pharmacy). The second is to carry out information management on the registration of licensed pharmacists nationwide, establish credit records of licensed pharmacists, and conduct credit management on practice activities. The third is to clarify the punishment measures for licensed pharmacists and practicing units, and to restrict licensed pharmacists with bad information records when applying for registration. The fourth is to strengthen the operability of linking the professional qualification of licensed pharmacists with the intermediate professional title of pharmacy. Fifth, it is clear that Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents are treated equally with mainland residents when they participate in national licensed pharmacist qualification examination, registration, continuing education and practice. Sixth, adjust the examination period from two years to four years, and extend the examination period appropriately.

  3. What are the specific requirements of the "Regulations" for the qualification examination of licensed pharmacists?

  A: In order to improve the quality of licensed pharmacists, strengthen the professionalism of the team, and highlight the post practice requirements, this revision will adjust the entry threshold for licensed pharmacists’ academic qualifications from secondary school to junior college, and appropriately increase the working years of relevant professional candidates in pharmacy (Chinese pharmacy).

  The "Regulations" clarify that all People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens and foreigners who are allowed to work in China can apply for the professional qualification examination for licensed pharmacists if they meet one of the following conditions: (1) They have obtained a college degree in pharmacy and Chinese medicine, and have worked in pharmacy or Chinese medicine for 5 years; (two) to obtain a bachelor’s degree or bachelor’s degree in pharmacy or Chinese medicine, and to work in pharmacy or Chinese medicine for 3 years; (3) Having obtained the second bachelor’s degree, graduate class or master’s degree in pharmacy or Chinese pharmacy, and having worked in pharmacy or Chinese pharmacy for one year; (four) to obtain a doctorate in pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine; (5) Persons who have obtained corresponding academic qualifications or degrees in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine will have their working years in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine increased by one year.

  4. How do the Examination Measures stipulate the conditions for applying for some examination subjects with exemption?

  A: The "Examination Measures" canceled the original working years for the conditions for applying for some examination subjects that are exempt from examination. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, those who have obtained senior professional titles in pharmacy or medicine and work in pharmaceutical posts may be exempted from taking the examination of pharmaceutical professional knowledge (1) and pharmaceutical professional knowledge (2), and only take the examination of pharmaceutical management and regulations and pharmaceutical comprehensive knowledge and skills; Those who have obtained the senior professional title of Chinese medicine or Chinese medicine and work in the post of Chinese medicine can be exempted from the examination of Chinese medicine professional knowledge (1) and Chinese medicine professional knowledge (2), and only take the examination of pharmaceutical affairs management and regulations and comprehensive knowledge and skills of Chinese medicine.

  Applicants with senior titles who meet the requirements of exemption from the two subjects must work in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine and obtain senior titles in pharmacy or medicine, and their qualifications for senior titles should be obtained before the deadline for registration. Those who have worked in pharmacy or Chinese pharmacy and obtained senior professional titles in pharmacy or medicine but have not been employed in the corresponding positions may apply for the exam.

  V. What transitional policies or measures are there for the applicants with technical secondary school education in this revision?

  A: In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of candidates, this system revision has set up a bridging scheme for the transition between the old and new systems for technical secondary school education, with the transition period ending on December 31, 2020. Those who meet the requirements of the original No.34 document and register for the examination in 2018 and 2019, the validity period of the examination results shall be implemented according to the original provisions of 2 years; Those who sign up for the exam in 2020 should complete all the exam subjects within that year, and will no longer accept candidates with secondary school education after 2020.

  Six, how to manage the continuing education of licensed pharmacists, and how to effectively link the registration management with continuing education?

  A: Licensed pharmacists should receive continuing education, update their professional knowledge and improve their professional level in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national continuing education for professional and technical personnel. The state encourages licensed pharmacists to participate in practical training. The continuing education credits of licensed pharmacists shall be recorded in the national licensed pharmacist registration management information system in time by the continuing education management institution.

  7. How are the professional qualifications and professional titles of licensed pharmacists linked?

  A: In order to implement the relevant requirements of the reform of the central professional title system and promote the effective connection between the professional qualification system and the professional title system, the "System Regulations" clearly stipulates that professional and technical personnel who have obtained the professional qualification of licensed pharmacists can be recognized as having the title of competent pharmacist or competent Chinese pharmacist, and can be used as a condition for applying for a higher-level professional title. The unit selects the best one according to the needs of the work.

  Eight, the "Regulations" on the "Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate" linked to other acts of what punishment?

  A: In order to solve the problem of law enforcement at the grass-roots level, the "Regulations on the System" stipulates a number of measures to solve the regulatory problems such as the on-the-job absence of licensed pharmacists and the affiliation of the Registered Certificate of Licensed Pharmacists. For example, the second paragraph of Article 13 stipulates that applicants for registration must abide by the law and discipline, abide by the professional ethics of licensed pharmacists, and have no bad information records. Article 26 stipulates that units that fail to equip licensed pharmacists according to regulations shall be ordered by the local drug supervision and administration department at or above the county level to equip them within a time limit, and shall be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Article 28 stipulates that if a licensed pharmacist registration certificate is obtained by cheating, bribery or other improper means, the licensed pharmacist registration certificate shall be revoked by the issuing department and the licensed pharmacist shall not be registered within three years; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. It is strictly forbidden to link the Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate. If the registered unit of the holder is inconsistent with the actual work unit, the Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate shall be revoked by the issuing department and recorded in the national licensed pharmacist registration management information system as personal bad information by the department responsible for drug supervision and administration. Units that buy, sell or lease the Licensed Pharmacist Registration Certificate shall be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  The "Regulations on the System" clarifies the punishment measures for the violations of licensed pharmacists and practicing units, so that grass-roots supervision has laws to follow. When applying for registration of licensed pharmacists with bad information records, the registration will not be approved until the bad information records are revoked. Through the establishment of licensed pharmacists’ integrity records and licensed pharmacists’ big data management, we will increase the crackdown on licensed pharmacists’ "hanging certificates" and establish a normalization mechanism for "hanging certificates" governance.

  9. What are the new regulations for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents in this revision?

  A: In order to further facilitate the work and life of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents in the Mainland (Mainland) and promote the technical exchange of pharmaceutical professionals and technicians, the "System Regulations" has specially added relevant provisions for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents to apply for the professional qualification of licensed pharmacists, making it clear that Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents’ application for national licensed pharmacist qualification examination, registration, continuing education, practice and other activities, just like mainland (Mainland) residents, should be handled with reference to relevant regulations.

  X. How to promote the follow-up work after the promulgation of the "System Provisions" and "Examination Measures"?

  A: We will do a good job in the following four aspects: First, we will do a good job in organizing and implementing the system. Carry out various forms of publicity and policy interpretation, so that the majority of pharmaceutical technicians can fully know, understand and support the newly revised "System Provisions" and "Examination Methods". Second, taking the opportunity of system revision, we will carry out centralized rectification of licensed pharmacists in pharmaceutical retail enterprises to promote the healthy and benign development of licensed pharmacists’ professional qualification system. The third is to pay close attention to the revision of the "Administrative Measures for the Registration of Licensed Pharmacists" and other supporting documents. The fourth is to implement the development goals and tasks of licensed pharmacists in the "Thirteenth Five-Year National Drug Safety Plan", strengthen the supervision and inspection of licensed pharmacists in retail pharmacies, standardize the practice behavior of licensed pharmacists, and guide and urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility of licensed pharmacists.

Zhilin Information applied for the patent of remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud service, and realized the remote vocational education examination system with flex

The patent abstract shows that the invention discloses a remote vocational education examination system and method based on cloud services, which relates to the technical field of remote examinations, and comprises a system management module, a test paper generation module, an online examination module and an analysis feedback module; The system management module is used to manage data storage and backup, the cloud server interface connected with the education system and data security detection; The test paper generation module is used to screen out the test questions from the test question bank according to the distribution, difficulty, innovation and novelty of knowledge points; The online examination module monitors the abnormal behavior of candidates in real time from two aspects: surveillance video monitoring and network activity monitoring; The analysis and feedback module adjusts the test paper generation method based on the examinee’s comprehensive anomaly index. The invention realizes a remote vocational education examination system with flexible test paper generation method and comprehensive abnormal behavior monitoring method.

Beita District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau: Building a "Safe Bottom Line" for the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers.

Red Net News January 31 ST(Correspondent Liu Longying Liu Yimeng) As the year is approaching, the Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will strengthen the publicity and inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in its jurisdiction, build a clean and tidy urban environment, and effectively eliminate the safety hazards caused by fireworks and firecrackers.
In Gaobao Community of Tianjiang Street, urban management law enforcement team members went into commercial stores to publicize the dangers of setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and guided the general public to strive to be communicators of civilized new winds, not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, and to live a fresh, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safe low-carbon year.
In order to further strengthen the management of "no burning and no releasing" of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival, public officials of all party and government organs, enterprises and institutions in Beita District signed a letter of commitment not to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the no-firing area of the city. The District Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau makes full use of publicity columns, car broadcasts, LED display screens in stores, and publicity materials distributed in the market to widely publicize the relevant laws and regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers. Implement grid management responsibility, strengthen inspection and duty work in key areas and time periods, and build a daily supervision system. Strengthen publicity and education, actively guide the general public to use sound, light and electricity products instead of traditional fireworks and firecrackers, and choose safe, environmentally friendly and novel festive ways such as festive music and flowers to celebrate the Spring Festival.
In the next step, Beita District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau will continue to increase the publicity of fireworks and firecrackers, strengthen inspections and investigations on key places and high-incidence periods, discourage discharge in time, and strive to create a safe, orderly and peaceful holiday atmosphere.

Shanghai: Seize working hours and speed up the resumption of work and production in the automobile industry.

  Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 10th Title: Shanghai: Seize working hours and speed up the resumption of work and production of the automobile industry.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Rui

  After the epidemic, Shanghai auto industry is speeding up the resumption of production and working hours. Head factories including Tesla Giga Shanghai and Lingang Factory of SAIC Passenger Car Company have resumed double-shift production.

  According to the data released by SAIC on the 9th, in May, the company sold 364,000 vehicles, which is gradually coming out of the epidemic. Among them, the sales volume of new energy vehicles was nearly 72,000, up 56.6% year-on-year. Sales in overseas markets reached 86,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 97%.

On May 25th, at Shanghai haitong international Automobile Terminal in Waigaoqiao, Shanghai, after loading more than 3,000 cars, including more than 1,000 SAIC MG and new Datong cars, the ro-ro ship set off for Australia. Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Yushe

  Faced with the severe challenges brought by the epidemic, SAIC actively promoted the industrial chain and supply chain to resume production while doing a solid job in various epidemic prevention work, and continued to accelerate the pace of production and sales recovery. On May 27th, the Lingang factory of SAIC Passenger Car Company started the double-shift production stress test. At present, the production capacity is about twice that of the single-shift production, which is close to 80% of the full production.

  With the effective control of the epidemic, the supply chain of the automobile industry chain in the Yangtze River Delta region is gradually returning to normal. It is expected that from mid-June, SAIC Passenger Car Company, SAIC Volkswagen and SAIC General Motors will all achieve double-shift production, and SAIC Group’s production and sales are expected to return to growth.

  The reporter learned from Tesla China that since the resumption of production on April 19th, Tesla Giga Shanghai has now rolled off more than 40,000 vehicles, and the capacity utilization rate has returned to 100%. At the same time, this factory also actively promotes and helps the overall industrial chain to resume work efficiently, and promotes the industrial chain of new energy vehicles to return to normal as soon as possible from production to logistics and from sales to delivery.

  According to the data released by the Association, the wholesale sales volume of Tesla in May was 32,165, of which 22,340 were exported to Europe, Australia, Japan and other places. From January to May this year, Tesla delivered a total of 215,851 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of over 50%.

  Tesla’s hundreds of suppliers are not only spread all over the country, but also include many overseas supply links. Relevant departments have promoted and boosted the supply of key parts and warehousing and logistics, and Tesla’s resumption of work has driven relevant industrial chains to resume work and resume production.

  The factory production of the head enterprise has been accelerated, and the self-driving enterprises in the research and development period are also "grabbing working hours".

  The 5G+L4 smart heavy truck project of Youdao Zhitu, a science and technology company in the field of automatic driving, tested "non-stop" under the epidemic situation and "grabbed working hours" by returning to work in batches and stages. According to the plan, by the end of 2022, the downsizing test conducted by enterprises on Donghai Bridge will be gradually reduced from the current five safety officers to two safety officers, that is, except for the head car and the tail car, there will be no safety officers in the middle three cars, so as to achieve a higher degree of autonomous driving operation. This measure is expected to effectively improve the traffic efficiency of Donghai Bridge by 30% to 40%.

On the Donghai Bridge, Youdao Zhitu 5G+L4 smart heavy trucks are lining up. (Respondents for the picture)

  The brand-new unmanned pure electric intelligent transfer vehicle independently developed by Youdao Zhitu can realize 24-hour unmanned operation in ports and docks. During the epidemic, the trial production team took the initiative to close the scientific research work, and completed the first car off-line and site dynamic test as originally planned. According to the plan, the unmanned pure electric intelligent transfer vehicle will start commercial operation in Qingdao port in the second half of the year.

When he was an official in Hainan, he asked his boss to buy a house and went to Guizhou for his son’s liquor business. He was accused of collecting more than 450 million yuan! My younger brother once

"I don’t know what I want money for. I don’t worry about eating and drinking. What do you need money for? Bury you! I now know that my crazy greed is at its peak, but I don’t know why I want money. "

On the 16th, the anti-corruption TV feature film "Zero Tolerance" aired the second episode "Beating tigers and catching flies", and Wang Fuyu, the former party secretary and chairman of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, who was accused of collecting more than 450 million yuan, repented in front of the camera.

Source: "Zero Tolerance" video screenshot

Wang Fuyu, who will turn 70 this year, was dismissed in February last year, when he retired as the chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference for more than three years.

Wang Fuyu was born in Tanghe, Henan Province, and his official career involved Hebei, Hainan and Guizhou. In February 1998, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of Hainan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Sanya Municipal Party Committee, and became a deputy provincial cadre. Later, he was appointed as Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Haikou Municipal Party Committee. In December 2004, Wang Fuyu was transferred to Guizhou as deputy secretary of the provincial party committee; in January 2012, he was elected as vice chairman of the CPPCC; in the following year, he was elected as chairman of the CPPCC; and he retired in January 2018.

In February 2021, Wang Fuyu was investigated and expelled from the Party in August. According to the report,This man is duplicitous, double-dealing, double-dealing, morally bankrupt, and has a bad family style. Until he retires, he still collects money and collects wealth.

On November 30, 2021, Tianjin No.1 Intermediate People’s Court held a public hearing in the first instance to hear the Wang Fuyu case. The prosecution accused him of corruption as early as 1995 until he was investigated in 2021. It uses the convenience of its position and the convenient conditions for the formation of its authority and status to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in matters such as enterprise management, planning approval, and job adjustment.Accumulated more than 434 million yuan.In addition, from 2019 to 2020, after leaving office, Wang Fuyu also used his influence to accept property given by others.A total of 17.35 million yuan.

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

The feature film broadcast on 16th revealed that Wang Fuyu’s violation of discipline and law and collection of money began in 1990s, and he was still collecting money from private entrepreneurs until a few days before he was detained, which lasted for a long time and was deeply hidden.

The feature film revealed that Wang Fuyu’s long-term use of a luxury villa in Guiyang was decorated with high-grade funds from his close boss, with a movie hall and a gym, and all the details were exquisite.

Interestingly,The words hanging on the wall in the living room of the villa are all advertising that they care about the people and are indifferent to fame and fortune.Hanging in the middle is the famous saying of a magistrate of a county during the reign of Kangxi: "It is not honorable to get an official, but it is not shameful to lose an official. Don’t say that an official is useless, and the place depends on one official; Eat the food of the people and wear the clothes of the people. Don’t say that the people can be bullied, and they are also people. "

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

Hanging on both sides is a pair of couplets given to Wang Fuyu by a boss: "Be kind and pure as jade, and be rich in spirit for the people", and painstakingly hide the word "rich jade" in the couplets, flattering and flattering Wang Fuyu.

Wang Heng, deputy director of the Tenth Supervision and Inspection Office of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that Wang Fuyu ostensibly packaged himself as clean and honest, but in fact, the problem of pursuing pleasure and luxury life was very prominent in Wang Fuyu.He even wanted to live in Sanya in winter, Guiyang in summer and Shenzhen in spring and autumn, so he arranged for his boss to buy him a house in Sanya, Shenzhen and Guiyang before decorating.

In addition, in the 1990s, Wang Fuyu began to get in touch with golf, and he was obsessed with it, playing from Hainan to Guizhou, from working to retirement.Even asked private entrepreneurs to arrange for him to play golf all over the country by private jet.

Wang Fuyu served as mayor and secretary of municipal party committee in Haikou, Sanya, Qiongshan and other cities in Hainan. Hainan developed tourism and holiday industry, and golf courses gradually emerged. At that time, Wang Fuyu became fascinated with playing golf, and it was on the golf course that he gradually became close with many bosses.

"I also played a lot of golf problems, what’s wrong with it? One is to buy a house and decide on the court, and the money is decided on the court. Isn’t this all corruption and has become a corrupt trading place? " Wang Fuyu said.

When working in Hainan, Wang Fuyu began to accept a large amount of bribes, and from the very beginning, he had the idea of staying behind abroad. In 1995, he went through immigration procedures for himself, his wife and daughter in violation of regulations.It was not until 2009 that he was worried about affecting his future.

1994From 1998 to 1998, when Wang Fuyu was in Qiongshan City, Hainan, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor shouldered the burden, he first tasted the taste of "number one".I relaxed myself ideologically and let my boss take money to buy a house.

In exchange, the owner of the house was able to contract part of the Hairui Bridge, a key project in Qiongshan at that time.

Wang Fuyu said, "Harry is a native of Qiongshan and an ancestor in the history of anti-corruption in China. I named a bridge after him, but I took advantage of others. "

Since then, Wang Fuyu has successively arranged for a number of private entrepreneurs to purchase a number of properties in many places and put them under the names of relatives; The large amount of money received is also kept by his younger brother Wang Fu.

Wang Fuyu also arranged for Wang Fu to apply for a false identity card in Henan under the pseudonym "Chen Xin", while he applied for a false identity card in Hebei under the pseudonym "Chen Kexiao", and opened a number of bank accounts with false identity cards, accumulating hundreds of millions of yuan.

Wang Fuyu repented in the feature film:I took money from others in Qiongshan, bought a house, and joined the Standing Committee of the (Hainan) Provincial Party Committee, so I lost my awe. I took discipline and the law seriously, which is the root cause of my problems.

2012Since 1996, Wang Fuyu has served as vice chairman and chairman of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference. He feels that this is the last stop before retirement, and the behavior of collecting money is even crazier. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China vigorously fought corruption, and provincial and ministerial officials were constantly dismissed everywhere. Even Wang Fuyu’s younger brother advised him to consider quitting, but he was still bold.

Wang Fu (Wang Fuyu’s younger brother) said, "I said, don’t take other people’s money. Just live in peace in your old age. How much is this thing enough?" I said that now that the central authorities have made such a fierce investigation, we should not take it lightly. After the chat, he didn’t say anything at the time. Later, I saw that he still didn’t stop. "

Moutai is a unique scarce resource in Guizhou, and Wang Fuyu will not miss the opportunity to make use of this resource.He used his power to obtain the qualification of Maotai store for his son Wang Bin, and illegally obtained a large number of Maotai fine wine indicators to earn huge profits.. In 2014, Maotai Group invested in the development of a resort hotel in Sanya. Businessman Shen asked Wang Fuyu to help with the project construction, and Wang Fuyu arranged for his younger brother Wang Fu to come forward to work with Shen in the name of "cooperation" and operate behind the scenes.

According to Wang Fuyu’s instructions, Wang Fu went to Hainan, accompanied Shen to invite the project leader of Maotai Group to have a meal, and called Wang Fuyu during the dinner.

Gao Shou Hong (former Party Committee member and deputy general manager of Maotai Group):Call me when you get through, "Gao Gao Gao, you answer the phone." I heard the leader’s voice when I answered the phone. "Ok, Xiao Gao, I wish you all the best in your work. My brother will also take care of you there. If there is anything, just say, don’t mention it." I said "thank the leaders for their concern", and that’s all. Later, as soon as the phone dropped, I understood what was going on. My younger brother told me directly, which is what my older brother meant. Please take care of General Gao. When I say no problem, I mean the boss, and I will carry out the instructions.

Image source: screenshot of Zero Tolerance video

Subsequently, Shen won the bid successfully, and Wang Fu took 45% of the profit share in the name of "partner". Between 2015 and 2020, Shen successively transferred the money to Wang Fu according to the agreement.

Wang Fu (Wang Fuyu’s younger brother): Overall, there should be more than 60 million yuan. There is nothing he can do with this large sum of money. He said to leave it with you and keep it first.

Source: national business daily Comprehensive Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website of the State Supervision Commission, Zero Tolerance.

national business daily
